It was like a hammer that knocked out the deepest thought in Yu Yu’s heart.

He didn’t want her to meet other guys.

He wanted to see her.

She liked men who can cook, so he learned to cook.

He went around saying how much he disliked her, but he passed by her door every day, pounding his heart to find an excuse to knock on the door.



Zhuang Ming patted his shoulder, “Yu Yu, you’re done for.”

Yu Yu looked at him, “What should I do?”

“Ps usw oydv vs cl vstlvbla okvb bla?”

Gqvla nsdvlxrzyvkdt, bl dseele.

“Mbld nbypl bla!”

“Tso?” Zw Zw oyp pvkzz kd y eygl.

Hbwydt Ykdt vbswtbv vbyv Zw Zw bye qyzzld zlvbyzzu qsa bla. Nssj yv vbkp kdvlzzlnv, bkp cayhlau…

“Pwakdt uswa wdkhlapkvu vkxl, vbyv nsze clywvu usw’al yqvla, ykpb, obyv oyp bla dyxl? Fbl oyp ps yeyxydv, cwv usw pvkzz pwnnllele okvb xsdlu!”

Zw Zw vbswtbv ycswv kv, vbld pyke, “Jwv R esd’v byhl xsdlu dso, yde pbl byp xsdlu…”

“Rp pbl ralvvu?”

Yu Yu thought about it again. He didn’t know how to describe her, and he didn’t have her photo.


“Last time, Yu Bei said he fell in love with her at first sight.”

Zhuang Ming: “……”

“Why?” Yu Yu looked at Zhuang Ming who wasn’t saying anything.

“What is her personality like?”

“Very fierce, violent and has a poisonous tongue. Last time during the school reunion, she…”

Zhuang Ming was silent for a few seconds after he finished listening to him, then patted Yu Yu. He said with a grim face,

“Da Yu, give up. You don’t have a chance anymore…”

Yu Yu: “……”

“She is good-looking, rich, independent, and the main point is she doesn’t feel anything for you. Your hope, tsh tsh, is low.”

“No feelings for me? We had been hanging out for such a long time, what if she also likes me secretly?!”

“Alright, then you go and confess!” Since I was not the person getting hurt…

Since he’d already said it, then he would do it! Alcohol could boost a person’s bravery!


Zhuang Ming took Yu Yu to a posh florist late at night to buy a bouquet of blue roses, then sent Yu Yu back to the entrance of his neighbourhood.

Looking at his slightly red drunk face and excited figure from behind, Zhuang Ming silently made a cross, Amen.

Da Yu, I sympathize with you…

“Bang Bang Bang!”

“What are you doing? So late at night.” He was banging the door like she owed him money.

Yu Yu pushed the blue roses forward. Shu Shu blinked.

“For you! I……”

“Blue roses?”

Yu Yu nodded, “I……”

“How many roses?” Shu Shu touched it, then sniffed it. Hm, they were real blue roses.

“99, I……”

“99? Yu Yu, Yu Yu. Who was the one who made me pay the bill when we were dining outside the day before yesterday? You have no money? Hm?”


“No, I really have no money.”

“No money, then why did you buy this?” Shu Shu’s eyes narrowed.

“I just got my salary from the last shoot…”

“Da Yu, do you think these roses are more important or food is more important?”

Yu Yu drank a little too much alcohol, so his brain was in a mess.


“Then since you’d bought this, do you still have money left to eat?”

“I……” Yu Yu was dumbfounded and felt kind of dizzy.

“If you exchange this into money, won’t you be able to buy more things?”


“You said you didn’t receive any casting offers lately, then what if you need to buy clothes?”

Yu Yu was stunned. His groggy mind only thought that what she said made a lot of sense!


“Then tell me, what should you do now?”

“Re-return it…..?”

Shu Shu patted him, “Good, learn from your mistake, go!”

“Oh…” Yu Yu turned around, feeling dizzy.

Shu Shu closed the door then shook her arms. This 250 drank too much tonight and lost his mind?

Yu Yu walked down to the third floor, then stood like a stone. He felt like he’d forgotten a very important thing….

He, what did he forget?

The painter opened the door and was stunned.

Who would not be scared to see a man hugging a bouquet of flowers in front of your door late at night?!

The main point was they were both men!

Yu Yu looked at him, still feeling dizzy.

“That, brother, I……”

“Hm?” Yu Yu walked closer, what did this person want to tell him?

The only thing in the painter’s eyes was the bouquet of roses that were getting closer to him.

“Brother, I only like women!”

Yu Yu was still in a daze.

Oh no, was this man upstairs with a toxic tongue not leaving today?

What to do? What should he do if a man give him roses? 

“Brother, I, don’t like you…..”


Fuck! Yu Yu finally remembered what he was trying to do today!

She actually talked him out of it?!

He looked at the roses in his hand and felt irritated.

“For you, for you!” He pushed it to the painter then went back up with wobbly steps.

The painter who was hugging the roses: “……”

What should he do? Did a male neighbour really fall for him?! Help, how should he reject him?!


The new shop had just opened. There weren’t a lot of big issues but there were more small issues. Shu Shu put up a blackboard on the door that showed the number of empty tables today. People can order takeaway but they can’t dine in.

