After the business of her shop began moving in the right track, Shu Shu began working to and fro her home and the shop. She wasn’t always in the shop since her main job was still to write. After she finished this book, she needed to start a new book.

This operation model of her shop was pretty good. Her capital wouldn’t be lost and she might even earn money after some time.

That way, she didn’t need to sell her own “child” to feed herself. Yes, her books were her children.

Yu Yu was not yet busy at the moment. The drama where he played the third male lead was not aired yet, but the variety show was going to air tonight. His manager had even booked the next script for him.

According to him, Yu Yu would be casted as some small side characters to gain experience and fame first while awaiting the chance for him to become famous.


After ten o’ clock at night, Shu Shu finished showering and was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door.

“What’s up with you?”

Yu Yu blinked, “Tonight my show is airing, let’s watch together?”

Fbw Fbw: “……”


“Cwknjzu, kv’p tskdt vs pvyav, nsxl iwknjzu!”

“Ebu vbl watldnu, esd’v usw jdso vbyv clkdt wr zyvl yv dktbv nyd byax y tkaz’p qynl? Gv zlypv zlv xl rwv sd xu xypj!”

Gqvla pbl rzynle vbl xypj sd bla qynl rasrlazu, pbl oyzjle swv pzsozu, “Plye qkpb, obyv rastayxxl kp vbkp, xwpv kv sdzu yka yv 11 s’ nzsnj!”

“Ebyv? Nssjkdt esod sd y hyaklvu pbso?!”

Gqvla nyalppkdt Zlzzso Wwa obs ekprzyule y qynl sq yaastydnl, bl vbld zssjle yv bla qynl, “Tyhl usw qkdkpble wpkdt vbl xypjp R tyhl usw zypv vkxl?”

“Gzalyeu qkdkpble!”

Such a lavish spender!


What to do? Da Yu realized mournfully that he couldn’t even afford this Shu’s mask!!!

What kind of earning would he need to feed this woman?!

“You… spend how much a month?”

Shu Shu thought about it, then shook her head, “I never counted.”

“Then which level of the entertainment circle is needed to afford your living?”

Shu Shu pondered about it, “Second or third-class celebrity’s salary should be enough…”

Yu Yu hadn’t yet let out a breath of relief when he heard her say, “But marriage wouldn’t be enough. It’s so hard to feed me, and if there’s a child, it has to be at least a movie god.”

Yu Yu thought about his distance to become a movie god, and cried out loud in his heart. Daddy, I wanna go home! He can only feed this woman by taking over the family’s business, wuwuwu……

“Alright, watch the variety show.”

When he said that it was a small-scale variety show, Yu Yu wasn’t being humble. It was really very small-scale!

The camera opened to a few hosts with unfamiliar faces. They must have rented a small-sized studio.

They acted out a drama scenario followed by gales of laughter. Of course, the laughter did not come from Shu Shu and Yu Yu, it was simply a sound that was self-directed, coming from the program.


Shu Shu’s lips twitched, “Where are you?”

“The main character always appears last, wait a little more, don’t fret!”

Alright, after waiting some more, the few hosts finally finished their opening.

“And now, let’s welcome our guests for the day with an applause, Fu Yi, Zeng Yu, Liu Zhicheng, Yu Yu!”

After Yu Yu heard that, he quickly sat up decently. He nudged Shu Shu lightly with his arm, “It’s here, it’s here!”

She widened her eyes subconsciously as well, staring at him as he followed them into the stage with a light smile, looking a lot like a “warm guy”.

The host introduced them one by one. Shu Shu searched her memory but she still couldn’t remember who these people were.

“Who are they?”

“Fu Yi is a second-class celebrity, he played a lot of side characters beside the main leads. Zeng Yu is a singer and he has won a few small awards. Liu Zhicheng is a comedian.” He couldn’t help but sigh as he spoke. In the past, he wouldn’t even bat his eye to look at these people, but now they are all more successful than he is.

Shu Shu scratched her chin. Yu Yu really looked more outstanding in this bunch of people. Perhaps he was right, he only lacked a chance to become popular.

“Hey, how did you do it?” Shu Shu saw in the show, Yu Yu jumped up and popped the balloon that was hung up by the staff.

“That’s nothing big, it’s just a height problem. A piece of cake!” How could he tell her that when he was recording it, the only thought in his mind was to jump up and beat the 250 downstairs to death?


“We all know that Da Yu was in the top searches before, and as the identity of an extra. You have such good qualifications, what made you want to become an extra?”

The variety show was nearing its end so they began to play emotional cards. Yu Yu sat decently as Shu Shu picked up a glass to drink water, and then put it down. It was pretty late now, eye bags could grow from drinking water…

She saw Yu Yu smiling gently on the television. He really looked like a perfect gentleman with large eyes that could stare at people using really deep feelings.

“For my dream. I don’t have the fame.” When he said that, he smiled more shyly, making people want to caress his hair and to care for him.

Even Shu Shu’s hand felt itchy.

“I need to learn more. I’m starting at a lower point so I hope to have a firm foundation.”

He blinked, then smiled shyly again. He looked amicable with this innocent, warm guy image. He was the kind who would be popular with everyone, from the kindergarten to the nursery home.

Even the way the female host spoke to him became softer.

Shu Shu rubbed the goosebumps on her arm, and thought in her heart, luckily she didn’t drink water just now…

“How did you have the face to say such words? Even talking about dreams, tsh tsh, are you sure it wasn’t because you had no money to eat those few days?”

Yu Yu glared at her, what was wrong with saying it was for his dream?! He only followed his manager’s request and made it sound better. Who didn’t have a dream, or else why would he be here? Humans, talking about dreams, let’s not talk about the possibility of achieving it, but he should at least try.

