The man in front said nothing. Shu Shu wanted to open the door but the door was already locked.

“Who are you?!”

“Miss Shu, please come with us.”

Shu Shu’s brows tightened, “You are hired by the Zou family, this is kidnapping!”

The man didn’t answer. Shu Shu let out a sigh and leaned backwards quietly. She was wearing a sporty attire today. Her hand gently moved towards her collar.



“What are you trying to say?”

Zou Jianguo smiled, “Mr. Yu, can we personally resolve this issue? My son did something wrong, so I’ll make him apologize. From now on, we the Zou family will owe your family a gratitude. Let’s all make friends, there’s no need to fight till bloodshed.”

Zw Zw takvvle bkp vllvb. Fbw Fbw oyp bkv yde ldele wr kd vbyv pvyvl, ulv usw oydvle vs plvvzl vbkp okvb fwpv yd yrszstu?

“El yal yzz zyo-yckekdt tsse nkvkgldp, ps ol pbswze kdhlpvktyvl kq y zyo oyp casjld. Pkalnvsa Hsw pbswze jdso vbyv clvvla vbyd xl, aktbv?”

Hsw Kkydtws’p qynl vwadle nsze, “Ya. Zw, es usw alyzzu oydv vs qktbv vs vbl lde ytykdpv vbl Hsw qyxkzu okvb uswa sod qsanl, sa cu wpkdt uswa qyvbla’p cwpkdlpp?”

Rq Zw Nkydpbldt alyzzu oydvle vs qktbv ytykdpv vbl Hsw qyxkzu, kv oypd’v yd lmyttlayvksd vs pyu vbyv vblu oswze qktbv vs elyvb. Mblu olal nyryczl ldswtb vs vsavwal vbl cwpkdlppxld, cwv okvb Zw Nkydpbldt’p zlhlz, bl nswze yzps eayt vblx esod okvb bkx vstlvbla. Ls rszkvknkyd oswze oydv vs akpj vblka sod rspkvksd.

Zw Zw pweeldzu zywtble, “Pkalnvsa Hsw, obs pyke vbyv xu qyvbla okzz qktbv okvb usw, sq nswapl vbl sdl pwrrsavkdt xl kp y qyxkzu vbyv nyd akhyz vbl Hsw qyxkzu.”

“Ebs eyalp vs qktbv ytykdpv swa Hsw qyxkzu?”

Zw Zw aykple bkp caso, “Rp Jyk qyxkzu olyjla vbyd vbl Hsw qyxkzu?”

Hsw Kkydtws’p rwrkzp nsdvaynvle yp bkp casop vktbvldle. Fs kv oyp ynvwyzzu usw, vbl Jyk qyxkzu, byb, Jyk Hbwk!

The trial was about to start. Yu Yu looked at the time, why was Shu Shu not here yet?


At this time, the phone rang. It was the bodyguard.

“Mr. Yu, Miss Shu is missing. She’s taken by someone who disguised himself as your man.”

“What did you say?!”

Yu Yu stood up in agitation. His heart panicked and thumped fast, “It’s you?!”

Zou Jianguo smirked, “What do you mean, it’s me?”

He didn’t say anything but his expression had said it all.

Yu Yu was about to pounce towards him when his lawyer and his two bodyguards stopped him, “We’re in a court! Calm down!”

His eyes grew red as he glared at Zou Jianguo, “This is a crime, I won’t let you off!”

Zou Jianguo only smiled and looked fully prepared, “I heard Miss Shu got hit on her head, what do you think will happen if she got hit again?”

“You bastard!”

“Da Yu, calm down.” The lawyer was hired by Yu Liansheng. He had high qualifications and had strong skills. He’d given his all for this case as well, so they had a high chance of winning.

“The court is starting.” Someone came to remind them.


“Mr. Yu…… about how this court will go, you should know what to do, right?”

After Zou Jianguo finished speaking, he went in first with Zou Zhengyang and his lawyers. Yu Yu glared at their behind viciously.

He made a phone call to Yu Liansheng.

“Dad, that asshole Zou Jianguo abducted Shu Shu!” His voice sounded sad, angry with some agony.

Yu Liansheng’s heart grew bitter, “You continue with the case at court in peace, I’ll get my men to look for her immediately. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

“Dad, I beg you.”

Yu Liansheng’s eyes turned red. His son had grown up through the misery, he now had a woman he liked and was taking up the responsibility that he should have taken, giving up the bull-like temper of a young man.

It should be five years of suffering, but because of a woman and a responsibility, he grew up earlier.


Yu Yu knelt on the floor and kept murmuring, Shu Shu, Shu Shu.

The lawyer took him inside. It was formal and solemn inside. The three judges were sitting high-up, as if any injustice or suffering would get the justice they deserved here.

But when he looked at the accused, Zou Zhengyang who should be handcuffed beforehand, he only walked in together with Zou Jianguo when the trial was about to start and went to the position of the accused.


As for Yu Yu and Zou Jianguo, they sat opposite to each other. Their eyes met each other, but Zou Jianguo seemed to be more relaxed.

After they read the statement of charges, the prosecutor asked Zou Zhengyang if he would plead guilty. Zou family lawyer abruptly objected and made firm arguments against the evidence that Yu Yu provided.

“Objection, the accused is being illogical. The accused himself admitted towards my client that he did hit-and-run, and even beat my client up.”

