Just when Wang Yi was ready to explain, Li Mei, who was debugging the wireless radio on the truck, suddenly called out excitedly, then twisted the button on the radio a few times, and then the voice that had not been seen for a long time came from the radio.

"Lucky people, how are you now?"

The female voice in the radio station was a little low. Maybe she realized that it was not good. She slightly adjusted her tone and continued to preach.

"Surviving human beings, this is capital radio. If any survivors can hear me, please remember my next words!"

"Three days ago, there was an outbreak of an unknown virus against human beings all over the world. After infection, human beings will lose their senses and become a kind of half human and half corpse species that are not afraid of death and long for blood. We can call them zombies."

"They no longer have the human mind. When they see moving animals, they rush to bite them. They only recognize flesh and blood. Moreover, if they are bitten by zombies, they will be infected by the virus carried in their bodies and become zombies as well."

These zombies have violated the common sense. No matter how they are hurt, as long as the head of the zombie is not completely destroyed, they will not die. If a lucky human hears it, please protect yourself. Don't take chances. Remember to attack the head of the zombie first!

"According to incomplete statistics, about 60 percent of the population in the capital is infected with zombies."

"In these three days, the zombies have been completely expelled from the capital through the government's full-scale expulsion.

"At the same time, our side also suffered heavy casualties, and there is no specific death statistics at present."

"At present, the surviving scientific research experts in the capital are working hard to find ways to suppress the zombie virus and resist the spread of the virus."

"Survivors from all over the country, please rush to the garrison of the local army as soon as possible to seek shelter."


"This is capital radio. If there are survivors who are closer to the capital~~

When the radio station said this, it suddenly made a Zizi voice, and the low voice of the girl gradually disappeared.

Wang Yi shrugged at the two stunned women.

"It's the news I get on the radio that I know so much about zombies."

Wang Yi explained to doctor Shen through the broadcast.


"Is the world really like this?"

Dr. Shen sighed softly. Just now, he heard Wang say that the world has been destroyed by the explosion of zombies. But after all, it's only Wang Yi who said it. This public radio station will be persuasive.

In silence, he leaned on the seat and closed his eyes tightly. Tears came out instantly.

Li Mei had heard Wang Yi speak for a long time, and had always believed what Wang Yi said. Just after hearing that the end of the world was coming on the radio, Li Mei was only slightly shocked. After a while, there was nothing wrong. She continued to point the way for Wang Yi.

Zhang Fei repair shop.

There are eight people in the room.

A young man about twenty-three or forty-four silently turned off the radio and said to Zhang Fei, who was eating instant noodles.

"Feige, let's go quickly. It's said in the radio that the monster outside is called zombie. It's global and there's everywhere. We're almost out of food now. If we're still here, we'll starve to death even if we don't get bitten by zombies!"

"Why don't we run out and look for the protection of the army while we still have some strength?"

The rest of the men and women, sitting or standing, all looked at Zhang Fei expectantly when they heard the young man's words. They also heard the voice on the radio just now.

Zhang Fei put the half eaten instant noodles on the table and got up to look at several people around him.

One of these eight people is Zhang Fei's girlfriend. On the night of the outbreak of doomsday, he came to Zhang Fei's repair shop to find Zhang Fei. Unexpectedly, before he got up the next day, doomsday broke out.

It was Yang Bing, Zhang Fei's brother who grew up in an orphanage, who advised Zhang Fei to leave just now. Yang Bing and Zhang Fei are brothers. They work in a logistics company not far from Zhang Fei's repair shop. When the Apocalypse broke out, Yang Bing was driving a logistics vehicle past Zhang Fei's repair shop. Yang Bing just entered the repair shop and wanted Zhang Fei to check his logistics vehicle for any problems, He saw that the sanitation workers behind suddenly turned into monsters and attacked a man who got up early for morning exercises. Zhang Fei was also awakened by the scream and the roar of the zombie. Thinking of what Wang Yi said to him when he left, Zhang Fei rushed out with a machete made according to Wang Yi's instructions.

Yang Bing was seen fighting with a shovel and the monster. Zhang Fei didn't want to rush up with the chopper.

Zhang Fei and Yang Bing are both orphans. When they first came out of society, they were always discriminated against and insulted. However, they are not vegetarians, and they are not afraid to fight big and small fights.

The two of them killed the monster together. When they saw the man attacked by the monster, he was bitten by the monster with less air in and more air out. Zhang Fei realized that something was wrong and quickly dragged Yang Bing back to the repair shop. As soon as he closed the door, the three of them were guarding the house.

The other three men, two of whom are apprentices of Zhang Fei's repair shop, are brothers. One is Li Hu, the other is Li long. They also live in a rental house not far from the repair shop. Originally they came to work, but on the way they saw a monster attacking a man. They rescued him and ran to Zhang Fei's repair shop together.

Later, it was learned that the man who was rescued by Li Hu and Li Long was Chen Ziyang, an employee of a 4S shop nearby. He was going to work in the morning, but he didn't expect to be chased by the monster.

The last one is a couple. Two days after the Apocalypse broke out, they ran away by car. When they arrived at the gate of zhangfei repair shop, they ran out of oil, so they were rescued by several people of zhangfei.

Fortunately, Zhang Fei's repair shop is located in a remote place, surrounded by many auto related industries, such as logistics, auto trade, auto repair shop and so on. Because large trucks or various engineering vehicles often come here to rest, and all kinds of dust is flying all over the place, so there are few people here except some who work here.

There are only a few residential buildings nearby, which are old-fashioned. Most of them are the dormitories of some old people and people who work here. They are far away from zhangfei repair factory, so a few people in this room are lucky. They don't encounter any large-scale zombies. Only occasionally, one or two zombies rush here and are cleaned up by zhangfei and others with machetes.

Zhang Fei has been in this room for almost four days. Because they don't know what's going on outside, they dare not go out to look for help. They can only stay here. Fortunately, Zhang Fei listened to Wang Yi's words and bought a lot of food and mineral water. Only with these things can they cope with the present situation.

But no matter how much Zhang Fei bought, they couldn't stand the daily eating and drinking of these eight people. Half a box of instant noodles was left in the food, and only two bottles of mineral water were left. A few people began to worry.