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The trip was very smooth. Cheng Yang told Liu Hao who they were going to look for. After hearing this, Zhao Yi said that there was no problem. He even patted his chest and said that as long as people are really in these main cities, they will eventually be found out.

Liu Hao three people heard Zhao Yi so sure, also at ease a lot.

Finally, Zhao Yi didn't take away Liu Xiyue's necklace. After all, such a necklace was not of great use in the past. Others also need props to show the images inside to the task list, which requires a thing called fixing stone.

In fact, the setting stone is just a kind of small props, and the price is not very expensive. It is sold in the grocery store. It doesn't have much practical effect. It is to seal the specified image and extract the sealed image with specific equipment.

In modern people's words, this is a memory card, and the stock is very low.

Cheng Yang went directly to the grocery store, bought a fixing stone for 100 psionic value, and then printed the image in the photo. This was done.

After Cheng Yang gave Zhao Yi the setting, he prepared to return the necklace to Liu Xiyue.

But at this time, Liu Xiyue even trotted out of the alchemy room as if he hadn't heard it. He left Cheng Yang standing there with a blank face and didn't know what to do.

Liu Hao took a helpless look at Cheng Yang and said, "Lord, I say you are not stupid. Why don't you understand this? Just now, Liu has already said that this necklace is given to you. If you want to return it to her, isn't it difficult for others to make it? "

Yu Kai also shook his head in disappointment and said, "ah! Is this a giant in theory and a fool in practice? Haozi, I think we should not mix with him in the future, so as not to affect our intelligence quotient of chasing girls. "

Liu Hao deeply believed that.

"Depend on Are you two still on the set? I don't think this necklace is very important to others... " Cheng Yang said.

Before he finished speaking, Yu Kai said with a strange smile: "is it very important? It doesn't matter what others do for you. Hey, hey You can take it well. If you return it back, it may hurt other people

Cheng Yang looks at Yu Kai and the exquisite Necklace in his hand. Liu Xiyue's eyes in the photo seem to encourage him to put the necklace away.

"Shit! Isn't it just a necklace? Can you scare me? Just take it. " After that, Cheng Yang would put the necklace into the storage ring, but after thinking about it, he still put it in his arms, and he could not figure out what it was for.

Subsequently, Cheng Yang three people also quickly out of the alchemy room.

Liu Xiyue did not run far away, waiting outside the alchemy room, saw Cheng Yang come out from inside, her face flashed a touch of pink.

Yuefeng went back to the town and pretended nothing happened.

While walking on the way, Cheng Yang suddenly remembered something and asked, "by the way, can copies near the other two stations in the city be found these days?"

Yu Kai said with a wry smile: "I found it, but the ordinary difficulty and difficulty level difficulty of those two copies were taken by others. We didn't even touch a hair."

"What about nightmares? No one has ever taken it? " Cheng Yang asked with bitterness in his heart. In the previous life, the first pass of difficult level difficulty copy was not taken so early, but this life has changed the world so much because of its own appearance.

Yu Kai said: "the nightmare level has not been robbed by others. Yesterday, I and Haozi took two copies of the nightmare level first pass together."

Cheng Yang's face changed and he said, "did you go to get it? It's too risky. What if there's any accident? "

Yu Kai said helplessly, "Lord, are you not killing us? When you were still at the peak of apprenticeship level, you had already been able to win the first pass of nightmare level. Now Haozi and I have already been the strength of junior scholar level. If you can't get the first pass of nightmare level copy, it's too unreasonable. You are a special profession, yes, but we are also a special profession. "

Cheng Yang was said to be a Leng, and finally had to admit that the other side's words were indeed reasonable, and he was really too cautious in this respect.

"What are the nightmares of these two instances?" Cheng Yang asked.

Yu Kai said: "there is nothing new about this thing. They are two statue lifting stones, one is the Summoner's and the other is the priest's. The two statue lifting stones are used on the professional statues in Luofeng town. They are all used to improve attack power

Cheng Yang said: "if I had known this, it would be better to use the priest's statue lifting stone on the newly-built priest statue."

Yu Kai said with a bitter smile, "how did we know that you even got a priest statue back?"

Cheng Yang said, "since it's used, it's OK to get the priest's statue lifting stone next time. By the way, what about the first pass of the medium-sized copy in the main city of filial piety? "Yu Kai said, "Lord, if you don't talk about it, I thought you had forgotten it. That copy of the ordinary and difficult two difficulties of the first pass also let people take, and it seems not with the city people to do. As for the nightmare level difficulty, we got an upgrade equipment called soul killing bow Speaking of this, Yu Kai takes out a piece of equipment from his own storage ring and prepares to hand it to Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang is stunned. Yu Kai's words remind him of some people's speculation about the first pass reward for the nightmare level difficulty of medium-sized copies in the main city.

