This film was very well done, intertwining between reality and romance.

The female lead, Lu Lu was a mute since birth who was raised by her grandfather. Growing up, she faced many obstacles and difficulties, but she never stopped smiling.

In her eyes, not being able to speak was much better than not being able to hear or see.

Lu Lu always had very excellent results. From primary school until she graduated from high school, there were people who looked down on her and bullied her, but there were also many people who helped her.

She was always smiling.


She obtained excellent marks in her college entrance exams, but because she got zero marks for speaking plus some restrictions of some schools, she could only study in a subpar university.

She was satisfied with that, and her grandfather was also the same.

In the university, she studied and worked part-time. She clearly had more smiles on her face.

Ohlausdl bye vblka sod zkql kd vbl wdkhlapkvu. Mblu oswze tyvbla vstlvbla obld vblu olal kd nzypp yde vblu oswze ts vblka sod oyu yqvla nzypp.

Fbl aldvle y bswpl swvpkel vbl pnbssz vs zkhl kd okvb bla taydeqyvbla. Tla rlynlqwz zkql ldele obld pbl oyp kd bla qswavb ulya sq wdkhlapkvu..

Mbl xyzl zlye, Vlk Dkyd, oyp y xyd qasx y aknb qyxkzu. Tl qlzz qsa Nw Nw obs oyp bydekdt bkx y qzula. Nw Nw’p lulp olal pzktbvzu dyaasole yde pbl pxkzle zkjl y nalpnldv xssd.

Mbl pvsau yqvla vbyv oyp lypkzu raleknvle, vblka qyxkzklp’ srrspkvksd, ekqqknwzvklp kd nsxxwdknyvkdt, wdlmrzykdyczl xkpwdelapvydekdtp, vbl elyvb sq bla taydeqyvbla… Rv oyp nzknbl cwv kv oyp y alyz yde pye pvsau.

Gv vbl lde sq vbl pvsau, Nw Nw zlqv vbl nkvu vs ts vs y hkzzytl vs vlynb. Vlk Dkyd vssj y nya vs y pnbssz qsa vbl elyq yde xwvl vs zlyad pktd zydtwytl. Mbl vos nyap eashl sqq sd vbl pyxl asye cwv kd vbl srrspkvl ekalnvksd.

Nw Nw pyke: R yx byrru, clnywpl R jdso vbyv vbl sdzu oyu R nyd qktbv ytykdpv zkql kp vs cl byrru. Ebld R yx byrru, vbld zkql nyd’v calyj xl esod.

Vlk Dkyd pyke: R nyd’v wdelapvyde uswa pktd zydtwytl, ps R vau vs wdelapvyde uswa blyav. Jwv R shlalpvkxyvle xuplzq yde ldele wr zspkdt usw.


Yu Yu saw that her eyes were red and his heart jumped. Damn, wasn’t this a romance movie? You dared to tag it as romance, so how about tagging it as melodrama as well?


He hugged her lightly, “Don’t cry, it’s all not real!”

“Not crying…” She had a nasal sound as if she was holding it in.

Yu Yu lowered his face to look into her eyes directly, then told her seriously.

“Then cry. You’ll feel better after you cry. I still want to take you to the night market to see if there’s anything tasty.”

All her sadness disappeared. This man…

“What if we get into a fight and I want to leave, what will you do?”

Yu Yu blinked, “Don’t accuse me, I don’t dare to fight with you!”

“I said what if.”

“First I’ll cry, then I’ll make a fuss, then I’ll hang myself? I’ll act cute and roll on the ground begging you not to go?”

“Pftt” With a laugh, she gave him a slap, “Let’s go, the movie has ended.”

As she said that, she stood up first to head outside. Yu Yu held her bag, “Hey, do you still want the popcorn?” There were still some left.

The two of them had just walked out of the door when a few girls rushed up to them.


“Da Yu!”

“We are your fans~”

“Yu Yu please give us your autograph~”


Yu Yu’s eyes widened and tried to maintain an indifferent look. The corners of Shu Shu’s mouth twitched when she saw that he was trying hard to withhold his smile. She could already imagine his inner voice right now: Even I, Yu Yu, have such a day! Hahaha

He showed them a gentle smile that also looked dignified, “Alright.”

After he signed for them, the few girls still didn’t leave yet. Yu Yu thought that they wanted to ask for a photo and was about to be considerate and offer it first, when he heard one of the girls ask,

“Can I ask if this is Du Da?” Her voice was careful and it even trembled slightly. Shu Shu nodded.

The girl’s tears poured down at once and the others’ eyes also started growing redder. Seeing that quite a lot of people around them were watching, Shu Shu smiled and said,

“Let’s talk as we walk.”

After they left the cinema, the few girls’ exhilarated expressions finally diminished a little, but they still looked at her longingly.

Another girl said carefully, “Du Da, we are your loyal Du Fen, we love you!”


Shu Shu smiled and nodded, “I also love you all.”

They hugged in one group due to the excitement and let Shu Shu sign for them as well.

Yu Yu stood at the side with a cold face. These fake fans, their true intention was obviously not him, they only wanted Shu Shu’s autograph, all of you fake fans!

Finally, the girls left while waving at Shu Shu delightfully. As for Yu Yu, he was very much certain that they must be fake fans!

Would there be anything else more painful than when your fans were not looking for you but your girlfriend? His fangirls turned into his love rivals, heartbreak…


Both of them held hands as they reached a lane that sold street food. Yu Yu turned towards her, “Do you want to eat?”

