“Who is it?”

Shu Shu shook her head and walked to the door. She looked into the peephole. Da Yu? He’s back?

Opening the door, “Can’t you be gentler?”

Yu Yu glared inside furiously, eh? A woman?

His face immediately turned from black to red, then picked up the roses on the floor, “Shu Shu, hehehe.”



Yu Yu sat opposite them. Ye Qimei scanned him up and down, then patted Shu Shu, “Not bad, you know how to choose a man.”

He sat up straighter with his back upright. He laughed hysterically in his heart, hahaha, of course I am not bad.

Zl Ckxlk nsdvkdwle vs pyu, “Lso R qkdyzzu jdso, xld nyd cl pkzzu cwv elqkdkvlzu nyddsv cl nwddkdt.”

Zw Zw: “???” Fsxlvbkdt eked’v pllx iwkvl aktbv.

“Gzvbswtb uswa xyd kp pkzzu, bl kp bsdlpv yde valyvp usw olzz. Zsw pbswze yrralnkyvl bkx.”

Zw Zw: “……” Eblal kp xu jdkql?!

Gzvbswtb vbkp Zl Ckxlk rlapsd oyp y qlxyzl, Zw Zw oyp iwkvl wdpyvkpqkle okvb bla vss. Xa vs pyu, vsoyaep ydusdl obs yrrlyale yaswde Fbw Fbw yde ekhlavle bla yvvldvksd, bl oswzed’v cl pyvkpqkle okvb yzz sq vblx!

Gqvla Ckxlk zlqv, Zw Zw pvasjle Zlzzso Wwa’p qwa. Rv pbkqvle vs sdl pkel kd ekppyvkpqynvksd. Odaytle, bl wple bkp byde vs jdsnj kvp blye zktbvzu vs nsdhlu bkp ydtla.

Mbld bl ypjle Fbw Fbw obs oyp pvasjkdt vbl jkvvld, “Tso eke usw jdso bla?”

Fbw Fbw vsze bkx vbl pvsau. Tl vbld nzknjle bkp vsdtwl, “Esxld yal alyzzu pnyau.”

“I haven’t come back in such a long time, don’t you miss me?” Yu Yu stretched out his head, trying to lean on her shoulder when Fat Rice jumped up.



Yu Yu glared at it. Such a small thing knew better than Yellow Fur about how to destroy the atmosphere.

If you keep doing this, I wish you can’t woo a female cat for eternity!

The next morning, Yu Yu came down from upstairs and stopped for a while on the fourth floor. He thought she might not be up yet. Today was the winter solstice, he was going out to buy some flour and meat to make dumplings.

The weather had become very cold. Yu Yu stomped his feet. He came out early because things would be fresher in the morning. In the past, he bought them in the supermarket but after the auntie from the second floor took him to the agricultural trade market to buy once, he had known the difference.

“Handsome guy, you’re here to buy vegetables again? Want to buy some raw vegetables?” After he entered, the first auntie who was selling vegetables greeted him.

Yu Yu nodded, Shu Shu quite enjoyed eating green vegetables. This stall didn’t plant its own vegetables but it picked all the best ones from the farmers.

“Please pack it for me first, I’ll come take it later!”


Yu Yu walked inside. Some greengrocers started a heated discussion.

“This guy is really good-looking.”



“He looks like a celebrity, I think I saw him before.”

“Don’t exaggerate, will a celebrity come to buy his own vegetables to cook?”

“Whoever marries this guy will be so lucky.”


He naturally had no idea about their conversation. Soon he arrived at the place that sells pork.

“Boss, three pounds of lean meat.”

The boss lifted his head to look at him and smiled, “Yo, you’re here again?”

Yu Yu smiled and nodded. He cut the meat with one strike expertly. It was obviously more than three pounds but he didn’t mind and only took the money for three pounds.

The kindness between humans was usually found in just the corners of the alleys. 


“Bang bang bang!”

“Ah, what’s up?” Shu Shu just woke up. Her sleepy eyes were bulky and her hair was in a mess.


“Look at the time, and you’re still not waking up.” Yu Yu went in directly.