It was her grand opening. This place didn’t have a very large flow of crowd but it was near her neighbourhood with a small park nearby.

The reason why she put up a notice of allowing takeaway was because of the two “masters” in the shop. She hadn’t wanted to earn money, but she didn’t want to lose money either.

“Faster, faster, let’s go, or else there’s no seat left!”

“Why the hurry? Isn’t it just a coffee shop~” Chen Chen didn’t care much. Her mood hadn’t been good recently. There were too many things that had mentally exhausted her. Furthermore… she sometimes thought that it could be easier to just die! And yet her co-worker wanted to get a coffee together at some new shop. She was not interested at all!

“What do you know? If we’re late, there won’t be any seats left. That shop’s coffee tastes really good and it’s not expensive. The desserts are also super delicious.”

“Yeah yeah” Another co-worker responded.

Chen Chen quickly gathered her belongings. The five of them departed to the coffee shop together.

“Oh no, there are no seats left!” A co-worker groaned while looking at the blackboard.

“Then takeaway…” Chen Chen didn’t care at all.

“Sitting inside to drink coffee is an enjoyment!”

Going in, it really felt sentimental inside. There was a faint artistic sense that could make people feel relaxed.

There were seven or eight people who were lining up. There were five people in the shop. One was making coffee and another was making dessert.

Many people lined up for the coffee, then lined up for dessert while drinking the coffee.

Her co-worker had lined up in front of the cashier. Chen Chen was also lining up. She ordered first then lined up to pick up the drink while holding the receipt.

There were two ladies at the cashier. One was in charge of money while another was leaning by the side. She looked attractive, at least Chen Chen thought she looked much prettier than those popular celebrities.

There was a table and a chair at the corner. There was a paper and a pen on the table with a small light hanging at the top. It looked extremely comfortable.

There was also a bead curtain hanging at the side. Who knew what was behind it.

She nudged her co-worker, “Hey, that looks quite tasty, why is it placed there?”

“Waoh, today is not bad!”

“Let’s buy another one later!”

“That one doesn’t accept money.”


“That one accepts story.”

“Can’t you see that the shop’s name is story? You can write your story, no matter if it’s a good or bad one, anonymously. You are allowed to put it up and let other people who write stories read it. I heard that people who write stories can go inside to read them, and can even leave comments below someone else’s story.”

“You had written before?”

“No, it’s troublesome. Although that looks tasty, the other desserts are tasty too. It doesn’t have to be that one!”

Chen Chen nodded. She thought that she made sense.

Soon, it was her turn. She ordered a cup of coffee and a dessert that looked not bad. After paying for them, she was about to turn around.

“Miss, are you willing to leave your story?”

Chen Chen turned around and saw that attractive woman looking at her with smiling eyes. She looked incredibly warm. She didn’t know what happened, but when Chen Chen came to her senses, she’d already sat down.

Taking the pen, she initially thought that there was nothing much she could write. But in the end, she unexpectedly wrote an entire page.

That woman pulled up the bead curtain and beckoned at her. Chen Chen went towards her.

“Paste it up. You can pick one to leave a comment.”

She then went out, leaving her alone to read the stories. There were still not many stories there. Ten or more pieces were pasted randomly, leaving ample empty spaces which occupied only a small area of this compartment.

In here, there was one where the husband had an affair, leading to divorce, one where their relative passed away, one who was discriminated by her colleagues, one who was getting married to their lover, one who succeeded in proposing to the girl that he loved for so many years, one who got pregnant… and one who was in her last stage of cancer.

Judging from the handwriting, it looked like it belonged to a woman. There was no despair between her words. She said the dessert in this shop was delicious, but she might not come here anymore. There were still so many places all around the country, so she wanted to explore. She said there was a bowl of Liangfen (凉粉) that tasted really delicious in Lijiang, and there was also a dumpling in Harbin that tasted nice. She said the famous Huguo Temple Snack in Beijing was not delicious at all! She even wrote three exclamation marks to show her extreme dissatisfaction with it…

Chen Chen rubbed the corner of her eyes. There were so many people more desperate than her who were still living. Meanwhile, she was healthy, her parents were still around, she had a job and a home, so what more could she ask for?

She took the pen and wrote below the paper, Fighting, I hope that in every place you will go next, you will eat the food that makes you happy!

Besides her, there were still a few comments below that wished her all the best. No matter if they knew her or not, no matter if they were male or female, everyone who read this paper had the same feeling as her – filled with wishes.

After coming out, her heart felt better. She smiled softly at the woman, and she also responded with a smile.

She pointed at the cake on the right side. That woman shook her head and let her take the left one.

“This is more suitable for you…”

Chen Chen received it, then took the dessert and coffee that had been packed for her before going out.

When she was writing the story, she let her colleagues leave first. Chen Chen went to the park while holding the things and sat on the chair.

She took out the “story” first, and fed herself a small piece with a fork. It was a little too sweet. It was supposed to be the taste that she didn’t like, but for some reason, she felt that it was tasty, and happy…

Chen Chen sat on the chair alone and finished eating the whole “story”. She then drank the coffee and ate the dessert. She stood up and walked briskly with light steps.

Her parents should be waiting for her to eat together. She should go buy a grapefruit later, as her mother said she was craving it yesterday.