Although Cheng Yang is in a hurry to leave for Wucheng, it's getting dark now. Cheng Yang plans to spend a night in Luofeng town and wait until tomorrow.

Now Cheng Yang is contradictory. If he wants to improve his personal strength, he is undoubtedly the fastest to stay in the territory. The effect of Nirvana God stone can not be compensated by more power values. However, many things in the territory need him to complete. If he stays in the territory all the time, it will be very unfavorable for the development of the whole territory.

In terms of the previous events, if he did not set out for the Xiaocheng area, Luofeng town would not be able to reach Xiaocheng, which would definitely put Luofeng town into a strategic disadvantage in the future.

At the same time, if Cheng Yang doesn't go to the Wucheng area next, in addition to not rescuing Liu Xiyue's parents back to Luofeng town territory in a short time, it will also prevent Luofeng town's sphere of influence from extending to Wucheng city.

Wucheng city is no more than other main city areas. They have huge human resources, and even the strength and density of demonized animals around them are higher than those in other places. As long as the forces in Wucheng city are given some time, they will certainly develop the Wucheng area into a bucket. At that time, it will be much more difficult for Cheng Yang to get involved.

Therefore, Cheng Yang also had to take this trip.

Early the next morning, Cheng Yang went to the mission hall. Since he was preparing to go to Wucheng City, there was a task he could do along the way.

This is also a special task. The reward items are the second. It is only a silver level equipment of the profession. The equipment type can be selected. For other people at present, a silver level equipment is absolutely precious, but for Cheng Yang, silver class equipment is just a commodity. There are not 500 pieces of silver equipment in Luofeng Town, but also 300 pieces of silver equipment.

Cheng Yang values the mercenary points reward for this special task.

Generally, the mercenary points for special tasks are only about 10000 points. Compared with other tasks, the task with 10000 points is definitely a very large number. After all, under normal circumstances, mercenary tasks only have a few points of mercenary points. Taking Cheng Yang as an example, he has always paid more attention to completing mercenary tasks. However, in addition to obtaining 10000 points of mercenary points in the first mercenary task, the total number of mercenary points earned in the following month is less than 2000 points, which is not a big gap.

Now, the reward points of the mercenary task have reached 30000 points. Cheng Yang estimates that after completing the task, his mercenary level will officially reach the middle of level D. At that time, I think it's just in time for another task. Cheng Yang hopes that all this can be very smooth, because only in this way can the gap between himself and others be further widened. Otherwise, other large forces will soon narrow the gap by virtue of their advantage in number. Finally, every step of Cheng Yang's expansion will become very difficult.

Cheng Yang opens the task list and finds three special tasks hanging at the top.

One of them is to attack and occupy the orc stronghold. Cheng Yang doesn't even look at this task, because at this stage, it is very difficult to complete. Even if the current strength of Luofeng town can be completed, the final loss will be very large. Cheng Yang does not want to spend too much power on this matter.

The second task is also a pre-existing large-scale copy called clearance hell level difficulty. This award is very eye-catching. It clearly says a piece of equipment that can be upgraded.

What is an upgrade? Cheng Yang knows better than anyone that his sigh of ice and snow can make him try his best. The 20% attack power bonus is enough to be proud of all his equipment. However, Cheng Yang is not very clear about what this upgrade equipment is. In the previous life, people did not say that it was a large copy of hell level difficulty, or even a small copy of hell level difficulty failed to pass the customs.

This task is also not Cheng Yang can complete at this stage, so he directly put it aside.

The third task is a new task. In fact, this task is not new. It is only a post emergence task relative to the other two tasks. The last time Cheng Yang finished the special task of counterattack from the weak, the original task disappeared from the list. According to the rules of the special task, the task immediately appeared in the task list.

Explore the mysterious city: special mission. At the beginning of the doomsday, a mysterious underground entrance appeared near all the provincial main cities. It is said that this underground entrance leads to the mysterious underground city. Please explore the underground city and bring back the magic grass growing in the central square of the underground city. Task reward: 30000 points of mercenary (military) points, a gold level equipment of the profession (optional).

Cheng Yang didn't think about it, so he took the task directly.

This task has been taken over in the last life, but no one can complete it. The biggest difficulty is not to get to the underground entrance, but unable to move safely in the underground city.

The underground entrance mentioned in the mission description is near the provincial main city, but it is actually worth pondering. Other provincial-level cities do not say that the underground entrance of Wucheng city is 78-80 kilometers away from the main city, which is not considered to be the periphery of the main city.

