“Will she be as ugly as you?”

The expression of his manager who was watching from the side suddenly changed. All of them were reporters. Yu Yu mocked someone right in front of them, who knew how they would publish it once they went back. He quickly went forward.

“Da Yu, don’t make such a joke. Sir, Da Yu is just joking.”

That reporter’s face darkened until it turned purple, “Mr. Yu, are you being haughty right now just because you are famous?”

“You said such obnoxious words about my girlfriend, and I can’t talk back to you?”


Yu Yu’s face also looked pissed off. These paparazzis were seriously annoying!

“I’m only speaking the truth. Someone who becomes famous by selling negativity and by leading the internet users to criticize everything. To point it out in a bad light, the purpose of Poisonous Chicken Soup’s existence is to take revenge on the community and to endanger the youth. You think you’re so mighty because you have her backing you up?”

“**!” The veins on Yu Yu’s forehead bulged upwards. His left hand threw the lunch box to the floor and pounced towards him.

Tkp xydytla iwknjzu awpble wr vs pvsr bkx obkzl vbl svbla alrsavlap iwknjzu pdyrrle yzz vbl rbsvsp kd vbl xkepv sq vbl nbysp.


#Zw Zw clkdt bywtbvu#

#Zw Zw clyv y alrsavla wr#

Ayakswp vsrknp oldv wr vbl vsr plyanblp sd vbyv pyxl eyu. Mbl sdl oblal Zw Zw clyv vbl alrsavla wr lhld pwatle vs vbl blyezkdlp.

Tkp xydytla’p qynl oyp czynj, “Tso nyd usw cl ps kxrwzpkhl? Zsw clyv y alrsavla wr? Psd’v usw jdso vbyv vbl xleky zshlp nbysp, sdnl usw clyv sdl wr, lhlausdl okzz oakvl obyvlhla vblu oydv. Mblu nyd qayxl usw yde vyadkpb uswa dyxl!”

Zw Zw pyv esod pkzldvzu. Mbl ekalnvsa oydvle bkx vs alpv qsa y eyu – bl oyp schkswpzu wdbyrru yp olzz.

Rq bl oyp qayxle cyezu, oswze vblal cl rlsrzl obs csunsvv vblka eayxy clnywpl sq Zw Zw?

Wang An didn’t blame him as well. He knew that some reporters really didn’t view celebrities as humans. They only cared about creating topics that would garner attention.


Internet User A: Paparazzis can be extremely troublesome sometimes

Internet User B: He’s only a little famous and he already started to beat people up, playing haughty?

Internet User C: Haughty? I don’t even know who he is

Internet User D: Hehe, no matter what’s the reason, it’s wrong to beat people up

Internet User n: Looking for trouble?


On the internet, bad comments were flooding in. Yu Yu also only focused on the shooting. His current workshop only consisted of him and his manager, he didn’t even have a public relations team.

He didn’t see or listen to what was happening on the internet. He didn’t think that he was wrong anyway.

That night, when Yu Yu returned to the hotel, his manager was already waiting at the door with a smile on his face.

“Yo, you seem to be in a good mood?”

His manager held the phone up with a smile, “See.”

Yu Yu took it from him and saw the words on the screen,


[Xu Quan: I can’t stand to watch the distorted truth, the real truth is here @Da Yu]

“I already helped you to share it.”

Yu Yu nodded, it was the full video at that time. He sent a private message to Xu Quan first, Thanks, just a simple word.

Xu Quan grinned widely, then turned around to tell his wife, “Thank you, wifey!”

“There’s nothing to thank me about.” She didn’t even lift her head as she continued to weave her scarf.

Xu Quan scratched his buzz cut. He understood Yu Yu. Besides, Poisonous Chicken Soup was a very good-looking woman. Even if they were just normal people that you adored, you just wouldn’t let anyone disgrace them.

“Have you heard about the news where Jiang Zhao got framed?”

“I know, I know, they said that the actor Yu Yu that played Jiang Zhao beat someone up, he beat a reporter!”

“Ai, it’s all false talk! Have you watched the video? The video that revealed the truth.”

“I’ve watched it! Jiang Zhao didn’t even beat that reporter up, someone already stopped him when he wanted to pounce on him!”

“Yeah, and that reporter insulted his girlfriend first!”

“This lad values his feelings highly.”


“Yes, look at the beginning, he’s already crouching down to eat his food, how is he being haughty?”

“Ai, we need to help him, how can we let a good person get scolded for no reason?”

“Yes, yes, isn’t Lao Li’s son working in the media? Let’s ask his son to help.”

“Yes, and also old woman Xu’s daughter, isn’t she married to someone in the cultural department? This should be under their control, right?”

“I’ll also ask my son to help out…”


The group of old men and old ladies who were sitting in the square started the heated discussion. They talked so passionately. They rarely found something that they could do in this boring retirement life. The whole gang had become fired up, they must do something about it!

So when Shu Shu came out after locking herself in her room to write, everything that happened on the internet had basically ended.

Numerous big platforms supported Yu Yu wholeheartedly. There were official sites that named the reporter out to criticize him. There were even rumors that they would come out with a law that aims to rectify the entertainment industry…

Shu Shu: “……” Ugly? Sugar mummy? Negativity?

[Poisonous Chicken Soup: So I only locked myself up for some time, what had happened?!]

