Yu Yu’s share undoubtedly started another surge of waves. Although the internet users had figured out that they might be together, it was still explosive news when they admitted it openly.

Building outside building: Damn, this dog food is really…

Big River: Want to see Du Da!

Knife lady: Aaahh! Want to see Du Da

Your name: This show of affection, I surrender orz

s category champion: Is it another publicity stunt? Using Du Da to get famous?

Name: The above comment is an idiot, he’s already helping her out with the court case, Du Da never posted any weibo but it’s about time!


Zw Zw zssjle yv vbl kdvladlv wplap’ nsxxldvp yde qlzv blyhu kd bkp blyav. Mbkp oyp bkp tkazqaklde!

Tl byed’v qkdkpble qwxkdt ycswv kv obld ydsvbla pbyal pvwddle Zw Zw yde vbl svbla kdvladlv wplap.

[Vskpsdswp Ubknjld Fswr: Mbl oypbcsyae kp alyeu1 / pxkzl]

Zw Zw aykple bkp blye kd ekpclzklq yde pyo bla rwvvkdt esod bla rbsdl kd vkxl. Fbl oyp pvyakdt yv vbl vlzlhkpksd plakswpzu, oyvnbkdt kv czkppqwzzu.

“Gb, Py Zw! Ebyv yal usw eskdt?” Fbw Fbw oyp vlaakczu pbsnjle obld pbl oyp ralpple esod cu Zw Zw. Fbl rwdnble bkx voknl vs lmralpp bla ydtla.

Tl tyhl bla qynl y “xwynj”. Mblal oyp yd wdnsdnlyzyczl pxkzl sd bkp qynl. Fbw Fbw nswzed’v blzr blaplzq qasx zywtbkdt.



He only rested in the house for a few days. His hand was almost healed when he bid farewell to Shu Shu unwillingly to go on another journey to shoot.

In this drama, he was the male lead. After Yu Yu’s xianxia photo was released, he got many casting offers.

Those big companies could invest more so they would cast popular celebrities at that time, but as for the small companies, they would need to be smart. They couldn’t hire those top-stars so they would hire those who might become popular in the future. He might become popular during the time when they were about to release his drama that they shot.

Apparently, many people thought that Yu Yu’s xianxia drama might become popular.

This was a war-time spy drama. The war-time spy market wasn’t that good right now, almost every drama didn’t do well in ratings.

Yu Yu accepted this drama because of its script. He rarely came across a script that he liked a lot. The male lead was someone who loved his own country, he was righteous and not corrupted.

His manager didn’t really agree to it because shooting a war-time spy drama was too risky. Modern people didn’t have much acceptance of such drama, and those who were older might like it better.

But he couldn’t let Yu Yu have a fanbase of older people right? The older fans were more conscious, they liked the character in the film but to make them spend money for the actor, it wasn’t really possible.

Honestly, those with lesser popularity needed to be more skilful in attracting fans to them. If your fans were ones who liked the character, there was no guarantee for your next film.

But Yu Yu was adamant so his manager couldn’t say anything more. Since he liked it personally, it would be helpful for the actor to get into character.

Most importantly, he was his boss right now, so he also couldn’t force him to do anything.

This drama was shot for less than a month, which was pretty hasty. There were more indoor scenes and they didn’t need to go outdoors to shoot or use wires. It was going to be the new year, so everyone was in a rush to go home. Everyone was highly cooperative since it was a drama crew of low budget and seeing that it was almost new year, they tried to simplify the scenes if they could.

He shot this drama smoothly. Since he was the male lead, many extras in the set tried to please him. Yu Yu couldn’t stand those people’s various ways of striking up conversations with him.

This time, he finally made it through. Yu Yu went straight to 249 with a pair of big black circles under his eyes.

“So sleepy, so sleepy.”

Shu Shu’s eyes widened as she looked at this shameless guy who went straight for her bed. It was obvious that he had aimed for it for a long time.

