“Mum, why are you here?”

Du Chenglan felt a little dizzy, this is… my son? He is cooking?

Shu Shu also felt kind of awkward. Generally no mothers would like to see their sons serving their daughter-in-law…

But… There were still exceptions.

“Then continue with your cooking, I’ll talk with Shu Shu for a while. Make more, I’m staying here to eat this afternoon as well.”


As she said that, she pulled Shu Shu’s hand and sat on the sofa.

“Aunty, please drink some wa-water.”

Du Chenglan smiled and patted her hand, “Mum isn’t thirsty.”

Fbw Fbw oyp pvwddle: Ywx?

“Tkp qyvbla yde R csvb zkjl usw iwkvl y zsv. R nyd yzps pll vbyv Py Zw zshlp usw vss, obld es usw rzyd vs tlv xyaakle?”

Fbw Fbw oyp lhld xsal pvwddle, bwb?

“Q-tlv xyaakle?”

“Zlp, vbl uswdtla tldlayvksd osd’v wdelapvyde vbkp, ps fwpv zlyhl uswa xyaakytl rzydp vs wp, vbl szela tldlayvksd. R twyaydvll vbyv usw’zz cl qwzzu pyvkpqkle~” Pw Ubldtzyd pxkzle vkzz bla lulp dyaasole kdvs sdl zkdl yde zssjle yv Fbw Fbw elzktbvqwzzu.

Fbw Fbw: “……”

Fxkzkdt yojoyaezu cwv rszkvlzu, Fbw Fbw eked’v eyal vs ydpola bla yde sdzu plnalvzu bkdvle yv Zw Zw okvb bla lulp. Jwv bl ralvldele dsv vs pll kv yde vwadle yaswde vs nsdvkdwl xyjkdt pwpbk. Tkp lyap rlajle wr, clkdt yzlav okvb lhlauvbkdt vbyv byrrldle kd vbl zkhkdt assx.

“Gwd-vu, usw nyxl qsa…”

Shu Shu continued by gently asking her a question to avert the earlier topic.


“Nothing, nothing, I’m just here to see both of you.”

Yu Yu: …… To see your daughter-in-law.


“Aiyowei, now that you have a girlfriend, you’ve become different. In the past, you wouldn’t eat even if I served it on the table and asked you to eat. Now, you’re even making it yourself. It’s still our Shu Shu who knows how to handle you.”

Yu Yu scratched his head, “Mum! Don’t say anymore, let’s eat.”

Du Chenglan was a local Northern Chinese woman who was once a female soldier. She had good looks, a loud voice and was slightly thin. She had a slightly teasing tone when she was talking to Yu Yu, and even dragged Shu Shu along to make fun of Yu Yu, leaving an especially good impression on them.

Du Chenglan left after she ate. Before she left, she held Shu Shu and said, “Shu Shu, when you have plans on getting married, you must tell us. We will help you organize it. After you get married and have a child, I can help to take care of him too. For you youngsters, if you like to play, you should play while you can. As for marriage and children, you can leave it all to me…”

After they saw Du Chenglan off, Shu Shu looked at him, “Why did your mum keep talking about marriage when we just met?”

For a first meeting, this was quite…

Yu Yu looked up to the sky, the time reversed back to yesterday night.

“What? Dad said he wants to meet Shu Shu? No no, his face is quite recognizable, what if Shu Shu saw him before?”

“Why are you so afraid that she’ll know your father? Yu Xiao Yu, don’t tell me she hasn’t accepted you yet?”


Yu Yu’s eyes bulged out and his chin raised up slightly, “I already entered her house, how is it possible that I still haven’t succeeded?!”

“Entered her house? Aiyowei, son, mum never thought that you would take such a fast action, not bad.”

Yu Yu rubbed his nose awkwardly. Did his mum… misunderstand?

“Mum, not…”

“Then I’ll go and see you and your girlfriend. I have to help you ask her to marry you. We can’t possibly wait until you have children and only get married.”

She then hung up the phone after she finished speaking. Yu Yu never thought that his mum would act so quickly. She only told him last night and she was already here this morning.

