Yu Yu was about to speak up when he saw Shu Shu grin widely, “He’s that extra from the hot searches!”

Everyone was shocked on the spot. What extra?

Yu Yu smiled weakly, “Ever since I got to know Shu Shu, I felt that I’ve been living a meaningless life. If I want to find a decent job, if not for my father’s sake, there’s no department that wants me! Since I have good looks, I can only enter the entertainment industry to prove that I still have some skills! Shu Shu is too awesome. She keeps upgrading herself constantly, and she makes me feel embarrassed!”

Pui! This broken book (Shu) was the one without a job, doing absolutely nothing the entire day. There was no such thing as upgrading herself!

Shu Shu took a gulp of the water, looking touched as she smiled.


Damn! Her teeth felt sour!

“Shu Shu, your boyfriend treats you so well!” One of the girls at the same table said, feeling touched as well.

“Yeah, he has such a good family background but he would rather go out to work. Shu Shu, you’re so lucky!”

Mbl pxkzl zssjle qyjl. Fbw Fbw jdlo obyv oyp tskdt sd kd bla xkde. Eswze vblal cl ydu keksv obs oswze zlyhl y tsse zkql clbkde vs ts swv yde xyjl y zkhkdt?

Gduoyu Fbw Fbw oswzed’v clzklhl vbyv vblal oyp psxlsdl zkjl vbyv. Mbyv rlapsd lkvbla bye psxlvbkdt oasdt okvb bkp blye sa bl oyp fwpv vss csale okvb vbyv zkql!

Nkw Dwuyd oyp vldpl. Fbl nswzed’v nsdvkdwl vs dkvrknj vblx ds xyvvla kq vblu zkle sa dsv. Fs pbl pyv iwklvzu, yp kq kv oyp fwpv psxlvbkdt pbl’e ynnkeldvyzzu czwavle swv.

Fbw Fbw pweeldzu vbswtbv sq vbl osae, iwklv zkjl y ‘xswpl’. Fbl alyzzu oypd’v wple vs pllkdt Nkw Dwuyd zkjl vbkp, zssjkdt zkjl pbl oyp pxyzz yde olyj. Tla rkvkqwz zssj xyel yzz vbspl lmvalxlzu jkde-blyavle rlsrzl oydv vs vyjl prlnkyz nyal sq bla!

Pwakdt vblka wdkhlapkvu vkxlp, vblal oyp dsv y pkdtzl rlapsd kd bla nswapl vbyv oypd’v yoyal vbyv Nkw Dwuyd’p ryaldvp olal csvb elye. Mbl rkvkqwz tkaz zspv csvb bla ryaldvp obld pbl oyp pvkzz kd bktb pnbssz. Gzz sq vblx, qasx vbl nswdplzsa vs vbl nzlydla, tyhl bla prlnkyz valyvxldv. Ohld Fbw Fbw, obs oyp kd vbl ‘pyxl csyv’, lxryvbkgle okvb bla.

Tla wdkhlapkvu qllp yde zkhkdt qllp olal ryke qsa cu svbla rlsrzl.

Zlv, vblal olal sdzu y qlo rlsrzl obs jdlo vbyv Fbw Fbw oyp aykple yp yd sarbyd. Gqvla pbl zlqv bla sarbydytl vs ldvla vbl wdkhlapkvu, vblu eke dsv tkhl bla ydu yzzsoydnl yduxsal. Mbkp oyp vbl xykd alypsd y pnkldnl pvweldv zkjl bla vwadle vs oakvkdt kd vbl qkapv rzynl. Rv oyp yzz clnywpl pbl dllele vs pwahkhl!

Mblal olal sdzu vball rlsrzl obs jdlo vbyv pbl oyp yd sarbyd. Xdl oyp Ykd Zyzyd; pbl bye tsdl cynj vs bla bsxlvsod yqvla tayewyvksd, yde vblu eked’v jllr kd nsdvynv xwnb yduxsal. Gdsvbla sdl oyp Kkd Zsw, pbl oyp shlaplyp yde oyp dsv cynj ulv. Mblu bye y nzspl alzyvksdpbkr vbswtb yde oswze nyzz lynb svbla psxlvkxlp. Mbl zypv sdl oyp Ubldt Pwyduk…

Shu Shu still remembered that time when he hugged her and promised her softly, Shu Shu, you don’t need others’ sympathy, my love for you will be enough…


While in reality, he’d broken his promise.

She was deep in her memories when there was a pain from her leg. Looking down, she saw the hand of the man beside her pinching it.

Shu Shu slapped it away, and acted like she was whispering sweetly to him when she leaned close to him. She grinned, “You have a death wish? What are you doing?!”

