Yu Yu noticed the man who was leaning against the car from a distance away, and many curse words galloped through his heart.

Cheng! Duanyi!

Turning his head around, he saw Shu Shu’s face that still looked quite pale and felt his heart soften.

What can he do? Of course he had to choose to forgive her!

But he still asked while gritting his teeth, “Why is he here?!”


Time reversed back to half an hour ago.

Shu Shu’s hand moved to her collar. The hood of her sports attire had a rope that was not too thin or thick. She pulled it out and held it in her hand.

The driver was focused on driving the car. Shu Shu looked at him while observing the scenery outside the car. They arrived at a road which had guardrails at both sides. There were also many residents living by the roadside.

Gv vbkp vkxl, vbl eakhla’p rbsdl aydt. Tl vyzjle vbaswtb vbl czwlvssvb lyarbsdl.

“R’x yzxspv vblal, usw nyd ralryal.”

“Psd’v osaau, vblal yal ds kppwlp.”

Tl eked’v pyu xwnb clqsal bl ldele vbl nyzz. Mbl eakhla obkpvzle yp bl nsdvkdwle eakhkdt.


Fbw Fbw rwzzle vbl asrl vktbvzu wpkdt lhlau swdnl sq bla ldlatu. Tl jlrv pvawttzkdt, nywpkdt vbl nya vs elhkyvl qasx vbl asye yde nszzkele kdvs vbl twyaeaykz.

“Jydt!” Ekvb y ckt fszv, vbl xyd naypble sdvs vbl tzypp clpkel bkx. Fbw Fbw yzalyeu caynle blaplzq yp pbl rwzzle vbl asrl vktbvzu, cwv pbl pvkzz bkv bla pbswzela.

Mbl eakhla pbssj bkp blye yde tayccle Fbw Fbw’p byde, pvyavkdt vs calyj qall.

“Fuck you this bitch!” He took her rope away and was about to tie her up.


An “accident” happened so the people nearby started approaching. Shu Shu continued to struggle and shout for help. Someone noticed it and began to knock on the window. The driver panicked and prepared to start the engine to leave.

Suddenly a car stopped in front of them, blocking the path. A few men came down the car and headed towards them.


“So, he’s a hero rescuing a damsel in distress now?” Yu Yu’s face looked dark.

Shu Shu smiled lightly. She didn’t say that when Cheng Duanyi walked towards her, there was no ripple in her calm heart.

Her heart only had Yu Yu, and she only thought that this 250 better don’t do anything stupid.

Cheng Duanyi came towards her and asked her gently, “Are you okay?”

“She’s okay!” Yu Yu hugged Shu Shu and answered his question with his eyebrow lifted lightly.

Cheng Duanyi looked at him with a knitted brow, then turned towards Shu Shu, “Zou family won’t forgive this.”

Shu Shu didn’t get to speak yet when Yu Yu said, “Of course, so I’ll protect Shu Shu well. Thank you Mr. Cheng for rescuing Shu Shu this time. I, Yu Yu, owe you my gratitude, so if a need arises in the future, I’ll certainly repay the favour.”

“I rescue Shu Shu and I don’t need you to repay me.”

“You can’t say that, husband and wife are of one heart1, so anything about Shu Shu is also my problem too.”


Yu Yu finished saying while patting his chest, then added, “Mr. Cheng, please continue with your work, I’ll take Shu Shu to the hospital now.”

He then left while holding Shu Shu. After walking for a short while, he let out a cough and said, “Are you hurt?”

Shu Shu shook her head, “I’m fine.”

“Still, we better go back and check.”

He twitched for a while, then acted like he didn’t care, “Oh yeah, although Cheng Duanyi did rescue you, don’t forget about his nature. A good horse doesn’t turn back to graze.”

Shu Shu bit her lips and laughed innerly. She said with all seriousness, “Don’t they also say, rabbits don’t eat the grass next to its nest? Aren’t you that grass?”

Yu Yu turned stiff and straightened his neck, “Mine is called ‘a waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first’.”

