Yu Yu woke up early in the morning. Feeling hungry, he took his phone out and picked a few dishes. When checking out,

“Not enough balance!”

He deleted two dishes reluctantly, and checked out,

“Not enough balance!”

Only one dish was left. He checked out,


“Not enough balance!”

“F*ck it! I’ll just take noodles then!”

And yet… his balance was still not enough.

Ebyv oyp vbl ytsdu sq dsv byhkdt y fsc? Tyhkdt vss xwnb qall vkxl? Mss csale? Gdmklvu? Ls! Rv oyp byhkdt ds xsdlu!

Tl srldle vbl qaketl yde sdzu pyo y qlo yrrzlp kd vblal. Tl yvl vball kd sdl ts, cwv kv eked’v pllx vs blzr!

Tl zlydle sd vbl cyznsdu, vbkdjkdt ycswv bso vs lyad xsdlu, obld bl pyo psxlvbkdt.

Mbl osxyd esodpvykap oyp oyzjkdt cynj okvb y cyt sq vyjlyoyup obkzl bszekdt wr yd wxcalzzy. Mbyv bwtl cyt xwpv byhl qswa ekpblp kd kv, yv zlypv!


Ebld Fbw Fbw alynble vbl qswavb qzssa, pbl pyo vbl ‘250 wrpvykap’ rwvvkdt y byde sd bla essa kd y bydepsxl rspl. Tl qzkrrle bkp byka sdnl bl pyo bla yrrasynbkdt.

Fbw Fbw: “……”

Yyu bl tlv pvawnj cu zktbvdkdt qsa ynvkdt nssz! 1

“What are you doing?”


“Asking for food.” So shameless!

“Neighbors, let’s help each other out! I know you’re a kind-hearted person!”

Shu Shu nodded, narrowing her eyes as she smiled.


“You’re really a kind-hearted person!”

Opening the door, the man was just about to go in when Shu Shu stopped him.


“Wait at the door!”

“W… Why?”

“Don’t you know you can’t simply enter a single woman’s apartment?!”

“!!!” Then were you just bluffing me when you said you would give me food?!

“Didn’t you say I’m not a man…” Such a fish (Yu) who would forget all his principles just to eat!


“A ladyboy is also just as dangerous!”


“Wait, I’ll take a dish out, and I’ll give you the rest!”

Yu Yu blinked in disbelief. She was so kind?

“No, no, give me two is enough! No, a meat dish is also enough, I love meat!”

“It’s okay, I’m not that hungry today!”

She put the bag on the table, and took a container out. She then gave him the rest.

“You don’t even want the rice?!” Yu Yu was at the door witnessing her taking out only a container with his own eyes. No false movements, or adding anything into the other containers!

He almost saw her in a bad light.

“I’ll just take one box, you take the rest. I’m not that hungry!”

Yu Yu was very touched. He would never say that she was 250 anymore! She was so kind. He was so touched to have such a loving neighbor.

Yu Yu left her the rice regardless. He couldn’t be so bad as to take everything away!


After he left, Shu Shu closed the door and laughed silently.

He placed the bag on the table eagerly, then took out the containers one by one. He placed them in one sequence, and started opening the first one.


Vegetable salad? What the hell?! He pushed it away lightly. The woman downstairs ate this for lunch?!

He then opened the second container,


Water?! No, there was a piece of vegetable in it…

Pushing it away, he opened the third container. What did she eat everyday exactly?!


Sh*t! Durian!!!

Shu Shu sat at her dining table and opened her container. There was a piece of braised meat inside. She didn’t like to eat meat, but because she was always at home and lacked exercise, she would order a piece of meat each time. She only ate as much as she could.

She could imagine the guy upstairs going crazy through the ceiling.


She took a bite of the meat with a pair of chopsticks. Then she put it down with a frown.

Was this what they quote as, sacrificing yourself to kill your opponent?2

Sigh, they were just hurting each other!


Yu Yu was in a costume as he laid on the ground. Yes, he was now an extra, an extra who was acting dead!

F*ck, he was throwing his pride away just to have a good serving of meat in the morning!

