Yu Yu thought that he could already write two books to express his own regret. Yes, it had to be two, which were named #The feeling of having a big boss as your girlfriend# and #The feeling of your girlfriend hiding her big boss identity from you#

Turning towards Shu Shu, she was scrolling weibo like she didn’t care at all. Yu Yu was furious.

“Aren’t you going to say something?”

Shu Shu didn’t even raise her head, “Say what?”

“You lied to me!”


“When did I lie to you?”

“I’ve thought that one poisonous tongue is rare enough in this world, but to have two…”

“I never said that I’m not Poisonous Chicken Soup?”

Jwv vbl rasczlx oyp usw yzps dlhla pyke vbyv usw olal? Zw Zw sdzu oydvle vs bwt bkxplzq psaasoqwzzu.

Fbw Fbw aykple bla blye yde pyo vbyv bl oyp kd y cye xsse. Fbl jknjle bkx zktbvzu, “Qs yde nssj.”

“……” Ew ow, bl qlzv lhld osapl~

Gqvla vbl xlyz.

“Nlv’p ekpnbyatl qasx vbl bsprkvyz. R’x yzalyeu qkdl aktbv dso.”

Zw Zw vbswtbv ycswv kv, dseele, vbld pweeldzu pbssj bkp blye ytykd, “R byhl vs ts swv vs pbssv, usw’zz cl yzsdl yv bsxl?”

“Rv’p sjyu, R pvkzz byhl vbkdtp vs es.” Fbl’e pvsrrle oakvkdt qsa ps zsdt, yde kv oyp vkxl vs nsdvkdwl oblal pbl’e zlqv sqq.

“Xb.” Zw Zw dseele sclekldvzu.

Zou and Bai family’s adversities had passed. Bai Zhui and Zou Jianguo had lost their positions, so the two families no longer needed to fight with Yu Liansheng to the death just because of them. Furthermore, Ye family was watching intently behind their backs.


It didn’t cause a very large impact on the Zou and Bai families, but having their important family members lose power would still affect their families to a certain degree. The only one who had profited from this was probably just the Ye family, and they also had no reason to make it worse for the two families.

Yu Yu could finally let out a sigh of relief.

Before they left, he accompanied Shu Shu to the hospital. She could already remove the bandage around her head and only needed to consistently apply medicine from now on.

Shu Shu grasped Yu Yu’s hand. The doctor unwrapped it little by little. She knew that it would leave a scar, but she still had high hopes and wishes in her heart. Who knew, she might not even have a scar.

In contrast, Yu Yu was not that nervous as long as Shu Shu was okay. He only felt hurt for her if she had a scar and he wouldn’t dislike her.

The doctor heaved out a breath and said with a smile, “It’s alright, the wound is healing just fine. There may or may not be a scar depending on how you treat it later on. Be more careful in the future, apply medicine in fixed intervals and it won’t look so obvious once it’s completely healed. Perhaps there won’t be any trace of it anymore after more time has passed.”

Shu Shu also beamed at this rare occasion. The situation was better than what she first thought. She turned to look at the man beside her who was similarly worried about her.

See, everything is going in a positive direction.

After the two left, the doctor smiled and posted a message in the group for the nurses who were anxiously waiting.

Doctor Lee: The wound is healing well, it can be cured.

Nurse A: Aaahhh! That’s great!

Nurse B: We actually stayed with Du Da for such a long time!!!


Nurse C: Du Da’s looks and personality are completely different.

Nurse D: Of course! It was satisfying to watch Du Da hit the woman who came to threaten her last time!


Nurse N: By the way, do any of you have Du Da’s signature?

After she said that, there was a short silence. Outside the screen, everyone cursed in their heart, they actually forgot about the signature! Du Da’s signature, they’d also never seen it before!

Nurse A: Damn it, I forgot…

Nurse B: My heart aches…

Nurse C: When they come to change the bandage next time, can we ask for it?

Nurse D: Wu wu wu, I want it

Nurse N: I want it so much, this hurts…


Chief nurse: What are you all clamoring about? You’ve finished your job? Already measured * bed patient’s blood pressure?



