It wouldn’t create a big uproar if it was simply stopped for one day and continued being broadcasted the next day. But what if its time slot was changed from 10pm at night to the golden time of 8pm? What if the broadcasting station especially promoted it?

The industry was stunned, the war-time spy drama crew was stunned, even the onlookers were stunned…… The only people who were happy were perhaps the old men and old ladies who liked the drama.

Recently, the conversation topic of the elders of every neighborhood changed from talking about grandchildren to drama.

“Ai, Lao Xia, have you watched the spy drama?”

“Of course, the story last night was very meaningful, it’s about the Battle of Shanggao, but there are some discrepancies between the real event and the drama, that time…” Lao Xia sat in the middle, surrounded by a group of old men and old ladies. They chatted among themselves energetically.


“What is that main lead’s name again? He acts so well.”

“I know, his name is Yu Yu, he looks very spirited too!”


Mbl oya-vkxl pru eayxy oypd’v fwpv ycswv prklp, vblal olal xydu qyxswp cyvvzlp vbyv olal yeele kdpkel yp olzz. Ohlau pru yde ydvk-pru pnldl alhszhle yaswde vbl cyvvzlp.

Mbl yvxsprblal sq xydu qyxkzklp oyp y zkvvzl pvaydtl yp olzz. Mbl lzelap obs eked’v oyvnb vlzlhkpksd vbyv xwnb ralhkswpzu bye nbydtle yqvla vblu bwdt swv kd vbl dlktbcsabsse.

Gqvla vbl lde sq vbl dlop casyenypv, vbl lzelazu kd vbl qyxkzu oswze bsze vbl alxsvl nsdvasz kd vblka byde yde nbydtl kv vs p nbyddlz, vbld pkv vblal okvbswv cwetkdt.

Mbl uswdtla tldlayvksd obs oydvle vs oyvnb vbl mkydmky eayxy oyp eygle, obyv pbswze vblu es? Ebyv lzpl nyd vblu es cwv vs oyvnb kv vstlvbla okvb vbl lzelap vss! Ps usw eyal vs qktbv okvb vblx? Gp qsa vbl mkydmky eayxy, vblu nswze pvkzz oyvnb kv sd vbl kdvladlv ewakdt vbl eyu yp olzz.

Mbl qkapv eyu, Nkw Dkysbw pvawttzle clvolld p nbyddlz yde g nbyddlz. Tl oyp pvlyeqypv kd pwrrsavkdt bkp xyzl tse!

Mbl plnsde eyu, yqvla vbl mkydmky eayxy ldele, “R’zz ts yde vyjl y zssj yv p nbyddlz”, vbld bl qsatsv vs nbydtl kv cynj.

Mbl vbkae eyu, yqvla pokvnbkdt sd vbl vlzlhkpksd, bl oldv pvayktbv qsa p nbyddlz……

Mbl pvwddle oya-vkxl pru eayxy nalo oyp byrru, vbl kdhlpvsap olal byrru, yde vbl p nbyddlz xydytla oyp ps byrru vbyv bkp vllvb oswze qyzz qasx zywtbkdt vss xwnb! Tso xydu ulyap bye kv clld pkdnl bkp p nbyddlz bye vbkp jkde sq hklop!

The xianxia drama crew couldn’t smile at all. Following the increasing views of the s channel’s war-time spy drama, z channel xianxia drama’s views dropped linearly. The views on the internet did increase but the xianxia crew still didn’t feel very good.


The director gritted his teeth furiously as he looked at Yu Yu’s face in the war-time spy drama that his father was watching.

He initially planned to cast him for his next drama, but now, no way! When the director looked at his face now, he would remember his feelings when he saw such high numbers fall drastically…

At the moment, he didn’t want to see him anymore when he was shooting a drama. He felt so nauseated…


The manager looked at Yu Yu in a daze, then shook his head, “High! That’s really high!”

Who knew that the elderly fans had such high attack power. Yu Yu’s war-time spy drama became so popular.

