After Yu Yu left, Shu Shu opened the door and put her things down. She took out her phone, in which a message read,

[Ma Yan: Shu Shu, Liu Xuyan and Cheng Duanyi have separated, she took the money and left… Are you really unable to forgive him?]

Shu Shu let out a chuckle and switched off her phone in a daze.

Turning on the computer, she typed the following words:

[Xiu Shu: Some mistakes can’t be forgiven, not because of Su Kui’s presence, but only for Gu Yi… Knowing that accepting him back will make her feel agonizing, Qiu Ke was picky with her feelings. A painstaking surgery was better than a long-term therapy…]


Bystander: Confess to Xiu Shu Da Da!

Xian Zhu: Don’t waste even a day of a woman’s youth! Getting together then being separated, and entangling with each other, it’s just a waste…

Du Du Du Da: You can say that, but is Gu Yi really that unforgivable? He loves Qiu Ke so much!

Ckdt Ckdt Eyk Eyk: R pvkzz zkjl Fw Iwk clpv, bl’p ps oyax, zkjl bl nyd vszlayvl lhlauvbkdt. Ckw Il xwpv qyzz kd zshl okvb bkp jkdedlpp kd vbl lde!

Palyx G Mbswpyde Zlyap: R esd’v vbkdj vblal yal y zsv sq rlsrzl zkjl Qw Zk kd alyz zkql. Ekzz vblal cl pwnb y oyax rlapsd zkjl Fw Iwk kd alyz zkql?


Fbw Fbw pxkzle. Fbl eked’v jdso kq vblal oyp psxlsdl zkjl vbyv, cwv pbl eke vbkdj vbyv y oyax twu oswze cl y clvvla nbsknl. Vlsrzl pllx vs cl kdvs oyax twup dsoyeyup. Rq dsv, vbld obu eke vbl 250 wrpvykap ynv zkjl y oyax twu vs yvvaynv qydp?

Fbw Fbw vssj y dyr wdvkz y zkvvzl yqvla qkhl s’ nzsnj kd vbl yqvladssd. Fbl pyv wr yde blze bla ynbkdt blye, pvkzz pvyakdt czydjzu.

Rv bye clld y zsdt vkxl pkdnl pbl’e ealyxv sq vbl sarbydytl. Fbl ealyxle sq vbl blye sq vbl sarbydytl ytykd.

Fbl yzps bye y nbkze obs oswze dsaxyzzu rzyu vstlvbla okvb vblx. Mblal oyp sdl vkxl obld psxl jkde-blyavle rlsrzl esdyvle y rkzl sq nzsvbkdt. Mblal olal y zsv sq dknl-zssjkdt nzsvblp kdpkel.

Mbl blye sq vbl sarbydytl ekpvakcwvle kv clvolld vblx. Ohlausdl rwv sd vbl dlo nzsvblp byrrkzu.

Shu Shu was the happiest. It was a pink princess dress, and she’d never worn such a pretty dress before. It was like she transformed into an angel, not an abandoned orphan anymore.


Shu Shu put on her dress and played with them, doing it carefully, as she was afraid of dirtying the dress. The orphanage head’s daughter saw how pretty she was in the dress and cried, wanting to have it. Shu Shu wouldn’t give it to her.

She remembered how the young lady cried so sorrowfully. The head came over and asked if she would change. Shu Shu shook her head. She didn’t want to part with her dress.

The young girl cried incessantly, but Shu Shu still wouldn’t agree. The orphanage head accused her daughter, and scolded her harshly.

She was still a child at that time, so she was content enough to keep the dress. Thus, the few years onwards, she could only stay in her room, looking at her small companions being gently held by a man and woman as they went away, while she looked on in envy…

She blinked her reddening eyes. Those were just her past, huh, why did she suddenly think of it again.

Shu Shu sat there, staring blankly. Her stomach was feeling hungry, but she didn’t want to go and eat.

She went down to throw the rubbish. The few floors were silent, and she felt a sudden loneliness. In the end, she was just alone.

Walking to the second floor, she heard some voices from the first floor.

“Old lad, slow down!”

“I know, you too. Have you eaten?”

“Yes, I’m full!”

“Oh, then that’s good. Don’t eat too much, or else you’ll be unable to sleep well at night!”


“I know! Let us not go back yet!”


“Let’s watch a movie!”

“Ah? You bought the ticket?”

“Yes! Let’s go watch the anti-war movie!”

“Okay, it’s not that far, right?”

“Not far, just a station away. It can help us digest!”

“Then I’ll still need to take my reading glasses!”

“I’ve brought it for you!”

“Aih, old lad, why are you so nice?”


The voices of the two people faded away in the distance.


Shu Shu: “……”

Their gestures of romance gave her ten thousand points critical hit, leaving her with low HP at once!

