A super female lead drama wouldn’t lack men who fell in love with the female lead. Hence, the third male lead’s popularity was almost the same as Yu Yu.

This scene was a fighting scene. Both of them would battle it out and all the original poses and movements had been taught to them.

But when they got up on the wires to start shooting, an accident occurred.

Both of them pointed their swords at each other. It was mainly for their poses, and the special effects would be added afterwards.

In one scene, both of them were supposed to have their swords pointing at each other with their eyes full of hatred.


They only needed to sync their swords together as they moved closer to each other. They would then shoot the rest on the ground. The wires controller pulled them up. The first time, they missed each other.

Then the second time.

The wires that were holding Yu Yu up moved. He went crashing towards the other side at a fast speed, giving him an illusion of “flying”.

Mbl vbkae xyzl zlye pweeldzu pnalyxle yde qketlvle kd vbl yka. Tkp rzypvkn posae oyp ekalnvle yv bkx.

Zw Zw pzyxxle vsoyaep bkx ekalnvzu kd y pvayktbv zkdl. Tkp blyav pvsrrle ycawrvzu yp bl vwadle pzktbvzu vs sdl pkel. Mbl posae pvyccle bkp yax.

Jwv kv oyp pvkzz iwkvl plakswp. G pbyar, rzypvkn scflnv oswzed’v nywpl xwnb eyxytl, cwv vbl qsanl sq Zw Zw naypbkdt vsoyaep bkx oyp dsv pxyzz yp olzz.

Tkp yax qlzv rykdqwz yp bkp pdsou obkvl pbkav kxxlekyvlzu vwadle ale. Rv zssjle hlau ealyeqwz. Mbl yppkpvydv iwknjzu awpble shla. Ekvb vbl blzr sq svbla rlsrzl kd vbl nalo, vblu pldv bkx vs vbl bsprkvyz.

Mbl vbkae xyzl zlye’p lulp vwadle ale yde nsdvkdwle yrszstkgkdt.

Zw Zw zssjle yv bkx okvb bkp lulp pzktbvzu dyaasole. Mbkp rlapsd eke kv rwarsplqwzzu…

Gv vbl bsprkvyz, vbl nblnjwr alhlyzle vbyv bkp csdlp olal dsv kdfwale, cwv kv oswze cl clvvla kq bl alqaykd qasx eskdt ydu blyhu zycsa yv vbkp vkxl. Zw Zw’p lulcasop oakdjzle pzktbvzu. Rd vbyv nypl, vbl nalo nlavykdzu oswzed’v yzzso bkx vs wpl vbl okalp.

Gqvla bkp yax oyp cydeytle, Zw Zw alvwadle vs vbl qkzxkdt plv. Mbl vbkae xyzl zlye iwknjzu oldv wr vs bkx, csokdt esod vs yrszstkgl sdnl bl pyo bkx ldvla.

Yu Yu looked at his eyes motionlessly. There were many emotions in it, but the only one missing was guilt.


Qiu Nan slowly raised his head up and gave him an apologetic smile.

The director came over to show his concern as a courtesy, then expressed indirectly if he could still do the shooting, since they needed to meet the schedule and who knew when his arm would get better.

Yu Yu looked at the director, then said with a smile: “It’s okay, I can shoot. But let’s not shoot today, we can continue tomorrow, no problem!”

“Ancestor of Great Balance” came to him and patted his shoulder, “Young people shouldn’t force yourself, since this is still your arm.”

Yu Yu shook his head, “It’s okay, my bones are not injured.”

Qiu Nan’s facial expression changed slightly.

Yu Yu smiled again and told him, “Mr. Qiu, you should be more careful next time. It’s quite dangerous when you’re up there. Oh yeah, what happened to you today, why did you suddenly…”

Qiu Nan let out a forced smile, “It suddenly moved, so I thought it’s going to snap and I was shocked. I’m very sorry.”

Yu Yu shook his head, “It’s alright, be careful next time.”

He smiled so magnanimously as if he really didn’t mind. But only his eyes seemed slightly dark as he stared at Qiu Nan closely.

“The second male lead is more important than the third male lead. Isn’t it simple, if something happens to you, he’ll replace you. We’ve only started shooting and just shot a couple scenes. It’s easy to switch actors.”

After his manager finished saying that, Yu Yu’s face looked tense. This person could do anything for his own personal gain.


“The second male lead’s character is more charming than the third male lead. The third male lead is easily hated. After you are gone, he will take the second male lead’s role, and then we recruit another third male lead. This is probably what he was thinking.”

Yu Yu didn’t say anything. But the second day when he was shooting with Qiu Nan, he was extremely serious.

Qiu Nan was pressured by him. He either forgot his script or frequently made mistakes.

When the shoot was done after much difficulty, he completely didn’t have much presence on the screen. In comparison to Yu Yu, they were like the young master and the slave. The difference between them was very obvious when they were in the same scene.

