As expected, on the next day, there was a small group in the internet that voiced out,

“Wah, Da Yu is so warm~”

Building outside building: Aaahh! I can’t wait to watch it!

Stay: The male and female leads yesterday night have corrupted my eyes. I urgently need my Qian to come clean my eyes.

Big River: Yi Qian, Yi Qian!


Under the Moonlight: Aaahhh, so handsome!

Lian Cheng: My Cheng is portrayed this way? I’m abandoning this.


Mbkp eked’v nalyvl y zsv sq yd kdqzwldnl clnywpl kv oyp fwpv y pxyzz taswr vbyv oyp vakttlale ycswv kv yde vblal oyp dsvbkdt lzpl vbyv oyp osavb xwnb yvvldvksd. Mblal oyp sdl vkxl vbyv Zw Zw clnyxl bsv obld bl clnyxl vbl “vbl xspv bydepsxl lmvay”, cwv zyvla vbl rsrwzyakvu oydle yde vblal oypd’v xwnb alynvksd pkdnl vbld.

Zw Zw pyv sd Fbw Fbw’p psqy ytykd. Tl yrrlyale kd zypv lrkpsel’p ralhklo ps bkp pnldlp xwpv cl kdnzwele kd vseyu’p lrkpsel. Tl clnyxl ralvvu lmnkvle.

Jlqsal kv pvyavle, Fbw Fbw pweeldzu vbswtbv sq psxlvbkdt.

“Xb ulyb, Py Zw, R’hl qswde xu qkpb.”

Zw Zw eked’v lhld aykpl bkp blye, “Rpd’v uswa qkpb (Zw) kp xl?”

Fbw Fbw: “…..” Nkqvkdt bla byde bktb, pbl tyhl bkx y rsolaqwz pzyr.

“R’x clkdt plakswp.” Mbld Fbw Fbw oldv kdvs bla assx vs vyjl swv vos qkpb yde tyhl vblx vs bkx.

“Mblu csvb zssj vbl pyxl, kp kv alyzzu fwpv y nskdnkeldnl?” Uswze vblal alyzzu cl pwnb y nskdnkeldnl?

The first thing Yu Yu asked was, “Where did you find it?”


“Cheng Duanyi gave it to me that day.”

Yu Yu raised his eyebrow angrily and was about to say something when Shu Shu gave him another slap.

“Focus on the main point!”

Yu Yu pouted, this is also the main point, alright?!

He then lowered his head to observe both fish seriously, “They really look the same.” Even the letters looked the same with the initials of both their surnames. He wouldn’t think anything was suspicious if he didn’t see it, but now that he’d seen them, it might not be a coincidence.

“Yeah, so I’m thinking, could it mean we are related?” Would it really be so absurd1?

Yu Yu’s brows knitted tightly and he pounced forward, “Aahhh, nonsense, even if we have any relationship it must be an engagement relationship, could it be that we were arranged to be married? Our father or our mother or our grandpa arranged it2.”

“When I entered the orphanage, I only had this and my name with me. I always think that this has something to do with my background.“

“How about I ask my family? Maybe they’ll know where you come from.”

“You can ask your parents if this fish belongs to any of your relatives. I don’t want to know about anything else.” As for her parents that abandoned their child at the orphanage, Shu Shu didn’t want to look for them at all. But now, her parents might have some kind of relationship with Yu Yu’s family, so she wanted to know. If both of them were really related by blood, then it would be terrible.

Yu Yu nodded, looking a little disconcerted. It must be an arranged marriage, his mother never had another child and never told him about any relative that he didn’t know.

At this time, the drama started and both of them watched it seriously.


Shu Shu grabbed the milk and took a gulp as she nodded. In this drama, Yu Yu was really exceptional, especially when he was with other people, he could make others’ eyes fall on him subconsciously. He made others want to see him quickly even when he was not in the scene, and didn’t want to watch anything else.

Da Yu would certainly gain a lot of fame from this drama.


After he went home that night, Yu Yu called Yu Liansheng.

“Dad, about the small fish that mum gave me, where did it come from?”

His father thought about it for a while on the other side of the phone before he asked, “Why did you ask?”

“Shu Shu has one that looks exactly the same.”

“She has one too?” His voice sounded flabbergasted.

“Yes, did you know about it? What does this all mean?”

Yu Liansheng didn’t answer his question but asked him back instead, “She’s an orphan?”

Yu Yu replied ‘yes’. Why did his father sound so astounded?

The other side of the phone was silent for a long while before he said, “Her father could be my younger brother.”


Younger brother? Yu Yu’s face turned pale, then was she his cousin?

His legs trembled for a while as his brain turned blank, “Younger brother?”

“Yes, but not related by blood, this is what happened…”

Then, Yu Yu listened to a long story.

Yu Liansheng’s family background was average when he was small. After a windstorm, his father brought back a small child, saying that he was his comrade’s child.

A new person started living in the house, Shu Zhihong.

