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To tell you the truth, Cheng Yang still has the confidence to put it between the main cities at the municipal level. With Xiaobai, he takes two ordinary soldiers to cross the city. However, around the provincial-level main city, Cheng Yang does not dare to praise that Haikou.

Fortunately, although Cheng Yang is not sure to take others through, but he himself to the past or not much problem. If we can successfully occupy a field station and extend the power of Luofeng town to Wucheng City area, it will not only be of great help to save people this time, but also will be of great benefit to play games with Wucheng city in the future.

After the discussion, Cheng Yang took out the priest's statue he had obtained before and gave it to Li Wanshan. He asked people to take the priest's statue to Xianghe village and build a priest's statue there.

In fact, Cheng Yang wants to build the priest statue in Luofeng Town, but he can't. according to the rules of heaven and earth, a city can only build one of the same statues. The reason why he chose to build the statue in Xianghe village is that Xianghe village is the closest to Luofeng Town, which is convenient for unified management.

All the people who sat down again knew the statue of the priest, and they were surprised to see it behind the scenes. Only when we have the profession of pastor, can we know the power of pastor. The death rate of the main battle group in Luofeng town was so low, and the survival rate of the experts was so high that the priest had at least half the credit.

But for a long time, the number of priests has always been a pain in the heart of the whole Luofeng town. Compared with millions of people in the whole territory, the priests of those 100 or so people are as precious as giant pandas.

An extra statue of a priest now will undoubtedly improve the situation.

Yu Kai and others have begun to calculate in their hearts how many priests they can get this time.

Cheng Yang did not pay attention to so much. After explaining the matter, he left for the main city of Xiangcheng.

Now Xiangcheng city has a great change compared with before. After passing through the passage out of the city, the number of active people inside has dropped sharply, and the average population density is less than 1% of the previous one. In other words, there are only 23000 people killing monsters in the whole main city area.

Although the refresh frequency of demonized beasts has been reduced a lot, these people still earn more than 50 power points per day, and their cultivation speed has been greatly improved. In addition, as most of the new demonized beasts are first-order initial strength, so the danger is not very high. In the whole Xiangcheng area, the maximum number of soldiers who die in the mouth of demonized beasts every day is no more than 50.

In fact, the people who stay in the main city area are more mercenaries in Luofeng town. During this period, Luofeng town issued a new order to encourage the mercenary corps to collect and find some useful things from the ruins of the main city, such as bagged food, compass, mechanical watch and so on. As long as these things can be found, the territory will buy them at the right price.

Generally speaking, if you are lucky enough to find a mechanical watch, the income it brings is definitely more than the killing of demonized animals.

But the real big payoff is something else, like finding lots of food.

The food stored in Luofeng town has been eaten up for a long time. Now, all the people in the territory consume a lot of food and condiments from the grocery store every day. According to incomplete estimates, the power value spent on them every day is at least 23 million points. Fortunately, the territory only needs to be responsible for the supply of food for the army and its employees. The rest of the people buy it from the grocery store themselves. Otherwise, Cheng Yang will be distressed by this consumption.

Cheng Yang went straight all the way and soon came to the main city. He did not go to see he Yuanshan and other people. He went directly to the first alchemy room in the main city.

"Lao Zhao, I've been away for a long time these days, and I'm not in the territory, so I haven't sent you the Sanyuan pill. Don't be surprised. No, as soon as I got back to my territory, I sent it to you. " Cheng Yang said with a smile as soon as he entered the door.

Zhao Yi originally had some not very good-looking facial expression to melt many instantaneously, but still sarcastically way: "I thought you were ready to abandon the letter."

"How could it be?" Cheng Yang Lian said, "I'm hundreds of kilometers away, and I'm trapped by others. I can't help it."

Zhao Yi also no longer said more, directly stretched out his hand, way: "pills to me."

Cheng Yang laughs and quickly takes out the box containing 100 pills from the storage ring. This is the weight of five days.

Zhao Yi just in the hand to weigh, then satisfied with the box of pills put away.

"This time, even if you go to other main cities, you have to give the pills to the alchemy room in the main city, and let the owner pass the things to me. All you need to say is to bring it to Zhao Yi, the main city of Xiangcheng City, and they will help. " Zhao Yi's heart has been completely eliminated, so he explained some things to Cheng Yang. These days, his life is not easy, Cheng Yang such a quiet out of stock for four or five days, almost make him unable to account for some of the customers behind, and some of them, even he did not dare to offend.

