Xu Nuoyan was flattered and shook his head repeatedly, his face flushed, "Mrs. Muyi, you deserve the award, how can I compare with your daughter!"

"What's your name, Mrs. Muyi? It's not that important in the village. Just call me aunt." Jiang Ning never had any airs and said, "I said you are good if you are good. We don't look at your background and abilities. We mainly look at your character. I won’t look down on people with bad character and good family background!”

Everyone immediately understood who Jiang Ning was talking about.

Madam Zhou took the opportunity to explain: "The reason why we were hesitant outside just now was because we saw so many carriages and thought it was impossible to receive the invitation. I thought about it and was delayed for a while, but it blocked the way of Miss Zhao. , and almost caused trouble for you."

Jiang Ning doesn’t think so.

Yang Xiaoya said crisply: "Auntie, it's Miss Zhao who is too arrogant and domineering. It has nothing to do with you. The road in the village is small to begin with. It's not just you who are blocking the road, but also the carriage in front. She just sees you as easy to bully. , It’s just an excuse. Even I can’t look down on such a bully, let alone my mother-in-law!”

When Mrs. Zhou heard this, she was amazed, "Miss Yang can say these words at such a young age. It's amazing! I really have nothing to say."

"No! I saw it just now. When Miss Zhao was in trouble, the eldest brother and eldest sister protected the aunt. They were obviously scared themselves, but they still stood in front of her. The eldest sister is the one who is good! "Yang Xiaoya smiled brightly at Xu Nuoyan.

Xu Nuoyan was embarrassed when she was praised, and her face turned red.

The two girls took the opportunity to go to the side to talk. It was almost getting dark, and Yang Datou made another table of dishes to entertain the guests at home. After dinner, everyone went back to the house to rest.

Mrs. Zhou looked at the house painted with shell dust and sighed, "She is also a widow, but Mrs. Muyi lives such a prosperous life. It's really admirable!"

Xu Nuoyan lay down and whispered softly: "Auntie, Mrs. Muyi is really powerful. I heard from Miss Yang that they had nothing when they separated. Mrs. Muyi earned all of this. How could such a woman Is she an ordinary woman? We don’t need to be envious. My eldest brother will take the county examination soon. As long as he can be admitted as a scholar, even if he is a child, the hardships we have endured over the years will not be in vain. "

Xu Nuoyan has been holding back her energy to make those relatives who made things worse regret treating her family like this.

Mrs. Zhou looked at her precocious daughter with distress, "I wish you were as cheerful and happy as Miss Yang, and you don't have to bear so many burdens at such a young age!"

Xu Nuoyan shook his head, "My mother-in-law is willing to do this. Before my father died, I promised him that I would take good care of my mother-in-law and my eldest brother. I will definitely fulfill my promise."

Mrs. Zhou felt even more distressed when she heard this. No one knew that her idea to sell off the property was actually her daughter's idea, and no one knew that it was her daughter's idea to provide for her son to study. She was the head of the family on the surface, but in fact she was the head of the family. It's her daughter who's in charge.

"But you are already fifteen, and it's time to get married. You can't delay your life-long events for the sake of this family!" Mrs. Zhou advised earnestly.

She has been a widow for many years. Apart from going to the sea to earn money, she almost never goes out, and she has never made close friends with people in the fishing village. She did not want to come when she received the invitation this time. Mainly because her daughter was old and would have to pay for it if she did not get married. After dragging her into an old girl, she gritted her teeth and brought a pair of children over to take the opportunity to see each other.

As a result, all her plans were put on hold because Zhao Yuejiao made trouble, and she could only ask her son to help inquire after she returned.

Xu Nuoyan closed her eyes and said, "Mom, our family has nothing now. No matter how good I am, I can't marry into a good family. Besides, most people will give in if they find out that my eldest brother is studying, so why should I bother to listen to that? Gossip?"

"Then you have to get married! If it delays your life-long event, how can I have the face to see your father in the future!" Mrs. Zhou's expression became more and more sad. Xu promised a little impatiently, "Okay, Auntie! The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Instead of worrying about my affairs, why don't you care about my eldest brother? If my eldest brother can pass the county and government examinations together, are you still worried about me not being able to get married?"

The imperial examination fraud case in Quzhou Prefecture has just come to an end. The hospital examination that was delayed last year is scheduled for September this year. The county examination that was originally in February has been postponed to April, and the government examination has been postponed to June. There is no way for people with real talents and practical knowledge like Xu Nuoshan. It is definitely a good opportunity for the children from poor families!

When she mentioned her son, the sadness on Madam Zhou's face lightened a lot.

Jiang Ning is also making promises to Yang Xiaoya.

“Tell me honestly, how is Miss Xu doing today?”

Yang Xiaoya winked at her playfully and said, "Aniang, just say you want to help second brother look after you. There's no need to beat around the bush with me."

Jiang Ning was immediately happy and tapped Yang Xiaoya's forehead, "Little girl, she knows a lot about movies! So, do you think Miss Xu is good?"

Yang Xiaoya tilted her head and asked, "Besides Sister Xu and Grandma, are there any other favorite candidates?"

Jiang Ning shook his head, "Let's not talk about the girls of the right age in our village. Before we separated, those girls looked down on our family and didn't want to talk to you brothers and sisters. Now, although the people in the village treat our family My attitude has become much kinder, but it is also true that they did not want to see your second brother before. I asked your second brother to talk about marriage with them. I felt very worried and panicked. The best option was to marry a girl from another village.

It is very difficult to get to know the basics in other villages and have to be well-matched. Like Miss Zhao today, the Zhao family is just a local squire. They are famous in our Ping'an County, but they are nothing outside of Ping'an County. Such people still look down on our family. There is no need to think about girls from other wealthy families. If I were to marry an ordinary farm girl, it would be difficult to find one with the same situation as our family. I would be worried! It's rare to see such a pleasing person, I have to get to know him better. "

Yang Xiaoya touched her chin and said like an adult: "I think Sister Xu is not as shy as she seems on the surface. She is a woman with ideas. I don't know the details. Auntie, I have only been in contact with her for a long time. You and I If you ask me, you might as well ask Third Brother or Fourth Brother, or ask someone to inquire."

Jiang Ning nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Early the next morning, Yang Datou got up before dawn to make food. The guests who stayed in the Yang family had breakfast before leaving. Jiang Ning did not forget to prepare snacks for them before leaving.

Yang Santie and Yang Sizhuang also carried luggage and said to Jiang Ning: "Aniang, Brother Xu is sending his mother and sister back to Sangpu and then to Mapo. They are passing by Mapo, so we happen to be walking together."

Yang Xiaoya and Wan Niangzi came out later, "Then let's all come together so we can have company. We will get off the boat when we arrive at Songxi Town."

At this moment, Yang Erdan happened to come in and said, "Mrs. Pan's fishing boat will be here soon. Uncle Han and I will unload the oysters. Her empty boat can just take you there."

Seeing that they had made arrangements, Jiang Ning immediately looked at Yang Datou and Liu Ye, "What about you? Do you want to go back together?"

Yang Datou nodded and shook his head, "There are so many people that we can't sit down. We'll be late."