Yu Yu was a little taken aback. Why did he bump into her?

“You’re here too? We still have things to do, so we’ll head off now.” He faked two laughs as he held Shu Shu’s hands to continue walking ahead.

Shu Shu’s eyes narrowed into one line while he pulled her away. Something was amiss.

“Yu Yu, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Is this your new girlfriend?” Ran Qing scrutinized Shu Shu with a smile as she teased Yu Yu.

Shu Shu stood still. Her hand that was held by Yu Yu sank into his meat as she smiled lightly without saying a single word.


Yu Yu gritted his teeth and didn’t dare to oppose her. He glared at Ran Qing.

“Who are you calling new? This is my wife1!”

Ran Qing was even more shocked, “You’re married?!”

“El’al tskdt vs…” W*nj, kv’p rykdqwz!

Fbw Fbw sdzu nyale ycswv kdnalypkdt vbl takr sq bla byde. Fbl oyp sdzu pxkzkdt sd vbl pwaqynl yp pbl elvynble blaplzq swv sq vbl nsdhlapyvksd.

“Mpj vpj, Zw Zw, Zw Zw, R nyd’v kxytkdl vbyv vblal okzz cl y eyu vbyv usw’zz tlv xyaakle, R alxlxcla ewakdt vbyv vkxl…”

“Ykpp Syd, ol pvkzz byhl…” Pyxd usw, esd’v vyzj ycswv vbyv vkxl yduxsal, bl okzz ekl.

Fbw Fbw eked’v xshl yde lhld vwttle yv bkx. Zw Zw nswze sdzu pvsr prlyjkdt byzqoyu yde eked’v eyal vs xshl. Tl sdzu tzyale yv Syd Ckdt bsrkdt vbyv pbl oswze zlyhl iwknjzu.

Nssjkdt yv vbl cyt kd Fbw Fbw’p byde, pbl zlv swv y zywtb, “Zsw yal pvkzz vbl pyxl, wpkdt uswa aknblp vs xyjl osxld ynnlrv usw.”

W*nj, q*nj, esd’v nsdvkdwl vyzjkdt, rzlypl esd’v vyzj yduxsal.

“R vbswtbv vbyv usw olal alyzzu pkdnlal yv qkapv yde vbswtbv vbyv usw olal plakswp. Jwv R dlhla kxytkdle vbyv usw eked’v lhld jdso obyv zshl kp.”

Ran Qing exclaimed in this way because Yu Yu gave her a very big blow that time. Now that they met once again, a lot of mixed feelings and perceptions were born.


Looking at their hands that were held together, she sighed, “Yu Yu, looks like you’ve known what is love now, then you should be serious. Don’t act high and mighty just because you have a lot of money.”

She gave a kind reminder that she thought was appropriate before she smiled and was about to leave.

Shu Shu smiled gently, “Miss Ran, I am the one who is financing this man at the moment.”

She then ignored her astounded expression before she took Yu Yu out. She shook off his hand after they were outside.

“Ex-girlfriend? A lot of money? Using your riches?”

Yu Yu: “……”


“Shu Shu, listen to my explanation, ai, don’t go.”

Shu Shu walked rapidly in front while Yu Yu was chasing after her from behind, calling her name.

“I… aiya~” He banged into someone.

“Ai, what are you doing? Use your eyes!”

“Sorry, sorry.” The man who banged into him kept apologizing while walking away hurriedly. He only got to get a short glance at him.


“What the, Yu Yu?”

Then he looked at that girl he was chasing after and saw him say something in a gentle way.

He almost shouted out loud, “Du Da?!”

Xu Quan then forgot about his wife and hastily ran after them. His hand was still holding onto his wife’s bag, but as a reporter, what else could be more exhilarating than digging into breaking news?

That was Du Da! Du Da was on a date with Yu Yu? Du Da’s first time exposure?

No matter what the headline was, this might just be his break!

Yu Yu ran up to Shu Shu and pulled her hand, “Shu Shu, listen to my explanation, she’s from the same university as me, I was young and stupid! I…”

Shu Shu faked a smile, “This has nothing to do with me.”

“It’s true, I…”

“Yu Xiao Yu, Yu Xiao Yu, do you still want to spout sweet words to me?”

Yu Yu’s face was blank.

“Just now that woman said, using your riches? You‘ve done a lot to chase her?’”


In fact, men should never try to argue with women who were in the midst of anger, because the women at this time would have such strong logic that you might suspect life itself.

“No, it’s because I don’t have the feelings and don’t want to do a lot, so I try…”

“Oh? Is that so?”


“Do you like someone like her?”

“No no no, I only like someone like you.”

“You chased her…”

“After I did, I felt nothing for her so we broke up.”

“You scum!”


“Yu Xiao Yu, you are a scum.”



“Did you chase her then abandon her, playing with her feelings?”

“No, I didn’t play with her feelings…”

“Then you did have feelings for her!”

“No no no, no feelings…”

“This is called playing with feelings, you scum.”


“Did you also plan to break up after you chased me?” Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at him seriously.


“You must be, you are willing to spend money for her, but you don’t even give me money to spend. This is called playing with feelings, you scum!”



Yu Yu wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips against hers. Shu Shu was stunned.

He sucked her lips and turned his head a few times. The tip of his tongue probed open her teeth and hooked her tongue. Giving her no chance to escape, he hugged her tightly, entangling together.

