Chapter 76: A new timeline 0.1

Name:Dreambreaker Author:
Chapter 76: A new timeline 0.1

Noah's POV(point of view):

The majestic Greystone Mansion, concealed within the embrace of the night's ethereal tapestry, now gleamed with countless lamps and glowing bulbs.

These radiant lights adorned the mansion like precious jewels adorning the neck of a celestial goddess, casting an exquisite glow upon its facade.

But the beauty that adorned ???????????? Mansion this evening was a stark contrast to the atmosphere that permeated its once joyous halls.

Instead of laughter and celebration, an impending sense of doom hung heavy in the air, foreboding the tragedy that would soon unfold.

The security guards stationed outside now lay sprawled upon the ground, unconscious and helpless.

Within the mansion's walls, chaos reigned supreme, intertwined with the anguished cries of despair.

I quickly made my way along the grey stone pathway that led to the ???????????? Mansion.

Standing outside the opulent estate, I decided to take action.

"Nano, scan of the entire building", I ordered abruptly.

Soon Nano's familiar mechanical voice echoed in my head—[Affirmative. Initiating real-time mapping]

Soon an augmented reality flooded my vision, a myriad of information came into focus. I could see radio waves pulsating, thermal images revealing patterns of heat, and even attempts to infiltrate the mansion's internal CCTV footage through hacking into its Wi-Fi network.

Within mere moments, a real-time map materialized before my eyes, seamlessly merging with my augmented reality field of vision. The image hovered in front of me, presenting a vivid 3D representation of the entire Mansion.

Currently, I stood at the entrance of the estate.

Glancing at the map, I discovered that approximately 80 people were in the lobby of the mansion.

But I hesitated to enter through the main entrance without gathering more information about the situation inside.

Summoning the security camera feed, a quick glimpse confirmed my suspicions.

In the lobby, amidst the chaos, I spotted a formidable Vampire-Werewolf couple leading the charge against the mansion's security forces, accompanied by a swarm of vampire-kin engaged in fierce combat.

The situation was far from ordinary.

Frustration drew a low mutter from my lips.

"Tch, annoying," I grumbled, the irritation evident in my voice.

Reaching into my dimensional bracelet, I retrieved the Securus mask—a thin piece of white plastic.

I carefully positioned it over my face and the mask seamlessly melded into my features, dissolving into nothingness and becoming invisible.

The Securus mask possessed a unique ability; it had the power to conceal one's identity without altering or hiding their face. To the outside world, I still appeared as Noah Grey but anyone who will see me would be confused.

They won't be able to discern the truth of my identity. It was like watching someone you know,but being unable to recognize the familiar characteristics that define them.

Next I retrieved the Desesperación dagger from my dimensional bracelet, carefully tucking it into the right pocket of my cargo pant.

Anticipating his movement, my body reacted instinctively, effortlessly executing a powerful judo throw that sent him crashing onto the unforgiving concrete floor.

With focus, I wasted no motion. My weapons continued their ruthless onslaught, puncturing and slashing without mercy.

The dagger and the machete danced in a synchronized frenzy, carving a path of destruction from the man's hand all the way up to his chest.

Each stab punctuated the realization of his impending demise.

Chukh-Chukh-Chukh-Chukh—the sickening sound of blade mercilessly cutting through flesh reverberated through the air.

If I had to estimate, I must have stabbed the man at least fifteen times, each puncture adding to the gruesome symphony of bloodshed.

While the thick smoke hindered the vision of the vampire kin, my infrared vision allowed me to see clearly amidst the obscuring haze.

The advantage of enhanced perception gave me the upper hand in this deadly encounter.

As the minutes ticked by, the smoke gradually dissipated, revealing a haunting scene.

I found myself surrounded by a landscape of lifeless grey bodies, several vampire kins lifeless on the floor.

The floor beneath me was soaked in crimson, stained in the aftermath of this brutal battle., this was a massacre.

"Fuck... this is disgusting", I muttered, overcome by a mixture of revulsion and realization of the cruel reality that unfolded before me.

"Fuck...fuck, this is absolutely disgusting", I uttered, feeling a surge of revulsion welling up within me.

"Ffuuuuck!" The feeling was so overwhelming that I thought I might vomit.

Suddenly, amidst the aftermath, a cry of defiance echoed through the corridor—"Die you monster!".

One of the E-ranked vampire-kin, seemingly having survived the onslaught, charged at me with unyielding determination.

Reacting swiftly, I extended my right palm towards him, [ Initiating Electromagnetic force]. The air between him and me began to disperse like water and the vampire-kin found himself suspended mid-air, his movements arrested.

"Too much iron... in your blood", I remarked, the words escaping me almost as if to amuse myself.

The voice reverberated through the corridor, a chilling reminder of the lifeless bodies that surrounded me.

When nano analyzed the vampire-kin's, in my augmented reality the reading indicated an unusually high concentration of iron.

'Is it because he is a vampire, or has he recently consumed someone's blood?' I wondered, contemplating the possible reasons behind this discovery.

"What kind of magic is this?!" the vampire-kin demanded, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and anger. "Release me and fight me honorably!" His eyes burned with the madness of unwavering loyalty towards his vampire master.

"Tch, why would you charge at me?" I scoffed. "Didn't you witness me easily dispatching all of your comrades?"

Without waiting for his reply, I acted swiftly. The Desesperación dagger, firmly grasped in my hand, soared towards the vampire-kin propelled by the force of magnetism. With a swift, precise motion, it slashed across his neck, severing life from his body.

Thud!—He tumbled lifelessly to the floor, joining the rest of his fallen brethren.


A/N: Since there has been hardly any improvement in my novel even after 70 chapters, I am considering dropping it.

I will continue uploading until 110 chapters, but if this novel fails to yield any results even then, I will drop it. I am contemplating writing a new novel based on solo leveling instead.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))