Chapter 77: Attack on Genova [2]

Name:Dreambreaker Author:
Chapter 77: Attack on Genova [2]

Noah's POV(Point of view):

After extinguishing the threat posed by the vampire-kins, my priority shifted to the four students who lay helpless on the floor.

Swiftly, I retrieved healing potions and stamina potions from my dimensional bracelet, determined not to let these innocent children perish needlessly.

With urgency, I approached the students and carefully administered the potions, watching as their wounds began to mend and their strength regained.

I was no heartless bastard who would allow their lives to be snuffed out without a fight.

Once I had completed the necessary, I rose to my feet. "Nano, check their vitals one last time, ensure they are stable", I instructed.

[Confirmed, activating X-ray vision]

[Initiating Molecular Spectroscopy]

In a matter of moments, Nano processed the data and presented me with the vital information—three of the students had suffered concussions, rendering them unconscious.

Luckily their conditions were steadily improving thanks to the restorative powers of the healing potions I had administered.

The fourth student had experienced blood loss and fatigue, but the stamina potion I provided had given them a much-needed boost.

Satisfied with their progress, a sense of relief washed over me.

I nodded to myself..

"This should do", having done with them I left the place.

As I ventured further into the mansion, I surveyed the third floor, discovering that the number of vampire-kins residing there was relatively sparse.

However, upon cheking the fourth floor's CCTV, I was confronted with a staggering sight - close to a hundred vampire-kins gathered in that area.

"How in the world did these bastards manage to infiltrate this far?" I muttered, frustration and disbelief coursing through my veins.

In that moment, the answer eluded me, leaving me filled with a sense of uncertainty.


Determined to uncover the truth and confront this threat head-on, I resumed, navigating the dimly lit corridors of the third floor.

With each step I took, my focus intensified, sharpening my senses as I prepared for the inevitable battles that awaited me. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

I abruptly came to a halt in a spacious room, instantly recognizing it as a grand dining hall.

Towering above me was an opulent golden chandelier adorned with flickering candles instead of modern bulbs.

Through my augmented reality, I witnessed a fierce conflict unfolding in the room directly above.

Roughly tens of vampire-kins were locked in a relentless struggle against only a few members of traveling club. The students struggled to fend off their relentless pursuers, their lives hanging by a thread.

It was less of a fair fight and more of a harrowing chase, with the students desperately trying to defend themselves against the relentless advance of the vampire-kins.

But, the current situation was far from ordinary - it was the very type of encounter that demanded the utilization of her beloved relic.

Thus far, Emily had skillfully dispatched no less than a dozen vampire-kin, her precision and prowess showcased with each lethal shot. Each fallen adversary served as a testament to the devastating impact of the Wind Breaker and her own remarkable skill.

Sudden, a guy darted past Emily's side, swiftly impaling two low-ranked vampire-kins with his impeccably wielded glaive.

Today, Takahashi, differed from his usual demeanor, his every move exuding an unparalleled swiftness that left behind a trail of lingering afterimages.

Takahashi's remarkable agility and accelerated speed were not mere happenstance, but because of a prized relic he possessed - the [Haste Armlet].

This relic, when worn, exponentially augmented the user's velocity, propelling them into a realm of unparalleled rapidity.

The Haste Armlet was the secret behind Takahashi's lightning-fast movements, enabling him to outpace his adversaries and strike with unparalleled precision. Usually Takahashi never relied on relics but now was not the time to satisfy his ego.

Thunder crackled as Aurora used her propensity.

Utilizing her rapier as though it were a wand, she unleashed bolts of electricity that struck down numerous vampire-kins, rendering them either lifeless or incapacitated.

At the same time, another guy exhibited his prowess, engaging the enemies with a powerful blend of diverse elemental spells.

While it was uncommon for most people to harness the power of more than two elements, for Aeravat Indrath it was easy.

Together, the group of four stood their ground against hordes of vampire-kins, demonstrating their unwavering resilience and strength. Like valiant heroes.

Meanwhile, their instructor, Liya, directed her attention towards aiding the head of security in their relentless battle against the bloodthirsty werewolf.

Instructor Liya herself held a commendable ranking of C+, while several security personnel held the respectable rank of D.

With their combined strength, they easily managed to contend with the lone wolf, leaving the rest of the minions to be handled by the main protagonists.

Wait, lone wolf? Wasn't there a vampiress with him?

Where did she go?!

In a moment that felt almost fateful, a stunning red arrow was abruptly launched from a crossbow, hurtling towards Aurora with astonishing speed and precision.

The arrow's velocity was formidable, and the circumstances were such that everyone was engrossed in their own battles, leaving Aurora momentarily vulnerable and unable to prepare herself against the impending threat.

"Aurora, No!" Takahashi's voice rang out in a desperate plea as he sprinted towards her, determined to protect her even if he has to be a meat shield. Alas, his valiant efforts proved too tardy—time slipped through his fingers.

Fortunately, Aurora possessed the Aegis relic, that swiftly manifested a protective barrier.

Just as the arrow made contact with the Aegis, a resounding "Tung!" echoed through the air, signifying the arrow's breakage upon impact with the impenetrable shield.

Aurora's lips curled into a slight, amused smile at Takahashi's self-sacrificing gesture. "Why in the world were you attempting to be my meat shield, you idiot?"

In response, Takahashi's face flushed crimson as he retorted, "You're the one being irresponsible! Watch your back. Don't expect me to come to your rescue everytime."

Aeravat interjected, breaking the tension with his matter-of-fact tone. "Enough with the lovey-dovey banter. We have more pressing matters at hand." With a swift motion, he unleashed a spiraling inferno in the form of a tornado, a potent intermediate level spell aptly named "Blazing Tornado," directed towards the vampiress.

As a rebuttal to Aeravat's blazing tornado, the vampiress retaliated swiftly, releasing an arrow that seamlessly penetrated the heart of the tornado, instantly dispersing its swirling flames. Witnessing this deflection, Aeravat couldn't help but express his dissatisfaction with a disdainful click of his tongue. "Tsk."

Takahashi, determined to defend their honor, swiftly interjected, "We are not lovey-dovey, so watch your words!" With unwavering resolve, he charged towards the vampiress, glaive poised to strike.

Simultaneously, a barrage of bone spikes erupted from the ground, propelled towards the vampiress with the rapidity of a machine gun, their trajectory akin to a hail of bullets—pew!-pew!-pew!-pew!