“Shu… what my mum said…”

“Marriage?” Shu Shu smiled.

Yu Yu quickly nodded with a face of seriousness.

“You are still in observation period as my boyfriend, so what are you dreaming about?”

She then patted his shoulder again and said with a smirk, “About your movie god dream, you should count how long it will take.”

Yu Yu looked at her back with a face of resentment.



After his role as Xu Yi Qian, Yu Yu’s career hit a small peak. He received many casting requests, and his manager was picking it out for him.

“Da Yu, I personally think that these three are not bad.”

Yu Yu turned his head to one side. Ever since his company decided to sue him last time and then reversed their decision after Zou Jianguo lost, he began feeling awkward in the company.

The higher ups thought that he dared to fight with Zou Jianguo because he also had some strings behind him, so their attitude towards him was unclear.

Yu Yu flipped through the script and his face darkened.

“Other people have chosen from these?”

The manager felt kind of awkward and could only say, “We don’t use the resources by the company for now. These three chose to cast you exclusively.”

Yu Yu was silent for a while, “Will you follow me?”

“What?” The manager was stunned.

“Let’s do it on our own, do you believe in me?”

“Our own workshop?”


Yu Yu nodded.

The manager’s eyes widened. He was dumbfounded for a moment. Yu Yu’s decisiveness was beyond his expectation.

He imagined him to get angry, to become infuriated or even jump to another company. But he never thought he would do it on his own.

Normal people would only think that it wouldn’t be easy to survive in this field if they didn’t have much fame right now. Normally those who established their own workshops were the first-class celebrities who were both famous and rich, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Furthermore, these people usually waited for their contract to end before they went solo.

Yu Yu didn’t have much fame now so it was reckless to go solo, but it was resolute at the same time.

If he went solo now, it would be much easier than leaving after he became more famous, but he would also face a bigger risk. If he stayed, it was unclear if the company would give him a chance to become famous…

The manager looked at him with a seriousness that had never been seen before. He was a realist, his sentimentality would always be suppressed by his rationality.

He thought about Yu Yu’s performance in the shoot – the way his eyes changed and transformed into the character, made him nod his head zealously.

“I’ll follow you!”


It wasn’t hard for Yu Yu to break the contract. With his current value, the company would let him go if he compensated them with six million.

But this six million…

“Fuck, this much?!”

The manager who kept flipping through the agreement again and again lifted his head with a cold expression, “This is already considered quite cheap, okay?”

“No, this…” If it was him in the past, he couldn’t even buy a good car with six million, but Yu Yu’s value now was much cheaper.

But with his current income now, six million, how many years would he need to reach it?!

He laid down on the sofa and let out a sigh, then suddenly lifted his head.

“Hey, do you think I can still make it if I buy the lottery now?”

The manager suddenly lifted his head, “Do you want to borrow from Du Da first?”

Yu Yu shook his head strongly, “No, no, I can’t do that. I don’t give my own woman money and borrow money from her instead, this is so humiliating. No way.”

Yu Yu quickly rejected it.

“Can we ask the company to give me a discount?”

The manager gave him a scornful look, “You think it’s possible?”

Yu Yu placed his hands on his head and scratched it like mad, “Aaaahhh!” If he borrowed from his family, he would feel ashamed of himself. If he borrowed from Yu Bei, it wasn’t much different from borrowing from his family.

As for his friends, he just set up a flag last time saying to depend on himself. Now he wanted to borrow money from them? No way, he couldn’t lose face.

Should he really go buy a lottery ticket?


Shu Shu gave Yu Yu a slap on his shoulder, “What are you thinking?”

Yu Yu raised his head, “Thinking about you…”

“Rubbish, you’re thinking about money, right?”

“How do you know?” Yu Yu’s face was blank.

“Your company already released a notice saying that you’re terminating the contract.”

Yu Yu looked up to the sky with a face of despair. So shameful.

“I’ll lend it to you.”


“I said, I’ll lend it to you!”

