The second day, Yu Yu packed his luggage and departed for his shoot despite his massive reluctance to leave. Shu Shu woke up after a plentiful sleep. She fed Yellow Fur and Rice Fat and used the whole morning to observe them. The cat and dog got along harmoniously.

Fat Rice didn’t sleep in its own place and ran to Yellow Fur’s side instead. Yellow Fur also allowed it to lie in the warmest corner of his body.

These two males, what should this be called, gay buddies?

She took a photo and posted it on Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo.

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: Friendly gay buddies, pic.]


A rose: A dog?

Big River to the East: No, no, it’s a cat and a dog.

Flowing sand: Du Da is talking about your relationship with Yu Yu?

R zshl Pw Py: Pyxd, vbyv xyjlp pldpl.

Uldt Uldt Uldt: +1

Msxsaaso: +2


“Oaa…” R yx alyzzu fwpv rspvkdt ycswv xu rlvp…

Zw Jlk sdzu caswtbv y pxyzz yxswdv sq nyv qsse, yde vblu qkdkpble kv kd fwpv vos eyup. Fbw Fbw pyo vbyv Zlzzso Wwa nswze vyjl tsse nyal sq Wyv Sknl ps pbl oldv swv sd bla sod vs cwu nyv qsse.


Ekvb vbl nyv qsse kd bla bydep, Fbw Fbw nzknjle bla vsdtwl. Lsoyeyup, vbl qsse vbyv rlvp yvl oyp xsal lmrldpkhl vbyd vbl qsse bwxydp yvl. Fbl nswzed’v clya vs cwu zso-iwyzkvu qsse qsa kv ps pbl nswze sdzu nbsspl vbl xsal lmrldpkhl sdlp.

She went to the shopping center to buy some toys, but she didn’t expect to meet a familiar person. This familiar person was even fighting with another person.


After Zou Zhengyang went into jail, no one spent money for her anymore, and the only thing she had left was the house. She didn’t know what happened to the house, but after Zou Jianguo lost his post and his assets were confiscated, the condo she was living in didn’t get taken away. She was restless for a few days because of this.

Finally, a woman suddenly appeared the day before yesterday and told her that this house belonged to her. She even showed her the house deed. Liu Xuyan didn’t want to leave, so that woman called some people to throw her and her things out directly.

Liu Xuyan was only able to find someplace to stay after many difficulties and basically spent all of her money.

Today when she was out strolling, she met this woman again. She naturally wanted to go up to fight for it since Zou Zhengyang had promised to give it to her.

Both of them were in a dog and cat fight. No one dared to mediate the fight. She only understood what was happening after she listened for a while.

The “Zou scumbag” that came out of the woman’s mouth sounded pleasing to her ears.

Shu Shu lips curled up in a smile and went forward.

“Yo, isn’t this Liu Xuyan~”

When Liu Xuyan saw her, she gritted her teeth and her eyes seemed to be evading her. She was most afraid of letting Shu Shu see that she was living a lesser life than hers.

Women must not look miserable in front of your enemy.

Liu Xuyan put her head up, “Huh, Shu Shu, don’t come out and walk around if you’re disfigured.”

Shu Shu laughed and shook her head, “I’m disfigured? The scariest thing is that other people still look better than you despite being disfigured, isn’t it?” Her question at the end was directed to the woman.


The woman also raised her head, “Of course, you’re much prettier than her!”

Liu Xuyan stomped her feet. Shu Shu then said, “Don’t act cute now, no man is looking at you here.”

“Shu Shu!”

“Xiao Liu, have you forgotten about the advice I gave during the class reunion last time? Women should depend on themselves. There is no future in hanging onto a guy and becoming a homewrecker.”

“And look at you now, you’re in heavy makeup. You should put on a widow look but you made yourself into a flirtatious lady.”

Shu Shu gave her a serious and heartfelt talk. Liu Xuyan was so furious that her eyes grew red.

That woman laughed with a “Pfft”, and went along with her words while nodding, “Correct, if you stand right beside the road right now, don’t you simply look like an escort?”

