Chapter 777:- Floating Islands; Anti-Gravity Crystals

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 777:- Floating Islands; Anti-Gravity Crystals

The next morning, Aditya opened his eyes. 'This was the first time that our spiritual meeting lasted this long.' Aditya felt very satisfied and happy, From their meeting, he was able to learn so much more about Rin. He was able to better understand the type of woman she was, her personality, and her character. He learned a bit of her past. 'It's time to get to work.' It was very early in the morning. The morning mist was covering the entire city.

There were no sounds of carriages running coming from the street. There were no sounds of people talking or walking on the street.

The large streets of the Sun Rise City appeared to be almost empty. Except for a few figures here and there, there was literally no one. It was nice to see the streets of the City without any carriages. 'But the pops of Magic Animals ruin everything.' After taking a quick shower, Aditya left the inn. He woke up so early that even the inn's staff hadn't awakened yet. Fortunately, he met the receptionist, who was awake. But it looked like her shift was about to end. After paying, Aditya quickly left. There was no need to waste time waiting for breakfast to be prepared. It might take them more than an hour to prepare breakfast. He could just have breakfast after he was done with his immediate task.

The place that he was heading to was the adventurer guild. The guild stayed open for 24 hours. In a busy city like this one, adventurers always came and left the guild. So, the guild needed to stay open 24 hours. Since it was so early in the morning, the whole place appeared to be empty. There was only a human female receptionist. Aside from her, Aditya sensed a few other Auras upstairs. But from their calm and still Aura, he can guess that others were sleeping. "Good morning, sir! How can I help you?" The receptionist asked in a polite tone. "Hello!! I am new in Stardawn." "Since I am new, I don't know things very well."

"You see, I was sent here by my late grandfather. When he was young, he was friends with this person." "Grandpa had borrowed an artifact from this person. He wished me to return this artifact, which is why I am here." "That's very admirable of you, Sir!!" The innocent woman believed in his story. "What is his name? I will try my best to help you."

"I heard from Grandpa that this person's name was Grandmaster Pink. He is a City Lord in Stardawn. I wish to know where can I find him?" The guild in this city also acted as a guide for new people who had entered Stardawn. "Grandmaster Pink!!" Hearing this, the woman's eyes lit up.

Scene Change___

In a room, there was a group of people. Before them, there was a glass partition separating the other half of the room from them. The transparent glass allowed them to see everything on the other side of the room. "This glass thing is very useful." "Only if we were able to make glass we would have been able to save a ton of gold coins." One of the men sighed while saying out loud. "Can't we just buy the method of producing glass?" Another man asked. "You do you even realize just how stupid your question is?" The first man looked pissed. "Why? Did I ask anything wrong?" Sigh!!!

"Let me explain." Everyone turned to the middle-aged man in a white shirt. His name was

Dr. Daniel Wood and everyone in this facility massively respected him. Doctor Daniel was the leader of this facility, and everything operated under his command. "First of all, glass is not produced in Stardawn. If it was produced here, then by now the Seven Clans would have known how glass is produced. We have no idea where glass is produced." "The only thing that we know is that the main supplier and producer of Glass is the Goddess of Wealth."

"The Goddess of Wealth has the backing of not only her father, who is the Emperor of the Ethereal Empire but also the backing of the Istarin Empire, meaning the Dragon Monarch." "Unless you are not interested in living anymore, you can provoke her. But even if you provoke her, I doubt you will be able to see her. Meeting the Goddess is the peak difficulty." "Before us, many have tried to find a method of producing glass, but no one has been successful. So I suggest, instead of focusing on something so useless, focus on research." Everyone nodded their heads. Doctor Daniel then looked beyond the glass partition and looked at the woman who was floating in the center of the room. Her eyes were closed. It looked like she was sleeping, but this wasn't the case. She had used a drug to put her in a state where she was able to hear everything but wasn't able to open her eyes. Now that the glass partition has been placed, she won't be able to hear any of their voices either. "I would have loved to examine her body. Unfortunately, we cannot physically touch her." his voice was filled with regret. "But Doctor, our years of research and hard work will finally pay off very soon." Another man comforted the doctor. Sigh!!!

Doctor Daniel sighed again. "You're right!! This will be the biggest achievement of my life. I doubt I will ever find any specimen like her ever again." "I almost feel reluctant to let her die." The doctor covered his face with his palm as if he was feeling too sad to look at her. Suddenly, the blue star-shaped earrings on the left ear of the doctor began to glow.

"You guys be silent. The boss has called us." [Good morning, Boss!!] - The doctor sounded very happy. [Daniel, I heard there was some trouble. What is it?] - The man, on the other side, did not waste any time. He directly asked what was wrong. [Boss, we have found our research product has been communicating with someone through the spiritual Realm.] - The doctor said in a very serious tone. ----------------