She wanted to wake him up but after she saw the darkness under his eyes, she let out a sigh and slowly walked out, closing the door behind her.

Yu Yu opened his eyes instantaneously and let out an inaudible scream inside his heart. He was full of smiles as he turned over twice while hugging the pillow, then he buried his head under the pleasant-smelling pillow and fell deeply asleep while smelling the fragrance of her hair.


“Da Yu, are you really not coming back for the new year?”

“I said I won’t go back!”

“Last time your father said you are already different from the past, so you can come back whenever you want without waiting for five years. Also, bring Shu Shu along.”

Yu Yu made an eye-roll on the other side of the phone. His father just wanted to see Shu Shu.

“I’m not coming back this year. I’ll only come back after we get married, it’s not good to go back now. I told you that I will become a movie god, if I go back empty-handed right now, it will ruin my reputation. Yu Bei and the rest will laugh at me.”

“What if you don’t become a movie god?”

“Mum, you don’t believe me? You lose to your daughter-in-law in this aspect~”

After he hung up the phone, Du Chenglan felt a little dizzy. Was this what they say once your son had a wife, he would forget his mother?


“What is this?”

Shu Shu opened the bags one by one, couplets? Blessing2?

“It’s the new year! What? You don’t celebrate the new year?”

Yes, she really didn’t celebrate the new year.

For those people who had families, celebrating the new year meant a reunion. As for her, the new year didn’t seem to have any difference?

Oh, there was still a difference. On new year’s eve, there were not many restaurants open. The few that were open were also full of people who were gathering together as a big family. It was even more awkward as someone who was stuck in the middle.

Cheng Duanyi wanted to bring her home but she didn’t agree to it, so he would come see her after he ate his reunion dinner. He packed some food for her and accompanied her until eleven o’ clock, before his parents called him back again to celebrate the new year.

“You’re not going home this year?”

Yu Yu didn’t even raise his head as he brought out the tape in his hands, then took out the couplets.

“You’re here, so where should I go?”

Then he started fiddling at the door. The tall and big figure stood at the door, blocking the entrance, looking as if he was blocking all the storms and downpours.

Shu Shu’s eyes turned moist.

“Shu Shu, come help me tear it.”

“Coming.” She took the double-sided tape from him.

“Is it straight?”

“No, tilt it a bit to the right.”


“Ai ai ai, it’s over, go back a bit.”


“Yup, this is about right.”

“Give me the ‘福’ word.”

“How many?”


“No, no, you have to paste the ‘福’ upside down.”

“Ai I know, I just didn’t notice it~”

“Because you’re stupid.”

“I’ll forgive you if you say I’m stupid today, but if you dare to say I’m stupid on the first day of new year, wait and see if I’ll punish you.”

“Why?” Shu Shu was stunned.

“If you do, I’ll be stupid for the whole year!”

“Pft hahaha” She couldn’t help it, this person was really entertaining.


The night of two days before new year.

“I’ll stay at your place tonight~”

Shu Shu’s face turned red as she pushed him out, “What are you dreaming about, you stay upstairs and I stay downstairs, go back yourself!”

“Shu Shu, you’re so cold-blooded!” Yu Yu grabbed the door and didn’t want to leave. Shu Shu tore his hand off.

“Goodbye!” Then closed the door.

Yu Yu scratched at the door but it was pointless. He could only go back with his head down.

Wait for it, if he still couldn’t enter her house tomorrow night, he didn’t have the face to call himself Master Yu!

The morning of the day before new year.

“Bang bang bang!”

“Aahh, why are you so early?!” With messy hair and sleepy eyes, her entire person was about to explode.

“Early? I already finished buying the vegetables.”

“Ah? There’s so much?” She was about to take it from him as she said that, but Yu Yu avoided her and didn’t let her take it.

“These few days the market won’t be not open, so I bought everything that we needed to eat. Dumplings in the afternoon and hotpot at night. Tomorrow morning we’ll have glutinous rice balls, is that okay?”

Shu Shu nodded.

