Today, Shu Shu went to her shop. Yu Yu’s drama will only start shooting a few days later, so Shu Shu entrusted Yu Yu to take care of Yellow Fur.

“Yellow Fur, come, eat a meat piece!”

Yellow Fur laid down motionless like a mountain. It looked like it wasn’t in a good mood.

“Yellow Fur, eat some, I’m your male owner, I’m no different than your female owner.”

He fed the meat piece to its mouth. Yellow Fur turned its head to one side, obviously unhappy with him and wouldn’t accept his food.


“Eat it!” Yu Yu was mad.

“Bark!” Not eating.


“Jyaj!” Lsv lyvkdt!

Zw Zw rskdvle yv kv, ps qwakswp vbyv bl oyp ycswv vs czso wr. Ohld y est eyale vs vbaso y vydvawx yv bkx?!

Tl vssj sqq sdl sq bkp pzkrrlap yde vsze kv qklanlzu, “Gal usw lyvkdt kv sa dsv?!”

“Jyaj cyaj cyaj!” Rv pyke kv oswzed’v lyv kv ps kv oswzed’v lyv kv!

“Zsw usw usw……” Tl alnyzzle Fbw Fbw’p kdpvawnvksd clqsal pbl zlqv, vbld vbalo bkp pzkrrla vs sdl pkel, qllzkdt elflnvle. Tl jdlzv esod vs vbl qzssa vs pll qynl-vs-qynl yde lul-vs-lul okvb Zlzzso Wwa.

“Fka! Zsw yal xu cspp! Vzlypl tkhl xl qynl, yde lyv psxl?”


Fbw Fbw oyzjle vs vbl ldvaydnl sq bla pbsr. Mblal oyp yzalyeu iwkvl y zsdt zkdl swvpkel. Rv oyp kd vbl xsadkdt, ps vbl rlsrzl wpwyzzu zlqv yqvla rwanbypkdt y nwr sq nsqqll yde y csm sq elpplav.

Those who went to work left for work, and those who went to school left for school.


She hired two more people in the shop to help with takeaways and cleaning up, thus increasing the efficiency.

“Can we make it?” A girl standing in the line asked another girl standing in front of her.

“We should leave after buying it even if we’re late! I dreamed of the desserts here yesterday and salivated for the whole night. Especially the story, wait till I have a story, I’ll come and exchange it!” She was a young teenage girl and had no story she could use to exchange with.

Shu Shu smiled. Such cute customers.

She helped out at the counter to pack the desserts. The girl was carrying her backpack as she hopped towards her, then smiled.

“Ai, sis, I don’t have a story!”

Shu Shu continued packing, “This is for you.”

“Ahhh! Thank you sis, I have wanted it for a long time!” Her voice at the end became softer, being considerate, in case if all the other customers found out, it would be hard for Shu Shu.

After they finished sending off the first group of people in the morning, it wasn’t that busy anymore. Wu Xiao Rui who was in charge of the desserts massaged her waist,

“Boss, this is forced labour! I work until my hands tremble every morning.”

Shu Shu raised her eyes and looked at her, “Did you count how many digits is your salary?”

“Hehehe” Wu Xiao Rui winked. She felt very satisfied to work here. No matter where she worked, it was a whole day’s work until nightfall. When she just started, she only earned a thousand dollars a month, and she had to work so many hours every day that left her exhausted. Shu Shu recruited her from her last workplace and doubled her salary. The environment was also more relaxed. Since desserts were not their main menu, she could do anything she wanted as the only pastry chef.


At about eleven o’ clock in the morning, there were not many people around when a man walked in. He said nothing as he sat down at an empty spot, then stared outside blankly. They weren’t busy around this time so the waitress went up to him, “Sir, do you need anything?”

The man lifted his head then spoke with a hoarse and broken voice, “Coffee.”

The waitress was surprised by his face, then asked him shyly, “Yes, which type of coffee?”

“Anything will do.”

The waitress was stunned, went back, then carefully served him a cup of coffee.

The man looked at the dessert counter blankly. A few ladies in the shop were glancing at him secretly. Shu Shu went up to him.

“Sir, do you want to exchange a story?”

The man did not exchange a story. He only looked at the dessert counter, then said, “She will surely like it.”