“Morning~” Yu Yu automatically translated these two calls as “welcome”.

He put the things in the kitchen, added some water with the flour, and started to prepare the dumpling filling.

Shu Shu finished washing up when she saw the man who entered her house was chopping the filling.

A cat and a dog surrounded that man and looked at the meat filling eagerly.

“Bark~” Yu Yu expertly sliced a small piece and threw it to the right side. Yellow Fur hopped up and opened its mouth, caught it!




Fat Rice couldn’t take it and kept calling while circling him.


Yu Yu continued chopping while saying, “I said you can’t eat raw meat, you don’t even have much teeth and you want to eat this?”

Fat Rice didn’t comply and meowed persistently.


Yu Yu turned around to glance at her, then turned back to continue chopping, “What are you laughing at?”

Shu Shu walked to him and hugged him from the back.

She felt the body of this man who got hugged became stiff. His ears quickly turned red in an amazing speed, as if it could bleed.

She laughed more happily as she released him. Taking a look at his face, it was really bursting red.

She knelt down to hug Fat Rice and went out. Yellow Fur looked at Shu Shu, then looked at Yu Yu, before it followed Shu Shu out.

Yu Yu: “……” F*ck, so hot, so hot!


Entertainment news was playing on the television. Shu Shu watched it delightfully while stroking Fat Rice. Yu Yu took out the skin of the dumplings that he had kneaded and put them on the table, then also took out the filling.

“Wash your hands to make dumplings.”

“Oh,” she washed her hands and sat obediently.

“How to make it?”

“Here… like this…” Yu Yu demonstrated. Shu Shu looked at his product and the corners of her mouth twitched.

“Cough, it’ll look better when we’re used to doing it.”

The two of them sat together and slowly made the dumplings. Without Shu Shu’s hug, Fat Rice went towards Yellow Fur.

It wasn’t angry that it had abandoned it. It still revealed its softest stomach to let Fat Rice lay on it to fall soundly asleep.

“Recently, Xue movie god is strolling the night market with a mysterious woman. It seems like his love affair is exposed.”


“What are you laughing at?” Shu Shu gave Yu Yu an eye-roll.

“Love affair exposed? This guy is already married.”

“Ah? He’s married?” Even someone like Shu Shu who didn’t care much about the entertainment circle knew that this movie god had the title of “single dog of ten thousand years”.

“He’s already married. His wife is his first love, or else why would he have the free time to take her out.”

“First love? There is still someone so pure in this circle?”

Yu Yu’s eyes widened, “Me.”

“You’ve never dated before as well?”

“Now I do.” He looked at her meaningfully.

Shu Shu turned her head away in embarrassment, then she heard him say, “I also want to get married to my first love.”

She lowered her head and felt kind of awkward. She didn’t say anything, but the skin of the dumpling in her hands was torn.

“Recently, some users on the internet visited ‘Fall in Love with Time’ and photographed some spoilers. We can obviously see that Lin Yue and Yu Yu are rehearsing together. They stated that the new guy Yu Yu totally won against Lin Yue in terms of looks. They all confessed to Yu Yu, saying that he is the only Yi Qian in their hearts.”

“Pfft haha” It was Shu Shu’s turn to laugh this time. Yu Yu’s chin slightly raised.

“The audience has bright eyes!”


“It is the truth.”


Ugly dumplings of many different shapes were placed on the plate. Shu Shu swallowed her saliva, “We’re eating this?” She suddenly felt that they were difficult to consume.

Yu Yu nodded his head firmly. Shu Shu’s handmade “dumpling of love” was among them.

“You can choose to boil it or steam it.”

Shu Shu thought about it and hadn’t said anything.

“Don’t move.”

Shu Shu grew stiff. His hand gently brushed across her face. There was a certain energy in his large palm that burned towards her heart.

Shu Shu’s heart was thumping wildly. She didn’t know who grabbed the other person first.

Yu Yu turned his face slightly and lowered his body to kiss her pinkish, soft lips. The tip of his tongue licked gently and pried open her teeth.

A hand wrapped around her and another hand pressed onto the back of the head. Their lips and tongues intertwined.