She walked to the trash bin and threw the rubbish inside. Turning around, she was stunned to see two dogs owned by someone else in the area.

The two dogs were so affectionate, one licked the other, and the other rubbed it back.

Okay, she died.

Shit, now even dogs want to show off in front of her!

So, she couldn’t call herself a single dog1 anymore in the future?!

Single… human?


Heading back, Shu Shu uploaded the photo of the two dogs showing off their love on Poisonous Chicken Soup.

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: Even dogs started to show off their love! Don’t call yourself a single dog anymore, you’d be looking too highly on yourself who can never lose your singlehood…]

Ignoring their replies, she began to type. She was hungry, but she didn’t want to eat. She looked decadent.


“Knock knock knock!” Sounds of door knocking. Shu Shu slowly walked towards it, and only opened the door after looking through the peephole.

“What’s up with you?”

“Come come come, broken book, I’ll treat you to a meal!”

Shu Shu snickered, “Your treat, and I pay the bill?”

Yu Yu glared at her, “How could you say that?! I’ll pay!”

Shu Shu was shocked, “Where did you get your money from?”

“I’ll talk when we’re eating! Go, change your clothes quickly. If you go out like this, you can’t match my temperament!”

She rolled her eyes back at him, “Alright, don’t speak such blind words to deceive yourself. A person like you can have temperament?”

“Bang!” She left the astonished Yu Yu outside, and opened her wardrobe to randomly pick an outfit. After some thought, she put it back, and took out a pretty dress.

She opened the door abruptly. Yu Yu, who was leaning against the door, almost fell inside.

“Can you be more gentle…”

He stared at the woman wearing a white dress with her hair tied up. She looked like she was glowing with a soft and gentle smile.

Shu Shu blinked, “You’ve been mesmerized by my charming beauty?”

Her words were like a hammer, “Pang!” with that sound it brought Yu Yu back to reality.

“Ridiculous! It can be just anyone else but I’ll never fancy you!”

“Oh, that’s a coincidence, me too!” Shu Shu gave a fake laugh, “Come, let’s go and eat!”

Yu Yu was stunned for a moment, before catching up to her.

“Hey, how am I that bad?”



Shu Shu picked a green vegetable, and chewed on it slowly before swallowing it down. She then spoke leisurely,

“Now tell me, why are you treating me to a meal?”

Yu Yu raised his eyebrow, “Why? I’ve been eating from your pocket so many times, now can’t I give you a treat instead!”

“Also, I’ve got a new role today, so I’m in a good mood! I’ve also just received my pay from my last shoot!”

“Then… you won’t need to eat with my money anymore, right?”

“Err… the pay is a little low…”

“Only enough for a meal?!” The pay was that low?

“No, I feel bad about making you pay for my food, so I want to buy something for you online!”

Shu Shu narrowed her eyes, “You’re capable of feeling bad?”

“Hey, I have shame too, alright?”

“Sure, what did you buy?”

Yu Yu blinked, “You’ll know when the item arrives!”

“I don’t want it, just keep it for yourself!”

“It’s a woman’s item, why should I keep it?”

He paused, then he said, “You really don’t want it?” His expression was like ‘if you don’t want it then I can save up my money’.

“I want it! It’s a waste to not want it!”

Shu Shu rolled her eyes. Initially she wouldn’t accept a man’s gift, but Yu Yu’s long-term ‘shameless’ behaviour made her feel that it was something she deserved.

When did she start to think that the lady boy was a man?

After they finished eating, it began to rain. Both of them stood by the door.

“Shit! I don’t have an umbrella… Should we run back under the rain?”

Should he be a gentleman, and remove his coat to cover both of them as they ran back?

Eh? Why did he feel this sudden happiness?

Shu Shu rolled her eyes and went to the front desk. The girl at the front desk passed her an umbrella.

“Wow! How did you borrow it?”

“Are you stupid? Don’t you know this restaurant would provide umbrellas to their customers if it rains? Do you have some common sense?”

“Oh…” Indifferent.

Both of them used the same umbrella and walked beside the road. There was certainly some weird atmosphere between both of them.


Yu Yu pulled Shu Shu towards the side, avoiding the water splashing from the car.

“Your paws…” Shu Shu’s face darkened as she looked at Yu Yu’s hand on her shoulder.

He quickly took it back. Both of them took a few more steps when a gust of wind blew at them. They both felt chilly at the same time. Shu Shu stroked her arm.

She turned to the person beside her. It was just the right time to portray a man’s manliness…

The person beside her suddenly exclaimed, “Ah! Such a nice atmosphere, such a beautiful night.”

“Why are you the one walking beside me, not Yao Ming2!”

Shu Shu: “……”

“At least, he can block the wind for me!”

Shu Shu: “……”

Some people’s existence truly explained the three words:

注孤生! (Someone who is destined to be single and alone)