After he came home, Yu Yu threw all the fruits onto the table. He sat at the sofa and stared at the fruits. The durian was so conspicuous.

He pulled a bag of apples over to him and washed two of them. He then sat on the sofa and began munching on it. Hearing him mumble at closer distance,

“Who cares if you don’t want it! I’ll eat it myself!”


When Shu Shu was heading home with her takeaways, she bumped into the guy upstairs who was also going back. Both of them walked together.


“Aren’t you fed up with eating takeaways everyday?!”



“117 vyjlyoyu alpvywaydvp, R osd’v tlv csale kq R vyjl vwadp saelakdt!”

Zw Zw: “……”

“Uyd’v usw nssj uswaplzq?”


Zw Zw zssjle yv bla kd yzz plakswpdlpp, “Ebslhla xyaaklp usw kd vbl qwvwal kp ps rkvkqwz…”

“W*nj sqq!”

“Zsw esd’v dlle vs osaj?”


“……” How could someone be so proud about being unemployed?!


When they reached the first floor, the elderly couple were being sweet, yes, being lovey-dovey!

“Old lad, slow down!”

“I’m fine, you slow down too, be careful of the stairs!”

“Okay okay, what should we eat for lunch? I’ll make it for you!”

“Let’s eat your spring rolls, I’ll knead the dough!”



They even came out together to throw the garbage…

After they greeted each other, the old couple asked them with a smile,

“Young couple just came back from a date?”

Shu Shu: No, we’re not a couple, please don’t misunderstand!

Yu Yu: No, we’re not a couple, please don’t misunderstand!


On the second floor, the painter was smoking by the stairs. Shu Shu and Yu Yu both frowned. Yu Yu asked,

“Why are you smoking over here?!”

The painter looked at them with sadness,

“No, I’m smoking loneliness…”

No! You’re smoking air!

On the third floor1, Shu Shu opened the door and said, “Why are my neighbors all so bizarre? Not one is normal…”

She then closed the door. Everything was done in a flash.

Yu Yu: “!!!” F*ck!


Yu Yu’s audition went smoothly. Although he didn’t have many parts, at least he had a role. There was nothing to be afraid of if he had the looks and acting skills!

Of course the time of shooting wasn’t decided by himself, but decided by the crew.

Honestly speaking, after half a year in the society, he’d changed a lot. A long time ago, he would totally squash Director Wang and the servile manager into pieces with his hot temper.


It was truly eye-opening to enter the society without depending on his father or his money. No wonder his father did not voice any opinion about it. A couple of years in society would be enough to change his behavior.

At night, Yu Yu was lying on the sofa, surfing weibo. Now his weibo had gathered some followers, many who commented everyday about how handsome he was.

Yu Yu clicked into Poisonous Chicken Soup’s weibo. He was disappointed to see no new updates. He then sneakily entered Xiu Shu’s weibo, pointing out as he scrolled,





Shu Shu massaged her legs, then laid down on the bed. She picked up her phone when it rang.

“Shu…Shu” It was Cheng Duanyi.

Shu Shu was shocked, and then said, “I beg you, please don’t call anymore?!”

“Shu Shu! Are those years of feelings all fake?!” Ever since the incident happened, it was the first time Cheng Duanyi shouted at her angrily.

“Then you two… is that incident also fake?” Shu Shu blinked away the tears that started pooling in her eyes.


It was meaningless to be tearing up due to such an unworthy person.

“Shu Shu, I’ve told you before that it’s just a coincidence! What happened has happened, so I just want to make it up to you, Shu Shu, I…”

Shu Shu hung up and blacklisted the number again.

Yeah, what happened had happened!

She knew he was only thirty percent at fault, but it was exactly this thirty percent that mattered! If she continued to be with him, it would create a knot in her heart. A knot she would never untangle or throw away…

Shu Shu laid on the bed, rolling around. She felt troubled, so she took out her phone and wrote under her alias Poisonous Chicken Soup:

Have any of you met any bizarre people before, come and spit it out! Pic: We will eventually pay for our sins!