(TN: This is a play of idioms between Yu and Shu. In summary: Yu advised Shu not to look back to the past. Shu mocked him and said people of the same circle/workplace shouldn’t date. Yu retorted back saying he’s only taking advantage of his position.)

“Hahaha” Shu Shu couldn’t resist and laughed out loud.

She still felt the happiest to see him.


Both of them went back. Two bodyguards sat in the driver and the front passenger seat. Yu Yu and Shu Shu sat in the rear seat.


“You must be careful, Zou Jianguo will certainly take revenge.” Yu Yu said seriously.

Shu Shu raised her head, “You should also be careful.”

Their worries quickly came true. Halfway on the road, some cars intended to crash into them.

“**! Do they like car accidents so much?!”

The bodyguard who was driving had great driving skills. He avoided the crash each time. Yu Yu looked behind at the car that crashed into the tree and said furiously,

“Zou Jianguo, you f*cking…”

“It’s not him.” Shu Shu frowned. She noticed that these people did this with a pattern as if they’d planned for this beforehand. Zou Jianguo had just finished the lawsuit. Considering his mental setback for losing his son, he wouldn’t have had the energy to plan a detailed revenge yet.

Yu Yu thought about it, then said, “Bai Zhui.”

Shu Shu looked towards him, and only heard him say, “If anything happens to us, Bai Zhui can blame it on Zou Jianguo. I have dirt on him and his mistress, so he wants to use this chance to finish me off, and he can also pull Zou Jianguo down at the same time. If any incident happens to us, the first suspect will be Zou Jianguo.”

Shu Shu tapped her leg with her hand, then smirked coldly, “Then we can also take advantage of this situation.”


“They escaped, should we still go on with the plan?”


Bai Zhui frowned, “Yu Liansheng will be able to find out that it’s me who did it. I only have time to deal with the others after Zou Jianguo goes down.”

His secretary nodded.

Zou family.

“Wuwuwu, my son, Zhengyang…” His mother cried her eyes out.

“Enough, it’s because he doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut!” He did say that but Zou Jianguo’s heart also felt desolate. He only had one son. He didn’t expect him to follow his footsteps but he still hoped that he would have a smooth-sailing life.

“Jianguo, you can’t forgive both of them!”

Zou Jianguo frowned, “They are working together with Bai family. Bai Zhui is watching us, waiting for us to fall.”

He stood up and made a phone call in his study room.

“Tang ge.”

The voice coming from the phone sounded visibly clear. He only heard him say, “I know what you want to say, Jianguo, you need to stay put. The only thing you can do now is to protect yourself unscathed, don’t go and seek trouble with Bai and Yu family!”


After he hung up, Zou Jianguo’s expression darkened. He understood why Zou Jianye wouldn’t help him. They were about to change terms, so they were staying low themselves. He actually had high chances of taking office but Bai Zhui must have heard some news and wanted to pull him down.

About two days later, Zou Zhengyang was convicted. All the charges added up together amounted to ten years of prison. The mastermind of kidnapping was charged to Zou Zhengyang, so Zou Jianguo was still fine.

The next day, the news about Zou Jianguo and Zou Zhengyang suddenly spread like crazy. Its title shocked the people.

#Shock! There is an officer like this#

#The son has done such a huge crime, does the father knows#

#My dad is Zou Jianguo#


Zou Jinguo threw a glass onto the floor furiously, “Bai Zhui!”


“Shu, is this Bai Zhui’s doing?”

Shu Shu didn’t stop scrolling weibo when this guy asked a question with an obvious answer. Her phone had returned to her – huh, she’ll settle the score with him one day about breaking her phone.

“Too bad it has been suppressed again. It doesn’t get too big, even if it’s for the influence, the higher-ups wouldn’t let it be.” Of course they wouldn’t let such a thing with bad influence spread.

Shu Shu pondered about it, “Zou Jianguo isn’t in a hurry. Send Bai Zhui’s photo to me, I’ll forward it to Ye family.”

“Ye family?”

“Ye Jiu Zhao’s family.”

“He’s not part of the Ye head family.”

“It’s okay, you can always use the opportunity to please the Ye head family.”

Yu Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, “I never knew you had such tricks in your sleeve.”

