Chapter 778:- Dr. Daniel Wood

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 778:- Dr. Daniel Wood

[Boss, we have found our research product has been communicating with someone through the spiritual Realm.] - The doctor said in a very serious tone. [Hmm!!] - The man thought for a moment before asking. [Do you know who she was meeting?] - Asked the man. [Unfortunately, we have no idea. After all, we do not have the means to see what she is doing inside the spiritual world. Perhaps, if we were able to physically touch her then something might have been done about it.] - Doctor Daniel did not have the means or artifact to glance inside the spiritual world. He had never heard of anyone being able to know what was happening in someone else's spiritual world. [Can't we forcefully look into the spiritual world?] - The man, after being silent for a moment. [Boss, the spiritual world is essentially within one's soul. The soul of a body is the most mysterious thing in the whole universe. If we are not careful, then we might seriously end up doing something that we will regret.] - Doctor Daniel almost wanted to roll his eyes after hearing the stupid question from his boss. He felt as if his boss hadn't heard his previous words. But he still explained his limitations in a simpler way.

[When did you learn that she has been communicating with someone through the spiritual world?] -The man asked. [We had used an artifact to read her heartbeat. For years, we have been monitoring her heartbeat to make sure that nothing unexpected happens during our research. It was last night that we confirmed that Rin has been meeting someone in the spiritual world.] [Whenever she meets this person, her heart starts beating loudly. It was like she was excited or going through strong emotions. At first, we were confused as to why this was happening. First, we suspected this might be due to conducting experiments and her body heaving in such an abnormal way. But the data that we got last night was enough to prove that she was in a spiritual world.]

[Before last night, we found her heart beating at an abnormal rate two times. One happened three days ago, and another happened the day before yesterday. So, we strongly suspect that Rin had four meetings with his person. She has been meeting this person every night for the last three consecutive nights.] [When did she first meet that person?]

[It was around 2 to 3 weeks back. There were small fluctuations in her heartbeat. At that time, we did not think much of it. We assumed that she might be dreaming of something.]

The man fell into deep silence for a few seconds. This was a very unexpected development.

[After we confirmed that she was indeed meeting someone in the Spiritual Realm, we quickly stopped her. In the previous two times, when her heartbeat was abnormal, we were conducting experiments on her. The pain from her experiments must have made her conscious. So we gave her some pain to bring her back from the Spiritual World.]

[Alright!! Good job!!]

[Boss, there is more!!]

[Alright, go on!!]

[Some of my subordinates asked the guards if Rin had asked them anything out of place.]

[It turns out she had asked the guards where she was being kept. She was indirectly trying to learn the name of the place where she was being kept.]

Hearing this, the Boss became very serious. He immediately understood what this meant. [Boss, I am afraid that through their spiritual world meeting, Rin has called someone to rescue her.] - Now that they are in the last stage of their project, they cannot allow anything unexpected to come and ruin everything that they have worked years to build. [Although Rin did not receive any answers from the guards, I believe her rescuer won't give up this easily.]


At the order of the leader, everyone rushed to Aditya. "You know, I was only looking for Anti-Gravity Crystals. I wasn't looking to take anybody's life here. But since you guys are so eager to die, then I will fulfill your request." Aditya effortlessly dodged each of their attacks. He then grabbed the leader by the neck and then used him as a shield to defend against the attacks of others.

Aditya suddenly disappeared from their view. "Where did he go?" In the end, everyone was lying on the ground while holding their stomach. One of them even had lost their life. Aditya did not kill them, but he destroyed their cultivator. "Like I said, I am not here to fight. I just want the Anti-Gravity Crystals." After a quick search, he found what he was looking for. The Anti-Gravity Crystals were shining brightly. The Anti-Gravity Crystals were of many colors. There were blue, red, green, and white crystals. Aditya flew off towards Anti-Gravity Crystals after taking all the Anti-Gravity Crystals. He decided to continue gathering Anti-Gravity Crystals once he had met Grandmaster Pink. •••

Scene Change____

Darolf City, The Mansion of the City Lord of the Darolf City is located in the middle of the city. Aditya walked in front of the City Lord's entrance. "Hey, Peasant!! What do you want?" One of the guards called Aditya. Being called a Peasant, the Dragon Monarch did not mind. He was here for a purpose. As long as he got what he wanted, then he did not care about anything else. "I am here to meet the Grandmaster." "That's Sir Grandmaster for you." The guard warned Aditya. "And Sir Grandmaster has no time for a peasant like you." Aditya took a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and then opened them. Without saying anything, he took out 100 Royal gold coins and handed them to the guard. "Is this much enough?" Without giving money, the guards probably won't even inform the Grandmaster that someone was there for him.

"Alright!! Wait here!!" One of the guards went to the Mansion while Aditya waited outside of the gate. The guard that went knocked on the door of the Mansion. A servant opened the door. After hearing what the guard said, he looked at Aditya in contempt. The guard then walked back to the gate. "The Grandmaster has no time for you. Come again, some other time." The guard then went back to his position. Aditya narrowed his eyes. "Have you ever asked the Grandmaster?" From what he had seen, the servant did not even go back to the house. He just stood at the entrance and told the guard the return after giving Aditya a look of contempt. "How dare you question me?" The guard angrily stood up and walked towards Aditya with his spear. Aditya intended to complete things without causing a scene. This is why he had endured things. But everything had its limit. Aditya felt the tip of his spear against his throat. "Get lost!! Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless." Aditya closed his eyes for a few seconds. He then took a white mask from his pocket. Under the curious looks of the guards, he put on the mask. "You brought this on yourself." Aditya snapped the spear in half. He then grabbed the guard's throat and then stabbed him in the heart with the other half of the spear. Bang...!!!


"I gave you a chance," Aditya said in an emotionless tone. Aditya then took out the spear from his chest. Meanwhile, the other guards were beyond shocked seeing the scene. "Alert!!" "Everyone attack him!!!"

The guards had no idea what kind of calamity they had unleashed upon themselves. They will pay the price of their arrogance with their blood. Aditya calmly stood as everyone charged at him. He threw half of the spear at one of the guards. The spear moved so fast that the guard could not even react. The spear had pierced his head. Crimson lightning bolts began violently flickering around his body. When the guards approached, a huge wave of violent Crimson lightning struck their bodies. Ahhh.....!!!

All the guards screamed out in pain. A few seconds later, they fell to the ground. Aditya calmly pushed the gate and started walking inside. ----------------

This marks the last update of this month!! I also realized that it has been over two years since I began writing this novel. It has been such a long journey. I can't thank you all enough for continuing to read this novel even though, in some parts, the quality had really gone down. You guys kept reading and continued to support me. On this occasion, I would like to let you all know that this novel is reaching its end. The journey of the Dragon Monarch will end in December or January. - I have a plan in my plan. If things were to go as planned, then this novel should end in December and January. Many times, I have failed to keep my word. For example, when I said I was going to make a Discord for everyone or when I said I would update two chapters per day. This is why I am kind of scared of making any promises. I don't want to keep breaking my word. - So instead of a promise, I will tell you all my goals for next month. I want to update two chapters per day for the entire month. Hopefully, I will be able to accomplish this.

Trust me, this volume will only get better. In the end, Thank you for your continuous and never-ending support. - This is a Mass Release of six chapters!!! This is for all the golden tickets, power stones, and gifts that you all sent me.