Building outside building: Nothing, someone was disgracing us, Du Fen are already prepared with the keyboards.


Old Days Old Times: Actually I always thought that although Du Da is called Poisonous Chicken Soup, the influence is very positive.

I love Du Da: +1

Small rose: Although Du Da’s words are sharp and sarcastic, every time I lose the heart to continue fighting, I’ll come to scroll Du Da’s weibo for a while to fully recover my energy to continue fighting.

Big River: Du Da is actually spreading positivity with a toxic tone. I love Du Da!!

I love Du Da: Why are you calling me?


Shu Shu smirked and didn’t say anything. These were her companions that grew up with her. No matter if others claim she was toxic or not, she would still continue to be with these people.

She took Yellow Fur and Fat Rice out to walk for one round to search for inspiration.

At night, she had a video call with Yu Yu.

“Why don’t you tell me?”

“It’s just a small thing.” Yu Yu smiled widely, his big eyes were curled into one line. His slightly white skin looked extremely radiant through the lens, and the two lines of neat, white teeth looked kind of dazzling. He was this kind of person. Any major issues were small matters that could be forgotten. He could smile in any kind of situation.

Once she saw him, she couldn’t help but to think that there were no difficulties that he couldn’t solve.

“Who is helping you?”

Yu Yu scratched his head, “My manager said it could be my fans.”

“They’re so powerful?”

Yu Yu nodded then shook his head, “Let you see a weibo post.”

[Sunny Day: Yesterday when I came home from school, my grandfather was making a scene with my father, asking him to help Yu Yu clear his name… My father was extremely speechless and agreed. I suddenly noticed that this scene looked familiar for some reason. When my idol was framed that year, I also made a scene like this. But it was not effective at all, I even got a beating… 55555]

“Pft hahaha, Da Yu, the attack power of the elderly fans that you attracted was really powerful!”

Yu Yu: “……”

His manager also said the same thing, no one had this many elderly fans before, so no one knew that elderly fans were actually so powerful…


This drama shooting took a longer time. The shooting commenced from the end of January to March before Yu Yu finally finished his shooting. 

“Da Yu, come, let’s go see the <Citizens> drama crew.”

Yu Yu almost jumped up, “Fuck, you don’t even let me go back to see my girlfriend?”

“There’s no big star in <Citizens>, but there are many senior actors. If you become familiar with them early on, it’ll be easier for you to hang out with them. You are younger so you should go there earlier.”

Yu Yu’s brows were knitted with a face of conflict. He looked at his manager in agony.

“Let me change the flight to Beijing, please, I must go back to see Shu Shu!”

The manager’s mouth throbbed. What can he do with these few hours?

“What can you do with this one hour or two? Getting laid?”

They were both men, so it was common to make sexual jokes like this.

Yu Yu pounced towards him, his arm hooked around his neck as he choked him, “What are you talking about?! You single dog, you don’t understand our feelings who have our other half.”

His manager’s shoulders trembled. He’d seen many celebrities who were dating and only this one was most sentimental.

He called him in the middle of the night saying that he couldn’t sleep and wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk. He thought it was a very big issue but he ended up saying: “I’m always shooting outdoors, will Shu Shu lose her feelings for me after this long period of time?”

See, wasn’t he simply sentimental?

When Yu Yu reached Beijing, it was already afternoon. He called Shu Shu earlier and tried to push his schedule backwards. He had three hours in Beijing, traveling to and fro would take one hour, so he could stay with Shu Shu for two hours.

But after all the meticulous planning, he didn’t expect the traffic jam.

“**!” Yu Yu started to swear. The half an hour journey used up an hour because of the traffic jam.

His manager looked at the time, “Go, keep your time within an hour.”

He then glanced at Yu Yu’s lower body indecently, “I think that’ll be enough too.”

“Get lost!” He didn’t even look back as he dashed towards 249 right away.

“Shu Shu!” According to his expectation, they should have a passionate French kiss once they met.

But when Shu Shu opened the door, she immediately went back in.

Yu Yu was disappointed, Shu Shu didn’t miss him at all?

“Why are you spacing out, come and eat!”

Yu Yu raised his head. He saw Shu Shu taking out a bowl of noodles from the kitchen. His mouth opened slightly as his eyes were full of disbelief.

“You made it?”

Shu Shu nodded, “The day after tomorrow is your birthday, you aren’t at home, so I made you a bowl of noodles today. I don’t know how to make longevity noodles, so you just eat what you have, as long as the significance is there.”

Yu Yu’s eyes turned slightly red as he hugged Shu Shu from the back, “Aaahhh! Babe, I love you!”

Shu Shu patted his hand, “Eat quickly.”

The manager glanced at the time. Why was this person not down yet? After some pondering, he went up.

After knocking at the door, Shu Shu was the one who opened it. Yu Yu was sitting in front of the table with a clean bowl on top of it.

“Are you leaving?” This question was asked by Shu Shu.

The manager nodded, “I’m afraid of the traffic jam, so it’s better to leave earlier.”

Shu Shu went to pat Yu Yu’s shoulder, “Go, come back after you finish shooting.”

He turned around to hug Shu Shu’s waist and stuffed his face in her body. He looked at his manager with a look of agony, “You go first, I’ll only go when the shoot is going to start. All the seniors have their other half, they’ll understand…”

(TN: This post came a little late.. I forgot to post it. orz)