They raised this child for a few years and he had a very good relationship with Yu Liansheng. He likes this younger brother very much.

The child was very thoughtful. When he arrived, he wore posh clothes but he didn’t complain about their house at all.

He was obedient and smart.

Yu Liansheng always sees him as his own biological younger brother, and enjoys hearing him call him “Brother” sweetly.

Later on, his father came. His biological father came quietly at night, saying that he wanted to go to Hong Kong.

He only managed to leave behind a fish that was handcrafted by his father as a keepsake for when they will meet again in the future. Yu Liansheng cried and didn’t want him to go.


Shu Zhihong held him and said, “I’ll definitely come back to see you again.”

Many years had passed. Hong Kong had been reclaimed and the Chinese ethics from other countries had returned to their roots3. Yu Liansheng’s name became renowned but that person who promised to come back to see him still never returned.

Yu Liansheng thought that he might have already forgotten about his life in Yu family. Therefore, regarding this fish, he didn’t want to throw it away but he also didn’t want to see it anymore.

Yu Yu was playful and saw it. Yu Liansheng then gave it to him and told him it was an important keepsake.

He didn’t elaborate much about it so Yu Yu didn’t care as well.

“Shu Shu grew up in an orphanage in Beijing.” As he heaved out in relief, Yu Yu raised the question.

Yu Liansheng sighed. His tone sounded slightly sad, “I only thought that he went to Hong Kong and forgot all about us, but I never thought that he might have come across an accident…”

“Dad, you should look into it.”

“I know, I will. Are you serious about her?”

“Of course, don’t you know me?” Yu Yu would not allow anybody to suspect his feelings for Shu Shu.

Previously, he only thought that Shu Shu was a girl that Yu Yu found outside and ended up developing a liking to, so Yu Liansheng didn’t have much opinions about their relationship.

It wasn’t that he disliked her, but he didn’t welcome it a lot either. Now that he found out that she could be his old friend’s child, his feelings naturally became different.

As for Shu Zhihong, it had been such a long time and he also didn’t know what he looked like now. He also didn’t have any news about him, so it was really difficult to investigate.

It wasn’t certain if he could get any news, but since she was his old friend’s child, he would surely take better care of her.

“When will you bring her back for us to see her.”

Yu Yu imagined the scene if he told Shu Shu the truth…

“Dad! Wait for a bit more…”


He still hadn’t told Shu Shu about this. One reason was he wanted to avoid exposing Yu Liansheng, and another reason was she also didn’t want to know.

Yu Yu thought that everything was already in the past, so what would happen even if they dug out all the details about it? Shu Shu had already survived alone for so many years. If her parents were still alive but they abandoned her, or if her parents had already passed away, both were similarly miserable news.

In the past, she’d gone through a lot of suffering. As long as he proved that they were not related by blood, in the future where he’s with her, he won’t let her suffer and feel lonely anymore.


As expected, this drama’s views on the internet grew exponentially after Yu Yu appeared.

As for the reason why only the views on the internet increased, it was because…. They could fast-forward.

“Shu Shu!”

“What’s up with you again?!”

Shu Shu widened her eyes. Sometimes she really just wanted to slap him to death.

“My weibo fans have hit two million!”

Shu Shu took his phone from him and scrolled through it. All the comments were complimenting that he was handsome in many different ways. The corners of her mouth twitched and her heart didn’t feel good all of a sudden.



“Nothing. God bless you.” Shu Shu faked a smile.

Yu Yu laughed loudly, as if he’d already witnessed the number of his fans hit fifty million, and became a movie god to marry Shu Shu.

“Bang!” The door closed. Yu Yu was stunned. He used all his strength to scratch the door from outside.

“Shu Shu…”

“Shu Shu…”


“Are you done yet?!”

“Not done, I’m not done with you…”


He stretched out his arm and held her, pushing her inside to sit on the sofa.

“Don’t you feel bored staying at home the whole day?”

“Just spit out whatever you want to say.” Shu Shu’s face looked cold.

“Let’s go watch a movie.”


“Let’s go~”

How did it feel to be pestered by a man asking to be pampered? Alright, Shu Shu could only tell you that there was a very, very, very itchy hand.

After they changed their clothes, Yu Yu held Shu Shu’s bag and took her out while holding hands.

The corners of Shu Shu’s mouth twitched when she looked at him pressing his cap downwards, keeping it low. She didn’t understand why they were going out to watch a movie when they could do it too at home.

“Today we’ll watch a romance movie!” Yu Yu decided.

After buying the tickets and popcorn, they then walked inside while holding hands. Some ladies who were also watching the movie kept turning back to look at them.

They sat down. Yu Yu adjusted his seat and used his left hand to hold the popcorn so that it was more convenient for Shu Shu to grab it.

The movie hadn’t started yet. Yu Yu heard the ladies behind him chatter and paid no heed to them.

“Do you want to eat?”

“Not now.”

About movies, even if the beginning wasn’t that interesting but after you watch it for a while, you’d still get indulged in it.