When the shop had finished its renovation, it was already close to December. The weather gradually became colder. Shu Shu put on a big jacket and entered the shop.

The door was closed tightly and was not opened yet. The shop name “story” was lying there quietly. She opened the door and entered.

“Boss, you’re here!”

Shu Shu smiled. She exclusively spent money to employ the boy and the girl inside. One was good at coffee and another one was good at dessert.

Both of them were cleaning up the bar at this place. The two had their own separate workplace that faced the entrance.


The cashier counter was near them, and there were only seven tables in the whole shop. There was a certain distance between every table that was placed against the wall and glass with the center being emptied out.

The renovation was not that grand, but there was an indescribable charm. Its colour tone to its structure exuded a certain feeling of relaxation.

The shop would hold an interview for the waiter and cashier today. They would just hire two more people in total, and the customers would self-service. Too many staff might seem excessive instead.

Mblal olal qswa rlsrzl obs bye nsdvynvle bla clqsalbyde. Fbw Fbw qkmle y vkxl yde zlv vblx nsxl sdl cu sdl. Gv vbkp vkxl, kv oyp yzalyeu vbl zypv rlapsd.

Mbl rlapsd obs yaakhle oyp y uswdt zyeu, voldvu-vball ulyap sze. Fbl nyxl bwaaklezu okvb zktbv qssvpvlrp.


Fbw Fbw dseele.

“R’x blal qsa vbl kdvlahklo, xu dyxl kp…”


Gqvla vbl obszl xsadkdt bye rypple, vbl kdvlahklo ldele yde vblu bye cypknyzzu elnkele sd vbl rlsrzl vs bkal. Fbw Fbw pldv vblx y xlppytl, vlzzkdt vblx vs nsxl vs osaj vsxsaaso.

Mbl dlo pbsr’p sqqknkyz srldkdt oyp sd vbl qkapv sq Plnlxcla. Mbl rlsrzl kd vbl pbsr ypjle bla obu pbl eked’v rknj y tsse eyu zkjl Ubakpvxyp Pyu. Fbw Fbw sdzu pxkzle. Wsa bla zkvvzl pbsr, ydu eyu ynvwyzzu eked’v xyjl y ckt ekqqlaldnl, yde kv eked’v xyvvla.



“What did you cook today?”

“Hahahahaha, sweet and sour ribs!”

“You know how to cook it?”

Yu Yu nodded. He enjoyed eating it himself, but too bad his skills were subpar so he never succeeded.

Besides sweet and sour ribs, there was also a vegetable dish and a soup. She prepared food for Yellow Fur before she sat down. Shu Shu took a sip of the soup, and heard Yu Yu say,

“Quickly eat the meat.”


“It’s delicious!”

“I won’t eat no matter how delicious it is!”


After food.

“Broken book, are you going out to walk the dog today?”



“Wait for me, I’m going too.”

“For what?”

“I’m bored, I want to stroll around.”


Cheng Duanyi never believed that Shu Shu really did end up with someone else. He thought that she was just angry with him.

And after he finally knew where she lived after much effort, he stood at the door for a while and ended up seeing two of them walk a dog.

Cheng Duanyi suddenly became anxious. It was the kind of anxiety he’d never felt. There was really another guy beside her girl. They were together everyday, and would walk the dog together.

Shu Shu once told him that she hoped after two of them get married, they would get a dog. So when he was busy, there was a dog to accompany her. When he came home, they would walk the dog together.

It was something he hadn’t yet been able to do, and someone else had done it before him.

“Shu Shu!”

Shu Shu’s face turned stiff as she turned around, “Haven’t I told you, don’t look for me?”


Cheng Duanyi looked at her, “Shu Shu, I’m wrong, don’t be mad at me anymore, come back with me…”

“Go back? Where to?” Shu Shu smiled scornfully.

“I’ve bought the place that you’re originally staying in, and also my place. Come back with me.”

Shu Shu hadn’t said anything yet when Yu Yu pulled her to him, and narrowed his eyes dangerously at Cheng Duanyi.

“Where are you trying to take my girlfriend to? Have I agreed?”