This man was clad in a full formal suit. He had sharp facial features and his whole body was humble yet extravagant. Shu Shu took a good look at him, yup, a rich man.

The man looked at her, then asked all of a sudden, “What do girls value the most in men?”

Shu Shu thought about it, and hadn’t yet said anything when he continued talking.

The man lowered his head, “She must not like cowards…”


Shu Shu didn’t answer him. She was about to get up and find other things to get busy with.

“Give me a piece of paper…”

She turned around in surprise, then passed him a paper.

That man began writing, fully focused. Every stroke of the pen was like his life’s ritual.

After some time, he walked out slowly. He was supposed to be an elite filled with confidence, yet his whole body was reeking of disappointment.

He didn’t want a cake and went out after leaving behind a banknote. Shu Shu looked at his behind and felt that there was something not right about him.

Shu Shu put his story up. She hadn’t got to read it yet when another customer that wanted to write a story came in. She quickly went out and forgot about this paper that the man wrote.

The second day, a few articles that had being bumped up were entitled #President of Ye Group, Ye Jiu Zhao passed away#

Shu Shu clicked on it curiously. Wasn’t Ye Jiu Zhao already quite old?

This is… that man from yesterday?

Not a lot of people recognized the name Ye Jiu Zhao, but his nickname Jiu Ye was well known. This man was born a genius and he was a cold person. He took over the big enterprise in the country, Ye Group, and doubled its scale of operation in just a few years time. Ye Group became the second biggest in the country.

Some people said that in another few more years, the Ye family would definitely become even more frighteningly prosperous. Everyone on the internet was mournful. Many people were talking about how their male god passed away. When he was still alive, no one dared to share his photo on the internet, but now that he was gone, no one was afraid anymore.


Shu Shu hadn’t left her house yet when the guy upstairs came in with a foul mood.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Yu Yu looked at her. He suddenly put out his hands and hugged her at once, “Broken book, let’s be together!”

“Hey hey hey, are you crazy?” Shu Shu pushed him away in shock.

“Shu Shu, I like you, let’s be together!”


Locking Yu Yu outside the door, Shu Shu was quite stunned. He liked her?

This didn’t seem right?

Yu Yu leaned by the door. Tears flashed in his eyes.

Ye Jiu Zhao died. Ye Jiu Zhao who made him and his group of friends grit their teeth angrily died.

But he wasn’t happy at all.

Ever since they were young, they grew up with the comparisons “Look at Ye family’s son….”. He was extremely exceptional ever since he was young. When Yu Yu and his friends tried to find ways to escape outside to play games during middle school, he already followed grandpa Ye in and out of the company to study.

He also played and had fun, but he knew his limits. When he was still in university, he already had a position in the company that could make major decisions, while Yu Yu was still beaten by his father to force him to go to school and study, to prepare for his finals.

Ye Jiu Zhao had the skills and knew how to have fun. They were not as good as him in both work and play. In the past, he was like God’s son. God had created a perfect him.

But now Yu Yu only realized that God is fair.

Ye Jiu Zhao fell in love with a woman, a woman who was married. He was many years older than them. Ye family had tried various ways but he never wanted to get married at all.

Once, Yu Yu heard others say that the girl that Ye Jiu Zhao liked was his university junior. He already got to know that girl during university, but he didn’t understand his feelings so he never confessed or took any action.

After graduation, that girl got married. It was then that Ye Jiu Zhao understood.

Yu Yu didn’t know what happened later on. This morning after he found out that Ye Jiu Zhao passed away, he only heard Zhuang Ming said that the girl committed suicide one month ago due to depression. As for Ye Jiu Zhao, the reason for his death was unknown.

Yu Yu banged his head on the door and blinked. Even someone like Ye Jiu Zhao was trapped by the web of love. Love, was probably the most torturous thing that someone would experience.

But only those people who were trapped deep inside know that feelings were not something that could be controlled.

He wanted to be together with Shu Shu, so he shouldn’t wait. Who knew if tomorrow he would still have the chance to say the words, I like you?

Yu Yu thought that he should go and chase Shu Shu, to be together with her. He wouldn’t be angry with her, wouldn’t fight with her, he would listen to her words, be good to her and accompany her. He didn’t want to do things that he would regret. He wouldn’t hesitate or be afraid.