Cheng Yang's heart moved. It was just like someone would like to go to bed and someone would give them pillows. Then he took out these pills. The guy led the topic directly and said with a smile: "Lao Zhao, do you know all the owners of alchemy rooms in the main cities in the world? Or do they all know you? "Zhao Yi slightly stunned, this time can be said to leak, but this matter does not seem to be too confidential things, with his relationship with Cheng Yang, tell him these things is nothing.

"It's nothing to tell you about it, but you can't go outside and talk about it." Zhao Yi said, "in fact, those of us who come to this world may not all know each other, but we all have a list, which records the names of managers of all similar stores, as well as the transmission coordinates, so that we can transmit some things to each other. This is also to facilitate the circulation of some precious things. "

Cheng Yang is more and more curious about the origin of Zhao Yi and others. If these people are related to the gods who transform the world, then there should be no so-called precious things in this world, because these things are created by gods. But if they have nothing to do with gods, how did they come to this world?

"Do you have a unified governing body?" Cheng Yang suddenly asked.

Zhao Yi shook his head very firmly and said, "I can't say this."

Although Cheng Yang didn't get a direct answer from Zhao Yi, he guessed some clues. I'm afraid the so-called management organization should exist, but what form they operate is unknown.

"Lao Zhao, you see our relationship is so good. Can I trouble you with something?" Cheng Yang hesitated and said.

Zhao Yi looked at Cheng Yang in astonishment and said, "it's OK to help, but I won't do things that violate the rules. That's not only bad luck for me, but also behind me Even you will be in bad luck. "

Cheng Yang heart move, it seems that Zhao Yi these people are not as free as their imagination ah! I hope the next thing I say is within the scope of their rules.

Cheng Yang said: "well, I have a subordinate. By the way, you have seen this person. The girl I took away from yuan Jianze when we first met. When the doomsday broke out, her family did not stay with her, but in another main city. Now, although I can get to the main city, I can't rescue the other party safely. So I'm going to contact the alchemy room owner you know in the main city through you to see if the other party can find a way to find someone

After that, Cheng Yang looks at Zhao Yi with expectation, hoping to get a positive answer from the other side.

Zhao Yi hesitated for a moment and said, "although this is within the scope of the rules, it is very difficult to do it."

"Oh? If there is any difficulty, just say what I can do and try to do it. " Cheng Yang is within the scope of the rules, immediately overjoyed, but also do not care about the other side will ask exorbitant prices, he said directly.

Zhao Yi said: "in fact, it's very simple for the other party to do this, just ask the other party to release a task in the mission hall, and let the war personnel in the main city find people and send them directly to the designated location. I can also help you with this matter, but since it is to release a task, naturally it must be rewarded by the task, and the other party can't help for nothing, can't it? So there must be a corresponding reward. "

Cheng Yang was at ease. Since he wanted benefits, it would be easier to do. He immediately said, "what do you need? Is it psychic? "

Zhao Yi said, "I can't transfer psionic power unless the other city and our main city have the same bank."

Cheng Yang is stunned, the bank? I didn't expect to hear this word all of a sudden from Zhao Yi, and it seemed that the other party knew some special functions of the bank, and immediately said, "Lao Zhao, what's the matter with the bank? How can there be a bank in the main city? Will the gods send money to the bank in the main city

It's hard to help Cheng Yang not pay attention to this matter. If there will be money banks sent by gods in the main city in the future, wouldn't many people be able to borrow money through the banks? This will have a great impact on the pattern of the whole world in the future.

Zhao Yi did not conceal this, and said directly, "the LORD God will not send money to the world. Listen to your tone, it seems that you know something about the bank. You don't have a bank in your territory, have you? "

"What expression are you looking at? Can't there be a bank in my territory? " Cheng Yang saw Zhao Yi's mouth that could almost plug an egg, and immediately vomited.

Zhao Yi said with a wry smile, "don't you know how rare a bank is? Don't you know how powerful a bank is? "

Cheng Yangpo said with some disapproval: "although the bank is relatively rare, it doesn't make you look like this, right? As for the role of banks, isn't it that they can access psionic values? Is there anything else? " (the novel Lord doomsday will have more new content on the official wechat platform, and 100% raffle gift will be given to you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and speed it up! )