Yu Yu’s cousin and his wife were too busy, so they hired a nanny to take care of their child. She took him to the park to play, but she ended up chatting with the other nannies and did not pay attention to Yang Yang. When she realized what happened, only Yang Yang’s car was left with ten thousand dollars left inside!

The nanny was too afraid, so she didn’t dare to speak out. She searched for him on her own, and it was until Yu Yu’s grandmother wanted to see the child at night that they knew that the child was missing.

Yu Yu quickly booked a plane ticket. He particularly loved his nephew. His promise about not going home within these five years was not the problem anymore, now that Yang Yang was missing. This was the biggest problem!

When he arrived at the city, it was already one o’clock in the early morning. He turned on his phone and saw some phone calls.

“Hello, have you found him?”


“We found him! Don’t worry, Yang Yang is fine, he’s just still in shock.”

Yu Yu let out a sigh of relief, “That’s great. Try to comfort him. How did he disappear?”

“A pair of husband and wife kidnapped him after he was made unconscious. Luckily a passionate lady helped to stop the human traffickers, or else who knows where Yang Yang will be taken to now!”

Zw Zw dseele, “Slxlxcla vs vbydj bla tldlaswpzu.”

“Fbl’e yzalyeu zlqv. Fbl eked’v lhld oydv vbl aloyae tkhld cu vbl rszknl pvyvksd, yde lhld bsrle vbyv vblu oswzed’v ekpnzspl bla keldvkvu. Fbl’p y tsse rlapsd, vblal’p y hkels ycswv kv sd vbl kdvladlv, cwv ol nswzed’v pll bla qynl. Zydt Zydt pyke vbyv vbl zyeu oyp kdfwale.”

Zw Zw oyp iwkvl vswnble. Rq dsv qsa bla, obs jdlo obyv jkde sq nbysvkn vwaxskz bkp qyxkzu oswze cl kd.

Zw Zw bwdt wr vbl rbsdl yde oyzjle vsoyaep vbl vknjlv nswdvla. Tl rzyddle vs cwu y vknjlv vs ts vs bkp qkzx plv. Tl vbld casople olkcs yde plyanble vbl obszl rasnlpp sq bso Zydt Zydt oyp alpnwle.

Mbl hkels oyp czwaau. Rv oyp schkswp vbyv vbl rlapsd vyjkdt vbl hkels eked’v pvyde hlau nzspl vs vblx. Mbl pnldl oyp dskpu, yde vbl nyxlay oyp ekalnvle vs y tkaz vyzjkdt vs y ryka sq xkeezl-ytle nswrzl, yde vbld y qktbv lawrvle. Mbl tkaz oyp lhld eayttle ynaspp vbl qzssa qsa y pbsav ekpvydnl.

Zw Zw oyp pvwddle, vbld xytdkqkle kv. Tl ldzyatle vbl rknvwal sq vbl hkels, cwv kv sdzu zssjle xsal czwaau.

Tl pweeldzu vwadle yaswde yde ayd swvpkel. Tl pvsrrle y nya clqsal alvwadkdt vs bkp dlktbcswabsse. Rv oyp yzalyeu vball s’nzsnj kd vbl xsadkdt yv vbkp vkxl.

Zw Zw cydtle sd vbl essa, yde psxlsdl srldle vbl essa ydtakzu yqvla y obkzl.

“What are you doing in the middle of the night?!”


Shu Shu brushed her hair with her hand that sustained less injury, and glared at him.

Yu Yu was now at her door, almost standing as tall as the door with his height of 1.8m. He was sweating profusely, and his usually playful face suddenly became serious, staring at her with deep eyes.

She was suddenly pulled into a hug by his pair of large hands. Her face bumped onto his chest, and the thumping sound echoed into her ears.

Shu Shu was stunned. Her entire body froze, as her large eyes widened and her small mouth opened slightly.

Yu Yu, who was hugging her, was also stunned. I..I..I.. What did I do?!

Both of them retreated at the same time. Shu Shu glared at him, while Yu Yu’s eyes rolled around, avoiding Shu Shu.

“What are you doing?!”

Yu Yu saw that she got her guard up, and his heart turned into a flustered mess, “I.. I just want to hug the warrior who saved a person!”

