After Du Da’s weibo was published, comments began popping up at the bottom and her fans who were watching at the sidelines appeared one by one.

I love Du Da: 66666 mighty Du Da

Hahaha: I thought Du Da will continue to watch at the side, how come you’d resurfaced~

Orange shirt: Something is up, hehehe

Sincere heart: Du Da, I’m ready with my keyboard, you only need to say the word and we, Du Fen1 will support you!


Six thirty: Du Da is going to show us what she’s made of, hahaha


Shu Shu stretched out her arms lazily and then moved her limbs. She didn’t have that much spare time to go and check their addresses one by one. Her hacking skills were just average, but she only meant to scare them today. She could figure out who they were easily. Among all the things that Poisonous Chicken Soup had done previously, she’d only shared Da Yu’s weibo that made Luo Xu think that she was the one backing Yu Yu.

Mblu alyzzu vbswtbv sq bla zkjl y tse. Mbl xyd obs oyp nywtbv zypv vkxl ypjle bla vs blzr csspv bkp rsrwzyakvu. Twb, ps R pbswze blzr usw kq usw ypj? Tl zssjle ps wtzu yde ulv bye pwnb y rkrl ealyx. Fbl alflnvle bkx xlankzlppzu. Mbyv xyd oyp y nlzlcakvu obs oyp ralvvu rsrwzya. Fbw Fbw blyae psxlsdl kd vbl kdewpvau vyzj ycswv bkx clqsal, y pnsadqwz rlapsd.

Tl qayxle bla sd vbl kdvladlv xwzvkrzl vkxlp. Fbw Fbw vbld alrzkle okvb vbyv pldvldnl, usw’al tskdt vs cl bydeknyrrle yde usw’al pvkzz blal vs vyzj dsdpldpl?

Uskdnkeldvyzzu, y qlo eyup zyvla bl oyp nywtbv!

Mbkp xyel vbl kdvladlv wplap vbkdj vbyv pbl oyp zltldeyau. Mblal olal yzz jkdep sq prlnwzyvksdp. Mblal oyp yzps sdl kdvladlv nlzlcakvu obs oyp vaukdt vs clnsxl y pvya. Gqvla Pw Py yrrlyale, pbl nswzed’v xykdvykd bla rspkvksd yp vbl qkapv rzynl kdvladlv nlzlcakvu yduxsal, ps pbl yzps vakle vs qayxl bla kd clvolld bla zkdlp.

Fs pbl zspv vbl aszl pbl’e tsvvld. Pw Py nswzed’v es yduvbkdt ycswv kv, cwv “Dkw Fbw” nswze! Fbl oyp vss zygu vs nblnj kv obld Pw Wld xyel vblka xshl.

Jkt Skhla: Pw Py fwpv pkv cynj, R’zz prsdpsa usw y rklnl sq kdqsaxyvksd

Xze Pyup Xze Mkxlp: Esyb! Mbl vsr nsxxldv kp yolpsxl

R zshl Pw Py: 666666

Small rose: Hahaha, brother, I salute you a great man


Dream A Thousand Years: 666666


Shu Shu clicked on it. It was a form that consisted of those people who claimed that she was rigging the rules for Yu Yu in Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo two hours ago. All the different names were linked to the same address, giving it a feeling of a crowd of people even though it was just ten people. They jumped out so aggressively to pull the people who didn’t know the truth to their side.

Shu Shu snorted coldly, then saved the document. When she was about to say something, she saw the other comments,

7557555: Hacked into the guy’s computer that jumped out the most, huh, as a star, doing plastic surgery is one thing, but why keep your conversation history? Also, when trying to frame people next time, remember to clear your computer’s history. The truth is here, no need to thank me.

Niu Er: Wha! This inside story?!

Boss asked me to scout the mountains: This guy didn’t even clean his own traces and dared to come frame my Du Da?

Taking break between work: Fuck! That’s really shameless

Dream A Thousand Years: The top comment, you are a real man! Epic


It was like a staggering blow in the already bustling internet. The views and shares were hitting the roof. Luo Xu was stunned.

“Take it all down, make him take it all down!”


Luo Xu stared blankly, “Shouldn’t they help me put in some good words?”

“About what? Say that you did not have plastic surgery? Or you didn’t hire the keyboard warriors?”

“Then what should I do?!”

“Too many people have seen it, this hot topic won’t be able to come down for now!”

“Then how? Send an attorney letter?”

“Yeah, send one. Better if it does have an effect to divert the attention!” He then patted him. This time, Luo Xu might have already damaged his reputation, hopefully he could still clear his name in the future!


Panning away from Luo Xu, Shu Shu was in a good mood instead. Look at her fans, how powerful they were?

Shu Shu’s anti-fans seemed to disappear after one night. A few of Yu Yu’s anti-fans were still hovering about.

These were all Luo Xu’s loyal fans and some onlookers who had their own way of thinking.

Yu Yu looked at the amount of his fans…… 500 thousand? No wonder everyone loved scandals and fights, the number of fans rose so fast?!

Soon, his manager’s phone call came.


“Da Yu! Post a message to thank Du Da, @Du Da!” He sounded very excited.

Yu Yu’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t have much knowledge about this industry just yet, but it didn’t mean that he was stupid. If he @Poisonous Chicken Soup to thank her, wasn’t it obvious that he wanted her to help boost his popularity?

“Nope, what if this offends her, I’ll get berated for nothing.”

“How come?! Du Da is obviously helping you out this time? There were even those who insulted her before, and unless they tried to frame her on a large scale, she didn’t even care.”

