“Young man, don’t do such a money-wasting and dangerous thing anymore next time, do you hear me?”

“Yes yes yes, everything you say is right.”

“You lad, don’t say one thing and think the other way around. I’m still not done dealing with you yet today! It’s the new year, yet we remain standing at the front line because of people like you, to maintain the safety of our neighborhood!”

Yu Yu gave him a thumbs up. The uncle glared at him.

“Girl, do you understand this lad’s character? Don’t blindly listen to men’s sweet words.”


“Hey hey, uncle, you’re being immoral now. This is our affair, what are you blindly talking about to my woman?”

The uncle blew at his mustache and glared at him, “You lad, if you don’t do anything guilty, then why did you run after you saw me? Luckily my legs are still fine, or else, you’ll quickly slip away.”

“Penalty, penalty, Your action constitutes a fine according to the rule.”

Tl tzkxrple yv vblx, vbld pweeldzu pyke, “Wsatlv ycswv kv, usw esd’v dlle vs ryu, usw!”

Tl rskdvle yv Zw Zw, “Ls sdl kp eskdt vbl nzlydkdt qasx vbl qkapv eyu vs vbl vbkae eyu sq dlo ulya. Zsw okzz es vbl nzlydkdt sq vbkp yaly.”

Zw Zw okeldle bkp lulp, cwv pkdnl bl oyp vbl sdl yv qywzv, bl ynnlrvle kv.

Xdzu vbld eke vbl wdnzl rwv bkp bydep clbkde bkp cynj yde zkqvle bkp blye raswezu. Tl rynle cynj pvlr cu pvlr.


Mbl vos rlsrzl sd vbl psqy zssjle yv lynb svbla, vbld pweeldzu zywtble.

“Mbkp wdnzl’p pvyxkdy kp alyzzu ldlatlvkn…”

Fbw Fbw pyv wr yde zssjle yv bkx, “Gal usw pkdnlal?”

Yu Yu patted his heart, “I’m not just sincere, I’m also amorous!1”


Shu Shu: “……”

“It’s already very late…”


“I’m sleepy, I want to sleep!” After he said that, he laid down on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Shu Shu kicked him, “Go back!”

“Huu Huu Huu!” He let out loud snoring sounds.

Shu Shu smiled gently, then said lightly, “It’s cold here, go sleep in the room.”

Yu Yu instantaneously jumped up. His eyes were glowing as he looked at Shu Shu excitedly.

“Get lost!!!”

In the end, he slept in the guest bedroom…

The second day, Yu Yu went out with a broom. An hour later, he came back angrily.

“What happened?” Shu Shu’s hand that was applying the face mask paused for a while as she asked him in confusion.


“Damn him! I was thinking why that uncle wanted me to clean the floor and talked about not working for three days. The one doing the cleaning was his wife!”

Shu Shu’s eyes opened slightly, “How did you know?”

“I was wondering why that uncle had time to chase and catch us on new year’s eve. Let me tell you, when I went down just now, I met the residents living a few blocks in front. They said that recently, this uncle had been catching people who played with fireworks to make them do the cleaning on his wife’s behalf until the fifteenth day of new year.”

“The others’ children were just playing for fun, so the uncle felt it inappropriate to arrange them from the first day to the third day of new year. Yesterday night, even if we ran to the moon, he would certainly still catch us. ”

Shu Shu: “……” I truly thought that he was doing this for the safety of the neighborhood……

“Damn him, I am sweeping the floor and he’s taking his wife out on a walk! I can’t accept this, I can’t accept this!”

Shu Shu patted his shoulder, “What can we do since he caught us? You should work hard, it’s about time to cook too, I’m already hungry.”

Yu Yu’s eyes widened, this heartless broken book, didn’t she feel pain for her man?!

“Meow~” Cook!

“Bark~” I’m hungry!

Yu Yu: “……”  This group of heartless fellows!



On the night of the third day of new year, both of them stayed at the sofa right on time. The Chinese New Year film, xianxia drama was aired on z channel.

This channel had pretty good views that have improved steadily since the past few years.

This time, the production of the film was not bad. Although it didn’t break away from the Mary Sue plot, the male and female leads’ acting were excellent and the editing was also well done. Everything connected naturally, producing a pretty good film which was very rare.

Da Yu was finally not someone who wouldn’t appear in the first episode anymore. The pace was faster, so the few main characters already appeared in the first episode.

Yu Yu was wearing long, white clothes, treading lightly like a celestial being. He placed one hand behind his back, which was quite good-looking.

“The roles you play are all warm guys?”

Yu Yu’s hand that was munching on the chips paused, “I’m not a warm guy?”

Shu Shu didn’t speak. Yu Yu glared at her furiously, he was a warm guy!

At the end of the two episodes, Shu Shu let out a yawn, “Sleep!”

“You go and sleep. I’ll continue to wait, s channel is going to air my war-time drama soon at this time.”

Knowing that she usually slept early, Yu Yu didn’t want her to stay up at night, accompanying him to watch it. He waved his hand, letting her leave.

Shu Shu obediently went off to gargle her mouth. After she washed herself up, she came out to drink water. Then she saw Yu Yu who was wearing an army uniform with a face of righteousness on the television.


Eh? He looked quite handsome. Hm, let her take another glance at his looks.

Half an hour later, Shu Shu sat down and fixed her gaze at the television, absorbed in it.

“Aren’t you going to sleep?”

He didn’t get an answer. Yu Yu looked at her, she was deeply focused on it……


Liu Xiaohu’s male god’s new xianxia drama had started airing. As a fan of his male god, it was mandatory to watch it! Every corner of his dorm was pasted with posters of his male god, even the surface of his table was his male god. No one could compare to his male god.