Yu Yu looked back at her warmly, “Who’s the one who kept staring at the b*stard?!”

“Dead fish (Yu)!”

“Broken book (Shu)!”

Both of them bickered in whispers, but they looked like they were interacting in soft voices at everyone’s eyes. Cheng Duanyi continued adding force to the chopsticks he was holding, until… “Pa”!

Liu Xuyan could see how much he cared from beside him. She couldn’t take it anymore and stood up. “I’m going to the lavatory!”

Yu Yu lowered his head and gave her a signal. “You take that b*tch, I’ll take that b*stard!”

Her eyes narrowed, “You can do it?”

Yu Yu was livid, “Of course I can! And how about you, are you able to do it?”

Shu Shu lifted an eyebrow, “I’m going to the lavatory too!” She then stood up and walked out.


Yu Yu saw that Cheng Duanyi had started to move and wanted to go after her as well. He quickly said, “Class monitor Cheng~ Let me give you a toast for taking good care of Shu Shu in the past!”

Cheng Duanyi sneered, “It’s my role to take care of her, I don’t need you to thank me!”

“You can’t say that, since you are in the past tense (-ed), and I’m in the present tense (-ing)!”

“I’ve told you, I won’t give up on Shu Shu!”

“I’ve also told you, I won’t give you a chance!”

Cheng Duanyi snorted while suppressing himself. Yu Yu asked again, “So, should we drink?”

He picked up the alcohol and sat next to him, at Liu Xuyan’s spot.

Cheng Duanyi also picked up his alcohol and both of them began to drink while insulting each other.

“When I’m still with Shu Shu, you are still somewhere racing and hitting on chicks!”

“Pui, I don’t hit on chicks! I only have Shu Shu in my eyes, not like you, dating two girls at once!”

“Do you know how many years of feelings me and Shu Shu have together? You think you can get between us?!”

“I don’t think so, how many years can you two have? Four years of university, and another two years after graduation? Huh, I have so many years left with her!”



When Shu Shu reached the lavatory, Liu Xuyan was washing her hands and about to leave. Shu Shu walked in.

“Shu Shu, you’re here too?” Liu Xuyan smiled so warmly.

Shu Shu looked at her coldly, “Don’t need to fake it anymore, it’s just the two of us here!”

“I…” Liu Xuyan said, like she was mistreated. She watched Shu Shu grab a lipstick out of her bag, and began to apply it on her lips calmly, looking as if she was living her life fully. It was that same lipstick that she was fond of, but decided against buying it because she thought it was too expensive.

It just felt as if Shu Shu was mocking her, even when she was just applying lipstick.

She then turned around and snickered, “I’m curious to see what happens in the end, even after you do everything you can to get close to Cheng Duanyi!”

Liu Xuyan couldn’t hold herself any longer. Shu Shu’s face made her envious. The first time she did it with Cheng Duanyi, it only happened when he was drunk. She used the opportunity to get close to him, and listened to him calling Shu Shu, Shu Shu the whole night!

“Why is this world so unfair!” She was about to slap Shu Shu on the face.

Shu Shi grabbed her hand, avoiding it and slapped her back on her face. Liu Xuyan couldn’t believe it, and covered her face with her hand.

She struggled to pull out of her grip. Although Shu Shu wasn’t abnormally strong, she was the one holding her hand and in control. Shu Shu used more force on her grip.

“Ah! Let me go!”


“Don’t move!”

Liu Xuyan glared at her hatefully. Shu Shu could see through her resentment, as if she thought this world was so unfair to her.

Shu Shu pulled her close and whispered, “Unfair? There is more unfairness in this world! Do you believe that Cheng Duanyi will never marry you?”

Liu Xuyan widened her eyes and looked at her, terrified. Shu Shu smiled, “Do you believe it?”


Although Cheng Duanyi hated that she went to Shu Shu, he did feel guilty for her. If she could hold on for a few more years, he would surely forgive her and accept her.

Shu Shu scanned her figure up and down, then she smiled, “How much did Cheng Duanyi give you? Did he give you a lot in the past, but he doesn’t give you any now?”

Liu Xuyan glared at her, “He’s been taking care of me! He’s always been taking care of me!”

Shu Shu sneered at her, “Oh, I’m afraid the only thing he gives you now, is just a place to live in!”

She didn’t wait for her reply and released her hand, looking down at her, “In the future, he won’t even take care of you anymore… I told you, he won’t marry you! If you don’t believe me, why don’t we try and see?”

Afterwards, she left for the hall in big steps. Liu Xuyan blanked out, what was Shu Shu trying to do?!

She caught up to her hurriedly.

Meanwhile, Shu Shu pushed open the door, and the first word she said was, “I slapped Liu Xuyan…”

Everyone looked at her in shock.