
I don’t even know when I became a god.

Ning Yi blinked. Acting as if she didn’t understand, she asked, “But it looks like this isn’t using real names ah, how does everyone know this…emmmm, this Number 1 God is Yan Ziyun?”

“You’re not in the class group chat so you don’t know. The day before yesterday, in the evening, didn’t Number 1 God break the time records for answering with full marks for six problem sets and became famous in one go? At the time, Duan Beilei took a screenshot of the system announcement, posted it in the group chat, and tagged Yan Ziyun to pat the horse’s butt (sucking up). Originally, everyone one was skeptical, but Duan Beilei was dead set on saying that Yan Ziyun is the Number 1 God ah, saying that she saw Yan Ziyun’s Quiz King username when she visited her at the hospital a few days ago and it was precisely this.”

Ju Meng rolled her eyes and continued talking, “Yan Ziyun is really getting used to humble bragging. When everyone was tagging her like crazy and wanted to confirm if she was the record holder or not, she didn’t reply in the group chat. Instead she made a post in her Moments acting like a white lotus, saying ‘studying isn’t for showing off, only knowledge gained by studying steadily will become yours, mutually encouraging everyone’ or whatever. Tsk, pretending like this, she’s not scared of being struck by thunder. Anyway, even though there isn’t an ultimate confirmation, it should be more or less her!”

After she heard this, Ning Yi couldn’t help greatly admiring Yan Ziyun.

This response was wonderful! The timing was just right.

However, if one were to say that she was assuming the identity, there wasn’t a word in what she said where she admitted she was “Y_N0.1”. On the contrary, the meaning behind everything she said led everyone to think in that direction on their own.

Tktbzu pjkzzle! Slyzzu bktbzu pjkzzle!

“Tla lulp olal saktkdyzzu sd vsr sq bla blye, pbl’p elqkdkvlzu lhld xsal raswe sq blaplzq dso.” Kw Yldt psqvzu nsxrzykdle, “R qllz wrplv fwpv vbkdjkdt ycswv bla nsxkdt cynj vs pnbssz.”

Lkdt Zk ynvwyzzu yzps qlzv vbyv Zyd Hkuwd oyp y zkvvzl ekqqknwzv vs elyz okvb. Fbl oypd’v zkjl vbl saktkdyz obs pbyale y qakldepbkr okvb bla qasx tasokdt wr vstlvbla. Xd vbl nsdvayau, bla kxralppksd sq Zyd Hkuwd oyp ynvwyzzu dsv tsse yv yzz.

Fbl vbswtbv vbyv psxl sq vbl vbkdtp vbyv Kw Yldt pyke olal ynvwyzzu aktbv, Zyd Hkuwd oyp y tkaz okvb lulp yv vbl vsr sq bla blye.

Lkdt Zk bye hkpkvle Zyd Hkuwd yv vbl bsprkvyz sdnl yqvla pbl’e vaydpxktayvle. Rd fwpv y pbsav pryd sq byzq yd bswa, pbl zkpvldle vs vbl svbla rlapsd xldvksd L vkxlp bso talyv vbl vaykdkdt nyxr vbyv pbl bye yvvldele oyp, bso yolpsxl vbl vlynblap olal, bso xydu zlhlzp bla lmyx pnsalp aspl…Rd ryppkdt, lmralppkdt bla nsdnlad qsa bla (Lkdt Zk’p) kdnsxrlvldnl yde ktdsaydnl. Gzvbswtb Zyd Hkuwd eked’v lmrzknkvzu pyu vbyv pbl zssjle esod sd bla, bla osaep olald’v zynjkdt yv yzz kd lmralppkdt bla pwrlaksakvu kd vlaxp sq pvweklp.

Lkdt Zk qlzv vbyv kdvlaynvkdt okvb bla oyp alyzzu vkakdt yde dyvwayzzu eked’v ts hkpkv okvb bla xwnb yqvla vbyv.

Lso, yqvla vbkp, bla kxralppksd sq bla oyp lhld osapl.

Fbl rywple. Mbkdjkdt sq vbkp, pbl xldvksdle, “Gnvwyzzu, Zyd Hkuwd eked’v yexkv kv lkvbla. Vlabyrp vbyv Lwxcla 1 Qse kpd’v bla, usw dlhla jdso.”