Liu Xuyan ran off with reddened eyes. The woman who was holding a Hermes bag smiled and said, “I’m Ye Qimei, let’s be friends.”

Shu Shu smiled. Ye Qimei’s voice sounded slightly musical and it felt extremely comfortable to listen to her, “Shu Shu.”

What should women do to develop their friendship? Of course it was shopping!

The two of them chatted and laughed while shopping. Shu Shu finally knew Ye Qimei’s story.

Someone introduced her to go on a blind date with Zou Zhengyang. They met once. Zou Zhengyang was humorous and he also looked quite handsome, so Ye Qimei said they could try dating. On her birthday, Zou Zhengyang organized a party in that condo to celebrate and to confess his love to her. He then said he wanted to give her that house.


Originally he was giving it to her but according to the rules, the house should also be confiscated.

But she found out about Zou Zhengyang and Liu Xuyan, so they both broke up. She was supposed to return the house to him but he didn’t want to do the transfer no matter what.

Ye Qimei converted it to money and threw him a cheque before they split.

At first, she’d forgotten about the house and went overseas to relax for a while. Who would have expected that Zou Zhengyang had been jailed once she returned.

She then thought about her house and found that someone was living inside. She found out that Zou Zhengyang spent all the money she gave him and didn’t dare to ask his father for money to buy a house for Liu Xuyan. He could obviously spend money more generously on Ye Qimei, but who was Liu Xuyan? He wouldn’t allow his son to spend money on a random woman.

Then everything turned out like this.

Shu Shu only sighed after she finished listening to her. Zou Zhengyang was really something else.

They exchanged contact numbers and went back home respectively. Shu Shu laid down on the bed and had a phone call with Yu Yu. This guy, he called at least once every day.

“That male lead, such a punk. He’s supposed to be the current favorite male celebrity, but that acting skill, you haven’t seen it yet. Our director’s face turned dark again and again but he didn’t dare to tell him off or else his fans would chastise the crew terribly.”

“In comparison, the director has complimented my acting skills so many times. I passed at first take so many times. Tsk tsk, you haven’t seen these big celebrities’ grandeur, I don’t know if they’re here to shoot or to enjoy. They don’t look as good as me, hence when we’re taking photos together, they’ll distance themselves away from me. He’s always not satisfied with the takes where both of us are in. He’s just envious that I am more handsome than him.”

“And also that second female lead, the investors sent her in. Her acting isn’t much better than the male lead. Sigh, with this kind of cast, no matter how amusing my character is, it still won’t be successful!”

“Sigh, and also teacher Xiang, she’s already so old but she gives it her all in acting. I really admire her. It’s unfortunate, when she was young she also came from acting school, yet the sum of earnings she got from shooting a drama is still not as much as other people shooting an episode!”


Yu Yu’s tone sounded indignant. Shu Shu thought about it and said: “Da Yu, it’s right that you have such thinking. If you want to be an actor or a star, you’ll have to have true skills. Acting can be polished, it doesn’t matter if you come from acting school or not, as long as you have the skills and with your face, you’ll have a bright future in front of you.”

There was nothing that couldn’t be trained. Perhaps some people really couldn’t catch up to other people’s achievement because they differ a lot in talent, but putting effort would still be useful.

She was previously a science student. Her writing was still manageable to read. When she wrote for the first time, she edited every chapter again and again. After she finished writing, she would delete it all as felt that the chapter wasn’t nice to read.

Or else, where did her success come from?

However, Yu Yu’s attention wasn’t on that part, “Hahaha, broken book, you admit that I’m handsome? I already said so, how is it possible that you didn’t already like me secretly!”

Shu Shu: “……”


Twenty more days passed like this. Da Yu came back from the shoot. He returned quietly to give Shu Shu a surprise.

He saw a light downstairs. Knowing that there were people inside, he prepared to knock on the door excitedly with roses in his hands when he heard some vague voices inside.

Eh? Who was inside with broken book?

His ear pressed against it with his entire person leaning on the door. He vaguely heard someone talking inside with giggles and laughter. Shu Shu was laughing happily.

A man?

Yu Yu was enraged and slammed the door forcefully. He wanted to see which man it was? He’d kill him!