Jiang Ning sent them to the foot of Qingfeng Mountain, handed them over to Yang Han, and said, "Sorry to trouble you, by the way, has Xiaohua come back this time?"

Yang Xiaohua is from Rongshu Village, and she is looking for the Zhao family to work as a maid for Zhao Yuejiao. It is impossible for Zhao Yuejiao to come without her.

Yang Han shook his head, "She is just a rough girl. She can't go out casually. She has to wait until the end of the month to get leave before she can come back."

Yang Xiaoya looked regretful, "Uncle Han, I have been busy with things at home when I came back this time, and I didn't find time to go to Zhao's house to see her. If she comes back, please remember to explain it to me. Besides, this is what I brought to her." Head flowers back.”

Yang Xiaohua handed a purse to Yang Han, her eyes full of regret.

Yang Han was startled for a moment, then smiled lovingly and nodded heavily, "Okay! Uncle Han will definitely bring the things to her."

After Yang Han took the man away, Jiang Ning stopped by the workshop. People in the village were still working as usual. Li's face was radiant and she seemed to be more than ten years younger.

Even Zhou, who used to look like a gourd with its mouth cut off, has become a lot more cheerful and even takes the initiative to talk.

Jiang Ning curled her lips slightly and exited the workshop. When she returned, she immediately pulled Yang Datou and Liu Ye to talk about Yang Erdan's marriage.

“What do you think of the Xu family?”

Yang Datou was stunned for a moment before he suddenly realized, "Do you want to get married to the Xu family?"

Jiang Ning smiled awkwardly, "I just want to find out. I haven't even written the horoscope yet, so don't talk nonsense."

Liu Ye on the side rubbed her chin and thought, "Auntie, I have carefully observed the guests and daughter-in-law who came yesterday. Mrs. Zhou and Miss Xu of the Xu family are both low-key people, but I think they seem to have a good relationship with Aunt Liu. During this period, they Aunt Liu only communicated with her by saying hello. "

"Aunt Liu? Liu Cuihua!" Jiang Ning was shocked. Why didn't she know that Liu Cuihua had such a wide network of contacts?

Liu Ye covered her mouth and snickered, "Mom, you were too busy yesterday. After all, there were so many guests. How could you pay attention to everything? My daughter-in-law has a big belly and won't let her do anything. I will entertain my mother-in-law. He and a few familiar relatives had been sitting and watching the fun the rest of the time, and I happened to catch my eye. "

Now Jiang Ning couldn't sit still and thought about going to town again.

The next day, Yang Datou took Liu Ye back to Songxi Town. Jiang Ning was completely free. She directly carried a backpack on her back, packed a bunch of things, and hurried to Dashan Town.

Before she arrived at Wu's house, she found a crowd of people gathered around the nearby main street, blocking her way.

"What's going on?" Jiang Ning finally squeezed in and asked casually.

The person next to me frowned and said, "I heard that someone died, but I don't know what happened!"

Jiang Ning covered her mouth in shock, suddenly having a bad feeling in her heart.

While she was watching, Gao Yong came out with a few government officials carrying a stretcher. The people on the stretcher were covered with white cloth, and not even a hair could be seen.

Jiang Ning’s face turned pale.

Gao Yong was about to evacuate the crowd. When he saw Jiang Ning, he immediately walked over and clasped his fists, "Mrs. Muyi, why are you here?" Jiang Ning came back to his senses, glanced at the stretcher from the corner of his eye from time to time, and said absentmindedly, "Gao Captou is the same as before. Just call me Mrs. Jiang, what happened? "

Gao Yong looked behind him, waved his hand, and the Yamen officials immediately carried the body away. Another wave of Yamen officials evacuated the crowd. He took Jiang Ning to the side and said carefully: "Remember Qian Wen, who was deprived of his honor in the imperial examination fraud case?" He was engaged to a woman named An in this alley. When something happened to him, Qian Wenhuai came to the door and killed the couple. "

“Who are those two people?” Jiang Ning looked solemn.

