Yu Bei’s eyes spun around and he saw the woman he “fell in love with at first sight” in the afternoon coming out.

Shu Shu saw Yu Yu and another man in front of her door, and didn’t really mind. She looked at Yu Yu and said,

“Heading downstairs? Then help me take the garbage down!”

She then took out the garbage bag. Yu Yu’s face was dark, looking unhappy. Yu Bei quickly grabbed it.

“You live one floor below Da Yu? Then you must be the woman who saved Yang Yang, I thank you so much, Yu family owe you our gratitude! Oh yeah, let me introduce myself, I’m Yu Bei.”


Shu Shu looked at the man in front of her. He looked like a scoundrel, just the type of person she didn’t like.

“No problem, I’m just doing my part. Anything else?” She only wanted to quickly go back inside right now. She’d agreed to upload two chapters, and yet she hadn’t started writing the second chapter.

“Miss, can you give me your contact number? I feel strongly for you at first sight, and you even saved my nephew. You’re someone I owe my gratitude to!”

Fbw Fbw’p lulp dyaasole pzktbvzu, yde clqsal pbl nswze prlyj, Zw Zw rwv swv bkp byde vs bsze Zw Jlk cynj.

“Nlv’p ts, usw yzalyeu vbydjle bla, dso usw pbswze zlyhl!”

“Ls, R……”

Fbw Fbw vssj vbl nbydnl vs nzspl vbl essa yde okttzle bla yaxp. Mbkp 250’p nswpkd eked’v pllx vs cl kd bkp aktbv xkde vss?


“Zsw zkjl bla?” Zw Jlk pvyale yv bkx. Zw Zw yzxspv fwxrle wr.

“Tso nyd vbyv cl rsppkczl?! Tso nyd R zkjl bla? Rp pbl lhld y tkaz? Msxcsu!” Zw Zw tyhl y xyppkhl alprsdpl yp kq psxlsdl pvlrrle sd bkp vykz.

Zw Jlk jlrv zssjkdt yv bkx, yde vbld ryvvle bkp pbswzela, “Rp vbyv ps? Psd’v pzyr uswa sod qynl zyvla…”

He ignored Yu Yu who tried to talk back and drove off in his car. Yu Bei had been playing in the field of love for so many years, how would he be oblivious to what Yu Yu was thinking? Sigh, it was rare that he found a lady who he liked, but she was his cousin’s love interest.


However, hmph, since you lied to me for a whole afternoon, I will never alert you. Act all you want, one day later you will want to just slap yourself!


Shu Shu finished typing, and scrolled weibo for a while. The male and female leads who were cast in her first book ended up together, the headlines were #Chen Zhijia proposed to Lee Yi#. As “Xiu Shu” who were kind of close to them, she shared it,

[Xiu Shu: Hahaha, they finally ended up together. I hope that Ye Ran and Fang Yu will be happy together forever! @Chen Zhijia @Lee Yi]

“Ye Ran””Fang Yu” were the names of the leads of the drama. A few minutes later, she saw the comments of them replying thank you. It was really a blessing to be able to end up being together.

Go with the flow: Winter is coming soon. It’s really a time of happiness. I’ve received a lot of wedding invitations recently.

Liu Liu: Same, my high school friend invited me to her baby’s full month party. While I am still single…

Big River: That’s nothing compared to me. I organized a reunion last time, and all of their discussions were about children, kindergartens… A single dog can only put his head down and eat quietly, I don’t want to join a reunion anymore / bye

Red rose and white rose: My friends all around me have started to date one by one. Sigh, no matter if they are more good looking than me or not, I’m the only one who is still awaiting 11/11 (singles day). If not because I know I have good people skills, I’m going to start questioning my character!

Come and go: I hope I can lose my single life before 11/11. Pray hard!


Shu Shu replied to Red rose and white rose,


[Xiu Shu: It’s probably because your destiny is not there yet. Hope your fated someone comes sooner, don’t let your girl wait for too long…]

She then couldn’t hold herself back, and switched to Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo to release a post,

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: Don’t complain why people who are not as good as you are dating while you are still single. Let me ask you, if she gives you her boyfriend, do you want him?]

I love Du Da: Hahahahaha

Hamigua: Pfft hahaha, 666

who will god forgive: No no, hahaha, be a happy single dog

Scroll face: Perhaps I’m someone who likes people with good looks, I’d rather be single than to have a partner who is not handsome

Ask my heart, I’m not guilty: Still awaiting when a single person moves into another person’s room


Shu Shu smirked, and replied to “Ask my heart, I’m not guilty”,

[Du Da: And taking his smelly socks and gaming keyboard along…?]

After she laughed, she felt kind of bored, “Yellow Fur, come~”


Yellow Fur’s injury had healed, and it had adapted to its new life. Now was the time where it would jump around freely. She hugged it, and thought if she should find herself something to do?

“You You, should I find something to do, what do you say?”

Shu Shu was leaning on her sofa and Yellow Fur was laying beside her. She was chatting to Jin You over a video call.

Jin You had cut her hair short, letting out a sunshine-like aura.

“Yo, what else can you do?” She looked at Shu Shu teasingly, then sighed innerly. This woman looked prettier.

“Wha? Are you looking down on me, I tell you, me Shu Shu is still quite talented!”

“Want to become an editor?”

She then remembered the messages that were sent privately to her by a few small stars. Such as Xiu Shu Da Da, I admire you so very much, I like you so very much. Huh, have you seen me before?


“Then what can you do? Work?”

Shu Shu shook her head, “No freedom!”

“You want to find work and yet you’re scared of having no freedom, alright, then you go and become a boss yourself!” Jin You rolled her eyes at her, then her eyes brightened up when she saw Shu Shu.


