Several people were worried about less and less food, but they didn't know what was going on outside. They didn't dare to go out rashly. The electricity had been cut off as early as the day when the monster appeared, and there was no source to get information.

Zhang Fei took off the car radio, put on the battery, and stood in front of the radio every day, hoping to get some outside information.

But a few days later, no matter how the radio is debugged, it always gives out the sound of blah blah blah, and even there is no signal for all kinds of radio stations. Just when Zhang Fei is about to give up the radio and go out to inquire in person, a long lost sound comes out of the radio, and several people quickly surround the radio and listen carefully.

I thought the radio would bring some good news. Who would have thought that the radio did not tell me the good news, but also said that the end of the world came and the zombies broke out. It was not only Jinling that had these zombies, but the whole country and the whole world had become like this!

After hearing the news, several people were in a mess for a while, and they didn't know what to do.

No, Yang Bing thought for a long time, and then saw that there was not much food left, so he advised Zhang Fei to leave here and go out to look for food.

Zhang Fei listened to Yang Bing's words, thought for a while, shook his head and said to the crowd.

"Don't worry. It has just been said on the radio that zombies have broken out in every city all over the country. Only 60% of the population in the capital has been infected with zombies, not counting the people killed and infected by zombies in recent days."

There are tens of thousands of people in Jinling. According to this calculation, there must be six or seven million zombies outside. If we go out rashly, it must be very dangerous. It's better to guard here first, at least for the time being, to ensure that we won't be killed by the zombies!

Li Long and Li Hu nodded after listening to what Zhang Fei said. Their brother is in his twenties. He usually learns to repair cars in Zhang Fei's shop. Zhang Fei treats them well and treats them as his younger brother all the time. Therefore, they respect Zhang Fei more and listen to Zhang Fei's words without refutation.

"But we don't have much food now. There are only half a box of instant noodles and two bottles of mineral water left, which will be enough for us at most for one night. If we don't go out to find some food, what can we do tomorrow?"

It's Zhang Fei's girlfriend, Chen Hui. They have known each other for several years, and their relationship has been very good. It's not Chen Hui who opposes Zhang Fei, but what she worries about is really a big problem now. If there is no food, how can these people last a week, but if there is no water, they will be useless in two or three days!

Chen Hui said, tears fell down, a few steps to Zhang feihuai, burst into tears!

"Wuwuwu, Zhang Fei, I'm so scared. What should I do in the future? Wuwuwu,,

Other people can't help sighing when they see this picture. For a moment, the room is full of long and short sighs.

In fact, there is only one reason why Zhang Fei does not agree to go. That is, Wang Yi told him to wait for Wang Yi here a few days ago!

After Wang Yi went to the repair shop and asked Zhang Fei to refit the truck into that shape, Zhang Fei had doubts. If you want to say that Wang Yi is not in a normal spirit, you can forget it. But after a few days of contact, Zhang Fei felt that Wang Yi was not only in a normal spirit, but also more thoughtful than ordinary people in many aspects.

In addition, Zhang Fei accidentally opened the truck compartment and saw the pile of maps, telescopes and other items, which made Zhang Fei confused.

How can ordinary people buy so many things?

When Wang Yi left, he asked Zhang Fei to make those strange choppers, and asked him to buy more water and food. Combined with these strange demands, Zhang Fei could not understand what Wang Yi meant.

But now the apocalyptic outbreak, Wang Yi's crazy behavior in the eyes of normal people, has become so suspicious.

Zhang Fei also wants to know who Wang Yi is and how to prepare in advance after waiting for Wang Yi to come here. It seems that he can expect the outbreak of the last time!

These thoughts flashed through Zhang Fei's mind, which made him confused.

At this time, a roar suddenly came from outside, which interrupted Zhang Fei's thinking and also interrupted several people who were still sighing in the room.

Several people quickly opened the curtain and looked out, just saw that there were five or six zombies madly impacting the locked gate in front of the yard!

"Fei, brother Fei, why did this zombie suddenly attack our house?"

The employee of the 4S shop asked Zhang Fei in horror.

Zhang Fei turns around and looks at him. His name is Liu Yang, who was rescued by Li Long and Li Hu on the way to the repair shop. Liu Yang is also brave. On the afternoon when he first arrived at the repair shop, he and Zhang Fei killed a zombie who broke in together, and it's not ambiguous. So Zhang Fei's impression of him is OK.

"I don't know why there are so many zombies all of a sudden. In the past, there were two at most. Today, there are five or six

Zhang Fei also has some doubts. Usually, there are not many people around here. In addition, when the Apocalypse broke out, it was around 6 a.m., so there were fewer people. Usually, one or two people came here. How could there be so many people this time? Even the iron gate was bent!

At this time, the man in the couple bowed his head and thought for a while. Suddenly, he patted his head. It seemed that he remembered something and said to the people.

"I remember that the broadcast just now said that this zombie's nose is very sensitive. If we smell a little blood, it will rush in. Does our smell attract the zombies?"

Zhang Fei listened to what he said. He thought about it in his head and said something uncertain.

"It's impossible. We've been in the house these days. Normally, zombies smell it and should have gathered here long ago. These zombies obviously just came here, and we haven't heard of anyone who was injured and bleeding!"

As soon as Zhang Fei said it was bleeding, several people looked at each other. They didn't see any bloodstains on anyone's body. They couldn't understand why the zombie came here.


The man's wife suddenly covered her abdomen and called out.

Seeing this, the man held his wife and asked eagerly.

"What's the matter, Lili, is your stomach starting to hurt again?"

Jiang Li looked at everyone with concern at her, quickly explained.

"I'm really sorry. My aunt has a stomachache. It's an old problem. Nothing's wrong. It'll be OK in a moment."

After all, women don't pay much attention to their bodies and dysmenorrhea is normal.

Zhang Fei saw that she was really in pain. He immediately told Chen Hui to take her upstairs to have a rest.

Chen Hui also knows that she can't help by staying here. She says to Zhang Fei, be careful, and then she helps Jiang Li to go upstairs.