Ning Yi really couldn’t stand it and couldn’t care about staying in character, she ferociously glared at Lu Xu Nan. Wearing the shirt that shouldn’t have appeared on her in the first place, she returned to her seat furious.

Lu Xu Nan who was left behind touched the tip of his nose and lightly coughed, unable to keep from thinking on his own:

The childish face can still barely make it, but the large… Cough, whatever, isn’t this girl a little too self-confident?

“Yooo~ Your boyfriend’s shirt ah…Heeheehee, are you happy to death?”

Ju Meng smiled til her face was scrunched up, winking at Ning Yi.

Happy? She was really about to die!

Not only was she aggravated by Lu Xu Nan, her head was also hurting terribly because the plot was in disorder. She was about to end up with internal injuries from holding it all in. She only replied with a “ying”, holding her face like she was being shy.

Ju Meng was still shaking her head and commenting, “Before, I always thought God Lu was very handsome, but his personality was really too cold. I only learned today that his boyfriend power is MAX! Heavens, you didn’t see him when he said “get lost” and scared those couple of vulgar boys from our class…and that figure, those perfect muscles! Tsk tsk tsk, when he came out from the water room, a lot of the girls in the class covered their mouths and screamed!”

Tlyakdt bla vyzjkdt, Lkdt Zk kdhszwdvyakzu alnyzzle Nw Dw Lyd’p cynj qktwal kd vbl vydj vsr.

Ekel pbswzelap yde y dyaaso oykpv, bkp yaxp nshlale okvb y zlyd zyula sq xwpnzlp, dsv cwztkdt kd yrrlyaydnl, vblu zssjle blyzvbu yde kxrzkle rsola…

Vlk rlk rlk!

Lkdt Zkuk, obyv yal usw vbkdjkdt ycswv! Zswa lulp yal tskdt vs cl poszzld!!!1

Lkdt Zk zkqvle bla byde yde qklanlzu bkv bla blye voknl, nbypkdt swv vbl qktwal kd bla xkde.

Kw Yldt pyo bla ynvksd yde vbl pxkzl sd bla qynl pzsozu clnyxl rlahlavle. “Zkuk yb~~~~”

Lkdt Zk pvasjle vbl tssplcwxrp sd bla yax. “Gb?”

“Tlblbl, usw twup, y xyd yde y osxyd, olal kd vbl eyaj assx vstlvbla qsa ps zsdt, olv yde vyjkdt sqq nzsvblp, dsvbkdt dsv pwkvyczl qsa nbkzeald byrrldle?”

Ju Meng even pouted her lips and extremely vulgarly sucked twice.

Ning Yi’s heart was cold.

Sorry, dear, this humble servant really doesn’t have an unusual fetish for bestiality : )

Ju Meng saw her just holding her face and not speaking. She was about to lean over and get some exclusive gossip, however, she was suddenly cut off by the teacher calling on her.

Ju Meng found out what class this was only after she stood up, how would she know what the teacher asked? She naturally hemmed and hawed, unable to answer.

The teacher shook his head and let her sit down. Holding the lesson plans in hand, he heavily knocked on the podium twice and sternly said, “Everyone here is absent-minded, your attitude is too lacking! Immediately focus for me and properly pay attention! Everything I’m going over right now are important points on the test!”

Because the teacher was angry, the agitated mood of the class because of the accident during the passing period was suppressed like this. As the example that was called out and criticized, Ju Meng didn’t dare to act out again either.

Ning Yi’s ears were finally quiet.

She relaxed for a good while before her headache gradually got better.

The hem of the shirt that fell down to the middle of her thigh was suddenly pulled by someone. Ning Yi turned her head to look over. Ju Meng shook her phone at her under the table, mouthing, “Check your messages.”

Ning Yi secretly swore that after she escaped the plot’s control and regained her freedom, she definitely had to bring Ju Meng together with her and teach her properly and correct this bad habit of being distracted as she took out her phone in resignation.

What Ju Meng sent her was an image. The sender was the girl that had just splashed water on her, called Yang Zhenzhen.

[Yang Zhenzhen]: Ju Meng, can I trouble you to help me explain to Ning Yi? I really didn’t splash her on purpose. I originally wanted to teach that ugly person a lesson, who told her not to know her place and actually dared to covet Lu Xu Nan! Really too infuriating!

[Yang Zhenzhen]: I really didn’t know Ning Yi and that ugly person switched places, otherwise, how would I dare splash water? Ning Yi also hates that ugly person’s fake face, right? You tell her not to worry, I will definitely vent her anger for her properly!

Ning Yi truly felt astonished. Clearly, there were usually plenty of people that gave things to Lu Xu Nan, the original even more so, believing herself to be his “fiancee” daily, how come–

[Don’t gain ten jins, not changing profile picture]: Why does she have so much resentment only against Mu Wanqing?

Ju Meng’s tone sounded completely like it was only natural.

[Ju Meng will start losing weight tomorrow]: Isn’t that normal? No one liked that ugly person in the first place, now she even wants to be a toad that wants to eat swan meat. Of course, they find her even more despicable. There are a lot of people scolding her on the school forum now.

Ning Yi tapped on the link that Ju Meng sent over. The intense malice coming from the thread made her feel unwell.

[Heehee, thread dedicated to scolding the ugly person from Year 2 Class 1. Everyone, please don’t be polite, go on as much as you like! At the end of the month, vote for the King of talking smack, OP is supplying one G brand handbag that came out this year~]

–Logically speaking, I’ve really hated her since the beginning. Nevermind that she’s ugly, every time she presses for homework, her voice is ultra small, just like a housefly buzzing. If your voice is just a little bit louder, she’ll be all frightened like she’s being bullied. Shameless white lotus.