Shu Shu paused, then looked at Yu Yu seriously, “I don’t just have such tricks, I am wicked with a black heart as well. Do you still like someone like me?”

Yu Yu blinked and pounced towards her, “The black queen needs to protect her prince.”

“……” Yu Yu you’re an idiot.


As expected, on the third day, all hell broke loose in Bai family. Madam Bai, Zhang Zhen started crying about going back home. Bai family was in a mess.

Few days later, there was a rumor going around that Bai Zhui was called for violation of discipline.

This issue did not spread on the internet. It was told to them by Yu Liansheng. He said that there were many people involved in this, Ye family, Zou family. The revelation of a mistress did not just stir up the question of his conduct, but also the value of that mansion and all the valuable items inside.

Bai family and Zhang family both did not try to bail him out. They detached themselves from this matter to avoid getting into trouble.

Yu Yu sighed, “If a normal human fights against a god, you won’t even get any result even if you work your ass off. But if a god fights against a god, everything ends so quickly.”

Shu Shu snorted lightly, “This is a sensitive period now, it’ll be very easy to get into trouble.”

She paused, “It’s still not impossible for normal humans to fight a god.”

Yu Yu was stunned and did not understand what she was trying to say. He saw that she posted a weibo, then at this time, his phone rang. He looked at it. Poisonous Chicken Soup who had disappeared for a long time updated her weibo.

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: This world has karma. I got hit and even got kidnapped, but luckily I have a strong life and am still alive! The son has gone into jail, but the main criminal still runs free outside. Let me ask you, you make your son take responsibility for your kidnapping crime, don’t you feel guilty?]

Poisonous Chicken Soup shared the weibo that Yu Yu had posted before. Once she posted, the internet exploded.

I love Du Da: Damn! I saw this news multiple times a few days ago and didn’t think much about it, but I never imagined that the victim is Du Da? Damn Damn! I wish Zou Jianguo dies in the street!

Old Days Old Times: Hug Du Da, no need to say anything else, I’ll go lodge a complaint for you!

Liu Third Sister: Motherf*cker, a**hole, jerk, you deserve having your son go into jail, you will also go in sooner or later!


It was as if an oily stove collided with water, everything boiled up in steam.

Yu Yu: what happened???

He turned towards Shu Shu, his face in a daze, “You? Poisonous Chicken Soup?”

Shu Shu blinked, “Pardon my incapability, yes it is me.”

Yu Yu was stunned for a long time before he shouted, “F*ck!”

So his girlfriend is weibo big V Poisonous Chicken Soup? His biggest fan? His secret admirer?

Yu Yu covered his face. Ouch, his heart pained.


It went up the headlines again. This time it was different. Last time a lot of people had seen it and were furious, so they bumped the topic up.

But now, there was a massive number of Du Fen, and the number of loyal fans was enormous. 

Once the topic went down, it would get bumped up. Each of them fought with their respective keyboards, standing on the same line. The relevant department received even more complaints than the total of the last two years added together.

The website would suppress the news while Poisonous Chicken Soup would still post on weibo from time to time.

The next morning, Shu Shu’s account was banned. Du Fen exploded and burned in rage at once.

Someone voluntarily waited outside Zou Jianguo’s department while holding up a sign. More and more people gathered.

Now with the advancement of the internet, international news spreads fast. The higher-ups quickly handled Zou Jianguo. The trial was public. The higher-ups monitored the trial the whole time.

Zou Jianguo was stripped of his post, his assets were all confiscated and he was convicted. He was openly criticized in the evening news.

The higher-ups positive image returned. The internet also complimented them. Shu Shu’s account was unbanned.

Hence, she wrote,

[Justice will prevail and good will win over evil. Thank you everyone for your support. I’ll feel awkward to say anything more, so just @ me if you need anything. I’ll help out if I can. ps: If it’s about looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend, forget about it. I can’t do anything to help too.]

After the heat of this issue had passed, the internet users’ eyes were all set on Du Da and the small-time actor Yu Yu.

Shu Shu turned around. Yu Yu was hugging a pillow and looked at her with a face of despair.