Gao Yong was not as big as these taros, so he accepted them all according to the order, and it was even more satisfying to pay them.

Xie Yucheng saw the taros in the backyard of the county government office, and the depression of the past few days was gone. Just as other government officials came to report the taro, they were also discovered in other places in Ping'an County, and he was even more happy.

Xu Dongming had never tasted taro and didn't think it could be used as food at all. He was making sarcastic remarks to Lao Tian, ​​"Just wait and see! Xie Yucheng has offended the prefect, and the prefect will only receive a penny for the disaster relief funds from the court this time." No money will be given to him, and the people will not even have enough food for the winter. Let’s see how he explains it! Hahahaha!”

"Yes, yes, sir, you are right. By the way, I heard that the college examination seems to be postponed too?" Lao Tian asked tentatively.

Xu Dongming no longer worried at all, "This is not something that academic administration can decide. It also depends on the emperor's wishes. I would say it is better to just push it to next year!"

He didn't feel very good about being made such a fuss by the county test this year.

Lao Tian was worried and said no more.

"What? You said that the college examination will be postponed to next year?" Tian was shocked when he heard the news.

Lao Tian was scared to death and motioned her to keep her voice down, "I also heard about it from the county captain. I don't know the specific situation. If the refusal is really the emperor's intention, even the academic master will be helpless!"

Tian's face was very ugly, "No! You can't push it! Awen hasn't dared to go out in the past few months. The reason is that the college exam is coming soon and he has to study quietly. If he pushes it to next year, what will happen if his classmates call him to go out? Is it still possible? Keep using this reason? Paper can’t cover up the fire after all!”

 Tian still knows how much Qian Wen is capable of. As long as he goes out to compete with his talents, he will definitely reveal his secrets.

“It’s all my fault for that ungrateful white-eyed wolf! If I find him, I won’t let him have an easy time!” Lao Tian clenched his fists viciously, with blazing anger in his eyes.

Tian rolled her eyes at him, "Then you are looking for it! How long has it been! We have almost searched Ping'an County! Except for Rongshu Village, we haven't found any other villages. Where are the people? ?”

“Maybe he is in Rongshu Village!” Lao Tian answered angrily.

Tian's expression changed and he stood up suddenly.

Lao Tian was startled, "What are you doing? I'm just talking nonsense!"

Tian stared at him, "No! He is penniless and cannot go far. I heard that people from Rongshu Village built a house for Gao Yong's family in Gaojiazhuang during that time. Maybe they really helped. That little bastard! Tian Feng must be in Rongshu Village!”

Tian's intuition told her that she was definitely right this time.

Lao Tian stood up immediately, "Then what are you waiting for? I'll take someone to look for him now!"

Tian reminded: "People in Rongshu Village exclude people from Qianjiazhuang. Remember not to mention Qianjiazhuang."

Lao Tian waved his hand and left quickly.

This time it was a private matter, and Rongshu Village was registered with the county magistrate. Lao Tian really didn’t dare to be too arrogant. As soon as he entered the village, he found a half-year-old child and gave him a penny, "Child, you guys Have any outsiders come to the village during this time?”

The child clutched the penny tightly, looked at the hypocritical and kind-hearted Lao Tian in confusion, and thought: "There are quite a few, which one do you ask?"

Lao Tian was stunned for a moment, "How many? Tell me."

The child immediately counted them one by one with his fingers, "There are five, six, seven or eight official servants, and an aunt who holds the boat. There are also four uncles working over there in the workshop. It seems they are gone."

Lao Tian frowned, "That's all? Don't have a teenage brother?" The child shook his head, "I haven't seen him before!"

Lao Tian frowned, thought for a while, and decided to go to the workshop. However, before he got close, he was discovered by the four Fang brothers, "What are you doing?"

"Who are you? What do you care about what we do?" Lao Tian said angrily.

Fang Muzhou saw that the other party was not a good person, and immediately shouted: "The bad guys have entered the village! The bad guys have entered the village!"

After shouting for a while, a group of working villagers rushed over with hoes.

Lao Tian and others were frightened to death, but they did not leave. Faced with everyone's questioning, he asked aggressively: "Tell me! Did a teenage boy come to your village? Hand him over, otherwise don't blame us." You're welcome!"

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately got angry and spat on the ground, "Damn it, you dare to act arrogant in my territory! Don't say that I haven't seen him, even if I really saw him, you can't even think of taking him away. ! Come on, guys, beat these **** to death!”

"Let's see who dares! I am..." Before Lao Tian could finish his words, he was punched by the Fang brothers, causing his mouth to twist.

Yang Jun and others were stunned for a moment, dropped their farm tools, and directly waved their fists to greet them.

Lao Tian and several others were beaten with bruises on their noses and faces, and were injured all over their bodies. They could not even walk. In the end, they were dragged and thrown out of the village by the villagers.

Lao Tian stared at Rongshu Village resentfully, clenching his fists tightly, "Damn untouchables, I will never let you go!"

Just in time to catch a glimpse of the villagers sowing seeds out of the corner of his eye, Lao Tian rolled his eyes and realized what he was doing.

The next day, the few acres of fields near the village entrance were all uprooted, and several victims were crying and grabbing the land. When the village chief saw that something was wrong, he immediately took a few villagers to the county government to beat drums and complain.

Xiang Yu was the thorn in Xie Yucheng's eyes at the moment. He was furious when he learned about this matter and immediately ordered someone to investigate.

The conflict between Lao Tian's group and the villagers of Rongshu Village couldn't be concealed at all, and they were found out after a little investigation.

Gao Yong was very fast and captured Lao Tian and his group after noon that day.

Xu Dongming came to Xie Yucheng angrily, "Sir, Lao Tian is my confidant. As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner. You are not giving me any face!"

Xie Yucheng's eyes were heavy, "Did you ask him to go to Rongshu Village to cause trouble and destroy the crops?"

Xu Dongming was stunned for a moment, "Impossible! It's not like the official is out of his mind, how could he let Lao Tian do such a thing! There must be some misunderstanding here."

Xie Yucheng looked away and curled his lips sarcastically, "I also believe that Xu County Lieutenant is not that kind of person, so this matter did not involve Xu County Lieutenant. Those dog paws of Lao Tian have already confessed, and it was Lao Tian who asked them You did it, Lieutenant Xu, you must be very clear about the crime of destroying crops privately. Now that Ping'an County is short of food, it's a good thing that he committed the crime in spite of the wind! I didn't take him seriously! His fate has been merciful! Are you sure you want to save this person?"

Xu Dongming's face turned green and white for a while, his throat rolled back and forth several times, but in the end he still didn't have the courage to answer.

When he goes to the cell to see Lao Tian.

When Lao Tian saw him, it was as if he had seen a savior. He cried with snot and tears, "Master, it's all the fault of those untouchables. If they hadn't beaten us unreasonably, we wouldn't have uprooted their land. Those are just wild vegetables in the mountains, not crops at all, and the county magistrate is not qualified to condemn villains! "