The manager started to pick out the scripts, he took out a single one which satisfied him greatly.

“Look at this first.” He passed it to Yu Yu.

He took it and gave it a glimpse, when his face immediately darkened, Xiu Shu?! This hatred had been present for so long.

“No, I’m not taking it!”

“Da Yu, don’t be rash. What you lack the most right now is fans. Xianxia and the spy drama did give you fame but you are still far from becoming a first-class celebrity. This year, shoot more movies that have bigger investment, if you can get an award this year, your future will be brighter.”

“‘Age of North city’ is written by Xiu Shu, it is a given that it will become popular. The last drama that you missed last time, didn’t everyone in it become more popular? Furthermore, the director is Director Wang, so its quality is pretty much guaranteed.”


Yu Yu’s face looked unpleasant. He was conflicted for quite some time before he accepted it. There was no need to affect his goal to marry Shu Shu because of someone else.

“After you finish shooting Xiu Shu’s ‘Age of North city’, Da Yu you can look at a few of these and book one first. If there are better script offers later, we can take it then.”

Yu Yu glimpsed at those, then his eyes were locked on one script. The manager covered his face, he knew it, he would choose this one.

It was a drama about anti-corruption. There were many main leads, and he got a character of justice. It was an unpopular theme, but what if it ended up like the spy drama and became popular?

Yu Yu laid on Shu Shu’s sofa and flipped through the script to memorize the lines beforehand. Memorizing lines was a basic skill for a good actor.


Shu Shu ignored him.


“What’s up with you?”

Yu Yu looked at her gloomily, “I’m shooting again, I feel depressed.”

“Don’t you like to shoot?”

“But I missed you. If I leave, won’t you be sad? Be lonely?”


Shu Shu gave him an eye-roll, “It’s not that you’re not coming back.” It was pretty nice if he left, then she could quickly finish the war novel at peace.

“You don’t love me anymore…”

“When did I not love you?”

Yu Yu pounced towards her with his eyes lit up, “You love me?”

Shu Shu’s face blushed slightly. Yu Yu leaned his face towards her… (Lights off)


Yu Yu grabbed the script, feeling more and more agitated as he flipped through it. He then tossed it to the table and shouted while hugging his head.

Shu Shu leaped up in shock, “Are you going crazy?”

Yu Yu grabbed the script, “Look at this Xiu Shu, what kind of broken book was she writing? And also this man, a warm guy? He’s idiotic, all right. His woman already ran off with another person, yet he still congratulated them, pui!”

Shu Shu’s face darkened so much that it was becoming purple. Ever since Yu Yu accepted this script, she’d wanted to say that he didn’t suit this character. She understood the characters that she created, Yu Yu was actually more suitable to be the third male lead, but he accepted the second male lead, so she only assumed that he liked to challenge himself.

“At least the third male lead is better! He says whatever he wants to say, as for this second male lead, they say he’s definitely going to be popular, pui pui pui, I don’t want to be like him!”

“Bang!” Shu Shu threw the things in her hands onto the table and stood up.


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m going to the washroom.”

When it was dinner time, the manager’s incessant calls came. Yu Yu put down the stuff he was doing.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

“Da Yu! The drama crew adjusted the cast, you became the third male lead!”

Yu Yu’s eyes grew so wide, he couldn’t fathom if he was happy or unhappy. He didn’t need to act as someone he didn’t like, but it was also someone that the audience might like. Yu Yu was conflicted.

The manager’s voice was very sorrowful, “A character that can attract fans flew away just like this….”

“It’s okay, then I’ll just be the third male lead. The second male lead is uncomfortable to act anyway.”

After he hung up the phone, Yu Yu continued to season the egg without any special emotions.

Shu Shu leaned beside the door with her arms crossed.

She thought that the response of Da Yu acting as the third male lead would definitely be bigger than him playing the second male lead.

If Yu Yu wanted to be the cream of the crop in this industry, the usual warm guy character setting was not suitable for him. 


Yu Yu bid Shu Shu farewell longingly and went off to the drama crew of “Age of North city”.

