Shu Shu carried a bag and went out as planned. Besides buying the meat, she also wanted to shop for two more clothes, doing what all women loved to do.

She went to the shop she used to go to and left after picking two clothes of the newest trend. Shopping was truly something that could bring happiness to someone!

“Shu Shu!”

A familiar voice shocked Shu Shu. She turned around.

“Shu Shu…” Cheng Duanyi walked up to her slowly. He looked at her with deep, affectionate eyes and a tight frown between his brows.


“Mr. Cheng.”

“Do you have to act like a stranger with me?” He then looked around,

“He let you shop alone?”

Fbw Fbw vssj y ellr calyvb, “Ebyv eslp vbkp byhl vs es okvb usw?”

“Fbw Fbw, nyd’v usw tkhl xl ydsvbla nbydnl? Ekzz vblal cl ydusdl lzpl obs yal nzspla vs lynb svbla vbyd wp?”

“Ya. Ubldt, R vsze usw, ol yal yzalyeu kxrsppkczl. Yu csuqaklde yde R yal eskdt qkdl aktbv dso, usw esd’v dlle vs cl nsdnladle!”

“Fbw Fbw, usw zkle. Zsw esd’v byhl yduvbkdt tskdt sd okvb bkx, bl’p dsv uswa vurl! Zsw yal yzps dsv psxlsdl obs okzz plvvzl qsa psxlvbkdt, ps kv’p kxrsppkczl vbyv usw’zz tlv vstlvbla okvb psxlsdl lzpl ps pssd.” Ubldt Pwyduk oyzjle nzspla vs bla yde zssjle ellrzu kdvs bla lulp. Tl rwv bkp byde swv.

Fbw Fbw yhskele kv, “Ebu nyd’v bl cl vbl vurl R zkjl? Uyd’v R nbydtl? R pbswze jllr zkjkdt psxlsdl zkjl usw, obs kp vos-vkxkdt xl?”

Ubldt Pwyduk srldle bkp xswvb, “Gcswv Nkw Dwuyd, R jdso R nyd’v tkhl usw y tsse lmrzydyvksd, cwv R rasxkpl usw vbkp osd’v byrrld yduxsal! Pke usw qsatlv swa rypv? Wsatsv bso ol nsdqlpp swa zshl qsa vbl qkapv vkxl? Mbyv vkxl…”

“Ubldt Pwyduk! Mbkp kp ldswtb! R esd’v oydv vs blya ycswv vbkp yduxsal. Rq usw esd’v oydv xl vs zsyvbl usw lhld xsal, vbld tlv qyavbla yoyu qasx xl. Psd’v jllr alrlyvkdt yde vykdv vbspl qlo tsse xlxsaklp ol byhl zlqv!”

Ubldt Pwyduk zssjle yv bla okvb y pvkqq zssj. Fbw Fbw vwadle yaswde, ycswv vs zlyhl obld bl tayccle bla.

“I… will wait for you to forgive me…”


Shu Shu shook his hand away, and continued walking ahead. With her back facing him, her eyes suddenly turned red and two drops of tears rolled out.

How could she forget? It was when she just entered university, and she still owed the school her tuition fees. She kept working everyday, and didn’t care about the things that happened in class.

There were many incidents that happened during her first year of university. She often asked Jin You to help her apply for leaves, and even skipped class a few times, but what else could she do? If she applied for a loan, she needed the orphanage to help her. But since she’d already left that place, she didn’t want to go back any longer.

That day, they had a major class meeting. Attendance was compulsory, so Shu Shu asked Jin You to sign the attendance for her while she went to interview for a part-time job. It was a model, offering high pay for a short-term job, so she had to go.

When she came back on that day, Jin You told her,

“Shu Shu, our class monitor has jotted down your name…”


“They will deduct your total assessment at the end of this semester, and it might affect your scholarship.” Jin You was aware about Shu Shu’s situation, so she felt extremely sad.

Shu Shu frowned, and harboured a dislike for Cheng Duanyi.

And there was one time again where Shu Shu skipped class, Cheng Duanyi asked Jin You to pass his words to her, saying that if she skipped class again, he would inform the teachers and cancel a year of good award and evaluation.

On the second day when Shu Shu came to class, she asked,

“Who said to cancel my award and evaluation?”


“The tutor. You’ve been skipping too many classes!”

Shu Shu frowned. Jin You said the teacher didn’t take the attendance personally, so the only one who would inform the teachers about her was this person in front of her.

She disliked him so much. She knew that it was just his duty morally, but she couldn’t accept it emotionally.

Perhaps it started at that time. Shu Shu had nowhere else to turn to and began writing a novel. Unexpectedly, it became the path she still continued walking on.

In class, she would oppose his every decision. No matter what decision he made, she would fight back with enough logic and argument, so there was nothing else he could say.

Cheng Duanyi still answered her with a smile even though she kept picking on him. Shu Shu even gave him a nickname, a smiling tiger1.