“This time, only a few are attacking her, and they’re mostly just trying to relate you and her together. See the things that she’d done, wasn’t it obvious that she was helping you clear your name?”

“Da Yu, don’t be so inflexible, if she becomes angry, you can quickly retreat. Try sending her one?”

“No, I really don’t know her, not to mention trying to relate us together. People with sharp eyes could tell that I’m sucking up to her, do you think that’s meaningful?”

Moreover, what if that 250 downstairs found out, how would she think about me? Who cares who that Poisonous Chicken Soup is, I’ll just quickly thank her. As an innocent person, he shouldn’t have any ties with someone else!

No matter what the manager said, he wouldn’t listen. The manager could only hang up the phone in disappointment and frustration. This Yu Yu was plain stupid!

Yu Yu glanced at the number of his fans and couldn’t hold in his excitement at that moment. He went down.

He immediately walked in once Shu Shu opened the door. This guy had become such a frequent visitor to her house that she was already used to it.

“Why are you still putting on a mask?”


Shu Shu said nothing and continued what she was doing.

Yu Yu also didn’t care and laid down on the sofa. He looked at her direction as his eyes changed into a narrow line from smiling.

“Broken book, do you know? My weibo fans are over five hundred thousand! I feel like I can see five million waving at me.” He showed a face of indulgence, as if five million fans were already guaranteed.

Shu Shu continued patting her mask and didn’t even care about him. Yu Yu sat up straight, “Let me tell you, these two days, my weibo is full of storms and blood! Blood and storms! The beginning is because everyone saw my humongous potential, and gave me a role that the black carrot couldn’t handle. He didn’t even reflect on himself, but started feeling resentment in his heart. He wanted to take revenge on me and swore to put me to death! Under the black carrot’s order, a large army of keyboard warriors marched towards my weibo!”

“That is what we call dark and evil! It’s all nonsensical scoldings to me, son of a bitch, one even said that my looks are under par! I say, you can doubt other things, but to doubt my looks? I still remember when I was in primary school…… (Here omit ten thousand words)”

Feeling a little thirsty, Yu Yu drank a gulp of water. Shu Shu took her mask off and grabbed her broom to begin cleaning the floor.

“I was going out of topic, I’ll continue telling you about that black carrot! That black carrot’s name is Luo Xu, huh, he does not look dark but his heart is real black! The powder on his face is heavier than a woman’s, as if it’s a wall of brick, he…… (Here omit five thousand words)”

Yu Yu drank another gulp of water. Shu Shu had finished cleaning the floor, and took out the mop to mop the floor.

“I’m out of topic again, that black carrot framed me because of that second male lead role, and am I someone who will sit and do nothing? Just a few days ago, I uploaded that video clip that we shot together. It attracted millions of women who came to worship me.”  He then stared at Shu Shu and said with a deliberate, loud voice, 

“So many women confessed to me!”

Seeing no reaction from Shu Shu, he pouted his mouth and continued talking,

“This issue then reached its peak, that black carrot’s fans and my fans started fighting. That is full of storms and blood, full of blood and storms! The good always wins over evil, my fans had the massive advantage, but the ones behind black carrot were paid by him, so they continued fighting unwaveringly on the front lines!”

“And then my ultimate fan, Poisonous Chicken Soup, you know her? She’s popular, with fans that are comparable to a first class celebrity. They are all loyal fans and normal people wouldn’t even dare to touch her!”

“My ultimate fan then came out and helped me clear my name. Marching on with her Du Fen, they scared the piss out of those anti-fans. I heard that black carrot didn’t dare to come out of his house for the last two days because of this!”

He glanced at Shu Shu again, then spoke loudly,

“Although Poisonous Chicken Soup gives me a huge assistance, I know how to separate work and private life. I will return the gratitude when there comes a chance for it, but I will never ever get into any relationship with her! I am always loyal, faithful and devoted to my future woman, I am a good man!”

Seeing that Shu Shu still didn’t give any response, Yu Yu nibbled his slightly dry lips and drank a few more gulps of water.

Looking back at Shu Shu, she’d already finished mopping the floor. She put down the mop and came out after washing her hands.

“Hey, broken book.”

Shu Shu showed no reaction.

“Hey, broken book!!”

Still no reaction.

“Shu Shu!!!” He guessed that even the elderly couple on the second floor could even hear his scream.

Shu Shu finally showed some reaction. She raised her head and looked at him.

“Don’t ignore what I’m saying!”

Shu Shu stretched her hand and pulled her hair to the back of her ear. She then took out her bluetooth earphones,

“What did you say?”

“……” F*ck you!

Yu Yu went out angrily. Shu Shu laughed heartily. This guy talked so energetically, how could she not even hear a single word.

Ultimate fan? She didn’t even know that as Du Da.

Poisonous Chicken Soup posted a weibo after this “storm and blood, blood and storm” just passed,

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: With a sofa and a glass of water, some people can boast so much until you start suspecting life / Pic: Brag, you continue to brag!]

In between all the comments, there was one that was especially noticeable. Shu Shu smiled scornfully.

Time has tears: 66666

Old Days Old Times: Hahaha, Du Da is talking about yourself?

Dream A Thousand Years: +1

South and North: Pfft hahahahaha

Yu Yu: Shit, who is this skilful? Come, let us both boast against each other.

This new account, she didn’t even need to check the ID to know that it must be that guy upstairs who was behind it. Since he had quite a lot of fans now, he started acting low profile.