Cheng Duanyi looked back at him. Yu Yu didn’t back down.

Shu Shu who was pushed aside suddenly hadn’t come back to her senses yet when the two of them started fighting.

It was not the first time seeing people fight, but if the people involved were an entertainer and an elite of the corporate world, then that was different.

When the men fought, they really put a lot of strength in every punch. Shu Shu only said,

“You two fight, I’m leaving.”

She turned around and left. Yu Yu caught up with her. Cheng Duanyi couldn’t enter the neighbourhood so he could only stay outside the door and look at their backs.

“Softer, softer!” Yu Yu opened his mouth and continued shouting. The courage of putting up a fight just now was no longer to be seen.


“You think it’s fun? You even fought him, for what purpose.”

“It’s a thing between men, a woman like you won’t understand!”

After Shu Shu heard that, she pressed down hard with the cotton bud dipped in iodine.

“Ah! Ah! Softer!!!”

Shu Shu was especially quiet. Yu Yu coughed,

“How could a man allow another man to eye his own woman?!”

“I’m your woman?” Shu Shu narrowed her eyes slightly, radiating a dangerous signal. Yu Yu’s neck turned cold.

Fuck, why did his heart beat like this!

He spoke firmly, “You want to become my woman? I don’t even want you! I don’t even want such a tomboy like you even if it’s gifted to me.”

“Huh, you talk like I will like you! Look at you, no wonder Cheng Duanyi doesn’t believe that I already have a partner.”

“Damn you! How am I bad?! Do I not treat you nicely?! I can’t cook?!”

Shu Shu faked a laugh, “No matter how good you are, I still won’t like you!”

His heart suddenly felt heavy. Yu Yu almost leaped up, “You talk as if I will like you?!”

Rain suddenly poured outside. Shu Shu was stunned, and slowly walked out to the balcony.

Cheng Duanyi was still standing outside.

After a few minutes, Shu Shu looked outside again. He was still there…

“Hey, hey, don’t be rash. If you go out, you’ll fall for his trick1!”

Shu Shu frowned. Her emotion was down. After a few minutes, he was still there.

Shu Shu couldn’t wait anymore and went to take the umbrella.

Yu Yu grabbed her, “You can’t go…”

Seeing how conflicted she looked, he took the umbrella from her, “I’ll go!”

Yu Yu walked up to him with an umbrella. The rain fell onto the umbrella while he put on a face of indifference.

“Don’t you think this is enough? What do you get from stalking her?”

Yu Yu couldn’t hold down his rage. He didn’t know where his big temper came from as well.

“Mr Yu, do you want to hear a story?” Cheng Duanyi stared at him closely.


Shu Shu didn’t close her door. She saw that Cheng Duanyi had left just now, so she opened her door and waited for Yu Yu.

“Why are you so wet, go and change your clothes!”

Yu Yu stood at the door looking entirely drenched. He didn’t even go inside. Shu Shu quickly went up to him.

“Last time when you confessed and said that maybe you had liked him when you fought with him, this person, is it Cheng Duanyi?”

Shu Shu’s face turned stiff and didn’t speak a word.

The answer was as clear as day.

“I’m heading up…” Yu Yu said as he went upstairs. His heart felt heavy like it was being pierced by a knife.


“Da Yu, stop drinking, what’s wrong with you?!”

Yu Yu raised his reddish eyes and looked at him with agony.

It was the first time Zhuang Ming saw him look like this, as if he would cry any second from now.

“The 250 Downstairs still likes her ex-boyfriend! What good is that guy? This greedy person! Is he as handsome as me? Does he treat her as good as me?”

“Da Yu, is this about the ‘crazy person’ you told me last time?”

“Pui, you are the crazy person!”

Zhuang Ming: “……” You said this on your own, alright?!

“Don’t you hate her? What does it have to do with you regarding who she likes?”

“She cannot like anybody else!”

Zhuang Ming patted him, “Da Yu, you like her…”

Yu Yu was stunned, dumbfounded.

(TN: So Yu Yu finally realizes his heart, lol)