Yu Yu and Cheng Duanyi were drinking like they were having the time of their lives. After hearing her words, Yu Yu quickly came forward and grabbed her hand. He spoke gently,

“You slapped her? Does your hand hurt? Did she bully you?”

Damn, did this tomboy pinned the woman on the wall and gave her a good beating?!

Shu Shu blinked, “She triggered me…”

“It’s her fault, she deserved it!” Yu Yu said, but internally, all kinds of ‘damn.. fuck..’ were swimming within his mind. This broken book did not just have a poisonous tongue, but she was also violent?


Shu Shu turned towards Cheng Duanyi. He was staring blankly at their hands held together.

“You want to take revenge for her?”

The corner of her lips curled upwards slightly with a sarcastic look.

“R… Tso nswze R lhla bwav usw qsa psxlsdl lzpl?” Ubldt Pwyduk pyke kd y bsyapl hsknl. Nkw Dwuyd nyxl kd yv vbyv xsxldv obld pbl blyae Fbw Fbw pyu,

“Fbl’p uswa osxyd. Zsw esd’v oydv vs rasvlnv bla?”

“R byhl dsvbkdt vs es okvb bla!”

“Rv eslpd’v xlyd usw osd’v kd vbl qwvwal!”

“Ls! Mbl sdzu rlapsd R zkjl kp usw…”

Ubldt Pwyduk’p lulp okeldle, yde zssjle yv bla qkaxzu okvb pzktbvzu eawdjld lulp.

“Mblal osd’v cl yduvbkdt tskdt sd clvolld xl yde bla, lhla!”

Rv oyp zkjl y pvakjl sq zktbvdkdt kd vbl xkeezl sq vbl eyu. Nkw Dwuyd’p lulp cwztle yp pbl vbswtbv, kv oyp yzz shla. Gzz vbl lqqsavp pbl’e esdl, yde kv oyp dsvbkdt nsxryale vs Fbw Fbw’p vos pldvldnlp sq kdpwzv!

She could already imagine herself losing everything and leaving the city in abject poverty. Liu Xuyan rushed forward and hugged Cheng Duanyi.


“You can’t treat me like this, you can’t treat me like this!”

Cheng Duanyi peeled her fingers off him one by one. He wouldn’t look so embarrassing in front of everyone if he wasn’t doing this for Shu Shu!

Liu Xuyan collapsed to the ground and turned to Shu Shu. Her eyes were full of hatred, “This is unfair! You already have everything, why did you have to take away every little thing I have left!”

“Shu Shu, you’ll die a miserable death!”

“You…” Yu Yu was about to speak up when Shu Shu stopped him, and knelt in front of Liu Xuyan. Looking at her in the same line of vision, she gave her a scornful smile.

“I have everything? Do you think you’re the most desolate one on Earth? You don’t know”

“I’m also an orphan!”

Liu Xuyan looked at her blankly, and the other classmates who were spectating at the side were also shocked.

Shu Shu stretched her hand out and lifted her chin up,

“When you were whining about your sad life to our teachers and classmates, I was thinking about how to earn tuition fees. When you wept pitifully after someone funded your studies, I was working in a restaurant!”

“After graduation, you planned to stick to Cheng Duanyi as someone you can depend on to stay in the city.”

“And I already used my hard-earned money to rent a place for myself!”


“When Cheng Duanyi abandons you, you feel like you are going to die, you think the world is unfair to you. Oh, do you also think you’re about to leave the city in abject poverty?”

“After I broke up with Cheng Duanyi, I still live my life to the fullest. I buy and spend my money on whatever I want. I don’t think I’m pitiful at all!”

She then patted her face, “Wake up now, don’t make a futile dream of depending on a man to feed you. The old world has gone, the Qing Dynasty had vanished such a long time ago!”

“In this current world, if you still don’t understand that women need to depend on themselves to live, you really deserve to be in such a state you’re in now!”

She stood up and pulled out a piece of tissue to wipe her hands.

“I felt shameful for myself that even a person like you managed to snatch my guy away from me!”

“I look down on you!”

She then gave everyone a polite smile, “I’m sorry for letting everyone watch this happen and interrupting the reunion. I apologize! Continue eating and drinking, everyone. Order anything you want. Use my card, the bill’s on me! I won’t disturb everyone anymore!”

“Yu Yu, let’s go!”

