"I think your hands are very strong. Have you exercised?"

Wang Yi recalled the picture of Lin Feng swinging down from the carriage with his daughter. He thought that people who had not been trained would not be as relaxed as Lin Feng.

"I usually like to exercise. If I have strength, I should be a little stronger than the average person."

After Lin Feng answered, he looked at Wang Yi. He didn't understand what Wang Yi said.

Wang Yi saw Lin Feng's puzzled face and looked at himself. He thought for a moment and continued.

"The food I gave you just now is called basic meat. It was discovered by accident from zombies after the end of the world. Uninfected humans will strengthen their physique if they eat it."

"And you have been infected by zombies. I don't know what effect it will have if you eat it. It's also the idea of treating dead horses as living horse doctors. Anyway, there's no worse result than this. Why don't you try it like this, in case of any accident?"

Wang Yi is also perfunctory to Lin Feng for saying that. The evolutors of previous generations are divided into ordinary evolutors and power, speed and power evolutors.

Wang Yi was just an ordinary evolutor in his last life. He had no powers. As long as he absorbed basic meat, he would become an evolutor.

After eating basic meat, power and speed evolutors have the same functions as ordinary evolutors, but their speed and power are much stronger than ordinary evolutors. These two types are not common among evolutors, but they are absolutely not rare.

Power evolvers are a rare and powerful group of human beings. They have different abilities from ordinary people. Most of them are elite forces of major forces to deal with zombies or enemies.

If the ordinary Evolver does not reach level 3 or above, after being bitten by zombies, the virus will enter the body and be infected into zombies. Otherwise, as long as he becomes these special evolvers, no matter whether he reaches level 3 or not, he will not be infected by zombies.

Wang Yi didn't know whether Lin Feng would become a special evolutionist. He really wanted to have a try.

As soon as Lin Feng heard Wang Yi say that things had a turn for the better, his eyes immediately burst out a strange light.

"No matter what, this matter is not absolute, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will stick to it!"

Lin Feng clenched his fist, a firm face, and then put forward the idea to see his daughter.

Wang Yi nodded, and a group of people went to the back of the car.


Quietly saw Lin Feng came, happy jumped out of the car, was caught by Lin Feng.

"Quietly, have you not been good while dad is away?"

Lin Feng holds her daughter and kisses her fleshy cheek, jokingly says.

Quietly heard his father asked himself, tilted his head to think for a while, a clever face said.

"I'm so good. That aunt gave me something delicious just now."

"Well, listen to your aunts, you and aunts get on the bus now, and dad will drive behind you, OK?"

Although Jing Jing looks unhappy, he is still handed over by Lin Feng to the little nurse. After several people get on the bus, Wang Yi points to a white car not far behind and says to Lin Feng.

"Now you don't know if you can avoid the infection. For the safety of the whole car and your daughter, you drive that car behind us. In the evening, if you haven't been infected and become a zombie, you should survive. Let's meet your daughter then!"

Lin Feng nodded and didn't say much. He also knew that Wang Yi was doing it for his daughter and everyone. He turned to the white car and saw a pool of dry blood beside the car. The key was also full of blood. It seemed that he was telling how miserable the owner of the car was.

After several attempts, Lin Feng started the car.

Wang Yi and others saw that Lin Feng had started the car, so they got on the truck with Li Mei and doctor Shen.

As soon as he got to the area blocked by the bus, Wang Yi stopped the truck and chopped down the two zombies who were still eating sweets with bags. He immediately asked everyone to get off the bus and pushed the bus, whose head had broken through the bridge, into the river.


Wang Yi drove the truck to push the car in front of him, turned his head and asked Li Mei.

"Where are we now? How far is it from Pukou District?

Li Mei listened to Wang Yi's words, looked down at the map and said to Wang Yi.

"The one we just passed is Jiangqiao service area. About five kilometers further on, it's the intersection of Shitang road and ring expressway. From there, it's Pukou!"

After listening to Li Mei, Wang Yi continued to drive the truck, but from time to time he looked at doctor Shen sitting on one side.

Just now, through the conversation with Dr. Shen, Wang Yi has roughly grasped the basic situation of those people in the carriage.

The two young nurses, Zhou Qing and Zhang Ming, were college students who had just come to the community hospital for internship. They were caught up in the zombie outbreak and were trapped in the hospital.

Shen Li, a native of Jinling, was a doctor in charge of the capital hospital. Later, he divorced his husband and returned to Jinling. He became a doctor in this hospital. One of his daughters is still studying in the capital.

"Wang Yi, you said that with the outbreak of doomsday, most people in the world have become zombies, and every city has been occupied. Is that the same situation in the capital?"

Shen Li is always worried when she thinks that her daughter is still at University in the capital. Just now, through the conversation with Wang Yi, she feels that Wang Yi seems to know a lot about some zombies. She can't bear what she thinks and asks Wang Yi.

Wang Yi thought for a moment, organized the language, and tried not to let doctor Shen hear anything unusual.

"I think it's like the capital. Although it has a large population, there must be a lot of zombies after the outbreak of doomsday, but after all, the capital is the political center of the country, and the military force is also the strongest in the country. Once the zombies break out, it should be the capital that responds the fastest."

"So I think as long as your daughter is not directly infected as a zombie, the chance of survival should be relatively large!"

Doctor Shen is clever. Even if Wang Yi is careful, doctor Shen feels something wrong.

So how do you know this disaster is global and call those monsters zombies?

Shen Li looked closely at Wang Yi, trying to see some clues from his face.

Shen Li is nearly 40 years old, but she is elegant and elegant. Every move shows that she is very cultured. In addition, she was an attending doctor in capital hospital before, and she can keep calm all the time because of her work. People feel that lying in front of her will be noticed by her, and feel guilty.

Even though Wang Yi had experienced many ups and downs in his previous life and had seen many brutal and bloody scenes, he did not know how to explain to Shen Li who had just said a few words.

This has nothing to do with experience, but there are some people who are born with a posture that people can't refuse!