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If we leave aside some of the world's lords who were promoted to the early stage of the taxi rank with the help of two divine privileges, Liu Hao and Yu Kai are definitely second only to Cheng Yang.

In terms of combat effectiveness, no one in the world, except Cheng Yang, is a rival to them, and so are some other lords who have been promoted to the first rank.

There are many reasons for this. First, Yu Kai and Liu Hao are both special professions. Secondly, they all have a complete set of silver equipment, and even one or two gold level equipment. In this respect, people from other forces can't match. Finally, the attribute of Luofeng town gives them a speed attribute bonus of up to 25%, and also the attribute bonus of professional statues.

All these factors together, how can other lords compare with them?

"I can't see that you are hardworking! I've been promoted to the rank of scholar. Are there any of you on the way to the top apprenticeship now? " Cheng Yang asked happily.

Liu Hao said with a smile: "how can our progress compare with that of Lord you? It was 20 days ago when you were promoted to the initial stage of scholar rank. Now you have reached 10% of the training progress of the intermediate level scholar level? We can't even catch up with them. "

Cheng Yang shook his head and said, "it's still a little bit worse. After all, I haven't practiced in the territory these days. The speed has been reduced a lot, and now it's only 8%. Ah, the later this is, the slower the upgrade speed is. I don't know when and when I can upgrade to division level, or even the king level. "

Liu Hao was very optimistic. He said with a smile, "Lord, you have considered too much. We are now in the forefront of the world. If we do not have the confidence to reach a higher level, let alone others. Just now, Lord, you asked about the top apprentice level fighters. In fact, several of our five main battle groups have been promoted to the top apprentice level. When we got to the top apprenticeship, they were already in the high ranks. There was a time when they enjoyed eight times the speed of cultivation together with us. In addition, it was much easier to get to the top apprentice level than to get to the first scholar level, so they were promoted to the top apprentice level earlier than us. "

"Oh?" Cheng Yang was stunned, but after listening to Liu Hao's explanation, he understood that he did not pay enough attention to the army. Otherwise, when the members of the two main battle groups of mad cow and Fu Hu arrived at Tianning village, they would not have found nothing.

Cheng Yang asked with joy, "how many top apprentices are there in the territory now?"

Liu Hao said: "there are five members in my regiment, two of them are Deputy Duwei, and the other three are commanders of each battalion. However, there is one more in Lao Yu's team. All the commanders of the fourth World War Camp in his battle group have reached the peak of apprenticeship level. Basically, the situation of my three battalions is similar to that of the other three battalions. "

Zhao Chuan nodded, which can be regarded as an approval of Liu Hao's statement, because in his battle group, there are only five top apprentices.

Cheng Yang said excitedly: "it seems that it will not be long before our several affiliated stations can be upgraded to small towns. Hehe, small town... " Cheng Yang began to smile.

Although there is no big change in the town compared with the third level village, only the extra stone wall can improve the security of the station by several levels, which can not help but make Cheng Yang unhappy. Of course, this is not the most important, the most fundamental reason is that the level of the residence is closely related to the level of professional statues.

At present, the upgrade of professional statue limits the level of territory, but when the level of professional statue is upgraded, the level of residence will in turn limit the level of professional statue. Moreover, this time will not be too long. According to Cheng Yang's memory, when the professional statue completes level 5 upgrade to level 6, the resident level is required to reach the town. In the last life, all professional statues were restricted to this line, and no one successfully upgraded the territory level to the town.

Li Wanshan and others are also very happy. The fate of these people here has been tied to the territory of Luofeng town. The stronger the territory is, the more benefits they can get from it. If one day the territory collapses, they will follow suit.

Cheng Yang then said, "Haozi, Lao Yu, since you have reached the first rank, it is no longer a problem to carry out cross County expeditions. Although there may be second-order demonized beasts in this area, the number is absolutely extremely rare. Even if there are, it is basically the existence of the second-order early stage, and it is not difficult for you to cope with it. Therefore, in the next period of time, you will be divided into two routes, namely, search the counties around Suicheng and Xiangcheng, and try to find out all the field stations. "

Liu Hao and Yu Kai looked at each other, and Yu Kai asked, "Lord, are you sure there are field stations outside those districts and counties?"

Cheng Yang shook his head and said, "we can't be sure about this either, but there are altars outside some districts and counties. Since it is possible, we can't give up."