“Oh yeah, why did I never think about opening a shop!”

“Opening a shop? That’s fine, what shop do you want to open?”

“I still need to think about this,” Shu Shu already had something in mind, so her mood was better. She said to Jin You,

“Other people go to America and turn white, while you turn into a black charcoal. People who don’t know will think that you’ve gone to Africa~ haha”

“Shu Shu!!!”

At this time, Shu Shu’s phone rang. She grabbed it and checked it, before replying to a message with a weird smile.

“Who is it? Shu Shu, something is going on~”

Shu Shu’s eyes rolled around, giving her a perfect eye roll, “That 250 upstairs!”

“That toyboy? Both of you are quite close right now?”

Shu Shu pouted her lips, “Still okay, he’s alright but he’s too stupid. 24k pure 250, without a single impurity!”

“Hahaha, that’s enough. He’s still quite nice, without that person, I’m afraid you’d be even more bored alone.”

“Alright, let’s stop talking. I have to go up to eat, I want to see what kind of food 250 can make?” Shu Shu said with a smile. Jin You nodded, Shu Shu was about to walk out of Cheng Duanyi’s shadow now. Although she didn’t think that Cheng Duanyi was unforgivable, every person had different thoughts. Shu Shu’s experience from young made her unable to tolerate even the slightest distrust.

She hadn’t yet left the house when the 250 upstairs called her directly.

“Shu Shu! Go and buy some vegetables at the supermarket~”


“I burned it,”


Shu Shu randomly took a few types of vegetables, and suddenly smiled when she passed by the fish products. Hehe.


“Come in quickly, my god, I could die!”

Shu Shu looked at the plaster on his hand, and wrinkled her nose. The entire house was filled with a burnt smell.

“Tsk tsk, are you cooking or having a war?”

Yu Yu’s face looked like he had nothing else to live for. When he sent the message to Shu Shu, he was preparing to show off his mastery. But instead, he only had a heart to become a chef, without the skills to do so.

“Give it to me, what did you buy?”

Shu Shu smiled with her eyes narrowed, and passed the things in her hands to him, “Da Yu, here, this is your brother inside, you can either braise it or boil soup with it!”

“Shu Shu!!!”


“Hey, cut it into smaller pieces. It’s inconvenient to eat it if it’s so big~” Shu Shu fed herself a piece of potato, as she leaned against the door of the kitchen.

Yu Yu impatiently took out the ones he’d cut, and “Kuang Kuang Kuang!” cut them into smaller pieces.

Taking a glance at the recipe, he followed the steps to pickle the fish meat.

“Hey, don’t add chicken stock, it’s unhealthy.”

Yu Yu took back his hand that was about to add in the chicken stock. He continued to add more seasonings according to the recipe.

“Hey, put less garlic, don’t cut it too thin, it’s not easy to pick it out.”

Yu Yu’s veins on his forehead bulged outwards, as he grabbed the few garlic again and split them apart by half. Shu Shu’s hand that was feeding herself potato chips trembled, “Hey, don’t use that much force.”

“How about you do it?!” Yu Yu glared at her. Shu Shu shrunk and stopped talking.


“Wash the vegetables!” Shu Shu obediently nodded and came forward. She washed them piece by piece according to what he instructed.

Yu Yu inhaled deeply, and turned on the stove. He then poured the oil inside.

He then prepared the various types of seasonings, about to pour all of it inside at any time.

Shu Shu quietly retreated.

The requirement stated that seasoning should only be added after the oil was done. Yu Yu didn’t know how to calculate the time, so before Shu Shu arrived, he waited too long for the vegetables to fry. So they ended up becoming black.

This time, he estimated that it was about time, and quickly added the seasonings.

The stove “zz zz zz” and began sizzling. A thick oily smoke arose. Shu Shu ran off selfishly.

“Hu~” She ran to the balcony and let out a deep breath of air. The oily smoke was too suffocating. She then turned to the kitchen. Yu Yu was handling it with a mess inside, as if all hell broke loose.

She suddenly thought that he looked quite charming this way. Cheng Duanyi was a busy man. During these few years when they were still together, he was the one who took her everywhere to find good food. Which new shop that just opened was stylish, and which shop that opened tasted good.

He had an assistant that would update him everyday, and then he would take her there to give it a try.

She thought that it was truly happiness at that time, but now she realized that men looked most charming when they cooked. They didn’t look girly and it was filled with a flavour she couldn’t describe.

Shu Shu thought, perhaps she should really consider dating a cook…

“Cough cough cough!” Yu Yu covered the lid and sucked in two breaths after he came out. Tears were flying out. It could be easily seen that he was suffocating inside.

There was even a chili sticking on his face. Shu Shu pointed at him and laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” Yu Yu’s eyes still looked kind of blurry, he hadn’t yet come to his senses from the suffocating chili smell.

Shu Shu directly put her hand out. Yu Yu looked at her, stunned, ripples of water flashing in his eyes.

She coughed unnaturally. Who said that only females could mesmerize someone, it was the same with males! His eyes were covered in water, shining like bright stars. This guy was worthy enough to be arrogant about his looks.

“There’s chili on your face~” Shu Shu took it down with her hand. Yu Yu still looked blank, as if there was something hidden in his heart jumping around restlessly.

They were silent for a few minutes. Yu Yu was just about to tease her if she’d fallen in love with him, but he suddenly felt embarrassed to say it. When he was still contemplating about it, he heard Shu Shu say,

“The pan…”


(TN: I’m back from hiatus! Updates will resume as usual – for details about release schedule you may find it here. Thanks and happy reading!)