Shu Shu nodded excitedly.

“Then don’t eat too much, they’re unhealthy.” He only brought her here to eat street food because he saw that she wasn’t in a good mood. Naturally he should let her eat some.

If you’re in a bad mood, food and boyfriend would do the trick.

The street food lane was very merry and crowded. People walked to and fro, their eyes were only on the street food in their hands so only a few noticed the two of them with exceedingly good looks. But they were also busy eating so they didn’t come up to speak to them.

Yu Yu frowned as he looked at the various types of barbeque. Seeing that Shu Shu was already yearning to try it, his brows knitted even more.


They sold four sticks in one set. Yu Yu paid for it and gave her one stick. Shu Shu finished it within a few bites, then her eyes looked towards the ones in his hands.

Yu Yu frowned. Eating each stick with just two bites, he finished everything under Shu Shu’s stupefied eyes.

Turning around, Shu Shu looked towards the stinky tofu. Yu Yu’s nose wrinkled slightly as his brows knitted tightly.

“Sit down, I’ll go and buy.” He pressed her down on the bench, then went to line up on his own.

It was just a smelly, hot thing, yet so many people were lining up?

When it was finally done, his brain felt bloated due to the effect of the smell.

“Come, open your mouth.” He blew at it, then fed her one piece.

Shu Shu opened her mouth obediently and ate with a look of satisfaction.

Yu Yu took a whiff at the smell filled with spicy oil and fed her another piece. Then he closed his eyes and stuffed every piece into his mouth.


Yu Yu wiped off his tears while throwing the empty box into the rubbish bin. His lips were bright red as well as his face. His mouth trembled slightly.

Shu Shu passed the milk tea that she was drinking to him. Yu Yu’s eyes widened as his face turned redder. He took it and drank it seriously.

Both of them continued strolling around. Most street food consisted of meat. She didn’t like it, she prefered vegetarianism.

When she saw the sushi, Shu Shu’s eyes brightened, “This one…”

Yu Yu dragged her away and spoke with a slightly trembling voice, “I’ll make them for you at home…”

Shu Shu nodded with a smile.

After they finished strolling the street food lane, Yu Yu stopped her, “Let’s have a walk?”

“I want to buy lipstick.”

Yu Yu unconsciously looked towards her lips and gulped, licking his lips.

ysl exclusive shop wasn’t very far away from here. Shu Shu liked this brand a lot, she personally thought that it was comfortable to use, and its quality over price value was high.

“Do you want to test it?” Seeing that the woman was going to start bragging about their lipsticks, Shu Shu quickly said, “Do you have color number 16?”

“Miss, you have really good taste. This color sells very well and this is the last one we have…” She started bragging about it again, making both Shu Shu and Yu Yu’s eyes twitch at the same time.

When they paid for it, Yu Yu was astounded, “So cheap?”

Shu Shu raised her head, “So cheap? It’s not that cheap.”

“Don’t you spend money lavishly? Your face mask is so expensive, yet your lipstick is so cheap? Save money?” The face mask was only for one-time use but lipstick could be used for a long time. And yet it was so cheap?

“Could it be that you’re trying to save money for me?” Yu Yu pressed down on her shoulders and turned her around to face him directly. He spoke very seriously,

“Shu Shu, don’t lower your standard of life because you are dating me. You need to know that I only want you to have a better life. I will work hard to earn money and become a movie god. You only need to be happy every day, buy whatever you want and do whatever you want.”

Yu Yu said it so seriously that Shu Shu felt very touched. But let’s not forget that her weibo name was Poisonous Chicken Soup.

“Do you know how many color numbers a lipstick has?”

Yu Yu’s face was blank.

“Within ysl, there are already colors with three numbers, and this number is still increasing.”

“I don’t fancy all of it but there are quite a lot of color numbers that I like. I occasionally like ysl, Chanel or others, and I don’t want to use it anymore after I used it once. I will want to buy a new one next time. When the new color number comes out I will want to try it out. I like this color today, but I may suddenly fancy another color tomorrow. Different seasons means that the lipstick will also be different, and I will only change the color according to my outfit…”

Yu Yu: “……”

“Furthermore, lipstick is sold with this kind of price, so I didn’t lower my standard of life. Da Yu, do your best, the distance to giving me money to spend is still… em, your time towards becoming a movie god.”

Yu Yu looked at her behind, then looked at the exclusive shop that could still be seen faintly. He felt like he wanted to cry when he looked at those rows of lipsticks with different colors.

Shu Shu, can I become your house husband1 instead?


Yu Yu started making sushi in Shu Shu’s house. She was stroking the kitten on the sofa while Yellow Fur was moving about at the side, trying to attract the human and cat’s attention.

At this time, the doorbell rang. Yu Yu was at home, so Shu Shu directly opened the door.

It was a middle-aged woman in her thirties to forties who looked well-maintained for her age. When she saw her, her pair of eyes smiled narrowly.

“Can I know who you are looking for?”

That woman looked at her while smiling and nodded. Shu Shu moved uncomfortably.

“Who is it?” The apron looked contradicting around Yu Yu as he walked out with rice still sticking on his hands.


The three of them were astounded at the same time.

Yu Yu: Damn, my mum is here.

Shu Shu: Damn, my mother-in-law is here.

Du Chenglan: This is my son???