This news made everyone in the county government heave a sigh of relief. It would be better for no one to have any trouble than for the whole army to be annihilated.

Since everything is fine in Rongshu Village, Xie Yucheng plans to take people back to the county government office.

Jiang Ning saw that they were tired and tired, and said, "Sir, the food is almost ready. How about we stay and finish eating before we go on our way?"

Xie Yuguo decisively refused. Now everyone is in trouble. The food for the winter has not yet arrived. How could he take advantage of the people?

The village chief and several elders in the village hurried forward to stop the people and invited them to sit down very warmly.

Just at this moment, Xie Yucheng's stomach rumbled. He looked embarrassed and could only sit down.

Liu and the others hurriedly served the rice. It was actually a hodgepodge of wild vegetables, rabbits, and beans, all cooked together. It was not delicious, but it was definitely filling.

Xie Yucheng stared at the food in front of him, took two bites, and choked up, "Now that we have beans and rice to wrap our stomachs, how do we deal with the cold winter months? I originally thought that this year, Ping'an County would have a kang, and everyone would not have to continue to suffer from the cold. Who knows what might happen?”

The village chief's face tightened and he asked cautiously: "Sir, this time the Wei River bursts its embankment, the imperial court should provide disaster relief!"

Xie Yucheng smiled bitterly and nodded without saying anything more.

Looking at his reaction, the villagers felt heavy in their hearts.

Jiang Ning sat aside and pondered, then suddenly stood up and rushed out.

This move startled everyone, and Ms. Li asked at the top of her voice, "What's going on?"

Jiang Ning did not answer and disappeared from everyone's sight at a sprint speed of 100 meters. Seeing her like this, Xie Yucheng was stunned and then told Gao Yong: "Go and have a look. If necessary, help Mrs. Jiang."

It is said that it is only because of the villagers of Jiangning’s Rongshu Village that they are safe and sound. Xie Yucheng almost regards Jiangning as a living Bodhisattva now, so he naturally takes more care of him.

Gao Yong led Niu Yiwu to follow him. As soon as he reached the edge of the field, he saw Jiang Ning digging in the muddy ground with a small shovel.

The two of them hurried over, "Ms. Jiang, what are you doing?"

Jiang Ning didn't even bother to respond: "I planted some unusual things in the ground this year. One of them can barely be used as food. It takes about three or four months from sowing to maturity. Counting the days, I can almost dig it." Yes, I want to see if there is any harvest."

As soon as Gao and Yong heard that this thing could be used as food, they immediately became interested and hurried over to help.

Jiang Ning didn’t have much strength, so it was difficult to dig. Gao Yong went over and shoveled out a pile of things in a few times.

Jiang Ning rushed over and pulled hard, and soon picked out several taros from the soil, estimated to weigh about three kilograms. She jumped up excitedly on the spot, "It's done! It's a great harvest!"

Gao Yong and Niu Yiwu were also dumbfounded and stammered: "What is this?"

“Taro has a soft, glutinous and sweet taste, and is also filling. I planted a seedling, and there were so many of them! This shows that our land is suitable for growing taro!” Jiang Ning said excitedly and continued to shovel.

Gao Yongyong looked at Niu Yiwu fiercely, "Hurry and report to the county magistrate and call them over."

Niu Yiwu then realized what he was doing and left in a hurry. He almost fell from the muddy field ridge into the ditch when he ran so fast. Gao Yong laughed and shouted: "Be careful!"

Listen to this sound, it is as cheerful as you want.

Niu Yiwu rushed into the workshop panting, crying and laughing: "My lord, my lord, there is food, hurry up and take a look."

“What?” Everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks in unison and followed Niu Yiwu out. Everyone came to the experimental field in Jiangning and were so shocked that their eyes almost came out of their sockets when they saw the taros all over the field.

Xie Yucheng’s voice was trembling as he spoke, “What is this?”

Jiang Ning hurriedly stood up and replied: "This is a fragrant taro grown by a woman. I just wanted it to be fresh. I didn't expect it to turn out. Sir, would you like to try it? It's very delicious!"

"No, no, no, no." Xie Yucheng refused with all his body, "Ms. Jiang, do you think this can be used as food?"

Jiang Ning nodded, "Can you do it? You'll know after you eat one!"

This time Xie Yucheng couldn't refuse.

Jiang Ning picked a few and asked someone to bring an earthen pot over to cook the taro over a fire in the ground.

Before the taros were ripe, everyone spontaneously joined the digging team and soon dug out all the taros planted by Jiang Ning.

It happened that the taro in the earthen pot was also ripe. Jiang Ning took one and handed it to Xie Yucheng, teaching him how to peel it. "We can be saved! The people can be saved! Mrs. Jiang, you are really the lucky star of Ping'an County!"

Dong Ze and others were very curious and shared a taro. After eating, everyone cried with joy.

Although the villagers in Rongshu Village were curious, no one dared to offer a taste.

After Xie Yucheng got excited, he asked Jiang Ning seriously: "Ms. Jiang, can you sell these taros to me? The people of Ping'an County will have to rely on them to survive the winter this year!"

Jiang Ning pointed to Qingfeng Mountain, "Sir, it doesn't have to be like this. I originally discovered this thing from the mountain. I guess there should be more on the mountain. It's just that I have selected the seeds in my land, and the taros produced are larger.

Just a little taro, I'm afraid Rongshu Village won't be able to get enough points. Even if you buy it, it will be a drop in the bucket. Why not promote it and let the people in the county look for it in the mountains, sow it quickly while there is still time, and you can still Harvest a wave before it snows in winter. "

Dong Ze immediately echoed: "Sir, I think what Mrs. Jiang said is very reasonable. These taros look like a lot, but if we really want to divide them, I'm afraid there won't be enough to divide them into one village. This is not the way."

Xie Yucheng nodded and thought: "Then we will do as Mrs. Jiang wants. However, I am not sure whether there are taro in other mountains. I would also like to trouble Mrs. Jiang to take the villagers from Rongshu Village into the mountains to search. How many of them can I collect?" How many."

Jiang Ning breathed a sigh of relief and immediately made plans with the villagers to go into the mountain.

Although Xie Yucheng agreed with Jiang Ning's suggestion, he still took away half of the taro.

After the official left, Rongshu Village immediately became lively. Everyone stared at Jiang Ning with intense gratitude and desire for taro in their eyes.

Jiang Ning said hurriedly: "Don't worry, everyone, we will go into the mountains to look for it soon. If we can't find my taro, we can share some with you."

Everyone laughed. After helping Jiang Ning get the taro back, a group of people carried baskets on their backs and carried hoes and shovels into the mountain.

Jiang Ning had a system to help. She collected all the edible things she saw along the way. Soon she found a piece of taro. When she shouted, everyone squatted down to work in tacit agreement.

The remaining people continued to follow Jiang Ning, and they did not go down the mountain until all the taros were dug.

Jiang Ning brought it to them once, and the villagers knew how to find it, so there was no need to bother her later.

When Gao Yong and his people came to Rongshu Village again, every household had already started planting taro. They left enough seedlings and sold the rest to officials.