His manager was even present at the casting. He must have guessed that Yu Yu would gain more popularity after getting the role!

He showed a pretty good attitude to him. He scouted Yu Yu on his own – Yu Yu was not from an acting school. The company saw that he had good looks so they signed a contract with him. According to Yu Yu, his family was poor so he wanted to earn some money, but strangely he didn’t try very hard to gain the manager’s favor. But then, with that attractive face, there would still be a lot of people who wanted to butter up to him!

He nodded in approval when he saw his proper attire. “Da Yu is here, come, let’s go in!”

“Don’t be nervous, today is just for formality!” The manager said as he led the way.

He pushed the door open. “Director Wang, our Da Yu is here! Look, he looks like he’s born to play Qiu Ming!”


The manager had a wide grin on his face. He was good with his words.

Director Wang knocked on the table, looking frustrated.

“Director Wang? What’s wrong?” The manager asked hesitantly.

“Bbb.. Zw Zw, usw clvvla ts bsxl!”

“Gb? Ebu?”

“Lsv pwkvle qsa Ckw Ykdt!”

“Ebu dsv?! Nlv xl vau yde usw’zz jdso?” Zw Zw okeldle bkp lulp. Mblu eked’v lhld zlv bkx vau, bso oswze vblu jdso bl eked’v pwkv Ckw Ykdt?

“Mbkp kp obyv ‘Dkw Fbw’ pyke. Fbl pyo Zw Zw’p rbsvs yde pyke, vbkp rlapsd kp dsv pwkvle qsa Ckw Ykdt! Fbl eked’v ytall, yde ol nyd’v pyu yduvbkdt cynj..”

Mbl nsdqwple xydytla ypjle, “Ykpp Dkw Fbw eslp dsv ytall?”

“Zlp! Jwv Py Zw, esd’v tkhl wr. El byhl pvyavle pbssvkdt Dkw Fbw’p dlo cssj! El okzz tkhl usw yd kxrsavydv aszl vbld!”

Mbl xydytla qsanle y pxkzl. Tl nswzed’v sqqlde Pkalnvsa Eydt dsa Dkw Fbw, ps bl bye ds nbsknl cwv vs poyzzso vbl dlop.

“I…” Yu Yu was about to say something when his manager stopped him. He briefly spoke to Director Wang in a polite manner before taking Yu Yu away.


Once outside the door, Yu Yu hollered, “What kind of logic is this?! What does it mean, I’m not suitable?! The audition hasn’t even started yet, and I’m already not suitable?!”

The manager patted his back. “Da Yu, I’ll find more auditions for you. I have to go now, so you better go home!”

The manager made his way back. It was obvious that Director Wang’s promise to him was just empty talk. He’d given Yu Yu two chances and he ruined his shot twice in a row! He just didn’t have the luck! The manager did not have much expectations for him anymore. Rather than helping him out, he’d better go to the other celebrities under his care! Although they lost to Yu Yu in terms of looks, at least they were not unlucky!

Yu Yu was flustered. “F*ck! What kind of person is this?!”

He dialed a number. “Come out! Come out! Come with me for a drink!”

Liu Ju’an received Yu Yu’s call, and obediently came to fetch him.

“Young master Yu! What are you doing here?”

“Come, save your questions and head to the bar!”


“How did something like this happen?!”

Yu Yu poured himself a glass of whiskey and downed it in one go. It had been so long since he tasted such great alcohol!

“There must be something going on! Xiu Shu must already have someone she wants to pick!”


Yu Yu finally looked at him.

“Young master Yu, you don’t know about these things because you are new in this entertainment industry. Let me tell you, there are many tricks and deceit in this industry!”

“You can only make it if you have the looks, acting skills and luck. Or else, those who become popular are the ones who have connections!”

“Young master Yu, why are you doing this! Why don’t you stay home and help your father earn more money? Becoming a top celebrity will just be a snap of a finger?!”