“Objection, the plaintiff’s video evidence has been edited. According to my client and the witnesses at that place, it was the plaintiff who triggered my client using aggressive words. My client was in a drunken state so he only said those words on impulse, it is not my client’s……”

“The accused is clearly twisting the facts, firstly……”

Both sides were arguing intensely. Yu Yu’s face sank as his heart was only filled with his concern for Shu Shu.

Her wound had not recovered yet and he also didn’t know how she was now. With this thought in mind, he desperately wanted to go look for her at once.


“The plaintiff’s accusation towards my client is not logical. It is my client’s responsibility for initiating a fight with the plaintiff but it is not my client’s responsibility or area of concern about the hit-and-run or threatening the victim.”

“Furthermore, Mr. Yu is a star and also just a boyfriend to the victim, Miss Shu. He is not her husband. Your Honor, should we consider the possibility that Mr. Yu tries to frame my client due to fame or profit? Since as a victim, Miss Shu does not attend the court.”

When he said this, Zou Jianguo gave Yu Yu a light smirk. The undertone of threat was obvious.

Yu Yu gripped his punches tightly.


The two sides continued to argue with their respective opinions. The evidence had its own credibility but Zou family wouldn’t accept it. They stated that Yu Yu was her boyfriend and not her husband, so under the circumstances that Shu Shu wasn’t around, his intentions were impure about accusing Zou Zhengyang. The court couldn’t come to a decision at the time being so they announced the court adjourned.

Yu Yu immediately made a phone call to Yu Liansheng to ask about Shu Shu.

“We found his car from the CCTV and located their position, but their car wasn’t moving. Yu Yu, the people I sent will need about half an hour to reach there, can you…”

“Dad… please take care of Shu Shu’s safety.” His voice trembled.

Before the trial began again, Zou Jianguo got someone to bring him word, “Ten minutes before the court starts, if you still won’t give up, your people won’t find her even after they reach there.”

Yu Yu’s upper and lower lips kept trembling. He had never been this lost. These trash, assholes! They should all go to hell!

Five minutes after the court restarted, his lawyer let out a sigh and said, “Your Honor, my client had something to say.”

Yu Yu looked at the people opposite him with his eyes filled with hatred, his words trembling as he spoke, “I give……”

“Hold on.” The judge sitting at the left side spoke. Everyone looked towards him.

“The victim requests to testify.”

Yu Yu and Zou Jianguo both raised their heads at the same time. One was filled with surprise while another was filled with disbelief.

Shu Shu slowly walked in from the entrance. Her head was still bandaged as she walked slowly, her legs still hadn’t recovered fully yet.

Giving Yu Yu a slight smile, someone immediately arranged for her to sit beside Yu Yu. He was still trembling as he grabbed her hand.

Shu Shu lightly patted the back of his hand.

The prosecutor said, “The victim may testify.”

Shu Shu stood up, “Your Honor, besides accusing the suspect of hit-and-run and threatening the victim, I also want to accuse the suspect’s father for his masterminding my abduction in his attempt to sabotage this lawsuit.”

“Does the victim have any evidence?”

Shu Shu looked at Zou Jianguo and gave him a cold smile, “Yes, the criminal has been arrested, so we can ask him who is the mastermind.”

She paused, then with full confidence,

“Besides, I have the real-time video of the whole car accident caused by the suspect.”

“Impossible, impossible, there’s no more videos, all of it has been cleared!”

Zou Zhengyang saw Shu Shu took out a fish-shaped pendrive from afar and finally panicked. He began to shout and looked at Zou Jianguo.

Zou Jianguo shut his eyes with a face of despair. He was at fault for not raising his son well.

Shu Shu smiled and kept back the “pendrive” in her hands, “Your Honor, the suspect has pleaded guilty.”


Zou Zhengyang drove under the influence of alcohol, hit-and-run, threatened the victim, beat Yu Yu up, all those charges were confirmed.

As for why they hadn’t sentenced him yet, it was because of Shu Shu’s kidnapping. The police are still investigating it, once the result is out, he will be sentenced with that charge together.

The people started leaving the court. Zou Jianguo looked as if he’d aged many years while his wife was bawling her eyes out.

Zou Jianguo walked towards them and asked in a trembling voice, “Who rescued you?”

Yu Yu naturally answered it for her, “Of course it’s someone who can go against your Zou family. Why, now you know how many enemies you’ve made?”

“Bai Zhui.” Zou Jianguo muttered the name, as if he confirmed it was him. He turned around and left, Yu Yu, Shu Shu, Bai Zhui, he wouldn’t forgive any of them!

“Miss Yu is really smart to think of using a small fish accessory to act as a pendrive and actually made Zou Zhengyang confess.” The lawyer gave Shu Shu a big thumbs up. Shu Shu smiled lightly and touched the fish. This was the one she’d lost. She even hid Yu Yu’s one that looked similar to this, keeping it at home.

Shu Shu looked at Yu Yu. She wasn’t able to say anything yet when she was hugged tightly.

“Shu Shu, Shu Shu…”

Two big drops of hot water dripped onto the pit of Shu Shu’s neck. Her eyes grew red as well. This guy must have been so anxious.

“Da Yu……”

When Yu Yu was finally able to compose himself, he asked her, “Who rescued you?”

Shu Shu smiled, “Myself, but I have aid.”

She then pouted her lips towards one side. Yu Yu turned around and was dazed for a while before he said,


(TN: I’m not sure if I’m using the legal terms correctly(the same to the author), but I tried xD)