“Liu Ge, who’s this friend who’s looking for me?” Lu Chuan asked carefully. His face was filled with anxiety and worry.

Liu Ju’an looked at him with sympathy. Meng Zhao also raised his head to glance at him. The others were chatting merrily, and no one gave him a damn.

This stupid child still did not know that he had got himself into a big trouble!

Honestly, for people like them, they might even hit a person, not to mention a dog, when they partied in the past! But who knew he was so unlucky, he hit Yu Yu’s dog! Some debts had to be paid. This guy looked like a typical road killer. See, now it was time for him to pay his debt.

“Bang!” The door was slammed open.


“Yo, you came!” Looking at that smile that deserved a beating, it wasn’t hard to guess this guy’s personality.

“Heiyowei, Da Yu how long have we not met? Where did you go off recently?”

Zhuang Ming smirked. Yu Yu rolled his eyes at him, and only directed his eyes to Lu Chuan who was sitting at the side.

Wsa psxl alypsd, obld Nw Ubwyd pyo vbkp rlapsd’p lulp sd bkx, bl pbweelale. Tl oypd’v wpwyzzu kd vbkp nkanzl, ps bl eked’v alnstdkgl xydu sq vblx.

Yldt Hbys nsdvynvle bkx zypv dktbv, xyjkdt bkp qyvbla ydmkswp.

Fkdnl ulpvlaeyu, bkp lulzkep jlrv fwxrkdt sxkdswpzu, yp kq psxlvbkdt cye oswze byrrld…

Zw Zw clyxle yv bkx yde oyzjle shla vs bkx.

“Nw Ubwyd?”

“Zlp…” Tl pxkzle qzyvvlakdtzu yp bl zssjle yv bkx.

Zw Zw rwv bkp yax shla bkp pbswzela, kdnbkdt nzspla,

“Mbkdj ycswv kv, eke usw es yduvbkdt kxxsayz alnldvzu?”

Lu Chuan’s eyes widened. Did he offend this person lately?


“No-nothing, I guess… I was at home recently.”

“Think again~”

Lu Chuan looked at him, but he really couldn’t think about anything.

“Reminder, XX Street, did you…”

“Dog. Dog?” Lu Chuan stammered. He hit a dog at that place…

Yu Yu laughed heartily. His eyes narrowed slightly as everyone turned their attention on them.

Yu Yu slammed his palm, chuckling with narrowed eyes,

“That dog belongs to me!”

Lu Chuan’s legs weakened, and almost fell to the ground. His voice trembled.

“I… I… Sorry…”

“Oh, you’re sorry?”

His face suddenly straightened, and chided him loudly, “Did you think I’ll forgive you?!”


“I..I’m wrong!” Lu Chuan almost cried. He hit a dog that day, and upon closer inspection, he thought it was just a wild dog, so he just drove away without caring about it. And who might have thought, the thin and dirty native dog belonged to him!

The rich people these days have peculiar tastes!

Yu Yu patted him, “I don’t beat people nowadays. As an outstanding youngster, it’s illegal to beat people up…”

Lu Chuan didn’t even manage to let out a breath of relief when he heard Yu Yu say, “But my heart feels unsettled to just let you go!”


Half an hour later, Lu Chuan left with trembling legs. Yu Yu began drinking with his brothers whom he’d not met for a long time.

On the same day when Lu Chuan went back home, he posted an update on each of his social platforms, announcing that he had joined the ‘Dog Lover Community’.

The next day, a person suddenly appeared in the square in the middle of the city. He was wearing a dog furry type costume, with a tail behind him, showing off his bitter face.

“Love wild dogs, it’s everyone’s responsibility! Love wild dogs, it’s everyone’s responsibility! Love…”

A lot of people watched him, and there were even a lot of shares in social media. This issue even went into the evening news. The reporter said that perhaps he was a dog lover, but as he declined all interviews, they were unable to know his story. We hope everyone would love wild dogs, and to appreciate every single life…

“Da Yu, you’re really not going back?” Zhuang Ming asked him again.

“No, no!”


“You don’t need us to bring you back?”

“Go away, I can succeed on my own!”

Yu Yu glared at them when they gave him expressions of disbelief. Ignoring them, he called a cab and went home.

“How long do you think Da Yu can last?”

“I bet my new car, he can last three years at most.”

“Pui, I’ll say one year, it’s more than enough.”

“One year? You think too highly of him!”

“I bet my new car, Da Yu won’t even last a year!”


Yu Yu knocked on the door downstairs again. He didn’t know since when it began, but he’d gotten used to knocking on 249’s door first.

Shu Shu opened the door for him, then hustled inside.

Yu Yu was shocked. He had the chance to enter this broken book’s house today?


Walking in, he was stunned. This was his first time to see 249. There was not much difference than upstairs, but…

Have you ever seen a living room with nothing else inside aside from furniture?

There was really nothing else. It was empty. A set of sofa, a few tea cups on the tea tray, a book. The plug wasn’t even connected to the television on the wall. There was a fridge at the corner of the kitchen. There was nothing else anymore in the living room.

Shouldn’t there be a lot of things in a woman’s room? So, she was a tomboy, he was certain of it!

Turning to Shu Shu, she was doing something in the kitchen.

“Eh? You know how to cook?”

Shu Shu rolled her eyes at him and ignored him. She continued her work, as she carefully turned over the slices of meat on the stove.

Yu Yu saw that there were already some slices of cooked meat at the side. He picked up one and ate it, tasting this 250’s cooking skill.