Gao Yong said in a low voice: "The man's name is An Gaolin. He was killed with one knife. The woman is An Gaolin's mother-in-law Ma. Her neck was cut with a knife. It looks like she died of excessive blood loss or suffocation. The details will have to wait for the autopsy by Niu Wu." Know."

Jiang Ning's hanging heart suddenly relaxed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "What about Qian Wen? Where are the others?"

"He ran away. I have asked the Yamen to catch him. He has a knife in his hand. Mrs. Jiang must be careful when going out alone and don't come back late." After Gao Yong said this, he left.

Jiang Ning was hesitant to enter this alley. Suddenly Liu Cuihua called her, "Aning, why are you here?"

"I heard that An Gaolin and Ma are dead!" Jiang Ning grabbed Liu Cuihua nervously.

Liu Cuihua hurriedly took her home, her face a little ugly, "Have you seen everything?"

Jiang Ning nodded, "With so many government officials carrying stretchers, everyone in the town probably knows about it."

"What a sin!" Liu Cuihua sighed and sat down, "When we heard An Fangfang calling for help and rushed over, An Gaolin was already out of breath. Ma was still breathing, and she was vomiting blood. I saw her eyes Her eyes were bulging out, which was scary. She didn’t want to die. I knew she didn’t want to die. At that time, I didn’t care about any revenge, I just wanted to save people. I went out to call for people, and when I came back, she was gone and she would not die with her eyes in peace. .

Before she fell into coma, An Fangfang said it was Qian Wen who did it, and Qian Wen ran away. How could such a person run away? Where would he go? "

Jiang Ning has never been in such a heavy mood. "I don't know. This kind of villain will definitely take revenge. He will definitely kill everyone who has done wrong to him or ridiculed him. I hope the county magistrate will send more people to catch him as soon as possible."

When she said this, she was thinking about the next possible victim. If Tian Feng was still in Pingan County, Qian Wen would definitely be the next one to deal with him. Fortunately, Tian Feng was gone.

Liu Cuihua secretly sobbed, "Although I really annoyed that family and wished they were unlucky, it was just my usual angry words. I never thought she would die so miserably!"

Jiang Ning patted Liu Cuihua on the shoulder and said, "What about the other people in the An family? Why did Qian Wen only kill An Gaolin and Ma family but let An Fangfang go?"

"What! He didn't want to let An Fangfang go at all. It was probably An Fangfang who aborted the child. Qian Wen stabbed her in the abdomen. The doctor said something scary before taking her away. He said An Fangfang It may not be possible to save her, and even if she is saved, she will not be able to have children in the future.

You say that a woman cannot bear children, what man would want her? Even the widower despises it! Qian Wen's move is really cruel! "Liu Cuihua looked scared and angry, "Someone warned them mother and daughter not to have any whims and just find a good family, but they didn't listen and even scolded them. Now they are fine. One of them is dead. , one is disabled, and there will be nothing in the future! "

"What about the rest of the An family? I remember that An Fangfang has two eldest brothers, and they both married their mothers-in-law and had children."

Liu Cuihua nodded, "Yes, the An Yongzhong, the boss of the An family, ran away with his wife and children, and there is no news at all. The whole family of the An'an family is living on An Gaolin's monthly money. An Yongren doesn't want to study, but wants to earn money." For money, Ma threatened to die, but he just didn't agree.

An Yongren would give in at the beginning, but as time went by, the family was so poor that they could hardly take the blame. In addition, An Fangfang became pregnant before marriage and then regretted the marriage and took away the child. Their family completely lost their reputation in this area.

An Yongren’s mother-in-law didn’t want to continue to live like this, and insisted on An Yongren to earn money. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law made an ugly scene. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had another big fight the day before yesterday, and An Yongren took the child back to her parents’ home. An Yongren went to pick someone up early this morning and was not at home, so he escaped a disaster. "