In fact, Cheng Yang has an idea in mind, but he can't implement this idea for the time being, because he still lacks a prop and the opportunity is not mature.Yu Kai and Yu Kai didn't continue to ask. They also knew what an extra territory altar meant to the territory.

"Lord, are you going to Wucheng next?" Li Wanshan is very clear about Cheng Yang's plan.

Cheng Yang nodded and said, "Wucheng city must go there. This is not only to save Liu Xiyue's parents, but also to establish a very positive image in the minds of the people in the territory: as long as the soldiers in the territory are in special care of our territory, we have the ability to rescue them from anywhere. It's good for enhancing the sense of belonging of the people. "

Liu Hao frowned and asked, "is there much possibility of success?"

Cheng Yang said, "this is not good. If I go alone, the probability of successfully entering the main city is still very high. However, with nearly 10 million people in Wucheng City, it is undoubtedly very difficult to find one or two people from them without disturbing the managers of the main city of Wucheng city. "

Liu Hao said, "Lord, I have an idea. I don't know if it will work."

Cheng Yang one Xi, said: "you talk about, what method?"

"It's like this," Liu said. Don't you have something in common with Zhao Yi? Since this guy knows the alchemist in our territory, he wants all the alchemists in the world to be related, at least most of them. If we can ask Zhao Yi to help, maybe we can save people with how much effort we spent. "

Cheng Yang's eyes brightened and he took a deep look at Liu Hao and said, "I understand your method. Do you want me to ask Zhao Yi to contact the alchemist in Wucheng city and ask the other party to release the search task, and then send the people out of the main city by the forces of Wucheng City?"

Liu Hao chuckled and said, "it's true. Just imagine if the Lord wants to pay for the Sanyuan pill at that moment and let the people of all forces in Wucheng look for Liu Xiyue's parents, I think they will go all out. Moreover, for the owners of the alchemy room in the main city, their inner guard is very low, and they will not doubt other things at all. As for whether this person is found outside the main city area, it depends on the Lord. If you have the ability to bring them back to our Luofeng Town, it will be the best. But if we can't do this, I think we'd better let them stay in the alchemy room, which is safe and can ensure that we can receive information about them at any time

"Hiroko, can't you see that your brain is enlightened?" Yu Kai laughs.

Liu Hao sighed and said, "no way! I'm worried about the safety of my parents day and night. Naturally, I thought of this method. " With that, Liu Hao looked at Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang fully understood Liu Hao's idea and said, "let's try in Wucheng first. If we can succeed, we can try to find your relatives."

Liu Hao and Yu Kai all nodded deeply, and they all hoped that the matter could be successfully completed.

Despite Liu Hao's suggestion, Cheng Yang is still planning to go to Wucheng. After all, he intends to rescue people from Wucheng city to Luofeng town. If he doesn't go there, how can he bring them back?

However, Cheng Yang also knows that if Liu Xiyue's parents are all alive and their strength level is not high, it will be very difficult to take Liu Xiyue back to Luofeng town on foot, and there will be many crises along the way. So he is not going to meet people directly, but to find out whether he can find an unoccupied territory altar, and then build an official road from Xiaocheng area to Wucheng area.

In fact, the distance between filial piety city and Wucheng city is not far, even closer than that between Suicheng city and Xiaocheng city. But it is such a close distance, for people who are not strong, it is a natural moat.

It has been concluded in the last life that for a country, the strongest strength of war personnel is almost the capital city, and even the capital of some countries has almost concentrated the strength of the whole country. But even so, it is more difficult for these capital forces to eradicate the demonized herds around them and to cultivate the surrounding main cities into one. At least no one has succeeded in the previous life. The reason is that the demonized herds around the capital are more dense and huge, and even their average strength is better than that of other main cities.

This is true of the capital city, and so is the provincial capital. However, the strength of demonized beasts around the provincial capital is weaker than that around the capital city, but it is much stronger than that around the city level main city. Cheng Yang estimates that there should be a lot of demonized beasts around the provincial capital at the beginning of the second stage. In the area where the main city of the city meets, there are now basically first-order demonized beasts. Unless you encounter a special scene, it's more difficult to see a second-order demonized beast than to win a prize. (the novel Lord doomsday will have more new content on the official wechat platform, and 100% raffle gift will be given to you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and speed it up! )