In previous generations, most people didn't know the first pass reward of nightmare level difficulty for medium-sized copies in each main city, but a small part of them were still passed on, and the news from these messages was basically upgrade equipment.

At that time, some people speculated that the first pass reward for the nightmare level difficulty of medium-sized copies was all upgrade equipment. Only a lot of people think that the upgrade equipment is too powerful, and it belongs to personal use, which is easy to attract other people's covet, so they all choose to hide it.

Although many people have seen on the forum that some people say that the nightmare level difficulty of these medium-sized copies has revealed some other things, many people think that these people have lied.

Now with the city's nightmares level difficulty award, it seems to prove this.

"Since this equipment belongs to archers, you should keep it for yourself." Cheng Yang did not take over the equipment from Yu Kai, simply said.

Yu Kai laughed and said, "I said the Lord is very generous. However, Lord, do you think you can support me with some power points? The power values I've put together now only upgrade the equipment to bronze. Although the attribute is much better than the silver quality apprentice level equipment, I still feel a little dissatisfied. "

Cheng Yang already has a piece of equipment that can be upgraded. Naturally, he knows the difficulties. Yu Kai has been able to gather more than 10000 power points these days. It is good to upgrade the soul killing bow to bronze level. If he wants to reach gold level like Cheng Yang's sigh of ice and snow, he has no ability.

Cheng Yang said, "do you have the seal property of this equipment?"

Yu Kai immediately said, "you'd better see for yourself. It's too powerful to upgrade. "

Cheng Yang didn't refuse this time. He took over the soul killing bow directly.

Soul killing bow (can be upgraded): bronze weapon, used by ancient demons, with incomparable power. Since the first World War in ancient times, the weapon has been damaged, and its remaining capacity is less than one tenth of ten thousand. It needs endless power to unlock the seal. At present, it is an ordinary soldier level equipment, with 20 points of physical attack power. Special effects: 1. Increase the physical attack power of the wearer by 20%; 2. Be sealed (unsealing condition: upgrade the equipment to gold division level equipment.) ; 3, sealed (unsealed condition: unknown); 4, sealed (unsealed condition: unknown) ; 5, sealed (unsealed condition: unknown). Quality upgrade condition: 1000 power points; level upgrade condition: 100000 power points.

Cheng Yang scolded secretly in his heart. The number of special effects of the soul killing bow was the same as the sigh of ice and snow, even the conditions for unsealing the attribute were the same. As for the upgrade conditions, Cheng Yang has known for a long time, because the upgrade conditions of many upgradeable equipment in the previous world were the same.

It seems that if you want to play the most powerful equipment at present, you must upgrade it to gold level.

Cheng Yang immediately handed the ghost bow back to Yu Kai's hand and said, "well, you can go to the bank to get 1.1 million psionic values in a moment. I'll say hello to Wang Lu. But it's borrowed, and you'll have to pay it back when you earn power. "

Yu Kai said with a wry smile, "Lord, I work under you. As a small wage earner like me, where do you want me to get a million psionic value?"

Cheng Yang naturally knew that Yu Kai had something to say, so that he could produce tens of thousands of points of energy. It was indeed possible, but it would be impossible to produce millions of psionic values unless he was invoked from his own army. Although Yu Kai gets nearly 2000 psionic points per day, he consumes more. He consumes nearly 5000 power points just eight times faster. What's more, most of the time he practices with the addition of Nirvana stone, and his power consumption has to be increased by 50%.

These extra psionic values are naturally subsidized by Cheng Yang. Not only Yu Kai, but everyone in the army is receiving subsidies from Cheng Yang. Otherwise, no one can enjoy the consumption of multiple times of existing cultivation. Of course, this kind of subsidy is not given directly, but is borrowed from banks, with no interest.

Since it is welfare, it means that this should not belong to the other party, it is just a kind of reward. If the person who gets the reward in the future wants to leave the territory, it will naturally have to return this part of the reward. This is also a means to control his territory.

For Yu Kai's complaint, Cheng Yang also glared at him and said, "have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? I said I'd let you return it, but I didn't say when. "

"Hey, I see." Yu Kai was overjoyed. (the novel Lord doomsday will have more new content on the official wechat platform, and 100% raffle gift will be given to you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and speed it up! )