Yu Yu glanced at him. “You don’t understand! It’s because my dad is still capable of handling the company, so I need to use this time to play!”

You too know that you’re playing around?!

“Uncle don’t even care about you?”

“No, he doesn’t care about anything, not even money…”

Liu Ju’an: “……”

“Young master Yu, are you in need of money, I’ll give…”

“No, no! I can earn my own money!”



Both of them drank for a long time until Yu Yu was finally satisfied. He stood outside the bar and suddenly shouted to the air:

“Xiu Shu! F*ck you!”

But that anger still hadn’t got off his chest.

“Young master Yu, where are you staying right now? I’ll send you back!”

“As if I’ll let you know?! Everyone will know where I stay if you send me back?!” He rolled his eyes at him. This was why he used up almost all of his money to rent the place!

“I’ll take a cab. Just give me one hundred dollars!”

Liu Ju’an gave him more money but he didn’t take it. He only took one hundred dollars and left.

Liu Ju’an was left alone, flabbergasted. Why did young master Yu want to live such a difficult life?

He remembered the time when young master Yu was still young. His friends began dating one by one so he went on to pursue the school’s ice beauty. He spent money like water without batting an eyelid. When the ice beauty decided to be with him for the sake of money, he retreated, even saying,

“F*ck! There’s no heartbeat racing, just pretentious and troublesome!”

Liu Ju’an still remembered clearly. Young master Yu was the one pursuing her in the first place and then he went on to ditch her! He was already more than twenty years old, and he had so little dating history. Other people had started to doubt that he was gay! What kind of woman would be able to handle a person like young master Yu!

Looking at his old apathetic self, then looking at his current self who was trying hard to audition for a small role, Liu Ju’an shook his head. He didn’t understand how his brain cells work!


Forget about it! Rich people can do what they want!

Yu Yu went back to his neighborhood. As he passed the fourth floor, he didn’t know what went into him when he knocked on her door.

Shu Shu saw him through the peephole and opened the door.

“F*ck, what kind of fashion is that?!”

Shu Shu’s face darkened. She’d only tied her hair up and had a face mask.

“You look like a ghost! Can you care for your image in front of a man?!”

Shu Shu patted her mask calmly. “Oh, you said to care for my image in front of a man, then why should I care for my image in front of you!”

“Hey! Can you talk properly to people?!”

“Talk properly to people.. are you a person?”

Yu Yu glared at her. She was making him angry.

“What’s up with you? Let me guess, you didn’t pass the audition!” Shu Shu grinned coyly.

Many laters later, Yu Yu will realize that Shu Shu only grins coyly under two conditions, one is when she is setting you up! And another is, she has already set you up!

“How did you know?!”

“I can guess from your expression. Hehe, I’ve told you so, don’t be so overconfident!”

Yu Yu’s face darkened. “It’s not my fault, I’m just unlucky!”

Perhaps it was because he drank, and he felt comfortable with her, so he started grumbling,

“Because of connections! Sh*t, that bastard Xiu Shu! Have you seen someone who says someone is not suitable because of his looks?! F*ck that eccentric person!”

Shu Shu stopped patting her mask, and spoke emotionlessly, “Maybe it’s because you look too ugly, so you’re not suitable!”

“That’s impossible! Let’s not talk about how good-looking I am, but just my acting. She hasn’t even seen me act and she already knows I’m not suitable! How did this kind of person become popular? How could someone with no logic like her write a good book?!”

Shu Shu blinked, then smiled. Good, very well!!!

“You came just to tell me this?” She interrupted him.

“Oh, I almost forgot about it, I’ve got free time on National Day! I can go and help you out, but what do you need me for?”

Shu Shu smirked, “It’s nothing big, I’ll tell you on that day, bye!”

“Bang!” The door closed.

“F*ck, what’s this?!” This was how you ask someone for help?!

He glared at the door for some time, before he went back to wash up and sleep.