As a Northern Chinese, Yu Yu didn’t really like glutinous rice balls, but Shu Shu liked it, so it was better to eat glutinous rice balls in the morning of new year.

“I bought the dough, let’s wrap some dumplings.”

Shu Shu nodded, then went to clear the dining table consciously as she turned on the television.

It wasn’t the first time for both of them to wrap dumplings, so they were more skillful at it by now. With the television playing and their hands moving, they occasionally talked to each other.

It was the first time she felt that her new year was different from how it usually was.

The programmes that were aired on every channel were different from usual. The familiar sketches were played repetitively. Those faces that were only seen frequently during the new year gave them a feeling of warmth once they appeared.

“Hahaha” Shu Shu laughed out loud as she watched.

Yu Yu was speechless as he looked at her. Rubbing his palms together, it was the first time he could laugh at her.

“Mr. Benshan’s sketches had been aired repeatedly for so many years, it was from the year 05 or 06, and you could still laugh so happily at it? Tsk Tsk.”

Shu Shu glared at him. Her eyes were watery with colorful flickers of light, looking quite alluring.

Yu Yu’s heart jumped. He looked at her with a face of pampering as she laughed loudly while watching the sketches that had been aired repeatedly.

There will be a time where you will meet such a person who will make a huge difference in your life. You will have expectations everyday once you open your eyes. You’ll be happy when you see her, and you’ll miss her when you don’t. When you see her, it feels like a cat is scratching at your heart, and you also feel like there’s a cat inside when you don’t see her.

Fat Rice stretched its body under Yellow Fur’s stomach. Its round cat eyes gave them a sideways glance.

“Meow~” Then it continued to close its eyes under Yellow Fur’s stomach with a face of disdain.

As if it was saying, huh, humans.

Yu Yu scooped up a bowl of dumplings with soup first, then passed it to Shu Shu. He gave Yellow Fur and Fat Rice another bowl of dry dumplings.

The last one was his, then his hand suddenly paused. Damn, did he become the person with the lowest ranking in the family???

But why did he feel so happy?


In the afternoon, the two of them with one dog and one cat nestled together.

Fat Rice opened its eyes impatiently. Its cat eyes were showing its displeasure of being awakened, then it glared at Yu Yu with its cat eyes again before it continued to bury its head in Shu Shu’s embrace.

Yellow Fur laid at one side with its eyes opened. No one knew what it was thinking.

As for the two…

“Shu, Shu! Use your ulti, ulti!”

Shu Shu didn’t say anything and went up to rescue him.

“Ah! Shu Shu, who knew that you’re so good at this game? With our Zhaojun and Huang Zhong pair, it’s a perfect match!”

Shu Shu gave him an eye-roll. When Yu Yu played the game, he was quite deceitful but…. She likes it!

On this new year’s eve afternoon, if you played King of Glory and met a pair of very sly Zhaojun and Huang Zhang, don’t suspect it, it was the two of them!

They could beat their opponents up but they wanted to play with them like how a cat played with its toy.

The Huang Zhong and Zhaojun pair was already a deceitful pairing in the first place, and they both only made them even well-known for their cunningness.

Not just their opponents berated them, even their own teammates also berated them.

Have you ever seen teammates who wouldn’t come to a group fight no matter how much you pinged them? Both of them kept going round the wild area. When their teammates died and they finished rounding the area, they went on for a 2 vs 5, wiping them out.

Their teammates were clenching their teeth, as well as their opponents.

After Zhaojun controlled them and used her first skill, Huang Zhong went on rage mode and used his ultimate. 2 vs 5 was a piece of cake.


After they were done with their “deceitfulness” in the afternoon, they started preparing for their hotpot at night.

Shu Shu assisted him while Yellow Fur and Fat Rice surrounded them and whined. When their dinner was about to boil, Shu Shu’s phone rang.

She grabbed it and answered it.

“Hello, who is this?”

“Shu Shu, it’s mum.”

Shu Shu: “……”