However, Ju Meng wasn’t comforted at all and half-heartedly replied, “It would be good if that was the case. I’ll just think of it that way, in any case, I’ll feel a little better in my heart…”

Time always passes quickly when you are absent-minded. In the blink of an eye, the bell rang, signaling the end of class, and the situation that was Yan Ziyun also temporarily passed by just like this.

Ning Yi didn’t actually mind that much regarding this matter of being impersonated. Just like what Yan Ziyun said, only knowledge gained by studying steadily was your own, moreover, she couldn’t expose herself in her current situation.

Besides, there was also a Lu Xu Nan vigorously picking on her by her side right now! Just dealing with Dog Lu was already very bothersome.

[Dog Lu woof woof woof [Poo]]: Please get water for me after class.

Looking at Lu Xu Nan issuing  an order just before class ended, Ning Yi was utterly at a loss for words.

The water fountain was just at the back of the classroom, only just over ten steps from Lu Xu Nan. For her to get him water, she had to go through the length of the classroom, taking much longer.

Probably, if he walked those couple steps, Dog Lu’s legs would break : )

Ning Yi resentfully thought and replied–

[Don’t gain ten jins, not changing profile picture]: Okay, Nan gege, you just rest well at your seat. By all means, don’t tire yourself from walking [Grin]

Looking at that message that even had a grinning emoji at the end, Lu Xu Nan distinctly felt like he could sense some hate. Sensing her gritting her teeth in anger, he couldn’t help laughing aloud.

He really wasn’t purposely making trouble for Ning Yi, it was just that his tinnitus had acted up again. He wanted to confirm if Ning Yi was really able to relieve it.

Fang Ci stuck his neck over and stole a glance at his screen. Seeing the two words [Clingy Fiend] at the top of the chat page, he sourly grumbled: “Tsk tsk tsk, you still say there isn’t anything going on? You’re grinning ear to ear just looking at a message…”

Lu Xu Nan heard him grumbling but didn’t hear him clearly, he turned his head over and asked, “What did you say?”

Fang Ci was terrified and naturally did not dare to stroke the tiger’s whiskers by mocking him, he hastily said, “Nothing, nothing, I was just asking if you want to skip swimming class in the afternoon to play ball!”

Lu Xu Nan pressed his ear and said, “We’ll see.”

Right after class, Ning Yi unwillingly went to look for Lu Xu Nan to get his cup for water.

You’re thirsty and want water, right? Just you wait, I’ll get you some boiling hot water now! You just glue yourself to your seat and watch the steam rise and slowly wait for the water to cool!

Ning Yi went to receive the thermos, but even though she clearly used her strength, she couldn’t take the cup.

She lifted her eyes to look at the owner of the other hand on the cup in doubt, “Nan gege?“

At this time, Lu Xu Nan could already completely confirm it, Ning Yi really was able to relieve his sudden tinnitus.

He only touched the thermos that Ning Yi was near and the disruptive ringing immediately disappeared on its own!

Everything that Ning Yi had come in contact with should have this effect. Likely, the longer things had been with her, the more of the aura they took on, and the better the effect.

So ever since he returned home from the hospital, he hadn’t experienced anything in almost four days, but that notebook didn’t even last two class periods.

“What is it, Nan gege? You let go first, there are many people getting water now, there’s even a line. If it’s any later, class will start,” Ning Yi urged.

Hurry up, if the hot water’s gone, I still have to wait there for the water to heat up again. It’s very time-consuming, okay?

Lu Xu Nan’s gaze moved from the thermos to the Ning Yi. He stared fixedly at her for two seconds, then calmly let go, “I’m sick, my throat doesn’t feel well. Help me get some warm water, not too hot and not too cold to drink, that, kind, of, warm, water.”

Ning Yi whose plan was suddenly destroyed: …

F*ck, you really think you’re the emperor? Should I go the whole way and get a thermometer to determine the best drinking temperature for you and feed the water directly to your lips? How do you have so many annoying things?

Lu Xu Nan’s thin lips moved once again, “Would it be too troublesome? If it’s troublesome…”

Ning Yi looked at the other person with bright shining eyes. She heard him pause then he suddenly hatefully hooked the corner of his lips and sneered, “Then I can only trouble you to work hard for a while.”