The group was quiet again. The small nurses kept their mouths shut. After a while, the chief nurse sent another message. The nurses opened the message thinking that she was giving an order, when they saw what was written,

Chief nurse: Oh yeah, I got the signature.

Nurse A (BCD) silently groaned in their hearts: Damn! The one and only Du Da’s signature!

After the two left, Yu Yu drove the car. Shu Shu was quite unnerved about driving right now and Yu Yu didn’t want her to drive either.

At the entrance of their neighborhood,  a man was standing there with a dog.

Noticing them approaching, Yu Bei was unable to react yet when Yellow Fur pulled away from him and rushed towards them.

A big bundle of mass flew towards them. Yu Yu instinctively pulled Shu Shu behind him and got himself a big hug with Yellow Fur.

Yu Yu blinked and looked at the dog face in front of him blankly.

Yellow Fur also opened its eyes wide and looked at the human face in front of it blankly.

And then at the same time,




They let go of each other. Yellow Fur circled around Shu Shu while wagging its tail. Shu Shu knelt down and was about to hug it.

Yu Yu quickly stopped her, “Your body is still unwell and this guy is so heavy. Don’t hug it.”

Shu Shu listened to him and petted Yellow Fur. Yellow Fur rubbed against her like a cat unexpectedly.

Shu Shu’s hand turned stiff.

She looked at Yu Bei and asked him, “How did you raise it? It became so thin?”

Yu Bei stomped his feet, “I feel wronged! It’s your sir here who was throwing a temper and didn’t even want to eat properly. It didn’t want to eat anything! If not because of Fat Rice, he might even become more famished and thin.”

“Fat Rice?”

Yu Bei’s hand moved and revealed the thing in his arms, “This guy.”

A white kitten?

It was a very small one. Yellow Fur looked at it and was obviously torn for a while before it remained beside Shu Shu.

That kitten ‘meow’ and wanted to go down, but Yu Bei held it tight, “Fatty, don’t mess around when you’re still so small.”

“Why do you call it Fat Rice when it’s so small?”

Yu Bei said, “Yang Yang named it. He said this guy looks like rice that grows exceptionally fat.”

Yu Yu: “……”

This was such an exaggeration. Fat Rice was small, but still not that small. It was as big as an adult man’s punch and it still had enough space to grow. Its snowy white body with large eyes made people want to touch it.

“Where did it come from?” Shu Shu stretched out her hand. The small guy obediently let her hug it.

Shu Shu petted it lightly. The small guy licked the back of her hand in a pleasing gesture.


“Yang Yang said this is a gift for Shu Shu.” Yu Bei said.

Shu Shu’s eyes lit up. Yu Yu quickly said, “No, no, take it back.” For some reason, Yu Yu felt that they shouldn’t take this small guy home.

“Yang Yang gifted it. He actually wanted to come at first. Our second aunt wanted to come too but our second uncle stopped her, saying that we should give both of you some privacy and not come to disturb you.”

Yu Yu nodded. Wise decision.

That kitten seemed to look cuter than Yellow Fur, so he stretched out his hand to hug it too.

The kitten let out a “meow”, then scratched Yu Yu. His paws were still small so it wasn’t powerful enough yet.

F*ck, cute? Like heck it was cute!

“Hahaha, Fat Rice won’t let strangers hug it.” Yu Bei said. Yu Yu looked at the guy who was lying obediently in Shu Shu’s chest.

Judging their good-looks? Pui, his face was also good-looking right?

“Male or female?”


Damn, a horny cat! It was already showing the nature of a horny cat at such a young age.

Yu Bei followed them inside. He didn’t stay there for long. He only explained to them how to take care of Fat Rice before he went back.

After Yu Yu listened to the whole list of things that Fat Rice couldn’t eat, he only grabbed a shovel stiffly and looked at the three beings on the sofa with begrudging looks.

Shu Shu was reading a book, Fat Rice was in her arms and Yellow Fur was lying beside her.

Looking at them, for some reason Yu Yu suddenly felt… happiness?