Shu Shu opened Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo. The internet users were howling and saying that they missed Du Da, adding that she was less frequently on Poisonous Chicken Soup anymore.

Stunned, it seemed to be the case. Yu Yu was always with her recently, cooking, watching dramas, chatting.

It felt like with that person around, her life suddenly had a core and she didn’t complain much anymore.

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: Lao Du is busy dating. You this group of single dogs, don’t come and find me. Lao Du has left the singles group, hahaha!]

I love Du Da: …… I don’t want to confess to Du Da today / smile

Old Days Old Times: Du Da, that’s not what you said last year!

Building outside building: Du Da said we were the noble singles last year, now not even one year had passed and Du Da had changed / smile

Big River: Damn, let’s eliminate Du Da!

Small rose: Du Da! You said that you won’t leave us!!


Shu Shu smiled, finally it was her turn to feed other people dog food, it felt fantastic.

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: I’m not leaving all of you, I’m just bringing in a new family member, hahahahahaha, damn, I feel so superior!]

The internet users were boisterous to ridicule her but no one actually stopped being Du Da’s fan because of this, since they had been with her for years and experienced so many stories with Du Da.

When they met a peculiar person, they would complain about it together; when they went through some hardships, they would come talk about it with her. Poisonous Chicken Soup was no longer just Poisonous Chicken Soup, this weibo was a platform. She led everyone together, using “Poisonous Chicken Soup” to develop and grow…

After exiting Poisonous Chicken Soup weibo, Shu Shu started typing seriously. A war novel was difficult to write but she felt very happy to write about a topic that she liked.


On the other hand, after Yu Yu entered the crew, Director Wang patted his shoulder and gave him a big thumbs up. To be able to anger Director Chen so much that his face would turn black when he heard Yu Yu’s name, meant that he was really capable.

Director Chen’s face would turn black when he spoke about him, yet he secretly wanted to cast him for his next drama. This scene was enough to make Wang An laugh for a year.

To be working together with Yu Yu, he was anticipating it as well.

Yu Yu also didn’t let him down. He had memorized the lines and his acting improved very fast. He would take initiative to learn. When others were shooting, he would watch at the side and learn the tiny details shown by the more experienced actors, then slowly polish himself.

He was playing a character that he enjoyed a lot. The third male lead Jiang Yifang had a poisonous tongue, and his partner was also the third female lead.

He didn’t know how to read the mood, a classic “single for life” character. But Yu Yu had a good-looking face and he acted very well. Director Wang nodded, the effect shown by him wasn’t lacking if compared to the male lead.

Yu Yu was unrestricted and dazzling. He didn’t need to smile all the time like in the xianxia drama, and didn’t need to straighten his face and show a deep gaze like the spy drama.

Once he was into character, he just let himself go. It felt really awesome.

After he finished shooting today, a group of reporters visited and surrounded the male and female leads, asking questions.

Yu Yu didn’t mind about it. He crouched down to eat his food, when a reporter noticed him.

Then a few more came over and asked him numerous questions.

“Yu Yu, can I know that turning from an extra to be where you are now, do you have any thoughts?”

“Yes, it’s very nice.” Why weren’t they leaving? I am hungry, I have to shoot later!

“Yu Yu, during that time when the spy drama changed its time slot became such a big issue, do you know what was the reason?”

“Isn’t that the broadcasting station’s work? Why are you asking me?” Fuck, why are you still not leaving? The rice is getting cold!

“Yu Yu, the rumors said that Poisonous Chicken Soup is your sugar mummy, is that true?”

“A couple relationship can also be defined as a sugar mummy?” What kind of reporter is this?

The reporter who asked that question stood at the front. He looked like he wasn’t satisfied with his answer, his sharp and cold face looked even worse as he asked again,

“Is Poisonous Chicken Soup as ugly as the rumors say, that’s why she never posted any photos?”

Yu Yu’s eyes suddenly turned cold as he fixed his gaze at him, his eyes narrowed slightly.