If Shu Shu was in front of him, he was willing to even jump over a fire pit for her. Then why else should he hesitate?

He didn’t believe that he wouldn’t be able to capture a… 250 with his charm?


Shu Shu opened the door.

“Shu Shu! Let’s go watch a movie!” Yu Yu jumped out. Who knew how long he had been kneeling in front of the door.

Shu Shu’s eyes rolled upwards. She was wearing a T shirt and jeans, and her hair was also tied into a ponytail. She looked much younger, like a student.

“Where are you going?” Yu Yu asked her.

“To buy stuff!”

Yu Yu was stunned, didn’t this broken book enjoy looking beautiful and wear glamorously when she went out? Today, why did she look so… young?

“I’m coming with you!”

Yu Yu only realized that she was really going out to buy stuff after he went with her. She bought all kinds of stuff, and even bought the hotpot base. Yu Yu finally understood why she was in this attire. It was easier to carry things!

Yu Yu’s hands were filled with items, while both of Shu Shu’s hands were empty. Free labour, why shouldn’t she not use it?

After she bought all the stuff, Shu Shu posted them to the woman overseas.

Yu Yu swayed his arm, “Shu, if you won’t accompany me to watch a movie, don’t you feel sorry for making me carry all this stuff?”

Shu Shu raised her head, “What movie?”

“I’m about to buy the tickets, romance movie?”

She gave him an eyeroll, “Watch sci-fi movie!”


Yu Yu had seriously affected her life!

He confessed to her everyday using various methods, giving her flowers, cooking for her, singing, and being around her everyday. Too bad she didn’t want to date.

If she got together with Yu Yu, he would cook at home and Shu Shu would write her novel. He didn’t seem to be on good terms with Yellow Fur? Then if he came to live in her house, all hell would break loose!

And this 250 was so noisy all the time, he might bother her so much until…

Pui pui pui! Shu Shu, you were not going to get together with him, so why were you imagining your life with him?

She knocked her head, Shu Shu, were you infected with the stupidity virus by the 250 upstairs?

After she made up her mind, Shu Shu decided to tell him clearly after Yu Yu came looking for her.

As expected, he came during dinner.

“Da Yu, I…”

“Shu Shu, did Ye Jiu Zhao go to your shop?”

Shu Shu was a little stunned, why was he talking about this?


“Did he write something?”


“Take me there, hurry!”

Shu Shu was still stunned when Yu Yu grabbed her and went out the door.

“Lorr, this one~” Shu Shu looked for it on the wall for quite some time before she finally found it.

Yu Yu took it, there wasn’t a lot of writing on it.

Wan Wan, you are already gone for a month. Other people tell me that I’m a legend, huh, I’m actually just a coward. When I like you, I’m a coward, I didn’t dare to admit it. When you got married, I’m a coward, I didn’t dare to snatch you away. After knowing that you are unhappy after you got married, I’m a coward, I didn’t take you away directly.

I only focused on battling against Du Jun Kun, but I didn’t dare to go to you and tell you, Wan Wan, come with me.

I’m a coward, if I can go back, I will surely love you. What you want to do, what you want to have, I will give you whatever you want.

In my next life, I won’t be a coward, I won’t be Jiu Ye, I’ll only be your Jiu Zhao.

(TN: spoiler, this Ye Jiu Zhao is the male lead of another novel by this author. In that novel he is reborn again to the time when Wan Wan is still alive.)

Yu Yu read it and looked at that paper. Seeing that there was nothing else, he passed it to Shu Shu.

“If those from Ye family came and asked you for this paper, give it to them. With Ye Jiu Zhao’s death, Ye family must be in chaos. Just give this to anyone who comes, don’t keep it.” He spoke so seriously and demanded Shu Shu to promise him. He even told her about how messy it was in the rich family.

“How do you know so much about the rich families?”

Yu Yu coughed, “My cousin has a wealthy friend, didn’t we borrow a car from him before.”

Shu Shu nodded, believing him.

Yu Yu then looked at her, “Shu, in our lifetime we really shouldn’t leave any regrets, we should appreciate what we have! Especially good men, they wouldn’t be around anymore once you missed it! You should grab them when you still can, people can’t……”

“What are you trying to say actually?!” Shu Shu raised her brow angrily.

“Err… there’s a good man beside you right now, you should grab him!”