After Shu Shu shut the door, she peeled her mask off. Scolding her after she set him up? She wouldn’t let this pass.

But knowing that he failed his audition made her smile. She was back in a happy mood.

Poisonous Chicken Soup updated her weibo again:

[Come, Du Da is in a good mood today, so I’ll be a big sister for heart-to-heart talk. Any questions, just ask! Attached pic: Obediently sitting down.]

Flowing age: Wow! Du Da, big sister… for heart-to-heart talk?!

Fang Ling: Du Da, you have some kind of misunderstanding about your identity?!

Here and There: excuse me?

I love Du Da: I didn’t click the wrong weibo?!

by: I got scared that my mixed rocky black biotite gneiss1 fell to the ground


Shu Shu continued scrolling for a while, before she saw someone asking for help.

Lou Lan: Du Da! I have a question! There’s a guy pursuing me and he harasses me everyday. In class, he was adamant to sit next to me, while my classmates urged him on! My friends left me alone when they saw him. I told them that I don’t like him but they think I’m playing hard to get! They keep persuading me to be with him. I’m going crazy! I had a boy I like, and we are only one step away from making our relationship official, but now he’s started avoiding me!

Shu Shu replied:

[Du Da: When you reject him, did you say, we’re not suitable, don’t be like this. While to your classmates you say, no, I don’t like him. Is that it?]

[Lou Lan: Yeah, I don’t know what else to say!]

[Du Da: Sis, you can refer to my previous post, “How to reject someone heartlessly”.]

[Lou Lan: Ah? Isn’t it too harsh?]

[Du Da: ……]

2What else can she say?! She can only cry for the other boy silently. It’s not just boys who are the jerks who don’t know how to reject a girl when they are dating another girl. Gender equality is real!

Just telling him that we are not for each other with a soft tone… If he’s one with a thicker face, will he give up? Most importantly you already have a boy waiting for you. If you want to be with him, the best way is not to let him win against his love rival, but to let him have no love rival at all!

Of course, it’s the same for boys, it’s more important to protect your girl!

Shu Shu then ignored the post and continued scrolling. There was another one:

Whose love is not sad: Du Da, my husband cheated on me. We were in love in the past, and I still believe he loves me, but I don’t understand why he has another woman. Du Da, I don’t know what to do… I don’t want to get a divorce, but I can’t forgive him either.

Many users had commented under the post before Shu Shu did.

I love Du Da: What! Get a divorce! You want to keep a bastard at home?!

Pu Shang: Du Da will certainly tell the man off and he’ll not get a single cent from you when you divorce him!

Rabbit: Du Da, come and tell the jerk off!


Shu Shu tensed up. She didn’t want to tell the jerk off. He had cheated on her and the damage was done! From her sentence, she could see that she still loved him. To be hurt by someone you love was a very terrible feeling, even for a strong girl like herself. 

After the incident with Cheng Duanyi, she still couldn’t fight back with a calm heart every time. She would go silent with an extreme sadness in her.

But of course, she personally wouldn’t forgive someone who had hurt her before. Give her time, and once she saw the opportunity, she would totally strike back!

[Du Da: Let me give you a hug. Say to yourself, stand up because the rainbow will come out after the rain! There is nothing too big you can’t overcome, don’t be afraid to face the future. Feelings, are not something irreplaceable…]

There was a silence in the comments, and then,

Xi Xi: Wow! Du Da is suddenly so positive…

Old Days Old Times: Du Da is abnormal today!

Rabbit: Scary, is Du Da being possessed?

Listen to the wind: Du Da is really abnormal!

Understood: Du Da does make sense…


Shu Shu didn’t care what they said. She adjusted her feelings and focused on writing her novel again. Life is still going on, and there’s no one who we can’t forget forever!

By the way, she hadn’t thought of Cheng Duanyi for a few days now?!

Hm, the 250 upstairs was quite useful..