“Oh, oh… let’s go…” Yu Yu was still blanking out, and quickly ran after her after seeing that she’d left.

“Shu Shu!” Cheng Duanyi chased after her, while Liu Xuyan was abandoned on the floor.

“Wei Wei, then we…”


Ma Yan also scratched her head blankly, before clapping her thigh, “Eat! Eat! Everyone enjoy yourselves, since there’s already someone paying!”

She then sat down and pressed the bell. “Let me order a bottle of good wine!”

The crowd: “……”

“Shu Shu!” When Cheng Duanyi came out after her, they were about to enter the car.

“Shu Shu, won’t you listen to my explanation? Me and Liu…”

“Cheng Duanyi! Don’t you understand? It’s not the issue about how both of you got together! Since you two are already together, we are already impossible!”

“From now on, you and I will walk our own separate paths!”

“Our ties end here!”

She then opened the door, “Goodbye!”

Yu Yu was still standing at the side looking dumbfounded. She growled at him, “Dead fish (Yu)! You’re still not getting into the car?!”

Yu Yu opened the car door in haste and buckled the seat belt. Shu Shu sat in the driver’s seat and steered the car out onto the road.

Cheng Duanyi stood still and looked at the back of her car. Shu Shu, you can forget about us, but how about me?



Finally ending her relationship with Cheng Duanyi, Shu Shu did feel sadness in her heart since they had so many years of feelings between them, and they were not fake feelings either, so how could she not feel hurt!

Her feelings were down. She turned to see Yu Yu looking at her with a stupefied expression.

“Hey! Dead fish (Yu), why are you looking at me like that?!”

Yu Yu’s eyes looked sluggish as he shook his head, “You’re incredible!”

Shu Shu: “……”

“I can’t believe you’re this kind of person, Shu Shu!”

“Every single word you said just now, made so much sense!”

“A perfect example of independence!”


Shu Shu shifted awkwardly in her seat. She wasn’t used to having this dead fish complimenting her and was about to reply modestly when he said,

“You’re not going to get married off for this eternity!”

“Yu Yu!!!”

“Sir, I toast you as a warrior!”

“Ouch, that hurts! Be gentler, pay attention to the road!”


After the reunion, Shu Shu became closer to the 250 upstairs. Sometimes both of them could even ask each other out to have a meal together.

Oh, right, you didn’t guess wrongly. She paid every time! Shu Shu had never seen someone who made the woman pay for his meal every time like it was normal. The original words were,

“I don’t know whether you do stock or investment, but I know you have lots of money. We’re neighbors, so we should help each other out! I should help you spend your money.”

Afterward he looked up at the sky with an expression of sorrow, “I know. It’s a terrible feeling if you have too much money and no one helps to spend it for you! I understand!”

Usually at this time, Yu Yu would get two kicks from her.

“Da Yu, faster, faster!”

“Coming, this looks good on me?”

The manager nodded his head, “Yes, Da Yu, although this variety show is small, you can use this opportunity to gain more fans! Remember, warm guy character!”

Yu Yu nodded. His manager was not reassured and repeated, “Always remember, you are a warm guy! Do not show your temper!”

“I know, how many times… er, okay, I know!” Seeing his manager glaring at him, he quickly changed his sentence.

Both of them went downstairs and bumped into Shu Shu who was carrying various types of fruits upstairs. The manager stared at her while Yu Yu coughed with a darkened face.

“Dead fish (Yu), where are you going with these lame clothes?”

“None of your business!” Yu Yu glared at her. What lame, this is the fashion trend right now!

Shu Shu rolled her eyes, giving him a perfect eye-roll.

“This is the fashion trend right now, broken book (Shu), do you know what is fashion?!”

Shu Shu shook her goosebumps off, “If fashion looks like that, I don’t want to know about it!”

“Shu Shu! You…”

“Da Yu! Warm guy!” The manager coughed.

Yu Yu released a breath. Okay, warm guy, I’m not getting mad!

The two guys went down the stairs, as Shu Shu felt goosebumps all over her body again. Warm guy? Excuse me?

A quick announcement here! I’m picking up a new novel starting next month and I’ll be focusing more of my attention on that novel for now, so I’ll be slowing down the updates on this novel as this novel doesn’t seem to have many readers. The release schedule of this novel will be once or twice monthly. If you enjoy my translations, do leave a comment or consider supporting me via ko-fi or patreon! I’ll appreciate it a lot! Happy reading!