
“Ai, Shu Shu, both of you should come home to eat tonight. Liansheng and I have prepared many tasty foods. If you and Da Yu come back, his uncle and the others are also around so you can get to know them.”

A slight terror flashed in Shu Shu’s eyes, “We, we, already prepared food, so we can’t go!”

“Aiya, it’s okay, you should still come back on new year’s eve…” Du Chenglan continued nagging to try to persuade her.

Shu Shu turned her eyes that were begging for help towards Yu Yu.


Receiving her signal, Yu Yu just smiled and extended his face to her, then pointed with his finger. His intention was conspicuous.

The other side of the phone was still persuading her. Shu Shu gritted her teeth and leaned towards him.

That mean fellow ended up sticking his mouth out. Shu Shu glared at him furiously.

“Fbw Fbw, csvb sq usw pbswze fwpv nsxl cynj, Nkydpbldt yde R yzalyeu…”

Qakvvkdt bla vllvb, pbl jkpple bkx. Rv oyp sdzu vbld vbyv Zw Zw vssj vbl rbsdl qasx bla kd qwzz pyvkpqynvksd.

“Tlzzs, xwx, R…”

Tl vbld oyzjle swv vs vbl cyznsdu vs prlyj y qlo osaep okvb bkp xsvbla clqsal bl vssj vbl rbsdl cynj kdpkel yde rypple kv vs Fbw Fbw. Mbl nyzz pvkzz byed’v ldele ulv.

Pw Ubldtzyd pswdele psxlbso lmnkvle, “Fbw Fbw, alxlxcla vs nsxl bsxl obldlhla usw oydv, kq vblal’p yduvbkdt usw byhl vs es, fwpv zlv Py Zw es kv. Rq bl cwzzklp usw, vlzz xwx, R’zz blzr usw vyjl nyal sq bkx!”

“Xjyu, sjyu, vbydj usw ywdvu.”

Mbl vos sq vblx lmnbydtle y qlo xsal pldvldnlp nypwyzzu clqsal pbl bwdt wr vbl rbsdl. Pw Ubldtzyd eked’v lhld xldvksd sdl osae ycswv ypjkdt vblx vs ts bsxl vseyu.

“Ebyv eke usw vlzz uswa xwx?”

Yu Yu‘s eyes narrowed as he smiled. He shook his head, “Secret.”


Shu Shu gave him an eye-roll. She picked up the food, preparing to serve it on the table, when she suddenly smiled as she thought of the passion Yu Yu’s mother had for her.

Cheng Duanyi’s mother didn’t like her a lot, it wasn’t that she disliked her, she just wasn’t fond of him coming to find her.

On new year’s eve, he only came over for a while yet his mother kept calling him. She never invited her and also never spoke to her.

Yu Yu’s mother addressed herself as her mum in front of her. Although it was very sudden and awkward, Shu Shu was truly happy. This made her feel that she was being welcomed and not loathed.

Yu Yu’s mother and father seemed to like her a lot. If both of them got married, there shouldn’t be a lot of conflicts in the family.

Putting the dish on the dining table, she smiled at the thought, then she suddenly turned stiff on the spot. She turned around to look at Yu Yu.

“Yu Yu, your father is Yu Liansheng.” Her voice sounded a little cold. Yu Yu, who was standing with his back facing her, turned stiff. He was completely stunned.

W-was the cat out of the bag?

“So you are a rich man’s son, no wonder…”

Many questions were resolved at once. Why his father could provide so much news during the court case, why Ran Qing said he used money to pursue her…

Yu Yu saw that her eyes grew red and knew that he was in hot water. Shu Shu’s personality looked like she didn’t care about trivial stuff, but for those people that she’d accepted into her heart, she couldn’t bear even a single lie.

She was afraid. She had protected herself so well, but the person she trusted lied to her, it made her lose her sense of security. She hoped that everything that happened wasn’t beyond the boundary of the things she knew about.


Yu Yu’s actions would make her suspect that he was toying with her. If you hid your rich family background towards the girl and approached her saying that you were poor, no matter if you were trying to test her sincerity or was afraid that she only loved riches and hated the poor, it was still disrespectful towards the girl.

“It’s not on purpose…”

“Get out!”

Her eyes were red. Yu Yu felt sad as he saw that and didn’t dare to anger her anymore. He could only leave following the direction of her finger.

“Bang!” She closed the door.

“Shu Shu! I’m at the door right now, waiting for you to forgive me. If you don’t, I’ll continue standing here! Shu Shu, I love you.”

He shouted this to her who was inside, before Yu Yu leaned against the door and sat down.

Shu Shu sat on the sofa as tears flowed down her cheeks. Even Yu Yu lied to her, so who else could she trust?

Yellow Fur and Fat Rice looked at her blankly, then looked at the door. Yellow Fur even ran over to scratch it. It didn’t understand why he left when everything was going well?

The smell of hotpot base from the pot in the kitchen spread out. The whole house was full of hotpot smell. Fat Rice whined twice as Shu Shu’s mind was full of his face and voice.

Looking at his family and her background as an orphan, could they really be together forever?

“Shu Shu!” Yu Yu was still outside and called out occasionally.


Shu Shu’s eyes were looking at the television but she didn’t know what it was airing.

From seven o’clock to nine o’clock, it had been two hours.

Her eyes turned to the clothes on the sofa and only remembered that he was outside with only a sweater on.

It was winter so it was snowy outside.

Subconsciously, she stood up and walked to the door.

After pondering for a while, she slowly opened the door.

