Dong Ze shook his head, "Your Excellency only requires that the construction be completed before winter, and the manpower will be arranged by you. However, you must not be sneaky, if you let Your Majesty know about it."

“Master Dong, don’t worry! The old man understands that the people who work must be carefully selected and will definitely not mess around.” The village chief quickly assured.

All the men in the village were eager to try, but the village chief did not choose someone immediately. Instead, he asked: "Master Dong, do you have any other orders?"

Dong Ze nodded and looked at Jiang Ning, "Your Excellency knows that Mrs. Jiang made the kang first, and gave her some rewards. Mrs. Jiang will stay for a while."

The eyes of the people in the village suddenly changed when they looked at Jiang Ning. Most were envious and less jealous. However, no one dared to say anything because what Dong Ze said was true.

After the villagers dispersed, Dong Ze gave Jiang Ning a bag of silver, "Here are twenty taels of silver, which is a reward from the Lord."

Jiang Ning accepted it politely and said, "I would also like Master Dong to thank the county magistrate on behalf of the young lady."

Dong Ze chuckled and said, "Ms. Jiang, since I'm sincerely grateful, it's better to say it personally. What do you think?"

Jiang Ning's heart changed, and she understood what Dong Ze meant, and smiled helplessly, "Okay! I just want to change the names of several children at home, so let's do it together!"

Dong Ze was overjoyed and said, "That's just right! I can do this for you."

After the group arrived at the county government office, Dong Ze immediately took Jiang Ning to change his household registration information. On the way, he met Xu Dongming. Dong Ze bent down and bowed, "Xu County Lieutenant."

Xu Dongming nodded slightly, his eyes falling on Jiang Ning, "Who is this?"

"Oh! It's Mrs. Jiang from Rongshu Village. She came to thank the county magistrate and changed the name of her child. My subordinate is planning to take her to handle the matter." Dong Ze said casually.

Xu Dongming then noticed what Dong Ze was holding and smiled dumbly, "In that case, Master Dong, go and get busy!"

Jiang Ning always lowered her eyes, and when she passed by Xu Dongming, she looked at him for a moment with her peripheral vision. The first impression this man gave her was that of a smiling tiger.

With Dong Ze leading the way, Jiang Ning's affairs went very smoothly, and she was fine in a short while. She reciprocated the favor, and she happily went to see Xie Yucheng with Dong Ze.

Xie Yucheng looked at the woman in front of him, who was neither humble nor arrogant, with a somewhat complicated mood. He was silent for a moment before slowly opening his mouth, "I already know what Madam Jiang said. Although your words are reasonable and reasonable, but what happened here is "Big, I still have some doubts, I hope Mrs. Jiang can tell the truth."

Jiang Ning was already prepared when he came, looking directly at Xie Yucheng, "Sir, can a civilian woman trust you?"

"Of course!" Xie Yucheng said with a serious face: "Although I am just a county magistrate, I also want to benefit the people. As a parent official, I naturally cannot let down the trust of the people."

Jiang Ning breathed a long sigh of relief, with a solemn and sad look on his face, "The civilian woman did hide something from Mr. Dong. The student boy named Qian Wen from the Qian family is called Tian Feng. The civilian woman knows him!"

Seeing that Xie Yucheng was not surprised at all, Jiang Ning continued: "His mother was forced to death by the Qian family. The Qian family killed people and thought the death was unlucky. They forced him to bury his mother hastily in the cold weather.

Fortunately, with the help of her son, Tian Feng’s mother was able to rest in peace. Naturally, we also know Tian Feng’s past. They were orphans and widowed, and their life was difficult. If Tian Feng had not been useful to Qian Wen, the Qian family would not have taken them in.

According to Tian Feng, Qian Wen is simply a fool who loves his achievements and is determined to repay his achievements. The reason why he passed the county and government examinations is because the Qian family got the test questions. As for why he is so sure, it is naturally because Qian Wen asked him in advance He did the questions and then took away his answers.

After the results of the county and government examinations were announced, Tian Feng discovered that Qian Wen’s answers were exactly the same as what he had written. Sir, do you think this kind of thing can be solved by coincidence? " Xie Yucheng pursed his lips into a straight line. He knew what was going on here without Jiang Ning's instructions, and his face was extremely ugly.

Jiang Ning sighed, "Tian Feng was naturally angry and unwilling to give up, but he had the leverage in the hands of the Qian family and had to take care of his mother, so he could only endure the humiliation and swallow the matter silently.

From what Tian Feng said, they seemed to be following the path of the county captain in the county examination at that time, but he didn’t know exactly how it was done.

The reason why the civilian woman mentioned this matter to Mr. Dong was because she heard that Qian Wen was qualified to participate in the college examination. Why is such a scumbag? The woman was unwilling to give in. Secondly, she was afraid that if he really became a scholar through shady means, he would help the Qian family to take revenge on our family. "

“Where is Tian Feng?” Xie Yucheng’s tone was a little urgent.

Jiang Ning gritted his teeth and shook his head, "Sir, I can't say that Tian Feng has a special background. This matter also involves other lawsuits, which is also the Qian family's leverage to contain him. If you just want to know the tricks of the county examination and the government examination, there is no need to involve him. Go in, it’s good for you and it’s good for him.”

Xie Yucheng took a deep look at Jiang Ning, "Ms. Jiang thinks she can handle things that I can't control?"

Jiang Ning shook his head honestly, "Of course the civilian woman is not qualified to take care of it, and she can't control it. He can only rely on himself, but the civilian woman doesn't want him to be involved in this matter, because I can't protect him, even adults can do the same."

Jiang Ning has said this, Xie Yucheng can't really force her to hand over Tian Feng, and he subconsciously believes what Jiang Ning said, that Tian Feng may really have a big problem, he is already in enough trouble, but he can't do it anymore Other things are involved.

Thinking of this, Xie Yucheng stopped embarrassing Jiang Ning.

It was already dark when Jiang Ning left the county government office. It was definitely too late to return to Rongshu Village. Fortunately, she knew that Old Yang and others were working in Gaojiazhuang, so she immediately inquired about them and bought them a lot of food along the way. .

Yang Erdan didn’t expect Jiang Ning to come so far to see them, and was surprised and happy.

Old man Yang and Laosan Yang also followed.

“Old man, why are you here? Is there something going on at home?” When old man Yang is away from home, what he can’t let go of most is family matters. When he saw Jiang Ning, his first reaction was that something happened at home.

Jiang Ning smiled helplessly, "Dad, everything is fine at home. I came to the county office to change the names of some children. I stopped by to see you."

“Change your name? Aniang, have I changed it too?” Yang Erdan was a little confused.

Jiang Ning could only explain the situation of Yang Santie and Yang Sizhuang, "Your eldest brother wants to change your and Xiaoya's first names. From now on, you will be called Yang Changlin. Remember, Erdan will be your nickname." called."

Yang Erdan scratched his head in embarrassment, "Yang Changlin, this name is elegant, I'm still used to calling him Erdan, hehe."

Old man Yang was very excited because his two grandsons entered the school. After listening to Yang Erdan's words, he slapped Yang Erdan on the head with his backhand and said, "It's worthless! I think Yang Changlin is a good name. It sounds better than Erdan, who is rich, noble and blessed. It's not like us." Village people.”

“It doesn’t look like that!” Yang Erdan rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Jiang Ning twitched his lips in a funny way and told them the decree issued by the county magistrate.