Among all the comments there was one that was particularly eye-catching. Shu Shu sneered as she read what was written:

[Da Yu: Wah! There are just so many bizarre people, the most extreme one is the 250 living downstairs! Haha, her room number is 249! She’s the most tomboyish girl I’ve ever seen, degrading others’ kindness to her!]

The main reason Yu Yu commented under Du Da’s weibo was because the 250 downstairs suspected his motive for giving her fruits! The durian was still left on the table, and he didn’t know whether to throw it away or not. Its noxious smell reminded him of the person downstairs.

Shu Shu replied coolly,

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: You live one floor above her, so is your room number 250?!]

She ignored the users who spectated the reply, and sent him a message:

[250 Downstairs: Dumb!]

Yu Yu strongly denied when Du Da said his room number is 250. Afraid that she might question further about his room number, he quietly retreated.

Then he received a message from downstairs. Yu Yu was surprised. Did she finally realize that he was just being kind and wanted to accept the fruits?

Opening the message, his eyes widened as he replied in fury:

[250 Upstairs: F*ck! You you you]

[250 Downstairs: You stutter]

[250 Upstairs: You are the one stuttering. Are you crazy, scolding people for no reason]

[250 Downstairs: I like it/smirk]

[250 Upstairs: Bullsh*tting out of nothing and talking nonsense!]

[250 Downstairs: No need to talk logic with a (pic: dog)]

[250 Upstairs: Oh, then I don’t need to talk logic with you too!]

[250 Downstairs: I am utterly a single dog2, and you are a husky3]

Eh? She did not have a boyfriend?!

Wait, why did it matter to you if she had a boyfriend or not? Being excited for no reason!

[250 Upstairs: You don’t have a boyfriend? Hahaha, I knew you won’t be able to get married off!]

[250 Downstairs: Oh, then you think you can get married off? Ladyboy is not favored in this country]

[250 Upstairs: Broken book (Shu), I want to tear you off!]

[250 Downstairs: Such coincidence, smelly fish (Yu), laoniang4 also wants to chop you up!]

[250 Upstairs: Don’t always say laoniang laoniang, you are a woman!]

[250 Downstairs: Mind your own business]


The two people argued back and forth, until Shu Shu won the argument and went to sleep with a smile. Her bitterness and troubles caused by Cheng Duanyi disappeared without her realizing it. The entire night, even in her dreams, there was no trace of Cheng Duanyi in her mind.

Early morning the next day, she woke up and rolled around in her bed. She unlocked her phone and saw that the guy upstairs sent her a message after their argument yesterday.

[250 Upstairs: Hey, book (Shu), I have a durian here. I don’t eat it, so do you want it]

After a few minutes, there was another message:

[250 Upstairs: cough, it’s mainly because I don’t eat durian, I’ll throw it away if you don’t want it]

Shu Shu replied with three words: yes, send here.

Yu Yu was furious, “Damn you! You want to eat and then you want me to send it to you?!”

But of course, as he grumbled, he still took the durian from the table and went down!

“Yu Yu! Are you masochistic?! That kind of attitude, and you’re still sending it to her humbly?!”

He descended to the fourth floor, and knocked on her door loudly, as if it could help release the anger in him.

Wait for it! I’ll surely tell you off once the door opens!

Later the door opened. Her face looked flawless although she had no makeup on, with long hair lying down lazily behind her. Shu Shu smiled at him, and gently said,

“Thank you!”

“You, you, you’re welcome!”

Noticing that he was still standing there, she asked, “Anything else?”


“Then, goodbye!”

“Good, bye!”

Yu Yu went back to his house with his mind spinning. He stared at nothing blankly for a few minutes, before he rampaged,

“Fuck! Yu Yu! Where’s your stance?!”



Shu Shu was still thinking about the reunion as she ate the durian. She’d already bluffed, so if she didn’t bring him there, Ma Yan would surely fabricate a full story about her!

And if everything went as planned, Cheng Duanyi and Liu Xuyan would be there too. She couldn’t lose face to them!

People needed to live with face, so she couldn’t lose it!

What if they asked her, why did the guy upstairs become an extra? She couldn’t surely say that he left his better days to go and experience life?!

Would there be an idiot like that?!