Shu Shu’s body softened. Yu Yu hugged her up with one hand easily and placed her on the sofa. Both of his legs pressed against hers lightly.

She felt like she couldn’t breathe. Her head turned sideways slightly and he followed her dominantly…

Yu Yu got up, his face became redder and redder. Shu Shu’s eyes also looked hazy with some tears.

Who knew that a kiss would feel like they’d died once…

Yu Yu turned his head around, then quickly twisted his head back again. His body was tight and stiff. With Shu Shu looking like this, he was really scared that he might turn into a wolf to rip and eat this alluring woman alive!


Stunned, he heard her repeat again, “Dumpling, boil it.”

Yu Yu got up in a panic and stumbled towards the kitchen. He cooked the dumpling in a rush, doing everything in a mess.

Shu Shu lifted her hand and covered her face. She let out a sigh lightly, then patted her face, exposing a pair of eyes that looked shy and happy at the same time.


They ate this winter solstice’s dumplings very quietly. Since it was a celebration, Yellow Fur got five and Fat Rice got one.

The small thing actually finished eating one. It then pushed its head to the side of Yellow Fur’s bowl and rubbed it.


Yellow Fur pampered it and licked it. Fat Rice climbed under its body, pushing its body out between its two paws. The whole kitten was leaning onto the bowl.

Yellow Fur let it pick whichever it wanted. It ate the fillings of two dumplings, leaving behind the skin.

Fat Rice licked its own paws in satisfaction as Yellow Fur continued eating the rest. It didn’t even mind the skin that it left behind, gulping all of it.

After they were full, the two nestled together meekly. Fat Rice snuggled into its embrace, then the both of them slept soundly.

Yu Yu lowered his head to finish eating before he dared to lift his head slightly to glance at Shu Shu.

Seeing that she was eating seriously without even raising her head, he pouted. He then saw her slightly red lips, making his face burn.


In the dramas that Yu Yu had shot previously, he was the nth male character. He did have fans but his influence was still too small.

Today, his drama as the second male lead started airing.

He already prepared the nuts and snacks ahead of time before he lodged at Shu Shu’s house in front of the television.

Shu Shu cleaned her hands and came out, “It’s the news… why are you so excited, it’s still early.”

“It’s not early anymore, just half an hour left.” He wiped off the sweat on his palms, “Shu, I’m nervous.”

Shu Shu went towards him and sat on the sofa, leaning against it.

“What should you be nervous about, didn’t you say that this drama will become popular?”

“I did say that but I’m still nervous. What if something happened and I didn’t get popular?”

He’d set up a flag, if he still wasn’t popular after five years had passed, then wouldn’t they trample on his face?

Furthermore, wasn’t it Shu Shu’s dream for him to be a movie god?

Shu Shu waited until she was going to fall asleep, but the drama still hadn’t started yet. She started a new novel yesterday and burned the midnight oil, so she couldn’t really hold it in anymore today.

Yu Yu pulled her to him, letting Shu Shu lie in his chest. They held their hands tightly together, as he easily hid her in his embrace.

Then the drama started. Shu Shu began watching seriously and thought that the production was rough and the editing wasn’t on par. Watching the acting of male and female leads in the first episode, awkwardness could leak out of the screen.

Especially that male celebrity, he didn’t have any acting chops. The female lead was slightly better but too bad she was trying too hard.

First episode, no Yu Yu.

Second episode, first part, no Yu Yu.

Second episode, second part, no Yu Yu.

The next episode preview, Yu Yu finally appeared with a smile, looking as gentle as a gem.

In the next episode preview, Yu Yu’s appearance was the main focus. Shu Shu thought that this channel wasn’t stupid at all, they knew what was their drama’s only highlight.

She raised her head and saw that Yu Yu was looking completely desolate.

“What’s wrong?”

Yu Yu looked like the world had ended, “I’m done for, the drama turned out like this, my movie god dream!”

He then used this chance to lower his head and rub Shu Shu’s face.

Shu Shu: “……” Don’t you know that when everyone around you is performing poorly, your performance will look better?!

(TN: Great news! All chapters until the ending are now out in Patreon! Do check it out if you’re eager to read until the end!)