Shu Shu’s eyes narrowed as she looked at him.

“There weren’t much requirements for my future boyfriend; handsome looks, treats me well, knows how to cook and does not act stupid. I’ll only consider it after fulfilling these four requirements.”

Yu Yu blinked, then she continued,

“You are quite good-looking and you also know how to cook, but do you treat me well?”

Yu Yu nodded. He only treated her well in particular but not other women. No other woman can order him around besides her.


“Oh, then I can’t consider you.”

Yu Yu pulled her back, “I treat you well.”

Shu Shu turned around and blinked, “But there’s still one criteria not fulfilled.”

Rtdsakdt bkx, pbl zlqv vbl nsxryavxldv vs blzr swv kd vbl pbsr.

Zw Zw pvsse vblal yde cltyd rsdelakdt, bl oyp tsse-zssjkdt, valyvle bla olzz, jdlo bso vs nssj, ulv bl eke dsv qwzqkzz bla aliwkalxldvp?

“W*nj! W*nj usw casjld cssj, bso yx R ynvkdt pvwrke?”


Zw Zw qswde y prsv vs pkv esod yde plnalvzu oyvnble Fbw Fbw cwpu yv osaj. G zsv sq rlsrzl nyxl qsa vyjlyoyup, cwv vblal olal yzps psxl obs ekdle kd. Zw Zw pyv yv y vyczl okvb vos nbykap, cwv ds sdl nyxl vs pbyal vbl vyczl.

Fbw Fbw pyo bkx pvyakdt kd y eygl kd vbkp ekalnvksd yde vbswtbv vbyv bl oydvle vs lyv elpplavp, ps pbl vssj psxl qsa bkx clqsal tskdt cynj vs osaj ytykd.

Zw Zw zssjle yv vbl elpplavp kd qasdv sq bkx okvb y zssj sq rlarzlmkvu. Eyp bl psxlsdl obs oswze lyv psxlvbkdt zkjl vbkp?

Gqvla y obkzl, bl zssjle yv vbl elpplavp kd qasdv sq bkx ytykd. Llhla xkde, pkdnl vbkp oyp qasx Fbw, bl pbswze yv zlypv vau kv?

As he sent it to his mouth, he thought that this Shu was simply being dishonest with her own heart. She obviously loved him but didn’t want to say it. Never mind, he’d let it go since he was such a magnanimous person.


Yu Yu showed the expressions of “I won’t fuss about this with you” and “I’m pampering you”, and gave Shu Shu an idiotic smile while feeding the dessert into his mouth.

Hm, it was not bad.


Shu Shu was massaging her shoulder when she saw Yu Yu already lying on the table sleeping soundly.

“Hey!” A loud slam on the table made Yu Yu jump up at once.

“An earthquake?”


Seeing that it was Shu Shu, Yu Yu groomed his hair that had become quite messy, “You finished your work?”

“Why are you still here?”

“Waiting for you, let’s go back together.” He combed his hair, causing a lock of his hair to curl upwards, twirling here and there. His hair quality was superb, with his black hair coupled with his white face, his slightly narrowed eyes looked watery.

Shu Shu’s hand was itching to touch, but she resisted and did not stretch out her hand to caress it.

“Do you like to eat desserts?”


“Pui! What kind of big man likes desserts?”

Shu Shu glanced at the empty box on the table with a half-smile. 

Yu Yu’s face: 囧

On the way back home.

“What are you thinking?” Yu Yu looked at Shu Shu who had been silent all this while.

She raised her head with a serious look on her face, “What should I feed Yellow Fur tonight?”

Huh! His position wasn’t even as high as a dog?!

“I’ll stew meat for it?”

“Sure.” Shu Shu nodded. She only knew how to fry meat pieces, and obviously, always feeding Yellow Fur with fried meat was unhealthy for it too.

Yu Yu went upstairs to clean up first. Shu Shu opened the door.

“Bark~” Yellow Fur leaped towards her. Shu Shu caught it and retreated a few steps to regain her balance.

“Yellow Fur you’re bulkier now.” She caressed its fur before putting it down.


“Come, let’s go up to find free food.”


“What do you want to eat?” Yu Yu was cutting meat when he asked Shu Shu.

“Eat noodles.”

Shu Shu didn’t even lift up her head to talk to him while she bent down in the living room, playing with Yellow Fur.

“Add one egg or two?”

“I don’t want any.”

“Tomato egg noodles, it won’t taste good without egg.”

“Then half?”


For the noodles that night, Shu Shu ate half an egg while Yu Yu ate one and a half.

Seeing her look of satisfaction as she enjoyed eating the food he made, Yu Yu thought that it was worth it to cook for her forever!


“When are you leaving?” She asked about when Yu Yu would go for his shooting.

“Another week left, why? You’ll miss me?” Yu Yu smiled connivingly.

Shu Shu rolled her eyes.

“What have you been up to recently?”

“Eat, sleep, play.” Shu Shu answered him with three words.

“You’re not doing anything to improve yourself, and also lazy and fierce. Who would want you besides me?”

Shu Shu lifted her head, “There’s a chicken soup on the internet that summarizes it very well.”

“What?” Yu Yu asked curiously,

“When I’m playing games, other people are burning the midnight oil and working overtime to rush the deadline; When I’m lazing around, other people are sacrificing their life to drink and serve clients; When I’m sleeping soundly at night, other people are losing food and sleep to write up a proposal; When I’m out to travel, other people are staying up at night to work on a business plan; This is why……”

Yu Yu looked at her to see how she would reflect on herself.