The man outside the door hugged her at once and rubbed his face against the top of her head.

“Shu Shu, when I first got to know you, it was when I left my family, preparing to work hard. I never talked about my family to anyone else, and then I fell in love with you. After we started dating, I didn’t dare to talk about it even more. I know you hate lies, but I’m not doing this on purpose. Shu Shu, I won’t dare to lie to you…”

“Who my father is does not have anything to do with whether we are together or not. I like you, I want to be with you forever.”

He cupped her face, his eyes focusing on hers as he poured all his sincerity and love into his eyes.

“Shu Shu, me, Yu Yu, will not lie to you ever again in the future. Trust me, we will be happy together forever.”

Shu Shu looked at him, her eyes still a little red, “Your family can really accept me?”


Yu Yu beamed and lightly kissed the top of her eyes, “They like you very, very much. They pester us to get married everyday, pester me to take you home.”

Her tears turned into laughter. Shu Shu knew that men’s promises shouldn’t be taken seriously but for Yu Yu, she still wanted to believe him once.

Believe this man who was willing to wash clothes and cook for her, this man who acted cute and wanted her to dote on him.

“Yu Yu, I only give you one chance.”

“Yes. Forever.”


The hotpot that was cooking was drying up. Yu Yu added water to continue cooking it while Shu Shu hugged Fat Rice.

Unexpectedly and unprecedentedly, Yellow Fur went beside Yu Yu to cuddle against him and looked at him with longing eyes. It must be thinking that, if this slave left, he wouldn’t have food to eat anymore.

Yu Yu finished cooking everything and dished it all out before he waved at the one human and two pets, “Time to eat.”

Yellow Fur sat decently beside his chair while Shu Shu also went to him while hugging Fat Rice.

Yu Yu didn’t stop picking out vegetables for her while he gave Yellow Fur and Fat Rice their dog and cat food. Both of them didn’t eat it and kept howling while looking at the pot.

Yu Yu cooked some for them with clear base soup. The dog and cat ate delightfully.

Lifting his head to look at Shu Shu, the gloominess from just now had passed. She was watching television while eating her food.

The slightly yellow lights, the boiling hot hotpot, the snowy white environment outside, the blaring television noises, the lights from other residences. On the door, there was a bright red ‘福’ word, a pair of couplets full of blessing; their neighbourhood was decorated with lights, ribbons and big, red lanterns that were hanging high up.

In this ivory world, this must be where warmth was.

The boiling hotpot warmed them up from their mouths to their hearts.

At 11.50pm, Yu Yu grabbed her hand, “Come, follow me downstairs.”

Shu Shu followed him down in confusion, when she saw the small empty area in their neighbourhood that was filled with small things.

Yu Yu took out his lighter while smiling. He ran to light up one. The flame trailed towards it from where he lit it, looking very fascinating.

Shu Shu widened her eyes. Although this trick was childish, it was most able to move an “old” woman’s heart like her.

“Shu Shu! I love you!”

Yu Yu shouted loudly that was buried in the “zzzz” sounds of the firecrackers. He hugged her into his embrace as they watched the fireworks bloom.

“When did you do this?” Shu Shu asked softly.

Yu Yu gave her a kiss on her face first, before he said with a smile, “That painter did it, I asked him for help.”

Shu Shu: “……” I knew you didn’t have that time.

They didn’t know how others felt after a night of romance, but Shu Shu and Yu Yu just ended up lying on the sofa with their energy drained out.

Time reversed backwards.

“What are you doing?! What did you do? Don’t you know fireworks are not allowed in this neighbourhood?!”

Yu Yu instinctively pulled her and ran away. The uncle chased after them from behind.

“You bastard, you dare to run?!”

Shu Shu asked while running, “Who is this?”

“The security guard, the watermelon one.”

Shu Shu was stunned, then remembered what happened.

Last time Yu Yu bought a watermelon, both of them didn’t want to eat it and since it was using up space, he took it down to throw it away. This uncle saw it and pulled him aside to talk about life and dreams. In the end, Yu Yu took it back up blankly after the long talk, so both of them split it into half and sat on the sofa to eat it with spoons.

“Shit, we better run quickly!” Shu Shu also sped up immediately.

The uncle stopped for a while, then pulled his collar, “This bastard, don’t you know what kind of job I did before this.” Then with a spurt, he dashed forward rapidly.

“I can’t, I can’t, stop.” Shu Shu was panting and wanted to stop. Yu Yu was afraid she couldn’t take it so he also stopped.

Looking at the uncle that came running to them still full of energy, he continued to say, “Young people’s stamina is not up to par, you have to practice!”

Then he straightened his face, “Who allowed you to play with fireworks in the neighbourhood?!”

Yu Yu explained, “The height is not even two meters tall, it’s not dangerous. I found an empty spot, didn’t I?”

“You think you’re sensible?!”

“Uncle, sorry, we’re wrong.” Shu Shu quickly apologized.

The uncle turned towards Yu Yu, “You bastard, you’re not even as mature as your woman, what, are you chasing your girl?”

“I’ve successfully chased her!” Yu Yu shook their hands that were holding together.

The uncle snorted, “I also successfully chased you!”

“Young man, I tell you, it’s only a moment of happiness when the fireworks go up, but the consequence is dire. All of you kids are not sincere when chasing girls, spending money to do some fireworks and stuff, but it is a waste of money, environmental pollution and it is also dangerous. It’s not worth it if an accident happens when you’re doing this.”

“Thinking of when we’re chasing our wives during my generation, we use our heart and don’t use these fancy tricks like what you did……”