The program ended after this. Yu Yu opened his weibo excitedly, waiting to see if there was any news about him. He scrolled again and again.


Okay, small variety show, he shouldn’t have high hopes…

“You’re still not leaving?” Shu Shu looked at him. The program had ended, so he should leave now. It was going to be one o’ clock, if she didn’t sleep now, she would waste a week’s worth of her beauty regime.

Yu Yu climbed up and went out feeling depressed. Alright, his chance to become popular wasn’t here yet!


Even a small variety show would have a small audience. The second day, someone uploaded a clip of Yu Yu, #Found a handsome guy# This topic began surfacing.

It didn’t get into the top searches but there were quite a lot of people who viewed and shared it. Yu Yu’s weibo fans went up to fifty thousand. It was still quite low and couldn’t even compete with a small internet celebrity.

But to him, it was already a great improvement. It didn’t matter how glamorous he was in the past. Now he had to depend on himself. Even if it was just a small achievement, he deserved to be excited.

When Yu Yu was happy, how should he show it?

He bought vegetables and rice to make a whole table of dishes. He smiled as he made a phone call to the 250 downstairs, inviting her to come up and eat.

“Wah, why did you cook so much? What day is today?” Shu Shu pushed the door open with a shocked expression.

Yu Yu placed the last dish on the table while beaming widely, “My weibo fans have reached fifty thousand!”

The corner of Shu Shu’s lips twitched.

Da Yu’s cooking skills had improved drastically during this time. Even Shu Shu had to nod and agree that the dishes now were more to the “tasty” side.

After eating, Shu Shu walked around in the living room to digest the food. She ate too much without realizing it. Meanwhile, Yu Yu was washing the plates in the kitchen.

Feeling full in her stomach and seeing him busy working, Shu Shu felt some satisfaction all of a sudden.

After contemplating, she took out her phone. Think of this as repaying you for the food you made all this while.

“Da Yu, I’m going down!”

“Go, oh yeah, when I was buying vegetables I saw a durian. I brought you a small half of it in the fridge. Take it and go!”

“Thanks.” Shu Shu nodded, and didn’t feel awkward at all as she took this small half of durian and went down the stairs.

After a while, Yu Yu’s phone rang. He wiped his hand and took it.

“Da Yu!!! What kind of relationship do you have with Du Da?! This is the second time!!!”

His manager’s extremely loud voice came from the phone. Yu Yu moved the phone a little further away from his ear.

“What did you say?”

“Du Da shared your weibo again, and even followed you! What is your relationship with her?!”

Yu Yu was in a daze, “We don’t have any relationship?”

“Da Yu, don’t hide it anymore. If you know Du Da, say it out directly. All these years, Du Da only followed a few people, and you’re just a small star, don’t lie to me!”

Yu Yu blinked, “Is it because I followed her? It made her think that we’re close?”

“Cheh~ So many small stars followed Du Da, and there are even the second and third-class celebrities, but I don’t see Du Da follow them back? Da Yu, if you have a background, use it. You’d be popular!”

Then I’d have to really know her, right? Could it be that Du Da saw that I was handsome so she had a secret crush on me? No no, there is already someone in my heart! The 250 downstairs may not know yet, but my heart is set!

When his manager hung up, he still suspected that there was something going on between Yu Yu and Du Da. It couldn’t be that Du Da suddenly supported a small star, right?!

The weibo Du Da shared was the short clip Yu Yu shared with her. Every angle in the show displayed his handsome facial features from 360 degrees without any blind spots. In the internet where first impressions depended on the face, [ID: Summer Top Stories] truly helped him to attract fans. After Du Da shared it, the views began rising immensely.

So it was surely a big surprise when Yu Yu found that his weibo fans reached one hundred thousand.

He only followed two “internet celebrities”. One was Du Da that he followed openly – she was really a very good person! Another one was Xiu Shu that he followed silently. Hmph, this person had such a bad character and was pretentious.

On the other hand, when Xiu Shu went back and opened her computer, she was truly shocked by the comments underneath.

There were some decent comments,

I love Du Da: Ahhhh! Du Da, this guy you’re promoting is so handsome!

Dream A Thousand Years: If Du Da followed him then I’ll also follow him. I’m your diehard fan like that.

Bright Sunshine: Judging by his looks, this guy is going to become popular

Hahaha: Du Da seemed to share this person’s weibo before…

wwe: Really handsome


Some were speculative comments,

Water in Desert: This person must have some kind of relationship with Du Da, Du Da knows him?

Here and There: Rigged? 1

Mo Shang Ren Ru Yu: Du Da starts to promote people now, it’s the fall of the internet celebrity world…

Big brother: After so many years Du Da can’t hold it in anymore? Want to use this account to earn money now?


And there were those that Shu Shu couldn’t understand,

Big River: The guy is so handsome! Du Da, do him!

Old Days Old Times: We agreed to make a singles club, Du Da can flirt, can help him grow popular, but don’t abandon our singles community!!

Small rose: Hehehe, I laugh secretly, Du Da is helping people?!

Flowing Sand: Du Da… say it, have you grown fond of him? Go, we’ll be supporting you at the back!

Lao Duo: Du Da fighting, go!

Did you have some kind of misunderstanding about me? Was my performance every day very indecent? Hm?

She chose a representative for each reply. She replied to the first decent comment,

[Du Da: Hard to say if he’s handsome… but he is really tall.]

To the second speculative comment, she replied,

[Du Da: I can’t share a weibo that I think is okay? This account doesn’t earn money, if you don’t believe it you can click on the corner left. Let’s not see each other again / smile]

As for the third one, Shu Shu thought about it, then replied,

[Du Da: Do you have some kind of misunderstanding about me? I am a decent person / bye Picture: A look of solemn]