Shu Shu narrowed her eyes, and looked at him in disbelief.

“Don’t look at me with such eyes, you don’t have anything I can take advantage of!”

“I have the looks, the skills, and the money, don’t tell me you like me?”

“Pui, pui, pui! I just want to thank you, the person you rescued today is my nephew!”


After he finished speaking, Yu Yu was also stunned. He was so excited because she rescued Yang Yang?

“Your relative?”

Shu Shu narrowed her eyes, looking at him dangerously.

Yu Yu rubbed his neck, and nodded, “My nephew…”

“You a*shole! If you want to thank me, don’t you know to wait until I wake up tomorrow! Knocking on my door in the middle of the night, and hugging me once I open the door, I tell you, you better don’t blindly take advantage of me!”

“Hey! Talk some sense into this, I’m just too excited, why are you so fierce…” Yu Yu replied like he was wronged. Shu Shu thought, was I really too fierce?

“Anyway, there’s nothing about you that I can take advantage of…”

“Dead fish! You a*shole!!”

“Bang!” Shu Shu slammed the door on him.

Yu Yu rubbed his nose, and didn’t even go upstairs. He went down to hail a car to the airport.


The only good thing about having too few scenes was probably that he could come back early. When he arrived at the airport, he didn’t go back immediately but he made a phone call.


“Are you coming or not?!”

A race car stopped in front of him. The man in the car was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and the hair on his forehead was pointing upwards, as if he was trying to look cool.

“My cousin~1” The person who arrived whistled and called him, enjoying the looks of everyone around them.

Yu Yu opened the door rapidly, “Go now, go now!”

He was impatient, but the man wasn’t mad. He smiled and said, “My cousin, are you tired from the shooting?”

“Yu Bei, can you speak properly?! Driving all around the place with my car again…”

Yu Bei pouted as if he didn’t care, “Don’t you know that my car is broken~”

He then straightened his face, “That lady lives below your house?”

Yu Yu was stunned, “Who?”

“The lady who saved Yang Yang, I want to go and thank her!”

“This is the reason why you came to fetch me?”

Yu Bei nodded.


Yu Yu looked at the side of his face, and he had to admit, although Yu Bei didn’t have such delicate looks like his, he had another special kind of charm to be able to attract so many girls. Besides his money, it was also his face…

“No need, I thanked her and that’s enough!”

Yu Yu acted like he didn’t mind, as if he really didn’t put it in his heart.

“I say you really don’t have a conscience. She was dragged across the floor to save Yang Yang, and got injured. Shouldn’t we thank her properly?”

“Then you don’t need to come over for that reason. You’re trying to thank her or to seduce her!” Yu Yu pouted.

“Yo, why do I feel that you sound kind of sour~”

“Sour my a*s, let me tell you, although she saved Yang Yang, you just need to represent our Yu family to thank her and that’s enough. You don’t have to go find that tomboy and get triggered!”

Yu Bei laughed evillishly, “I like excitement!”



“This neighbourhood is not bad, is there still another empty house? I want to buy one too!”

“No, no more, all are sold!”

His tone sounded irritated. This guy insisted on following him, and he didn’t know why he didn’t want him to see Shu Shu.

He had to admit that Yu Bei was a playboy. What if that 250 didn’t have the brains and got deceived by him?

Yu Yu opened the water to bathe, while Yu Bei sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, taking out his phone and was chatting happily with someone he didn’t know.

When he came out after bathing, he saw him lift up the book in his hand and teased him, “My cousin, you’re learning to cook?”

Yu Yu moved unnaturally and glared at him, “Mind your own business!”

Yu Bei touched his ear stud and showed off his two rows of neat, white teeth, “Who’s the one who said that cooking is girly last time!”

This was what Yu Yu said. Yu Nan cooked for his wife during Valentine’s Day. Yu Yu then said that guys who cooked were girly, and now he bought a cooking recipe on his own. Yu Bei was truly curious about what had happened to his cousin recently.

“Then I can’t go out to eat all the time right? You need to know how poor I am now!”

“Oh~” Yu Bei smiled, replying with an ‘oh’ with a face of disbelief. Was Yu Yu someone who would cook on his own to save money? Even Yang Yang who was just six and a half years old wouldn’t believe it!