Until the end of her first year, she was more able to write more smoothly as more time passed. So she indulged herself in writing completely, settling down in class.

Cheng Duanyi was an exceptional person. School god. Shu Shu just heard it in passing, but some events he joined and some awards he won was not something she could turn a blind eye to. He was also her only competitor for the national award.

Until one day, after the night self-learning session, when Shu Shu was going back to her dorm,

“Shu Shu~”

“Cheng Duanyi?” Shu Shu was surprised.

She watched as he came over with a smile, “Hey, finally willing to talk to me now?”


“I never have not want to talk to you~” Shu Shu replied courteously, faking it.

Cheng Duanyi smiled warmly and walked closer to caress her head.

Shu Shu was shocked.


When they finally became a couple, Shu Shu found out that he never told the tutor that she skipped class. The talk about canceling her award and evaluation was also just his attempt to scare her when he saw that she didn’t attend classes.

These were Cheng Duanyi’s original words, “Shu Shu, have you never thought about it? Why did I only notice your absence in such a large classroom with over a hundred people?”

He said he saw her at the car exhibition that day. She was wearing a red uniform and was holding up a board.

Although applying for a car model was hard work, she didn’t need to serve customers. However she still couldn’t control the eyes that were looking at her. That was also the reason why Cheng Duanyi threatened her. He didn’t want her to go there anymore.

Cheng Duanyi knew that Shu Shu couldn’t pay her tuition fees. But she had a very bad impression on him at that time, so he couldn’t offer her assistance directly.

He applied to delay the payment of her tuition fees on her behalf. She’d only managed to pay her tuition fees at the end of her first year, but there was no one who pestered her for the fees.

He searched for people to offer scholarships to the students through various competitions. Shu Shu joined quite a lot of it and got the scholarship.

Until Jin You told him that Shu Shu could already earn money for herself, Cheng Duanyi finally let out a sigh. He didn’t need to think of all kinds of ways to give her money anymore.



She shook her head and wiped her tears away. He was so good to her, and they were so sweet together. Will all these moving love stories have their colors fade away in the passage of time, and then they will go back to where they belong and go on with their own lives?

He was attached to someone else. He said he made the mistake, and asked her for forgiveness. But Shi Shu didn’t want to forgive him. Sometimes, forgiving someone was something she simply couldn’t do…

Back at home, she threw her things onto the sofa and blanked out for quite some time, until a message came in.

[250 Upstairs: I’m hungry… when can I eat!]

Shu Shu replied: Let’s go.


“Hey hey hey! Stop drinking!”

Shu Shu’s eyes were hazy. She glanced at him before she continued drinking.

“What’s wrong with you today?” Yu Yu asked carefully.

No one answered him. The woman in front of him drank one glass after another.

Yu Yu grabbed her hand, “I said, stop drinking! What’s wrong with you?!”

He was going to go crazy. Ever since this woman sat here, she kept drinking and didn’t say a single word. Did she encounter something sad?

He felt a sudden anxiousness.

Shu Shu’s eyes went from his hand towards him. She coughed, and said with all seriousness,

“I like you!”

Yu Yu’s pair of eyes turned wide like a goldfish.

“What are you saying?!”

“Actually when I’m fighting with you, maybe I’ve begun to slowly like you…”

Yu Yu’s eyes widened even more. So she always fought with him because she liked him?

His heartbeat sped up, and blood pumped up from his heart towards his face, burning him.

“Cough cough cough” He coughed unnaturally, his eyes never leaving her face.

“You’re so good, what kind of woman will not be moved…”

Cough, yup~ This broken book looked tomboyish like she had no care in this world, but in the end she still fell for his charm!

Shu Shu slowly collapsed onto the table. Yu Yu was stunned for a long while.

He coughed lightly, “That, although you like me a lot, but, cough cough, we still need to work on matching our personalities, cough cough, I can’t promise you at the moment.”

He saw no movement opposite him, “Shu Shu?”

Err.. she fell asleep.

“Sigh, seeing how much you like me that you need to use alcohol to confess your love to me, I’ll reluctantly carry you back!”

Then he carefully pulled her up and carried her on his back

Shu Shu laid on his back quietly. Yu Yu’s heart throbbed fast. He didn’t even realize that he was grinning widely like an idiot.

Back in their neighbourhood, he met the elderly couple from the second floor who were out on a walk. Yu Yu greeted with a smile, “Uncle, auntie, good evening! It’s becoming quite chilly outside, you’d better go home early!”

He then continued walking. The two elderlys were shocked,

“They got back together?”

“Don’t the two of them always hang out together?”

“Oh, it seems so…”


The painter on the third floor was painting the sunset. Yu Yu walked past him and said with a smile,

“Nice painting!”

The painter paused, drawing a long line that ended up ruining the whole painting.

Yu Yu was humming a song as he carried Shu Shu up the stairs. The painter looked at them in shock,

This toxic-tongued man was in such a good mood today?