His male god’s attire was good-looking with a charming face, and he was also the male lead. Liu Xiaohu nodded, feeling very satisfied.

Later, the second male lead, Yu Yu made his entrance. Liu Xiaohu frowned, then after a while, Yu Yu smiled lightly and shook his head. He laid down and poured a mouthful of alcohol into his mouth.

Eh? He looked more handsome than his male god?

Pui pui pui! He would side with his male god firmly and wouldn’t be bewitched by these creatures!

After the two episodes ended, Liu Xiaohu let out a sigh. Those two hours felt as fast as an hour. After yawning, he changed the channel to an especially unpopular channel, s channel.

When he was about to turn it off, a song suddenly came up, it was the start of a drama.

Eh? Wasn’t that the second male lead?

Eh? It was just the first episode? Should he take a look at it? Then he began watching it casually.

Half an hour later, Yu Yu hid behind the cabinet. Some people with guns slowly approached him. Liu Xiaohu’s eyes grew very big as he put his hand on his chest, his heart thumping continuously.

Two hours later, two episodes had ended.

“Shit! That was two episodes? Feels like ten minutes!”


“Isn’t this that young lad in our neighborhood?” The uncle’s wife pointed at the television after she finished watching the family drama.

The uncle took a glimpse at it, “It’s really him, this lad has quite good features. Alright, it’s ten o’ clock, stop watching and quickly go to sleep.”

“Let’s watch, since we are from the same neighborhood.”

The uncle could only accompany her while feeling dissatisfied. After a while, “This lad is really handsome!”

The uncle felt even more displeased. He pointed at Yu Yu who was wearing formal attire, “He’s still far from when I was young!”

His eyes opened widely as he watched seriously. Say, this young lad’s acting was really not bad!

“He’s really handsome.” His wife let out another sigh. The uncle nodded, then quickly shook his head after he came back to his senses, 

“He’s just almost the same as me!”


“Quickly go to sleep!” Yu Liansheng felt unsatisfied as he pushed Du Chenglan. They’d already watched that freaking xianxia drama, now she wanted to watch some war-time drama.

“Let’s watch some more, our son is so handsome and so good at acting! I heard he’s the main lead in this drama!” She pulled Yu Liansheng and made him watch their son’s other drama.

He sat down for a while with utmost dissatisfaction. His unfocused eyes slowly turned serious. This drama’s progression was fast and exhilarating.

Both of them watched the television. The house was quiet with only sounds from the television. A kitten meowed continuously outside but both of them obviously didn’t hear it.


“Dad, don’t watch it anymore……” Zheng Sheng looked at his father, feeling worried.

Ever since his father noticed this drama a few days ago, he only slept until ten o’ clock at night and even insisted on setting an alarm to wake up. At the suggestion of playing it on the internet during the day, he said he couldn’t wait for it.

Old man Zheng’s heart wasn’t well, when he watched this drama, he was frequently excited. His hand clasped the clothes in front of his chest and he watched the television with widely-opened eyes, sitting upright.

Following the progression of the drama, he would sometimes let out a deep breath or take in a big breath, or even shouted.

Zheng Sheng was fearful, he was scared his father might suddenly miss a breath and get a stroke.

Old man Zheng’s eyes looked at the television as he said, “You don’t know anything. If I don’t watch it today, what should I talk about with old man Lee and old woman Xiang tomorrow morning?! Old man Guo is already ninety years old and he’s still watching it, your dad is still young, what should you worry about!”

Zheng Sheng: “……” Eighty-three years old, you’re quite young, huh……


Shu Shu was addicted to Yu Yu‘s new drama and even became passionate all of a sudden with a drive to start a new war novel. After some thoughts, she slammed the table. That would be her next novel!

Both of Yu Yu’s dramas were aired at the same time, making a stir on the internet. At this moment, the fans buzzing in the internet were mostly attracted by the xianxia drama. They liked Yu Yu, and after they found his war-time spy drama, they liked him even more.

War-time spy dramas didn’t have a wide audience. The ones who had watched it were unlike the xianxia drama that had viewers everywhere.

z channel was happy, the xianxia drama crew was happy, the director was happy, and the investors were also happy.

The internet applauded the second male lead that was played by Yu Yu. The director nodded, yup, he chose the right actor.

From the third day to the fifteenth day of the new year, it was xianxia drama’s world. Starting from the sixteenth day of the new year, xianxia drama couldn’t smile anymore.

The reason was because the broadcasting station received many complaints. There were various weird excuses, such as old people being too serious in watching the drama that it affected their health?!

Such a bizarre excuse did not just come from one person!

With the belief of ‘better be safe than sorry’, the broadcasting station stopped the war-time spy drama.

The internet was quiet, proving that this drama’s audience was too small, so it didn’t cause much of a reaction.

But on the second day of its discontinuation, the higher-ups of the broadcasting station received a phone call from a leader from above.

The higher-ups of the broadcasting station were perturbed when they heard him say, “You stopped the film that promotes the anti-war spirit?”

The higher-ups were baffled, “What?”

“Our era has developed, so our mentality should also change. Our older generation’s anti-war movement is always worth learning from, this…”

The higher-ups widened their eyes and kept nodding as they listened to the teaching of the prominent person from above.

The higher-ups were still baffled after they hung up the phone. So their leader’s phone call was due to the war-time spy drama that had been stopped? No, it mustn’t be the case! The leader must be trying to promote patriotism, yes! Could it be that the era of war dramas was coming?

Disregarding the higher-ups speculations, after the leader hung up the phone, he turned around and said with a sigh,

“Dad, it’s airing tonight, you should eat some food!”