Yu Yu was stupefied and pounced towards her, “I appreciate your kindness but I won’t borrow the money. I don’t lack the money!”

“Rubbish! If I want to lend it to you then I’ll lend it. Quickly get up now and write an IOU1, the interest rate will be applied according to the bank rate.”

Yu Yu: “……”

Honestly speaking, most of Shu Shu’s money was here. She did earn a lot, but as a single woman – a single woman who treated herself nicely – her speed of spending money was also very frightening.

But to give it to Yu Yu, she did it willingly. This idiot fish didn’t have anything. She didn’t know how his parents and family were like, that they didn’t even give him any money. He did have a rich cousin, but according to him, he always gave him a cold shoulder.

Sigh, he was her man so she had to dote on him herself.

Yu Yu wrote the IOU. Shu Shu then shoved her card to him and pushed him out.

Standing at the door, his eyes were red, Shu Shu……

After Yu Yu left, Shu Shu put the IOU that Yu Yu wrote at one side, then applied a face mask.

She walked to her computer. Looks like her novel that had just been completed was going to be on sale.


When Yu Yu left the company, he didn’t bring anything with him aside from those three scripts.

His manager said that he better only accept two, just in case his popularity soared after the two dramas. Then the third one would only end up as a burden.

The three scripts offered him two second male leads and one male lead respectively.

Yu Yu pondered about it and accepted the xianxia second male lead. It was the second male lead of a drama that focused on the super female lead. His scenes weren’t too many or too few. This character was smart and intelligent. At first, he planned to trick the wealthy female lead, but he ended up falling in love with her. He then died for her in the end.

After he read the script, Yu Yu thought that he could still accept it. He was able to accept this storyline of willing to die for his lover. He just couldn’t accept the second male lead of the modern times in the other script. He liked the female lead but he kept giving in. If he liked her, he should go after her, why with all the nonsense?

After he bid Shu Shu a heartfelt farewell, Yu Yu went on his journey to shoot.

Even if he only wanted to prove to Shu Shu that she chose the right man, Yu Yu vowed to make a name of himself.


At the opening ceremony, the male lead Zheng Ye and female lead Liu Ying were here.

Both of them were considered the hottest stars at the moment and did have good acting skills. The crew did their casting much differently from the last one that Yu Yu was in.

The few teams started shooting at the same time. In those teams, the female lead flipped around with just wires. She was certainly a “hard-working lady2”.

Yu Yu’s attire was quite adorable. He was in a white gown and white, shining hair. When they released the photos, it garnered a lot of attention.

However, he had no idea about this.

“The hard-working lady is very busy. She acts day and night, sometimes when she begins acting with Yu Yu, it’s already early dawn.”

Yu Yu saw the bruises under her eyes and felt touched. As expected, nothing came for free. If he wanted results, he would have to be more diligent.

Yu Yu was on the wires for the first time and was very unused to it. He shot many takes before it was passed. The co-director’s attitude was still okay, since he was on the wires the first time so they understood.

Yu Yu sat on the chair with his face growing pale. An old, experienced actor who played the Ancestor of Great Balance3 came to him. He smiled with narrowed eyes and patted his shoulder, then sat beside him,

“Da Yu is doing well. You’re already doing good to have such an effect for your first time. It isn’t bad, and you’ll be better after you’ve adapted to it. Look at her, once you’re used to it, it doesn’t make a big difference to be up in the air or on the ground!”

“Don’t think of it as being in the air, think of it as on the ground, then you’ll be fine!” He then laughed heartily.

Yu Yu’s pale face smiled lightly, “Thank you senior for your guidance.” He answered respectfully and politely, but not too distant as well.

The senior was stunned and patted him, “With also a blessed prerequisite…”

He then left, leaving Yu Yu staring blankly at him.

When he went up again, he was better at it. Yu Yu adapted to it and could pass the shot quickly almost every time. He was very sensitive with his own position as well as the location of the cameras and angles.

When the director came over and saw him, he nodded. As expected, he made the right choice and Yu Yu could act out this character well.

But at the next scene, a situation occurred.