When the director watched the replay, his brows wrinkled. Then he looked at the fighting scene between Yu Yu and the female lead that was being shot right now, he saw no problems. The chemistry was there.

The director’s brow loosened again. As long as he didn’t show it so obviously all the time, he could overlook it this time. Just think of it as letting him vent his anger as compensation for acting with an injury.


“See how amazing I am!” Yu Yu, who had just finished filming, leaned on the sofa and flaunted his experience during that time. Especially the part when he was oppressing Qiu Nan, he described it in more detail.

Shu Shu looked at him coldly, “So you continue to shoot with an injury? Just so you can oppress someone, you don’t care about your injury and acted so exaggeratedly?”

Yu Yu was stunned, did Shu Shu get angry?

He stretched out his hand gently but was slapped aside by Shu Shu, “Yu Yu, forget about it if you don’t want your arm anymore. I don’t want to care about you anymore.”

She then stood up and was about to leave when Yu Yu pulled her back.


“I’m wrong~ I, I just can’t suppress that impulse… my bones are not injured, so it’s okay.”

“It’s okay if your bones are not injured? Yu Yu, do you think that I am stupid? You don’t even love your own body so why should I love it.”

Yu Yu gently tugged at the corner of her shirt and said with a voice of agony, “As long as you love it…”

He hugged her and glued his face at her waist, “Shu Shu, I’m wrong… I won’t do it anymore in the future, my body belongs to you, I definitely won’t hurt it selfishly.”

Shu Shu held herself back and contained her laughter, “I don’t want your body. You can do whatever you wish, I don’t want to care about you.”

“Your Highness, please care for your servant~~~” Using such a strange voice, Shu Shu couldn’t keep a straight face any longer.

“Let’s go shopping for clothes tomorrow. It’s almost the new year, so we should buy two warm, new clothes.”

Shu Shu nodded.

It had almost been a month since he last saw her. Yu Yu missed her very much. He took her hand, then with a light jerk, he pulled her entire body into his embrace.

He then cupped her face and kissed her forcefully. The temperature continued to rise. Her legs spread apart to sit on his body, with her legs at both of his sides.

When they were truly lost in the kiss, one of Yu Yu’s hands pressed the back of her head while his other hand held her hip to pull her closer into his arms.

He gently left her lips and put his head on her shoulder while panting lightly. The burning hot breath rolled over her neck. Moreover, his hug was so warm. Shu Shu suddenly felt hot and moved subconsciously.



Yu Yu pressed her down and said with a hoarse voice, “Don’t move…”


Unexpectedly, Shu Shu anticipated the shopping trip with Yu Yu. As always, to say this silently: Huh, women.

Yu Yu covered himself up completely again. His face was quite recognizable right now. The xianxia drama had released their photos, and he had such good-looking attire and looks. The way he smiled modestly was very mesmerizing.

Even Shu Shu secretly pre-ordered a photo of him too. But would she tell Yu Yu about this? Of course not, he would definitely explode and become excited for a few days.

Today was Monday morning, so there were not many people in the mall.

When they entered a shop, some shopping guides would surround them which was quite annoying.

Shu Shu pushed him with her elbow, “Say, which one looks good on me.”

Yu Yu looked around and pointed at a milky white coat, “Try this?”

Shu Shu nodded, and only came out after a long while. At the moment when she pushed open the door, Yu Yu almost thought that he saw a light.

She walked towards him against the light, making Yu Yu’s eyes turn blank.

“Does it look good?”

Yu Yu only came back to his senses and nodded with a gentle smile, “Yes.”

Having a slender body shape matched with her big, long legs and white shining skin, when she wore the milky white coat, she looked like a gentle and artistic young female. She looked very attractive.

Shu Shu pointed at another black one. It was slightly shorter and had a lot of accessories on it. Yu Yu frowned.

“This isn’t your style, right?”

Shu Shu winked, “I’m changing to another style.”

When she came out, she still looked very stunning. She had tied up her hair just now, making herself look clean, neat and good-looking as well.

She looked handsome within the sexiness.

Finally, they bought the two clothes. Watching the woman that he liked wear good-looking clothes made him feel very happy.

Yu Yu thought, no wonder men wanted to work so hard to earn money. When he spent the money on her and saw her dress beautifully, he felt happy.

Shu Shu was also very satisfied. Both of them went out while holding hands. Yu Yu held the clothes in one hand while his other hand was holding her. The feeling of happiness was actually just like that.

Unfortunately they just took two steps when, “Yu Yu?”

Yu Yu turned around and looked at the person who called him. She looked familiar but he couldn’t remember her name.

“It’s me, Ran Qing.”

Yu Yu pondered again deeply. His eyes suddenly widened and his face was blank.

Shit! This was that cold beauty from university!