Ning Yi: …

Ning Yiyi! Murder is against the law! You cannot, by any means, mess up your bright future and life because of this stinking dog sh*t!!!

“How can it be troublesome? Doing something for Nan gege, I won’t find it hard no matter what!” Ning Yi squeezed the words out with great difficulty, then turned around and headed toward the water room1.

As luck would have it, the person in line in front of her was actually Mu Wanqing.

Ning Yi’s mind went “ding” and she suddenly recalled that of the scenes where Mu Wanqing was bullied in the novel, one of them was precisely in the water room.

Because “she” held a grudge over discovering that Mu Wanqing was friendly to Lu Xu Nan and purposely splashed water all over the other party.

Because it was still the hottest period of summer, students were still wearing the summer uniform. Once the thin summer uniform got wet, the budding figure of a young girl was clearly revealed.

As the male lead, Lu Xu Nan of course arrived in time. Under his classmates’ malicious gazes, he directly took off his own shirt and covered Mu Wanqing.

As the saying goes, something had to be lent in order for it to be returned.

Just like how Bai Suzhen lent an umbrella to Immortal Xu. When Immortal Xu went to return the umbrella later, the two people then developed feelings2.

Lending and returning this shirt, won’t the bond between Mu Wanqing and Lu Xu Nan gradually become stronger just like this?

What’s more, the behavior of the male lead carried a little possessiveness, practically forcibly pampering his wife, both ambiguous and moving.

Ning Yi still remembered that when she was reading this chapter, the comments were all–

–Ahhhh, my baby is too good 1551

–Ah, I’m completely dead, too sweet

–Say it loudly!!! I can! Really can! Very much can!!!3

And as for Ning Yi’s girlish heart that hasn’t ever moved, it was also stirred a little by the explosive boyfriend power that the author described.

“Class, classmate Ning?”

Mu Wanqing’s apparently hesitant voice broke through Ning Yi’s memories. Ning Yi returned to her senses and saw the other person retreat to the side a bit while asking her in a small voice, “Why don’t…you get water first, I’m not in any hurry.”

Heavens! What innocent kindhearted little cutie was this ah! Obviously I just deliberately wronged you and splashed dirty water on you, and you actually didn’t hold a grudge at all.

Ning Yi couldn’t help feeling a little ashamed of the thought to further the plot that had just popped into her head.

“No…” Looking at Mu Wanqing’s sincere eyes, Ning Yi was a little reluctant to pick on her. After all, this scene was actually supposed to happen the day after Lu Xu Nan found out Mu Wanqing had suffered a scolding for him.

But she had just decided to turn her down when her temples were fiercely pricked twice.

Could it be that the previous scenes weren’t corrected to the original trajectory, so the plot is automatically rushing into the later parts more quickly to put it back on track now?

There was nothing else Ning Yi could do but swallow the refusal into her belly. Pretending she wasn’t grateful at all, she said coldly, “Don’t think that by acting this way, I’ll change my opinion of you. You voluntarily did this yourself, I’m certainly not thanking you.”

Mu Wanqing pursed her lips, shook her head, and said in a low voice, “No, no need to thank me, you first…”

Ning Yi simply sighed in her heart as she went over the approaching key event where she would have to splash water on her, thinking not to splash too much and don’t forget to splash over the head.

After all, even though it’s not cold right now, wet clothes and hair were still rather difficult to bear.

The two people each had their own worries. Focused on talking, they completely did not notice the sneaky action from the female classmate that was getting water in front of them.

Just when the two of them finished switching places, the girl that was finished getting water suddenly turned around, her body unstable. She stumbled and her whole thermos of water directly splashed over.


Ning Yi and Mu Wanqing simultaneously cried out in alarm.

[1] 水房: directly translated water room, a room where water can be retrieved in daily life such as for washing, bathing, cooking, and in this case, drinking.

[2] Characters from Legend of the White Snake

[3] 我可/我可以: By itself, it simply means I can, but in popular culture, it’s also used by netizens when they’re moved by/come to like something and carries a meaning like “oh no, it’s the feeling of falling for something” or more simply “I love this”; used in heart pounding/exciting situations