Yu Yu blew dry his hair, while Yu Bei went out towards the balcony, feeling bored. He was suddenly stunned.

“Da Yu, come here…”

“Why?” Yu Yu turned off the hairdryer and came over, looking annoyed.

“Do you know that lady?”

He pointed downwards, and Yu Yu looked at the direction he pointed.

This… Wasn’t it the 250 downstairs?

“Da Yu, I fell in love with her at first sight!”


“Both of you are living in the same neighbourhood right, introduce me to her, my happiness is all in your hands!”

“Huh, too bad I’m not close to her!”

His hand went towards Yu Bei’s neck. He hooked him up and brought him back into the room.

“It’s fine if you’re not close, let’s go down to get close to her!”

“She already has a husband!”

“What?” Yu Bei was stunned.

“She’s already married, and raised by her husband! Both of them looked pretty harmonious, I always saw them walk the dog together. I heard they’re going to have a child!” Yu Yu talked nonsense with all seriousness with a firm face.

Yu Bei was in despair, “My God, I rarely fall in love at first sight, and you treat me this way!”

Yu Yu patted him, looking serious, “It’s because you always toy with other people in the past, and God does not forgive you.”

Yu Bei sat down on the sofa full of disappointment. Yu Yu sat beside him, “It’s okay, you still have a lot of girls…”

He shook his head, “It’s not the same…”

Yu Yu: “……” Yes, it was not the same, she was a tomboy.

“Oh yeah, let’s go see the person whom we owe our gratitude to!”

The corner of Yu Yu’s mouth twitched, “I’ll ask and see if she’s around first. She’s pretty busy and is rarely at home!”

“Alright, ask her.” Yu Bei wasn’t very much interested in that person anymore.

Yu Yu took out his phone and sent a message to 250 downstairs.

Shu Shu who was playing with Yellow Fur saw this when she turned on her phone,

[250 Upstairs: The weather forecast said it’s going to rain, don’t go out if you don’t have anything else to do!]

Shu Shu raised her head instinctively, glancing at the sun high above and the cloudless sky.


She said lightly and continued to play with Yellow Fur, “Yellow Fur, come, catch it!”

Yu Yu glared at Shu Shu who was still outside. Did this person don’t know how to read Chinese characters?!

“Da Yu, what are you look…”

“Nothing! You won’t be staying here tonight right?”

“Of course… Not!” Seeing how Yu Yu’s nervous face became relaxed, he added,

“Why do I feel like you don’t want me here? Then I’m leaving!”

“Aih, there’s nothing like that!” He held on to him. He’d better not let him go down, what if he couldn’t help himself and went to talk to her?!

“Eat first before you go.” Yu Bei was completely dumbfounded. This guy was going to cook for him?

Yu Yu cooked two bowls of noodles that were at least passable. Yu Bei ate while dismissing him,

“This tastes so bad and you dare to let me eat this? Are you not in your right mind that you want to learn how to cook? I tell you, you’re not born for this~”

Yu Yu ignored him, and continued to eat the noodles that tasted pretty bad, “If my cooking skills are not good, then won’t I get better after I practice? Who says that I’m not born for this? You all also said I’m not cut out for acting, I’m going to get famous someday and let you eat your words!”

“Okay, okay, you are ambitious, so do well. Aim to be an acting god and prove me wrong!”

Yu Yu ‘hmph’ coldly, and after eating, Yu Yu wiped his mouth, “Go wash the dishes!”

“Wah, is there anyone who treats their guests like you?” Yu Bei protested, but Yu Yu looked at him coldly, so he took the bowls to the kitchen unwillingly.

Yu Yu saw that he was washing the bowls diligently, and gently went to take a look at the balcony. Yup, good that she had gone home.

Yu Bei had put the bowls back when he heard his cousin say, “That’s enough, you can leave now!”


Yu Yu sent him down, and Yu Bei suddenly halted on the fourth floor.

“She’s really not in? Then I can’t see the person I owe my gratitude to today!”

“Yes, she’s not in, leave quickly!”

He was pushing Yu Bei, about to head downstairs. “Ka cha!” The door of room 249 opened with the sound…