Although at this distance, there are many powerful demonized beasts, but it does not affect the soldiers' desire to complete special tasks.At that time, the people who accepted the task were all war personnel in the main cities of the provincial level, among them, there were some with high strength. Even when the end of the day was about one year, there were also war personnel of the first rank who accepted the task. So these people found the underground entrance without much hindrance.

But in the end, all of them failed. The price of failure was heavy. They all died in the dungeon.

However, Cheng Yang doesn't worry too much. The most important result of this task is to pick the ten thousand magic grass. Cheng Yang doesn't know whether it is precious or not, but it can be sure that this thing will only exist in the underground city.

As long as Cheng Yang can take TAN Chao to the entrance of the underground city and let the other party enter the underground city smoothly, he can basically complete the task successfully. Moreover, even if this task can not be successfully completed, TAN Chao can also successfully return with the help of the stone.

Therefore, Cheng Yang in the next task, immediately let people call TAN Chao over. However, when TAN Chao came, Liu Xiyue also came along with him.

"Lord, I want to go to Wucheng with you." Liu Xiyue said very simply, the expression on his face is also very calm, it seems that yesterday's ambiguity has disappeared from her body. However, only she knew that it was just to hide her inner feelings deeper.

Liu Xiyue is very clear that in this cruel end, no one will like a vase, even if it is a national treasure vase, in the troubled times, in addition to become ornamental playthings, no one will pay too much attention to it. If you want to make yourself more existential, you must make yourself more capable and stronger.

Cheng Yang looked at Liu Xiyue and finally agreed to her request.

Cheng Yang only took Liu Xiyue and TAN Chao with him this time. The father and daughter of Chu Qiang, who were members of the guard team, continued to stay in Luofeng town to make magic beads so as to bring higher economic benefits to Luofeng town. Of course, Cheng Yang did not forget to let Chu Lingling step up her strength. After all, only when its strength is stronger can it seal more powerful demonized beasts, so as to make the sealed magic beads sell at a better price.

Although Liu Xiyue is still at the peak apprentice level, her attack power has been improved to a certain extent. With her current attack power, it is not a problem to use the holy word skill to kill the demonized beast in the early stage of the second level.

As for TAN Chao, although he joined the territory of Luofeng town late, he had already reached the high-level apprenticeship level and was not so far away from the promotion peak because he was relatively high from the beginning, and because of his special skills, he had been practicing with Nirvana stone for a lot of time.

Although TAN Chao is not an expert in Luofeng Town, he is definitely a small group of people in the front of the world.

Of course, this group of people must also have Xiaobai, a powerful pet, who carries the slower TAN Chao, so the time for Cheng Yang and others to travel is shortened a lot.

This also makes TAN Chao feel a little ashamed. Even Liu Xiyue, a weak woman, can make her own way, but he has to rely on pets to catch up with each other. Fortunately, the image of Liu Xiyue is only on the surface. If we really want to fight, he is definitely the target of the other party's second killing. TAN Chao is very clear about this. Although he didn't know where Liu Xiyue was strong, he occasionally saw Liu Xiyue start, almost all of them killed the enemy with one move. Even he didn't see clearly how Liu Xiyue started.

It took eight hours for a group of three people to get from Luofeng town to Tianning village. After all, it was more than 200 kilometers away, which could not be achieved in an instant.

Although it is only one day apart, Tianning village has been upgraded to level 3, and several grade 3 houses and all the necessary buildings for Level 3 villages have been built. However, the professional statues of Tianning village have not been upgraded to level 4, so the number of war professionals that can be accommodated is still limited.

But even so, Tianning village is definitely the first station in the whole Xiaocheng area. As for the other two occupied villages, whether to upgrade the professional statue to level 2 remains to be investigated.

Naturally, the development of Tianning village could not be concealed from Song Zhao and Lin Xiang. Although they were extremely anxious about this, they could not come up with a better way to develop their territory, and they could not come up with a strategy to restrict the development of Tianning village.

Sometimes they even want to bow down to the territory of Luofeng town to show weakness, and then take some methods to quickly obtain the power value of the territory. In their opinion, there is a shortcut for territory to earn psionic value. Otherwise, how could Tianning village develop so quickly?

However, the idea belongs to the idea. If they really want to do so, they can't put their face down, let alone their own interests.