–The school is so strange! There are clearly plenty of people with grades as good as Yan Ziyun with good family backgrounds, why did they have to recruit a stinky rat ah? I feel very unwell breathing the same air as her, okay? Don’t tell me the rat shouldn’t go back to her slum?

–The funniest part is that there are actually still people who gave her some hard-working poor girl image, really made me laugh myself to death! Last time she stopped God Lu for a chat, there were prophets saying she’ll definitely continue to climb God Lu. Sure enough, today she started to give homework, faceslap?

–What does she have to socially climb Lu Xu Nan? With her appearance, that face that looks like it has no salt2? Truly stinky!

–Have you guys noticed that the backpack she uses is all faded and pilled? I’m really scared that there’s some kind of germ on it! Can we unite to protest to the school and make her quit? Can’t we let her return to her garbage heap? Every time she comes over to press for homework, I have to spray with alcohol and sanitize before I even dare breathe, my life is really too difficult.

–Teach her a lesson, let her know what she can think about and what she can’t think about. Otherwise, I really feel too bad for God Lu. To be clung onto by a rat…tsk.

–Upstairs, no need to be anxious, this kind of thing, Ning Yi will definitely bear the brunt of. Everyone, work hard together! #UglyPersonGetOutOfNo.1MiddleSchool#

There were two to three hundred replies, each one filled with discrimination against Mu Wanqing, full of dislike and malice, and the number was still steadily increasing.

The more Ning Yi looked, the more bewildered she was.

Did her memory get messed up? The start of the rumors on the school forum should be in the later half of the plot!

Following the increasing interactions between Lu Xu Nan and Mu Wanqing, the original who was unreconciled in her heart incited other people on the school forum to make trouble for the female lead together.

Later, the rumor became increasingly uncontrolled, saying Mu Wanqing’s mother was a bad worker, her father died of AIDS so she wasn’t clean and so on, making her situation at school increasingly difficult, so much that there were even parents of students pressuring the school’s leadership, calling for Mu Wanqing to quit school.

Lu Xu Nan was already moved by the strong, brave, and kindhearted Mu Wanqing at that time, and naturally dutifully stood on her side.

He not only deleted the post and suppressed the person who spread the rumors, he didn’t let a single one of those who fanned the flames and bullied Mu Wanqing go either and even ruthlessly taught the offenders a lesson. In the end, he even kissed Mu Wanqing at the school’s Christmas dance.

It could be said that the rumors on the school forum were the turning point for the male and female lead’s feelings to come into the light!

But right now, Dog Lu and Mu Wanqing’s feelings were just starting to develop. How could things follow the overbearing, wife pampering, face slapping story line?

Even if it was trying to hurry things up, it shouldn’t be this fast, right???

Ning Yi felt like she was balding.

She has to go with the plot yet things don’t happen according to the script, and when problems occur, she has to take the blame and suffer punishment, were others who were transmigrators also treated like this? Was the despicable Heavens bullying her for rarely reading novels and purposely playing with her?

The matter with the water room and the shirt had already gone wrong, the events after that had to be fixed as much as possible no matter what.

In the end, Ning Yi still decided to manually adjust the tempo a bit.

She hid her screen, industriously copying the links to the posts on the forum scolding Mu Wanqing and starting rumors one by one, reporting them on the user feedback page.

Who would’ve thought that as a villain, she would actually be forced to the point of sneakily moderating for the female lead?

She was sad.

Because she couldn’t be discovered by Ju Meng, Ning Yi spent more than one class period before she was able to report all the posts.

It was to the point that when class was over, Ju Meng even teased her, saying, “Finding yourself a partner is really something else, you were sending messages the whole time during class. You wish your eyes could grow on the screen, right?”

Ning Yi: “…No, I really wasn’t messaging Nan gege.”


The phone on the desk vibrated, a notification from WeChat appeared on the lock screen.

Ju Meng raised her eyebrow as she looked at her, as if to soundlessly inquire: Make it up, continue to make things up.

The WeChat was indeed from Lu Xu Nan, but it was different from the sweet nothings in Ju Meng’s imagination. What Ning Yi received was a message with a list of what to order for lunch : )

At the same time, Lu Xu Nan who was leisurely playing games at his seat suddenly found a bit of joy in enslaving Ning Yi.

So long as he thought of the girl who was angered by him until she couldn’t do anything but rage in her heart yet she had to smile happily saying she was happy to do anything for him, he couldn’t help wanting to laugh.

“Nan gege, your lunch is here~”

A delicate small hand carrying a good number of bags of take-out boxes was stretched out in front of Lu Xu Nan, just blocking his line of sight.

The interface of the game turned black and the hero he played died in the hands of his enemy.

Lu Xu Nan raised his head and looked at the apology on Ning Yi’s face as she said, “Oh no, I didn’t know you were playing a game. I got you killed, I’m really sorry, Nan gege.”

What are you looking at? I deliberately waited for this moment to interrupt you, what about it? Are you going to hit me ah? Lue lue lue 3~

Lu Xi Nan was annoyed yet found it funny. He reached out to take the bags. “It’s O…”

“And this is?”

A steady male voice from behind them interrupted their conversation.

Lu Xu Nan looked in the direction of the voice and saw Ning Xiu standing at the back door carrying a bag with strawberry prints that held a cake. The eyes hidden behind his glasses narrowed and he said, “Am I disturbing your meal?”

This stinky punk must’ve eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard! He actually dares to use Yiyi as a little delivery girl???

[1] 长针眼: a condition where bumps or inflammation occurs around the eye area usually as a result of bad hygiene or diet; Colloquially, it means you shouldn’t have seen what you saw or you were looking at dirty stuff 

[2] 无盐: used from the ancient times to describe a lady that is ugly, but is virtuous

[3] Lue lue lue: the sound of her sticking her tongue out