Chapter 116: The four brothers of the Fang family

At this time, Old Yang and the three of them were not calm anymore, "Sister-in-law, our village really doesn't have to pay taxes this year?"

"It's absolutely true!" Jiang Ning said sincerely.

Yang Laosan was smiling and laughing but suddenly started crying. He knelt down and kowtowed three times in the direction of the county government office. "The county magistrate is really the official of your parents!"

After finishing his meal, Yang Laosan stood up excitedly and said to Old Man Yang: "Dad, I want to go help repair the Kang, is that okay?"

Old Man Yang nodded approvingly, "County Lord Renyi, of course we can't delay your lord's business. You can go and ask other people by the way. You can go wherever you want and you can still make money. As for the work we accept, we can find someone else to do it." "

Everyone knows how to build a house. It’s not difficult to discuss a separate method of paying for it with the owner.

Yang Laosan hurriedly ran over to tell the news to other villagers. They were so happy that they almost jumped off the roof, and they all expressed their intention to go to the Kang village with the villagers.

Yang Erdan looked at Jiang Ning and frowned, "Auntie, this means we need more manpower!"

Jiang Ning nodded slightly, "I've thought about it. You can repair the house with your grandpa, and you can take care of the work of finding people. After all, you will have to take care of these tasks by yourself. Grandma can help you keep an eye on the workshop. With your grandma in mind, as for the work of burning shell ash, we can hire a few trustworthy long-term workers from outside. To be more luxurious, we can spend money to buy two servants.

But now our family is in the village and there is no one to buy anyone. If we do this, we will probably be flooded with spittles in the village. The best way is to hire two trustworthy long-term workers. Do you have anyone in mind? "

Yang Erdan shook his head in frustration. If he really had a candidate, he wouldn't have to ask Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning patted him on the shoulder and said, "It doesn't matter. We still have Afeng and your sister to help us. We can still cope with it for a while, so you can take your time."

Yang Erdan thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only way.

After Jiang Ning returned to the village, spring plowing began. Since almost all the men in the village went out to make bricks or build houses with Old Man Yang, the rest were all the old, weak, sick and disabled. They could only rely on women to do the work in the fields. Others were fine. Although the work is slower, he is more or less capable, but Jiang Ning cannot do it.

I was out of breath after digging in the ground with a **** for half an hour. My hands were burning with pain and I couldn't exert any more strength, especially my waist, which felt like it was about to break.

Just when she looked desperate, the four men who came to help with the autumn harvest last year appeared in front of her like saviors and started to work as soon as they opened their mouths.

Jiang Ning seemed to have seen the savior, and hurriedly handed over the farm tools to them, and said very affectionately: "I have troubled the four of you in the past few days. It happens that my newly built workshop has a row of rooms, and the elder brothers can live there and work. It’s also closer. Someone is running the stove in the workshop during the day, so you can eat directly there.”

As she said that, she took the four people around the workshop. Now the people working in the workshop were old people and children who couldn't get off the ground. If everyone worked slower, they could save a few copper coins a day, which was better than working under the big banyan tree. It is a waste of time chatting, and the children no longer run around, let alone go to the river to play dangerous games, which is better than anything else.

The four of them were stunned when they saw the scene in the workshop.

Fang Muzhou, the leader, sighed: "Ms. Jiang, is this your workshop?"

Jiang Ning nodded slightly and gave a brief introduction to the workshop. The four people's eyes lit up when they learned that throwing ten adobe bricks would earn a penny. Looking at their expressions, Jiang Ning's heart moved and he asked curiously: "What do you usually do with it?" To make a living?”

Fang Muzhou smiled innocently and scratched his head, "The four of us are cousins. Because our family was too poor and our parents died young, we have been wandering and begging. Later we found a job moving goods at the port in Songxi Town and settled down. This is how we met Hua The shopkeeper.                                       employers will come to us first if there is any work. He hires us and gives us much more money than moving goods, so the four of us brothers came and we will wait until the spring sowing is over. Return to the port of Songxi Town to move the goods.”

"Don't the four of you have a family?" Jiang Ning asked bluntly.

Fang Muzhou smiled bitterly, "We are so poor that we only earn enough to live on. Even the people on the Wei River don't look down on us. Where can we start a family?"

The four brothers look older than her. People of the same age are about to become grandfathers. They are not married yet, and there is no hope of starting a family in this life.

Jiang Ning sighed and asked, "Do you want to stay in the workshop and work?"

“Is it okay?” Fang Muzhou’s second brother Fang Muzhou asked in surprise.

Jiang Ning nodded slightly and explained the situation in the village, "Now they need my adobe bricks to make kangs and build houses. These are the only people working, and the speed can't keep up. It would be best if you can do it. , and the workshop next door is also short of people. You can pick two people to go there. The work there is calculated on a daily basis, and it’s twenty cents a day. Can you accept it?”

The four Fang Muzhou brothers looked at each other and nodded in unison, "You can do it, Mrs. Jiang, if we finish the work in the workshop next door, can we come over here and throw the adobe bricks again?"

Jiang Ning was a little surprised, "This will make you very tired."

Fang Muzhou shook his head, "It's nothing to be tired! Moving cargo at the port is much more tiring than this job, and we have to go there before dawn and work until late at night. It's only twenty-five cents a day, not every day." Get a living."

Looking at it this way, it was indeed painful. Jiang Ning said: "Since you are not afraid of being tired, I have nothing to say. Come with me to the workshop next door to have a look."

As he spoke, Jiang Ning led them away.

As soon as the five people left, several women who were familiar with Mr. Li immediately started chatting.

“I didn’t expect Jiang’s business to be so promising now! Spreading the stall so big! You’re so big-headed, you’ll be lucky in the future!”

"No way! I have almost forgotten what Jiang was like before. All we earn now is her money. We must remember her kindness in the future and don't mention those things in the past again!" Liu Shi said with a serious face.

Others echoed.

Mrs. Li looked proud. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Yang Laoer who was silently throwing adobe bricks. She sighed and went over and whispered: "Your sister-in-law has been here before. She must know that you are working here. She I didn’t say anything, just do your best from now on and leave the other things to my mother.”

Yang Laoer's leg is already lame. Although he can walk, he can't exert his strength, and he feels uncomfortable when the weather changes. He has only started to work when the weather has warmed up in the past few days. Mrs. Li has always wanted to talk to Jiang Ning alone about this. , but Jiang Ning was too busy to meet him. Thinking of this, Li quickly followed him to the next door.

Jiang Ning was introducing the work here to the four brothers of the Fang family, "My request is to start opening the kiln at Mao hour (five o'clock in the morning) and end work as soon as Shen hour (five o'clock in the afternoon). We have temporarily hired someone to work here. You guys If you don’t understand anything, you can ask him, but I don’t want you to go outside and make noises about this matter.”

"I understand." The four of them thought that this involved a secret recipe or something, so they nodded repeatedly, wishing they could swear an oath on the spot.