“Eh~” Shu Shu didn’t even manage to speak when he began eating.

“It’s fine, but it lacked some seasoning. You should add more salt.”

After Yu Yu finished speaking, Shu Shu looked at him and spoke calmly,

“This is for Yellow Fur…”

Yu Yu was stunned, and she added,

“I’ve added dog food…”

“Pui Pui Pui!”


Shu Shu finished cooking the meat slices and placed seven or eight slices on Yellow Fur’s bowl. She stored the rest.

Entering the living room, she saw Yu Yu who was lying on her sofa with a face of doom.


She laughed unkindly.

“Why are you cooking meat slices for a dog?!”

“It didn’t have an appetite these days, so I made some for it. Who knew you went to eat it so soon?”

Yu Yu continued looking at her with a face of doom.

As if he was accusing her, it was her fault, it was her fault!

“Furthermore, have you seen me cook before? I’ve been learning for quite a long time to know how to cook the meat slices.”

Shu Shu kicked him, “Get up, don’t lie on my sofa!”

“Did you have any sympathy, this is for…”

Eh? Why did he think that he tortured Lu Chuan because of her?

An illusion, it must be an illusion!

Shu Shu thought he was talking about the dog food, and kicked him lightly again, “It’s your fault to pick it and eat it up, alright?”

Yu Yu sighed painstakingly, “I felt that my soul has left me!”

“Kidney deficiency1…” Shu Shu continued his sentence, and even smiled creepily.

Yu Yu sat up at once when he heard that. He lifted an eyebrow, and said angrily,

“Shall we try?”


He’d even had a yogurt drink. Seeing how he still looked in pain, she smiled,

“That’s enough, you’d only just eaten some dog food. The dog food was so expensive and purely grains, humans can eat it too!”

Yu Yu twitched his nose like he was wronged,

“As expensive as it is, it’s still dog food?!”

“As a single man, you normally eat a lot of dog food2 too right?”

“It’s not the same?!”

Shu Shu’s nose suddenly twitched as well, as her eyes narrowed, “You drank alcohol?”

Yu Yu nodded.

“You drank and you dared to lie on my sofa?! Get off!”

“Hey, why are you so heartless?!”

After she pushed Yu Yu out, Shu Shu played with Yellow Fur for a while before she turned on her computer to start typing.

Yellow Fur was not big and not too small either. Shu Shu could hug it occasionally, but she couldn’t hug it all the time.

When she was typing, Yellow Fur would lie down at her side, on top of her foot, rubbing it occasionally. Her heart melted.

She posted it after she finished typing, then she opened Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo. She scrolled the recent comments to check if there was anything interesting.

World Without Love: Our teacher is so annoying. Who cares if I’m focusing in class or not, she wants to talk to me every day, and even confiscated my phone. She’s so hateful, I told her she didn’t need to care, she didn’t need to care, but she will still call me out everyday. Isn’t she just so annoying?! F**k her, I really want to beat her up!

Shu Shu frowned and clicked on this person’s weibo. Third year high school?

He was on weibo almost everyday, either scolding the teacher or saying how hard third year of high school was.

[Du Da: High school teachers only earn a meager salary but have a big heart to give. Such a kid like you scolds your teacher everyday. If it’s your university lecturer, who even wants to take care of you, they’ll just expel you. Little brat, appreciate your high school teacher who nags a lot. In the future, there may not be anyone else left who will pull you to one side for a long talk aside from the promoters!]

Big River: Little brat… Du Da is direct

Whose youth is not sad: But some teachers are really irritating

Old Days Old Times: +1, but most teachers are still very kind, [Account: Summer Top Posts] annoys people every day but it is also out of concern, she doesn’t want us to regret in the future

One Season Hills: Yes, if not because of my high school homeroom teacher, I don’t know what I will become now. That time, I didn’t want to study anymore and went back, but she came to find me. And then it’s the university entrance exams, second class, and now I’ve started working. I’m really grateful to her…

Small rose: The university lecturers are much better than the high school teachers, experimenting this and that everyday… But truthfully, I still think that high school teachers are more worried about us. It’s always hard to find the university lecturers around, who will want to care about you…

I love to eat durian: Yes, they always say that lecturers are easy to be spoken to. If you fail your subject you can ask them to help. In reality, they will smile during class, but after the exams end, they immediately become cavemen. Asking for help? You’ll need to seek out that person out first


The comments began to tell the teachers off, some were about university lecturers, some were about high school teachers, all mostly written by students.

[Du Da: In reality, no matter if it was high school teachers or university lecturers, they can’t delay your progress to depravation… Since depravation makes me happy? Today is Wednesday, have the students done their preparations for exams? Have you studied? Have you revised?

Pic: Take the exams, consider I lose if you pass!]

She then turned off the computer. She needed to take a parcel from the guard, it must be the item from the 250 upstairs!

It was a square box, not too big and not too small with some weight. Shu Shu tore it open.

“Yaa, this is unexpected, this 250 sure knows how to pick his gift~”

It was the mask that Shu Shu used everyday. She didn’t know how he managed to get it. Shu Shu just finished using them, but it was not easy to find. She went to the counter twice and couldn’t buy it. There were three boxes inside, each thirty pieces. That fish didn’t work that long at the shoot as well, so no wonder his money was all gone.

Yup, at least this person still had heart. She accidentally made him eat dog food today, so should she buy some meat suited for human consumption and prepare it for him?