“Other people suffer a sudden death in the workplace while I still maintain a nice skin and complexion with a good spirit.”

“Pfft” Yu Yu nodded, alright, he would devour this poisonous chicken soup.

“The way you talk is really similar to a big shot on weibo.”


Yu Yu flipped his hair, “My ultimate fan, Poisonous Chicken Soup!”

The corner of Shu Shu’s lips twitched.

“Oh yeah, when was the last time Yellow Fur got its shot? Has it been two weeks?”

Yu Yu thought about it, “It’s almost time.”

“Oh, then I’ll have to bring it to take the shot tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow is a weekend, so I better go early. Now there’s a lot of people queuing up at the veterinary hospital.”

Yu Yu nodded, “I’m going too.”

“Why are you tagging along?”

“If both the child’s parents do not go along for their shot, beware that it might throw a tantrum.”


No matter how much he tried, Shu Shu didn’t want him to come along. Yu Yu pouted his mouth and watched her walk out of the door with despair.


After a shower, she turned on the computer and began typing until a little after nine o’ clock. She uploaded the newest chapter, then put on a piece of face mask before opening weibo.

Flowing sand: Sir Xiu Shu, why Gu Yi doesn’t appear much anymore? I like him quite a lot, he was so happy with Qiu Qiu in the past.

Big waves wash the sand: Aah, no, I like Su Kui, please make more moments of the Qiu Su couple!

Happy: I like Su Su too.

Jiu Jiu Jiu: Big love to Su Su.

Green hills outside the building: So sweet


Hahaha: Author, is it reaching the finale?

Shu Shu rubbed her chin, then wrote

[Xiu Shu: The finale will be on approximately next week, the new book will be up after some time.]

Tears have poison: Alright, waiting for author to start a new book

Building outside building: Aaaah! I’ve followed this book for so long and now I don’t have a book to follow anymore! Author, quickly start a new book!

Free person: I’ll miss it, wu wu~


Shu Shu smiled as she scrolled for a while, feeling touched in her heart. She clicked open Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo. It was a different type of situation there……

I love Du Da: Da Da where are you these two days? The one named Luo is still here but Da Da is missing. Could it be that you’ve gone to settle the score with him?

Dream A Thousand Years: Maybe Da Da is going to stalk Yu Yu, hehehe

Old Days Old Times: Don’t make Du Da look so bad alright? She is obviously worse than that! Let us guess, Du Da is going to be convicted for murder or engaging in p*rn, hehehe

Nine Six Nine: Hehehe, sleep with him!

Happy dog: Hehehe

Big river: Hehehe


Shu Shu looked at the long rows of Hehehe, and felt a great discrimination.

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: I suspect I entered the wrong weibo, you must be all fake fans……]

Down below, she began refreshing the screen,

Hahaha: Da Da, have you gone to sleep with that fish (Yu), hehehe

Red clothes: Du Da is still part of our singles community, don’t leave us

Cow: Da Da, hehehe, just tell us, do you have something going on with that fish (Yu)

Small rose: Confess my love to Da Da

I love Du Da: Confess my love too


[Poisonous Chicken Soup: I already have 81 concubines, so? You want to be the 82nd, 83rd?]

She smiled and scrolled for a while, when a comment popped out.

Yu Yu: Don’t blindly gossip, what if that Da Yu already has a partner, even if he doesn’t have a partner he’ll also have someone he likes. By the way, that 250 downstairs certainly likes me, yeah right, I’m such a nice guy, who won’t be mesmerized by me.

She smiled scornfully.

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: There is a man who thinks that his life is meaningless, so he goes to a sifu and says: “Sifu, this world is not friendly to me. I feel that this world is filled with darkness and humans are evil. I can’t ensure my noble and pure quality anymore.” Sifu says nothing and passes him a sack, asking him to pick up the rubbish at the corner. The man fills up the sack completely, and suddenly comes to a realization. He says, “Sifu, are you trying to tell me that this world is like this pile of rubbish, I should have an open mindset to tolerate it and continue to be untainted amidst the sinful1.” Sifu smiles as he shakes his head, then passes him another sack, “I just want to tell you, act, continue to act” / Pic: Hehe da]

Yu Yu jumped up from his bed, “F*ck you, this Poisonous Chicken Soup!”

Ignoring what happened on the internet, she turned off the computer to sleep. She still had to wake up early tomorrow.

Early in the morning, taking Yellow Fur with her, Shu Shu drove her car out towards the gate of her neighborhood. At this time, there weren’t many people on the street when a car came dashing towards her. Shu Shu barely avoided it by a hair breadth in a haste, while the other car disappeared with a loud “Honk”.

“Damn!” She didn’t even manage to get mad yet, when “Bang!”, Shu Shu’s car almost flipped over.

Followed by a loud sound, her ears rang incessantly. Her whole body was aching, then she didn’t know what happened next.

“Bark bark bark!” Yu Yu was sleeping at home when a dog was barking outside his door.

He climbed up to open the door, “Yellow Fur? What’s up.”

Yellow Fur bit his pants and pulled him outside. Yu Yu was stunned, “What’s wrong with you? Aren’t you out with Shu Shu to get a shot?”

Yellow Fur started whimpering continuously. Yu Yu’s heart tightened, sensing that something had happened.

“Step step step” Yu Yu ran down in a hurry until he reached that road behind their neighborhood.

“Shu Shu!”