It was as if fireworks exploded as chills went down his spine.

Yu Yu thought that he was done for. This woman had him wrapped around her fingers.

“Whaa-! Breaking news!!!” Xiu Quan eyes were full of stars, #Yu Yu, Du Da passionately kissing on the streets#, if this news broke out, he could see himself become the best newshound of the entertainment circle, heading towards the peak of his life.


Putting his hand into his bag, he suddenly stopped.

Damn, he was accompanying his wife shopping and forgot about his camera.

He rummaged through her bag and found his wife’s phone. He switched it on.

Eh? It required a password? My birthday?

Incorrect, was it her birthday? F*ck, it was still wrong. Whose birthday did she set?!

Xiu Quan’s face was a little dark as he knelt onto the floor and seriously keyed in the password again and again.

After a few attempts, he suddenly shook. The main point was the news!!

A phone doesn’t seem to need a password, you just swipe left and you can already take photos?

As expected! Xu Quan held up the phone excitedly and focused towards the front.

He was shocked by the big face that suddenly appeared on the screen, “Hey, what are you doing?!”

Xu Quan responded by instinct, “Taking photos of you two…”

Yu Yu’s eyes narrowed. He spoke with a smile, “Reporter?”

“En… You, how… do you know?”

His lips curled up and he patted his shoulder with a smile, “I have ways to find out. If you don’t leave quickly right now, I don’t know what will happen to you next.”

Xu Quan’s butt fell to the ground in astonishment. Yu Yu pulled him up, “Quickly go find your wife.”

Xu Quan was even more shocked, he shouted out “Da Ge2!”, then took his bag and ran off.

Shu Shu: “……” Where did this idiot come from?

After they both finished kissing, they saw this man kneeling by the flower stand with a silly smile on his face as he looked at them. He then found a phone in his bag, then mumbled and struggled with it for quite a while.

Both of them initially wanted to ask him if he needed any assistance, when he suddenly opened the phone and held it up excitedly…

Such an idiot can also be a reporter?


Xu Quan ran back. His wife was standing at the entrance of the mall with a darkened face. His heart muttered, he was done for.

“I… I was after the news…”

“And then?” His wife’s darkened face looked a little better. As his superior and wife, she would still encourage his drive to work on his career.

“I saw Poisonous Chicken Soup and Yu Yu kissing passionately on the street!” Xu Quan’s voice rose three bars as if he had a good reason.

His wife’s face wasn’t dark anymore and showed a slight surprise instead. She asked again in excitement, “Where’s the photo?”

Xu Quan: “……”

After she listened to the whole story, his wife’s face became even darker. She gave him a “slap” on his head.

“Are you stupid?!”

Seeing his silly-looking eyes, she didn’t know what to say, but what she did like in him was his sincerity.

In the past, she liked those smart men who could talk smoothly. For that person, she sacrificed a lot.

After he debuted, she became an entertainment reporter and did many things for him. A real “woman at his back3”. He promised her many things but he did not fulfill any of them. She was cheated of her money and sex, getting nothing back in return.

Xu Quan was someone working in her company. He was like an idiot, having no speaking skills or IQ, but he had a passionate dream to become a reporter.

He came from the village and knelt at the front door for a very long time with a bag over his shoulders. Coincidentally she needed workers at that time, so she accepted him into her company to help her run errands.

It was also when she’d just seen through men’s real faces and hated men very much. Xu Quan blinked his passionate eyes and asked if she had any assignments for him?

She was being demonic and let him go dig into a movie god’s secret affair.

The location was a hotel. Some celebrities preferred to go there because that place was secretive. Usually no one was able to snap photos of them going in and out at midnight.

Even if you waited at the front for ten days or half a month, you might not necessarily able to get anything.

She let him go.

When she saw him again, it was half a month later in the hospital. He was holding up a camera and it was pitch black beneath his eyes. He beamed at her with a silly grin.

“I got it.”

At that time, she thought, this man might be worth trusting for once.

In fact, he was truly trustworthy. She couldn’t help but to smile happily as her earlier infuriation vanished completely.

She caressed his buzz cut, “Post a weibo and write: Da Yu, Du Da is really pretty, but please don’t show your affection publicly on the street next time. Then just @ him.”

Xu Quan scratched his head. He wasn’t used to the buzz cut but his wife liked it so he cut it for her. Now that he touched it, it felt awkward.

“Will this work?”

His wife only smiled.

At night around eight o’ clock, the two of them were watching television but Yu Yu noticed the weibo. He remembered that idiot and laughed out loud.

“Why are you laughing?” Shu Shu pressed her mask and gave him an eye-roll.

Today’s incident hadn’t come to an end yet, so Yu Yu was being a Mr. Good Guy for now.

“Nothing, it’s that idiotic reporter from today afternoon…”

“Oh,” She replied without much interest and continued watching the television. Could she be heading into postmenstrual stage early now? She was unexpectedly excited with this kind of family-orientated drama.

Yu Yu glanced at Shu Shu quickly and silently shared it.

[Da Yu: Yup, you have good eyes… On such a good winter, what should we feed all of you if not dog food4?]

“Aaaaahhh! Wifey, you are incredible, Yu Yu admitted it!” Xu Quan looked at his wife with full of praises. In this world, besides their president, the other person that he worshipped the most was his wife.