People surrounded the male lead Mu Xiu after the shoot while he watched silently. When would his day come?! No one understood why he’d rather give up his good life to become a star!

No one would believe him even if he said it, but young master Yu dreamt to be a movie star!

Of course, they could also say that he was just looking to suffer!

He left after receiving the cash. He was shocked when he saw numerous fans blocking the door outside.

“Mu Xiu! Mu Xiu!”

“Mu Xiu, I love you!”


His heart stung!

He only walked a short distance when two girls ran up to him hurriedly. One of them bumped into him.

“I’m sorry! Sorry!”

“It’s okay…” Why was he showing such a good attitude? Because he was feeling down.

“Ah! You’re so handsome! Are you a celebrity?”

Yu Yu’s heart fell even more, “No, I’m just an extra!”

The two girls insisted on taking photos with him. Yu Yu just let them be. He didn’t feel like telling them off in such a depressing mood.


After he went home, he felt miserable lying on the bed. He wouldn’t be able to be a movie star within five years! He had to go back after five years!

Shu Shu was doing yoga at home when her phone rang. She was surprised to see that it was a message from the 250 upstairs – the nickname she saved him as in her phone.

[250 Upstairs: Life is so unmeaningful!]

Shu Shu replied his message quickly, 

[250 Downstairs: Go get struck by lightning for acting cool]

There was not even a single punctuation mark in her message. Yu Yu was struck as he replied angrily,

[250 Upstairs: Unethical tomboy!]

[250 Downstairs: Hehe, ladyboy]

[250 Upstairs: Hey, you’ll never get married off if you continue like this!]

[250 Downstairs: Why are you so worried if I get married off, do you have a secret crush on me?]

[250 Upstairs: Wow! You are shameless like sh*t!]


The two bickered continuously. Young master Yu forgot all about his unhappiness. So? Being depressed couldn’t place food in his bowl.

The next day, there was a heap of surprises waiting for Yu Yu!

He was in the top searches!!!

Shu Shu woke up and opened her weibo. She was just going to check if there were any meaningful comments under her two accounts when the top searches gave her a shock.

Wasn’t this the 250 upstairs?!

Sh*t! An extra? Then how should she bring him to the reunion?!



Yu Yu’s phone had been ringing incessantly. Still half-asleep, he answered the phone, “Hello? Who’s this?”

“Da Yu! Splendid work, you got into the top searches!” The manager’s voice was extremely excited. Of course Yu Yu could not act like he had no idea about it, so he turned on the loudspeaker and opened weibo. On the top, there was a hashtag #these days extras are so handsome#, and he stood there looking cute, amiable, charming and gorgeous.

“Oh, it’s a coincidence!” Yu Yu answered humbly.

“It’s good, now there are more people who have noticed you. Our company will help to push up your weibo, so remember to post a couple good photos!”

“Okay.” He replied obediently.

That night, #Yu Yu# was on the top searches. His own selfie was on the page, looking like a ‘sweet angel’.

Shu Shu almost spit her water out. Sigh, forget about it. Seeing that they were neighbors and she made him fail his audition, causing him unable to even buy his own food… She opened her Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo and followed him, and even shared his post without a single word written.

Du Da followed an extra who wasn’t even a small-time actor?!

Yu Yu still couldn’t believe the sudden rise of his weibo fans when he saw Du Da share his weibo…

Just because of that, Yu Yu turned from an extra into a small-time.. actor?

The next day, he put on his clothes to audition for a television drama’s… nth male character.

When he returned, he bought a bunch of fruits (which was very rare for him) and knocked on the door on the fourth floor.


“Goodness, how many masks do you use in a day?!”

“Mind your business!”

“Forget about it, I’ve never seen another woman lazier than me!”

Shu Shu patted on her mask, “I will still take good care of my beautiful face regardless!”

Yu Yu: “……”

“What’s your business?”

“Here, fruits for you!”

Shu Shu squinted her eyes at him, “What’s the trick here? Did you poison it?”

“Am I so untrustworthy?!”

Shu Shu nodded.

Yu Yu walked away with the fruits. Something must be wrong with him to buy fruits for this 250?!

He almost forgot about this person’s nature. Yu Yu, are you stupid?!